Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 192 and so on 【addition】

Ever since Shang Peng entered the courtyard, everything Gao Xing did was to wait for this moment.The zhenqi in his body has been continuously circulating, and his whole body is at the critical point of erupting at any time. With such full preparation, how can he not be fast?

When the servant in charge of guarding Gao Xing turned his head and saw the emptiness in the distance, his heart sank suddenly, knowing that he had been tricked by Gao Xing.Sure enough, before he turned his head back, there was a pain like a needle prick in his neck, and the fierce murderous aura made the hairs all over his body stand up suddenly.

Before he had time to think about it, the servant let out a scream, and suddenly exerted force on his feet, and his body suddenly jumped backward. Hold tight.


After all, Gao Xing had injuries on his body, and his skills had not fully recovered, so his attack would inevitably be greatly compromised. After the servant tried his best to block it, Gao Xing's right paw finally failed to hit, and just grabbed the man's right arm wrist.

This time, Gao Xing accidentally fell into the trap of Shang Peng and Yu Wenxian, and his heart was already very angry, but Sima Fu just made it worse. Compared with Shang Peng, Gao Xing hated and loathed him even more.

At this time, Yu Wenxian's army is hunting outside, and powerful enemies are chasing and killing inside. When life and death are hanging by a thread, the decisive, ruthless and ruthless masculinity in Gao Xing's bones is completely aroused.At this moment, he is no longer the humble young master Pian Pian, but the devil's hand who is as indifferent as the devil of hell, and everything that dares to block his way will be torn to pieces.

Gao Xing sneered and roared like a beast. He clasped his right paw hard, and then pulled his right arm towards his chest.At the same time, Gao Xing's flexible left leg shot up from the ground like a dragon wagging its tail, like a whip whipping towards the servant's wide-open waist.


The servant let out a scream, his right wrist became bloody and bloody under Gao Xing's sharp claws, a few pieces of flesh were clearly visible in the blood droplets flying in the air.The pain in the arm made the man freeze for a moment, but this moment was enough to kill him.

The happy left leg broke through the air and beat the servant's weakness with all his strength. There was a "click" sound, and the servant let out a mournful wail, but his body was volleyed happily like a ball, and fell to the ground after crossing a distance of five meters.

Gao Xing got the blow but didn't stop there. There was already a lot of movement here, and Yu Wenxian's army would soon find it here.He is not a god, no matter how conceited he is, he still knows that he does not have the ability to survive after a deadly confrontation with thousands of troops.What's more, at this time, his strength is less than [-]% of his peak, and there is no benefit in fighting Yu Wenxian, unless his happy mind is kicked by a donkey, he will choose to stay.

Gao Xing had planned the escape route long ago, which also benefited from his work in his previous life and countless trials of life and death. Gao Xing has extremely rich experience in this regard.

Xing Xing didn't look at the servant who was kicked away by him, and his body quickly floated under the wall like a gust of wind, almost without any stagnation, Xing Xing's body climbed up the wall, and disappeared from the sight of Sima Fu and Shang Peng in a flash.

The sudden outburst of joy caused Sima Fu to look sideways in the middle of the battle. His men let go, and Shang Peng took the opportunity to attack several times to force Sima Fu's four masters and servants back, and jumped out of the battle circle.Sima Fu and Shang Peng didn't make any more moves, but stared blankly at the servant who was kicked away by Gao Xing, and forgot to move for a moment.

Gao Xing's sharp kick made the two of them extremely horrified, and the "click" sound of broken ribs in the air made the two of them feel chills in their hearts, and a thought could not help but emerge in their hearts: Is he really injured?

Seeing Gao Xing's figure disappear on the wall, Sima Fu and Shang Peng exchanged glances, they both nodded at the same time, and then shouted in the direction of Xing Xing's departure: "Xing Xing, don't go!" As they said, the two chased Xing Xing at the same time where to leave.

Seeing Sima Fu and Shang Peng chasing Gao Xing hand in hand, Sima Fu's three servants who were still standing couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.They didn't understand why people who were fighting for life and death just now suddenly let go of their hatred and formed an alliance.

For Sima Fu, happiness is absolutely impossible to leave. The secret of the "Secret of Longevity" must not be leaked, and he never forgot what Gao Xing said about the second volume of "The Secret of Longevity".Since he has turned against Gao Xing today, he will be the enemy of life and death in the future. If he is not killed while he is weak, he will suffer endless disasters in the future.

Shang Peng also didn't want to leave happily.Zhang Rong didn't know about today's happy killing. If he was so happy that there was no evidence to prove his death, then he, Shang Peng, would naturally be able to push back when facing Zhang Rong's questioning.But if Happy is alive, it will not only bring greater disasters to Zhang Rong, but also a great threat to Shang Peng, and at the same time, it will destroy his relationship with Zhang Rong.

Sima Fu and Shang Peng looked at each other, and they both saw the determination to kill Gao Xing in each other's eyes, so the two people who were fighting for life and death quickly reached a consensus and joined hands to chase Gao Xing.

I am happy to perform flying over the wall without showing off, that kind of behavior of self-exploding traces can only be done by two fools.The happy figure walked through the narrow and dark alleys, so that he could better hide his tracks.Although it is not easy for Yu Wenxian to search and arrest a person in the huge city of Chang'an in this age when the news is lagging behind, there is absolutely no reason for him to do so.

