Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 327 Fire Sea

Gao Ana was sitting on the horseback, looking at the black and fast-moving army in front of him, his chest was agitated, and he had a vigorous smile on his face.

Thinking of him as the majestic king of Huaiyin, with a high position and rich body, he was dispatched to Jeju because of the despicable rebels. Obviously not as good as Yecheng, not to mention being far away from Gaowei, Gao Anak always felt that his rights were weakened a lot, and in fact it was true. Although a guy who relied on Gaowei and pretended to be the emperor of the land, he had more A little bondage.

Gao Ana is already very aggrieved to live in fear, but the poisonous king Yinchi, who always trusts and treats him with great courtesy, actually wants to cuckold himself, which is really intolerable and intolerable.

A dog is always a dog, no matter whether it is a noble shepherd dog, a Tibetan mastiff or an ordinary native dog or a mangy dog, the essence is the same. Since Yinchi has no awareness of being a dog, how can Gao Anagong tolerate it, but Gao Anagong But he didn't know that everything was a happy calculation. He pretended to be Yinchi and provoked a conflict between Yinchi and Gao Anagong, which eventually led to Yinchi's tragic death.

A woman may not be considered much in that era, but sometimes she can play an amazing role. Gao Wei can allow ministers to appreciate Feng Shufei Feng Xiaolian's alluring body, but he absolutely does not like someone having an affair with Feng Shufei. It is a trample on a man's self-esteem, especially for a man with a high position and authority, it is absolutely unforgivable. Perhaps, this can be interpreted as a beauty.

As long as today is over, he will no longer have to worry about his high Anak, and he will be rewarded by the emperor. When he returns to Yecheng, he can experience the feeling of all the officials kneeling at his feet overlooking all living beings.

"Send the order, speed up, and be sure to arrive at the city of Qingzhou within half a quarter of an hour. If not, come and see me," Gao Anagong thought of this, and told the lieutenant beside him sideways.

The lieutenant general trembled all over, his heart was awe-inspiring, and he quickly issued an order to urge the army to speed up.

The military order was like a mountain. With all the soldiers clenching their teeth and throwing off their legs to speed up, Gao Anak's army quickly approached Xinghua City.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack," when Gao Anak's army approached two miles away from Xinghua City, the defenders on the city suddenly let out a shrill and panicked roar.

Hearing the exclamation from afar, looking at the city gate being opened and the Shandong rebels panicking on the city wall with the light of the fire in the city, Gao Ana pulled a cruel and bloodthirsty smile from the corner of his mouth, and he pulled out his waist suddenly. With a gorgeous saber, he shouted loudly: "The whole army will attack, rush into the city, and wipe out all resisting forces, kill,"


20 people cheered in unison. What kind of concept is that?

Ten thousand people is boundless. At this time, a total of 20 people are charging towards Xinghua City, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky, like a surging tsunami, seeming to swallow Xinghua City. At this moment, the majestic Xinghua City The city seems a little small and thin in front of 20 frantically rushing people.

Thinking that the rebellion could be quelled in one fell swoop, and the high-ranking officials and nobles were right in front of him, he was happy that the infinite wealth would fall into his hands, and he could vent the anger in his heart. He was timid and afraid of death, but under the influence of the majestic shouts of 20 people, he couldn't help his blood boiling, waving his sword, loudly urging the soldiers around him to charge, and constantly urging the horses to gallop.

"Close the city gate quickly, let the arrows go, let the arrows go," watching Gao Anagong's army charge at full speed, the Shandong rebels on the top of the city shouted in surprise, and everyone knew that once the enemy army was allowed to enter the city, what would happen to Xinghua? The city is really over, 20 to [-], with the support of the city wall, it may be possible to win, but without the protection of the city wall, there is almost no chance of winning.


The Shandong Rebel Army on the top of the city received an order, and quickly opened their bows and arrows. Countless arrows flew out from the top of the city screaming, and plunged into the densely packed enemy camp. The arrow fell down, and many people were ruthlessly trampled under their feet by the comrades behind them, and they were completely integrated with the earth.

The rain of arrows on the top of the city was almost non-stop, densely pouring down like rain, setting off a bloody storm, but this could not stop the enemy's advance.

When the army is charging rapidly, as long as you dare to stop or slow down, you will definitely be overwhelmed by the team behind you, and you will sleep forever. Everyone knows that only by charging forward can you survive and win. Get rewards and let your family live a prosperous and healthy life.

Finally, after losing thousands of people, Gao Anagong's army finally rushed into the city from the west gate of Xinghua City. It's just strange that although someone on the city wall shouted "quickly close the city gate", they were still But no one carried out this order. It was quiet near the west city gate, and there was almost no one in sight. Lu Zhishe, who was in charge of the defense of Xinghua City, also disappeared.

Although some generals under Gao Anagong had such doubts in their hearts, the army was rushing into the city crazily at this time, and it was impossible to stop it. Moreover, the 20 army rushed into the city, and the victory was already decided. Execute Gao Anarku's orders.

