Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 305

Gao Xing rode his horse towards the Huaizhou Army, and the coach of the opposing camp also galloped out. As the distance approached, Xing Xing had a deeper feeling for the power of the Huaizhou Army.

In the lonely wilderness, [-] Huaizhou soldiers stood upright like javelins, their faces were cold and stern, their eyes were cold and sharp. The bloody aura on their bodies made the birds too frightened to fly low, and the beasts buried their heads in the weeds in fear, motionless and desolate. The autumn wind blowing the banners in the general's formation was fluttering, coupled with the hazy sky and withered yellow grass, the breath of the Huaizhou army became more and more cold and oppressive.

Compared with when Gao Changgong and his son first arrived in Huaizhou, the Huaizhou army today is not what it used to be. Not only have they been reborn, but they have also become a steel lion because of fierce battles and arduous training.

Although the 1 people are motionless and silent, the fierce and domineering aura on their bodies has great deterrent power, making you dare not act rashly.

Looking at the Huaizhou Army with a pristine appearance and an extraordinary momentum, I am happy to feel a lot of emotion in my heart. Maybe most of these soldiers don't recognize me, but I am an indispensable ingredient in their growth.

Just because of the situation, except for the Xuyi iron cavalry who was born in Huaizhou, the great warriors from Huaizhou were happy but never personally commanded him to fight. This is really a great pity. The army is fighting life and death, although he has been prepared for this, Gao Xing still feels a little strange and uncomfortable.

With just five breaths of effort, the horse under Gao Xing's crotch crossed a distance of 300 meters, and the coach of the Huaizhou Army happened to hold down the horse's head 30 meters in front of him.

Gao Xing is a black horse in white shirt, while Huaizhou Pioneer Commander is wearing white robe and silver armor. The horse under his crotch is also pure white, without any variegated color. It complements his beautiful clothes and attracts attention.

If it is happy that the handsome appearance will make women envious, then the appearance of the Huaizhou Vanguard General will undoubtedly make women all over the world jealous. Although he is wearing thick and solid armor, the Huaizhou Vanguard Commander, the son of the Sui Dynasty, is still tall. Very slender, with a jade-like face, the facial features are very delicate and soft, if it is not known to everyone that Sui Wang Gao Changgong has only one son, who would say that this handsome little general in front of him is not a daughter.

The young general in the white robe of the Huaizhou Army stared straight at Xing Xing, his eye circles were slightly red, and his lips were tightly pursed. Even though they were far apart, Xing Xing seemed to be able to feel her excitement.

"She has become thinner, more heroic, and more beautiful," said Gao Xing, holding the rein tightly with both hands, looking at the young general opposite, and taking a deep breath, as if wanting to inhale the breath of the other party in the air, feel That familiar temperature and taste.

"He's a lot taller and more majestic," the white-robed young general tried his best to endure, but the crystals in his eyes could no longer withstand the appeal of the earth, and rolled down his cheeks, disappearing from the weeds under his body.

Gao Xing and the white-robed young general just looked at each other quietly, their eyes changed a thousand times, there was no activation, splatter, anger, and murderous aura that hostile forces should have. The tenderness conveyed.

"Lihua, are you okay?" Looking at the teardrops in the corners of the young general's eyes, Gao Xing felt a pain in his heart, and couldn't help asking softly, but his voice was hoarse and choked.

The young general in white robe trembled all over, nodded, and then shook her head vigorously. With the swing of her head, the tears in the corners of her eyes became more and more intense.

"I'm sorry for making you suffer," seeing the young general in white robe biting his vermilion lips tightly, tears streaming down his face, and hearing the extremely depressive sobs faintly coming from the air, he was so happy and heartbroken, and his face became extremely ugly , he urged the horse to take a few steps forward, raised his right hand trembling slightly, looked at the young general in white robe, and said guiltily and sincerely.

"Brother Xing, you don't have to blame yourself. I'm fine. It's good to see you," the young general in white robe smiled, but the tears on his face became more and more, and his beautiful and moist eyes became a pair of red peaches. .

"It's my fault, I didn't take good care of you," the more the young general in white robe said, the more guilt and pain he felt in his heart.

"I don't blame you, Brother Xing," the young white-robed general looked at Xing Xing fixedly, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Xing, a man should aim everywhere, so why should he be delayed because of his son's and daughter's affair, just feel free to complete your Your great cause, I will take good care of the prince and princess for you,"

"Thank you, Lihua," Gao Xing took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, calmed down a lot, and said sincerely in a low voice.

"This is my duty," the young general in white robe shook his head, a faint blush appeared on his snow-white cheeks.

Gao Xing nodded, and then said: "We will be reunited in a few days, you remember to take care of yourself,"

"I will, thank you brother Xing for your concern," the young general in white robe wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said with a smile.

"According to the plan," Xing Xing took a deep look at the young general in white robe, then at his own camp that was already a little restless, and then said in a deep voice.

"Okay," the white-robed young general agreed, and after a pause, she straightened up suddenly, pointed her horsewhip forward, and shouted with a serious expression, "You are the Gao Xin who conspired against us and proclaimed himself the governor of the two provinces."