Knowing that Shang Peng and Sima Fu were chasing at the same time, he couldn't help cursing secretly when he was happy, but he didn't dare to neglect his feet, and ran wildly with all his strength.Fortunately, the place that Xing Xing chose is relatively secluded, and there are no other people in the narrow alley, which also makes Xing Xing not have to worry about Yu Wenxian coming soon.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared not far in front of Xing Xing, running towards Xing Xing rapidly.Gao Xing stagnated, and his speed slowed down a lot. He quickly slid his hands into the cloth pockets around his waist, fastened several copper coins between his fingers, and fixed his eyes on the man.

This copper coin is a good treasure for traveling at home, killing people and escaping for their lives. Naturally, if you are happy, you will not pull it down.In his previous life, he practiced the hidden weapon for a period of time, coupled with his six senses that are far more acute than ordinary people, and the profound vitality of longevity, this small copper coin is very lethal in his hands.

Soon, Gao Xing saw the appearance of the visitor.

This is a woman, it is not difficult to see from her exquisite and slim figure, but her face is covered with a black veil, making it difficult for people to see her appearance clearly.But just from the exposed smooth and delicate forehead, the curved and slender black eyebrows, and the pair of beautiful eyes that shone coldly, it is not difficult to see that she is a beautiful woman.

It's just that for some reason, Gao Xing suddenly felt that this woman was a little familiar, but the situation was critical at this time, and time did not allow him to think about it carefully.

Unable to distinguish between friend and foe, he was happy and didn't want to act hastily. Just as he was about to ask, Shang Peng's voice suddenly came from behind: "Lihua, stop him!"

Gao Xing's heart tightened, knowing that the person who came was an enemy or not a friend, he no longer hesitated, he scolded lightly, raised his hands suddenly, and shot seven or eight copper coins at the woman in black with a screaming sound of "咻咻".

The woman's eyes were cold, and she was not afraid of the copper coins shot by the lightning.Just when the copper coin was still three feet away from her, her body that was running fast stopped abruptly, and her feet quickly took two steps to the side. With the inertia of rushing forward, her body actually slid across an arc. , just to avoid the copper coins that were happy to shoot.

The woman scolded lightly, and with graceful steps, she rushed towards Gao Xing like a lightning bolt.At this time, she already had two lancets in her hands, which looked very similar to those in Zhang Rong's hands.The two lancets protect the chest and abdomen with the left hand, while the right hand cuts towards the happy shoulders from top to bottom.

The reason why the brave wins when meeting on a narrow road is very clear. Without fear, he quickly pulled out the steel knife at his waist, and rushed towards the woman softly.At the critical moment of life and death, how can he care about pity and tenderness when he is happy? He ignored the lancet that the woman was slashing at him. The cold steel knife in his hand slid across an arc in front of him, and a horizontal cut went straight to the woman's slender waist. and go.The air was torn apart by the blade, and there was a whining sound, and the fierce murderous aura even stirred up the woman's skirt so that it flew up.

An inch short, an inch dangerous.

Facing Gao Xing's powerful knife, the woman's eyes suddenly became dignified.She never thought that Gao Xingfu would fight like this when he came up.The lancet was much shorter than the steel knife. Even if he could injure Gao Xing, he would not be able to feel better if he slashed with the heavy steel knife.

The woman quickly stopped her steps, and the lancet in her left hand quickly slid down to block it, while the lancet in her right hand slightly changed direction, and slashed at the steel knife in Gao Xing's hand.

"Ding", the lancet in the woman's left hand collided with Gao Xing's steel knife, and a crisp sound sounded. The woman felt her right hand go numb, and her right arm was suddenly swung away.However, the steel saber in Gao Xing's hand continued to castrate, and hit the saber in the woman's left hand with a "dang".

The woman snorted, she felt as if she was hit by a mad bull, and her body was involuntarily thrown backwards in the air.The lancet in her left hand couldn't hold it anymore and flew away. The tiger's mouth was torn apart by this huge force, and a stream of blood droplets floated in the air.

He was so happy that he knocked the woman into the air, and he couldn't help but stop. Sima Fu and Shang Peng behind him chased after this pause.Without any hesitation, the two of them attacked Gao Xing's back sharply with the pitch-black ruler and the long and narrow blade.

Gao Xing didn't turn his head back, his legs were slightly bent, his hands clenched the handle of the knife, and he let out a roar, his waist quickly turned backwards, and the steel knife in his hand was lifted from top to bottom. The tragic evil spirit made Shang Peng and Sima Fu tremble with fear.

Xing Xing collided with the weapons of Sima Fu and Shang Peng one after another, a sharp and loud sound of "ding ding" sounded, Xing Xing's body stepped back five steps "Ceng Ceng Ceng", Xing Xing snorted, his throat was sweet, and the corners of his mouth twitched A trace of blood spilled out.This time, Gao Xing suffered a loss. The wound that had healed a lot was torn again, and the severe pain made the veins in the corners of Gao Xing's eyes twitch wildly.

Sima Fu and Shang Peng didn't take much advantage, they also staggered, and each retreated three steps away, a burst of blood surged, and a blush appeared on the faces of both of them, while the one holding the weapon His arms were trembling uncontrollably, numb for a while, and he couldn't use his strength for a while.

"Xiao Xing, you can't run away, it's better not to make unnecessary struggles!" Shang Peng suppressed the tumbling blood, looked at Xing Xing closely and said.

"Wait, Uncle Shang, is he just happy?" Gao Xing snorted coldly, did not speak, but tried his best to mobilize the zhenqi in his body to repair the wound on his lungs.But the woman in black who had just stood up asked in surprise when she heard this.

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