Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 23 The Tragic Huang Fajiu

However, Huang Fajiu, the official who supervised the food and grass, sent no less than three batches, but five days later, let alone the food and grass, even the soldiers he sent were like a sea of ​​stones, and there was no news.

As a veteran on the battlefield, the food and grass in the rear did not arrive, and the soldiers he sent for the second time did not send back any message. Huang Fajue already knew that there were enemies who broke through his blockade, went deep into the rear, destroyed the food road, and hunted down the soldiers he sent. people.

What worried and puzzled Huang Fajiu was that he finally sent 500 people, divided into two groups, to Guangling in the south and Shiliang City in the southwest at the same time for help.But two days later, there is still no message back.

Huang Fajiu was very confident. Under his nose, it was absolutely impossible for more than [-] enemy troops to sneak into the rear without being discovered.To be able to rob and kill the soldiers he sent so quickly, only cavalry with very high mobility can do it.According to the information he received, Wang Lin didn't have cavalry in her hands, but the most elite cavalry of Qi State, the elite soldiers who had fought with Emperor Gao Huan of Shenwu were all defending the imperial capital Yecheng.

The 500 soldiers that Huang Fajiu sent for the third time were the most elite fighters in his hands, and all of them were battle-tested fighters who fought against three with one.These thousand people moved in two directions, clearly knowing that there was an enemy in the dark, but they were all ambushed and killed, and no one survived.Huang Fajiu sent troops to search a radius of forty miles, but found no traces of battle.

Gu Huang Faji speculated that the number of enemies was not many, probably around a thousand.No matter whether the enemy kills the men he sent one by one, or divides and ambushes, the enemy's combat effectiveness and military literacy are quite terrifying.

Huang Fajiu couldn't help feeling a little regretful, if he had stormed Yangping regardless of the cost from the beginning, he might have set foot on the top of Yangping City in just one month.It was just because he was afraid that his offensive would be too fast and too deep, and the newly occupied land lacked a strong force to deter and cause rebellion. Therefore, his offensive in the past three months was not strong, and it was more of a huge psychological pressure on Northern Qi.But he didn't expect that he was in such a predicament now.

If Huang Fajiu had [-] soldiers in his hands, he would never be so distressed, but now he is short of manpower.In the three months of consumption, although the losses were relatively small due to the slow offensive, nearly ten thousand soldiers fell under the city of Yangping.

Excluding the nearly 2000 people who supervised food and asked for help but disappeared, there are now less than [-] soldiers in Huang Fajiu's hands.If the army has enough food and grass, he can break through Yangping City within two days at the most. As for the small group of enemies behind him, it is just a disease.

However, this can only be Huang Fajiu's expectation and obsession. Now there are only two ways in front of him, either to do everything possible to step up the siege and take Yangping City before the food and grass are exhausted, or to withdraw the army and then go back to the city. Do other pictures.

According to the morale of the soldiers and civilians in Yangping City today, and the intensity of the resistance, with less than [-] soldiers, it is extremely difficult to take it within three days. Once it fails, the [-] army will collapse in an instant.

If the troops retreat, it will greatly damage the morale of the Chen army in the Northern Expedition, and it is more likely to affect the development of other battles.

In the huge and handsome Zhang, Huang Fajiu kept pacing, his brows were tightly frowned, and the dim light illuminated Huang Fajiu's somewhat old face flickeringly.The left hand is [-] fresh lives, and the right hand is the great ambition of the country, which is more important?He couldn't stop struggling in his heart, and his expression kept changing.

"If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent! Wang Lin, this general will put your head on your neck to pay homage to the spirits of our soldiers!" Suddenly, Huang Fajiu stopped in his tracks, his face became serious, and he muttered to himself with murderous intent.There was an unusually fierce light in his eyes, his fists clenched tightly, and his clenched teeth creaked.Obviously, he chose to go all out and storm Yangping City.

After making up his mind, Huang Fajiu was no longer distressed. He was just lying on the couch and was about to rest when a mournful cry sounded: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack——"

Huang Fajiu was startled, jumped off the couch, and ran out of the tent quickly.The camp was extremely noisy, the voices of generals yelling to tidy up the team, shouting and shouting together, although the scene was a bit chaotic, but these soldiers were well-trained on weekdays, so they were not panicking at this time.

"General, someone attacked the camp." Huang Fajiu just went out, and the lieutenant ran forward to report.

"Who? How many?" Huang Fajiu asked in a deep voice.

"It's cavalry, it's too dark to see how many people there are!" the deputy general said loudly.

"Don't panic, follow me to kill the enemy!" Huang Fajiu cursed secretly, shouted and issued orders, and he quickly rushed to the chaotic place.

When Huang Fajiu arrived at the scene, he could only listen to the sound of horseshoes and watch the enemy retreat into the darkness. There were only more than 30 corpses left, but none of them belonged to the enemy.

These soldiers were all killed by bows and arrows. Huang Fajiu looked at the corpses on the ground quietly, and looked at the feather arrows deeply inserted into the bodies of Chen *jun's soldiers, his face was so gloomy that he seemed about to sink into the water.

After a long time, Huang Fajiu raised his head, a smile appeared on his face, and he said loudly: "Everyone don't need to worry, but should be happy instead. Wang Lin is so poor that she only sent 100 people to attack the camp. Isn't this a joke? It just shows that Yangping City is now very empty, and the day of breaking the city is not far away. General Wang, send more people to guard, and the others go back to rest and launch a general attack tomorrow. We must take Yangping City in one go!"

The deputy general took the order, Huang Fajiu looked again at the nearly a hundred arrows stuck on the ground and on the body of the dead Chen *jun, and turned away, but his heart was a little heavy.