The voice of the young general in white robe was very cold and clear, and it was heard by the soldiers of the two camps hundreds of meters away.

"I am Gao Xin. I dare not be a rebel. Gao is just a pawn pleading for the people. You are just happy. The son of the famous Sui King Gao Changgong, why does he look greasy and like a woman?" Gao Xing raised his chin slightly, Looking at the young general in white robe lightly, his voice was extremely clear, more imposing than the young general in white robe.

"How courageous, a shameless thief dares to speak loudly. This general thought you were young and ignorant, and went astray, so I let you go astray, and allowed you to be tied up, and pleaded with the prince for you. I hope you will not be punished. No matter how obsessed you are, make mistakes again and again," the white-robed young general's face flashed with anger, he stared at Gao Xing fiercely, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Hahahaha, what a joke, a joke," Gao Xing laughed for a while, then opened his eyes wide with anger, and suddenly released a terrifying aura from all over his body, and said disdainfully: "Happy, don't be hypocritical here, Gao Wei is perverted, cruel and incompetent , causing the common people in the world to live in distress, complaining, how can such a foolish king be worthy of controlling the world's artifacts, if the foolish, loyal and pedantic people want to take me, then let the horse come over, and let Gao Mou see the Sui king's ability, you can learn from it several floors,"

"As you wish, see what you do," the white-robed young general's face turned livid when he heard the words, he scolded lightly, suddenly pulled out the thick long sword from his waist, and rode his horse straight towards Happy, that fierce murderous aura, swift His speed showed the fullness of killing intent in his heart.

"Good time," he let out a low growl, happy instead of surprised, and also charged forward. The steel knife on the saddle made a "clang" sound, and slashed at the top of the white-robed young general's head with a light like a horse. .

When the two met, without the slightest hesitation, they uttered a cry, and both used their weapons with all their strength to greet each other.


The steel knife collided with the long sword, sparks bloomed in the air, the two bodies swayed at the same time, but when the two horses passed by each other, they swung their swords (knife) in unison and slashed at each other's back. They collided again, making a sharp sound.

"Come again,"

The two rushed more than ten steps before they stopped the momentum of the horses. At the same time, they turned around, looked at each other with burning eyes, and slammed in a deep voice, brandishing their weapons and charging at each other again.

"Ding ding ding,"

The speed of the two was so fast that outsiders could only see the shadow of swords and swords, and could only hear the sound of metal and iron clashing in the sky like a shower.

It looks murderous on the outside, but the two fighting are quite measured. Every move and style looks very fierce, but in fact there is not much strength, and they avoid the vital parts.

"Lihua, it's only been half a year, and I'm really surprised that your martial arts has improved so much," Gao Xing said while dancing the steel knife airtightly, looking at the young general in white robe calmly.

"This is all thanks to you, brother Xing. If you hadn't expended your true energy to open up my meridians and teach me the way of cultivation, how would I be able to acquire this martial art?" The white-robed young general laughed softly Beautiful, just like the voice of a young woman.

This white-robed young general is none other than Yang Lihua, the eldest daughter of Duke Yang Jian of Sui Dynasty in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the concubine of Prince Yu Wenyun of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

He is happy to preside over the affairs of Shandong and Jiangsu provinces, so he naturally wants to avoid being discovered by others as much as possible. The reason why he dared to use the very similar name "Gao Xin" and acted very high-profile is actually the son of the Sui prince. I am happy to stay in Huaizhou and never travel far.

Although Gao Xing has long been famous all over the world, even though his reputation is not very good, not many people have actually seen him. Everyone only knows that Gao Xing is a suave young man who likes to wear brocade and white clothes, and is as handsome as a stunning woman.

Since Yang Lihua was selected as the princess of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, apart from her prominent family background, her unparalleled beauty is naturally one of the most important reasons. She is only 14 years old, and it is time for her body to grow. He left Huaizhou for nearly a year. Those who are extremely close, who can tell the truth from the fake.

I am happy to choose Yang Lihua to play myself. Of course, it is not only because of my appearance and age, but also because Yang Lihua has practiced "The Secret of Longevity" and is similar to myself in temperament. Moreover, she was born in a family of generals and has a lot of experience. The bearing of a wealthy family cannot be imitated by others.

In particular, Yang Lihua has a strong personality, extraordinary talent, hard work, and plays the happy identity to the fullest. The only shortcoming is that Yang Lihua has only a short time to practice the formula of longevity, and she is a daughter. She lacks strength and is weak in martial arts and momentum. Fortunately, there are not many people in Huaizhou who know the true strength of Gao Xing.

"Brother Xing, it's almost time. Are we proceeding according to the plan?" Yang Lihua asked in a low voice when the two of them passed each other after another tenth battle. There was a little sweat, which was even more charming with the rosy cheeks.

"Okay," Gao Xing swung Yang Lihua's long sword away, galloped his horse forward a few steps, and then turned around and shouted: "The prince of Sui is nothing more than that, take your life," as he said, Xing Xing's momentum increased sharply, and he rushed towards Yang Lihua like lightning .

"Good thief, blow your breath and die," Yang Lihua rebuked softly, not to be outdone, the long sword pierced through the air, piercing Gao Xing's chest with a shrill howling sound,

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