Soon, 2 troops rushed into the city, and Gao Anaku ordered [-] people to seize control of the city wall, while the others split into three groups and quickly attacked the Governor's Mansion. The city is in his pocket.

"Brothers, it's time to defend your homeland and make contributions. Come with me and drive the doggy Gao Anak back to your hometown. Kill,"

Just when Gao Anagong's troops were about to climb up the tower, there was a sudden roar from the top of the city, and then dense numbers of soldiers with bent bows and arrows suddenly appeared on the city wall. Under the reflection of the color, it is shining and murderous.

Although the Jeju army was shocked, they had no choice but to attack at this moment. They could only roar and rush forward.

"whoosh whoosh,"

The rain of arrows arrived as scheduled, plunging hard into the enemy camp, and they were able to hit the enemy almost without aiming. The unlucky Jeju army was shot into a sieve.

The Shandong Rebels were merciless when they started. The arrows hardly stopped, and the arrows rained down one after another, making it almost impossible for the Jeju army to enter. Countless blood was splashed in the night sky, and the screams and wailings were endless. .


"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, Lord Taiwei has something to say, the first person who rushes into the governor's mansion will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold, don't you want it, go for me, hurry up," said Yuan Xiuzhi's right hand Raised obliquely, his left hand kept shaking the reins, his eyes fixed on the place where the smoke was billowing in the distance, and the dust and smoke filled the sky, constantly urging the soldiers under his command to move forward.

With the ups and downs of the steed, Yuan Xiu's heart became more and more excited. The news that Gao Xin could not afford to be seriously injured was no secret in Jeju. Everyone knew that Gao Xin was not only a thorn in Gao Ana's side, but also Gao Wei's. A stab in the flesh, killing him is definitely a great feat.

Just when Yuan Xiuyi kicked the horse's belly and turned the corner to go faster, he was shocked to find that the road ahead had been blocked by a boulder, so he had to rein in the horse severely and stop. The soldiers in the rear couldn't stop, and they were thrown on their backs, howling.

Just when Yuan Xiuzhi was about to see the situation clearly, there was a sudden sharp piercing sound in front of him, and then, in his horrified and horrified eyes, countless arrows flew towards him, and many people hadn't realized why The sharp arrow pierced through his body, and he fell to the ground crying, losing his vitality.

"It's been tricked,"

This was Yuan Xiuzhi's first feeling. The enemy blocked the road with boulders, and he took a good time. Obviously, he had a clear grasp of his movements. Countermeasures.

The enemy does not seem to be many, only 3000 people, as long as you move forward all the way, with 2 horses behind you, you can definitely wipe them out, but the loss is a bit big.

"Erlang, if you want to survive, if you want to be rich and prosperous, let me rush, kill them all, kill them," Yuan Xiuzhi's horse pointed forward, his eyes widened and he shouted loudly. , Ordinary soldiers immediately rushed forward together shouting.

Yuan Xiuzhi and others paid a heavy price, and finally came to more than [-] meters in front of the enemy. The arrow rain stopped suddenly, and the Jeju army suddenly burst into cheers. Dozens of turbid liquids were shot out of the shot, Yuan Xiu was puzzled at first, but when he smelled the pungent smell in the air, his face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: "Come on, go on!"

Yuan Xiuzhi knew that the liquid was kerosene. Until then, he also discovered that there was a layer of withered grass scattered on the ground under his feet. Jumping up, he can only urge the soldiers under his command to rush forward, disperse and annihilate the enemy army, so that there is a glimmer of life.

However, it was too late. The ordinary arrows in the hands of the Shandong Rebels were replaced by rockets. After a short order, the rocket flew out and landed on the withered grass covered with kerosene.

With a "boom", the withered grass was instantly ignited, and the fire spread rapidly, forming a sea of ​​flames in the blink of an eye, and it became bigger and bigger.

The Jeju army led by Yuan Xiuzhi plunged into the sea of ​​flames. Many people were ignited by the flames, crying and struggling miserably. Seeing their companions dying in the flames, many soldiers threw down their weapons one after another, regardless of Yuan Xiuzhi's scolding. , turned around and fled the way he came.

However, the Shandong Rebel Army was not idle. While spraying kerosene, they kept firing arrows. There were rockets, but more of them were ordinary arrows, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the enemies.

The houses and houses on both sides of the street were set on fire. The Jeju army only persisted for a moment before it completely collapsed. Yuan Xiuzhi was shot to death by random arrows and buried in the sea of ​​flames.

At the same time, in the west of Xinghua City, fires ignited everywhere, and the soaring flames illuminated the sky. The wailing and pain of the Jeju army was very shrill, and it almost spread throughout the city, especially the strong barbecue in the air. The smell is even more disgusting.

There are deserters everywhere, and there is a sea of ​​flames everywhere. The Jeju army can only run back. They don't care about making achievements. Crazy rushing inward, as a result, the Jeju army was in chaos,

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