More than twenty miles away from Chen *jun's camp, about a hundred knights in black stood quietly in the night, like a statue, without the slightest movement.The leader had a mask with blue fangs on his face. Under the faint starlight, he was extremely scary. Who would come if he was not happy.

"Da da", some hasty and dull hoofbeats came, and at the same time, nearly a hundred cavalrymen galloping at high speed appeared in the happy field of vision.

"General." Baiqi came to five meters in front of Gao Xing, stopped neatly, and even the mount did not make any abnormal noise.If you look carefully, you can find that all the knights have a bamboo in their mouths and a horse in their horses, and all the four hooves of all the horses are tightly wrapped in cotton cloth.

"How is it, is anyone hurt?" Gao Xing asked.

"I would like to follow the general's order. We didn't get too close to Chen*jun's camp. We just fired a round of arrows and retreated in one go. It's a pity that only 40 or [-] enemies were killed!" With a trace of regret.

"Hey, you're greedy!" After happily cursing with a smile, he said, "It's good that no one gets hurt. If we achieve our goal of disturbing the enemy, we are successful. It doesn't matter how many enemies we kill. Could it be that you didn't vomit enough that day?" The last sentence , the happy tone was a little teasing.

"Coax" all the other soldiers laughed kindly, until Shang Buqi felt hot-faced, and couldn't help casting annoyed and warning eyes on the smiling soldiers.It's a pity that perhaps because of the darkness, everyone couldn't see the steadfast eyes, and the laughter didn't stop.

Seven days ago, they both killed people for the first time. When the blood in their hearts cooled slightly, the cruel, bloody and disgusting battlefield, and the surge of fear after the killing made everyone feel uncomfortable and vomited crazily.

However, the strange thing is that after singing "Lullaby" happily, everyone was miraculously alive the next day, the shadows in their hearts also faded a lot, and they no longer had too much rejection of killing.

All this is not only due to the gentle and soothing tune of "Lullaby", but mainly because of the joy of the singer.

In the previous life, because of the Buddha statue pendant of unknown material on his chest, he happily studied a lot of Buddhism.He is also very familiar with some scriptures and mantras of the Buddhist scriptures. When he sang that night, he used his true energy to imitate some of the Buddha's energy, which was of great help in clearing away the hostile energy and evil obstacles in people's hearts.

In the past few days, Zhang Shunzhi got accurate news, he was happy to run around with a thousand cavalry, and wiped out all the people sent by Huang Fajiu. Except for more than a hundred people who were seriously injured and unable to fight in a short period of time, there was no one. The death of the body, it all depends on the sharpness of the crossbow and arrow improved by Gao Xing, Zeng Jin's training is rigorous.

"Okay, stop laughing, be careful not to give up extra meals for you when you go back, and practice you well!" Said happily with a smile.

All the soldiers stopped laughing and looked at Shang Buqi with some suspicion.Shang Buqi was both funny and angry, and didn't know what to say, just snorted, and then steered the horse to stand behind Gao Xing.

Not long after, the hundred riders came back again, just like they did not give up, they also obeyed Gao Xing's order, they just released a round of arrow rain, killed a lot of people and ran back.

The officers and soldiers of Chen*jun in Yangping City felt extremely painful and had the urge to scold their mothers.In the middle of the night, the enemy came to attack the camp one after another, but they were anticlimactic. When they came, they didn't even fart loudly, and then ran back.

They really want to beg those black armored cavalrymen to slow down their pace a bit, don't walk so fast and so gracefully, they don't take away a single cloud, but leave behind a hundred feathered arrows.

Seeing that the sky was getting hazy and it was about to dawn, all the officers and men of Chen's army were still worried, not daring to relax in the slightest.Those nasty camp raiders didn't stop overnight, drinking and mobilizing troops to attack the camp.If it was daytime, the cavalry of these hundred men would not pose any threat to them, but it was not the case at night.

Chen's army did not dare to send troops to pursue them, for fear of being tricked by the enemy, but it was also very difficult to defend passively.

The first three waves of cavalry attacked the camp, but the interval between them was less than half an hour, and it did not cause much harm to Chen *jun who was vigilant.Just when they thought they had detected the pattern of the enemy, an hour passed, but there was no trace of the enemy.An hour and a half later, just when Chen *jun was delighted that the enemy was not coming and felt relaxed, the enemy came again.

This time, it was an attack from all directions, which made Chen *jun, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, tighten his nerves again.Similarly, what the enemy left for them is still the gorgeous back.The time interval of the enemy's attack seems to be regular. When you defend according to it, the enemy will not come. When you relax, he will appear just right.All night, the nerves of Chen *jun's soldiers were kept in a state of high tension.

The night before dawn, the most dangerous moment, is also the most tiring moment for people, and the enemy really came again.

Attacking the city during the day, these Chen *jun were already very exhausted, but they were worried and unable to sleep this night, and they were even more physically and mentally exhausted at this time.When they heard the sound of hoofbeats, everyone came to their senses and ran towards the intruder excitedly. They wanted to teach these nasty guys who disturbed their dreams a good lesson.

However, when these Chen *juns excitedly shot the intruders with bows and arrows, only then did they realize that the enemy was beyond the range of their bows and arrows, but their own side was suppressed by the enemy's dense feather arrows so that they could not lift their heads.

Of course, I am glad that this professional traverser is here. The compound bow used by the Mongolian iron cavalry across Europe and Asia is stronger than Chen *jun in terms of range and lethality. This is why Chen *jun cannot hurt any cavalry. reason.

When Chen *jun was dodging the arrows in a panic, there was a heart-shattering buzzing sound, and then he heard the screams of "swish" dense like drizzle, and the screams of his own camp sounded one after another, but the enemy was here again Time to retreat again, without the slightest nostalgia.

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