Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 329

Although the chariot is as ferocious as a scourge.It can be called a land meat grinder.But its greatest effect is not killing people.but deterrence.After all, relying solely on chariots powered by cattle and horses.Talk about staying power.The attack power is still somewhat lacking.If you want to rely on these nearly 15 taels of chariots, you will completely smash Gao Anaku's [-] army.That is tantamount to fantasy.

Although there were only more than [-] enemies who died under the chariot.But his deterrence to the Jeju army was extremely great.Previously in the city.A sudden fire decimated the Jeju army.Fear arises in my heart.Now I can see with my own eyes that the chariots are mercilessly tearing apart their own camp.Watching the comrades around him being strangled to a bloody mess.Countless people were trampled to death by their own people because of panic.Such a brutal and bloody scene.The impact on the mind of the Jeju Army is not insignificant.

Although Gao Anak has trained the Jeju Army for a year.Nor were they the stragglers of Gao Chuo's time.mob.But the war experience is still very scarce.The psychological quality is naturally not flattering.The happy chariot came out.The already sluggish morale of the Jeju Army is even worse.

Gao Anajiao escaped for nearly ten miles before stopping.Looking behind him in a panic.Soldiers with terrified faces.Gao Ana was both angry and aggrieved.at this time.A lieutenant came forward.He hesitated and said: "Master Taiwei, the morale of our army is low now. We are powerless to fight again. Do you think you should retreat first. Collect the defeated army and then make plans."

"What. Retreat." Gao Ana looked at the lieutenant general in disbelief.Negative emotions such as anger, fear, and unwillingness in the heart are immediately vented.His ashen face twisted instantly.Ferocious and terrifying. "Idiots. Idiots. 20 people were beaten and fled in embarrassment. You dare to say that you will retreat. It disturbs the morale of the army. You have ulterior motives. Why should I keep you?" the voice fell.Gao Ana's arm suddenly slashed at the neck of the lieutenant general.


A sharp knife penetrates into the flesh.Blood splattered.The lieutenant looked at Gao Anak in astonishment.The look in his eyes slowly dimmed.

The sudden change stunned all the survivors.Silence like a cicada.Northern Qi Sangui.The means are fierce.Greed and tyranny.They had already learned his temper.now.It was obvious that he had misdirected himself.Instead, shirk responsibility.Wanton killing of the commanding generals.Although everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak.However, he has no confidence in the battle to put down the traitor Gao Xin.

"What are you doing in a daze. Hurry up and gather the army. Prepare to attack Qingzhou City." Gao Anagong saw that everyone was looking at him in fear.like a statue.My heart is full of anger.Can't help shouting loudly.

Although he lost nearly 8 people back and forth.But he still had a chance to break into Qingzhou City.To know.Although there was a fire in Xinghua City.The Jeju Army was forced to retreat.But the so-called fire prevention is easy.It is difficult to put out the fire.Just look at the sky that is still red today.

Glad to clean up the mess.Obviously not without some effort.And this is Gao Anaku's opportunity.Gao Anaku believed it.As long as your own supply unit arrives.He will definitely be able to capture Xinghua City.Squeeze the rebels.

In the face of huge and unparalleled interests.Gao Anagong compressed the fear in his heart to the extreme.He is very clear.Although Gao Wei is very fond of and dependent on himself.But if you keep fighting and losing.An inch of merit has not been established.It's easy to be beaten down by political opponents.Thus fell into a slump.So he was eager to put down the rebels.Because this is also Cushman's wish.The emperor is also short of money.Especially for an extravagant emperor and a dilapidated and corrupt country.Cushman really needs a huge wealth to meet his extravagant living needs.

Gao Wei did not urge Gao Changgong to put down the rebellion these days.I really don't want to hurt my cousin.Give him the opportunity to grow and develop his strength.

"Old thief Gao Ana. Take your life. Kill."

However, just when Gao Anaku thought that he could take a break.Suddenly, there were loud shouts and rumbling footsteps from behind.Gao Ana turned his head to look.I saw dust and smoke covering the sky behind me.Countless banners flutter in the wind.I'm afraid there are no fewer than 5 horses.

The Jeju army was frightened by the chariot.Now I have lingering fears.The formation has not yet been gathered.The enemy chased after him frantically.Suddenly flustered.What I think in my heart is not to meet the enemy.Anything how to escape.The officers shouted.The soldiers screamed one after another.The already scattered formation was even more chaotic.

"Don't panic. The enemy is not superhuman. There's nothing to be afraid of." Seeing the confusion and panic of his subordinates.It looks like ants on a hot pot.Gao Anagong suppressed his anger and shouted loudly: "The whole army obeys the order. Fight the enemy with this king."

talking.Gao Ana raised his long sword lightly.It's also quite imposing.See what the coach said.The panic in the hearts of ordinary soldiers decreased slightly.Gather your mind and start to line up to meet the enemy.

But at this moment.The accident happened suddenly.An ordinary soldier suddenly kicked his boss off his horse.Turn over on your own.Pull the horse and leave.He shouted at the same time: "Gao Xin is here. The enemy has an army of [-]. If you want to survive, run away. Run away."

The soldier's voice was very loud.It actually suppressed the noisy voice of 10 people.It was heard clearly in everyone's ears.The Jeju army was panicked.Six gods have no master.Hear people say that again.The panic in my heart immediately overcame everything.

With the first deserter.Naturally there will be a second.The third.soon.Then there are thousands of deserters appearing.The Jeju army suddenly became a mess.

"Anyone who escapes will be killed without mercy. Kill." Gao Anagong was so angry that the three corpses jumped violently.Constantly scolding generals for killing deserters.However, the effect of this method is not good.Only three or five people were killed.The rout of soldiers has not been completely curbed.The Shandong Rebels had already arrived.

Compared to the Jeju Army.The well-trained Shandong volunteer army is not a star and a half.Not to mention that they are all able-bodied people who are happy to choose in every possible way.Accepted the most rigorous scientific training. .It has experienced the test of blood and fire.Although the few wars in Shandong were not so tragic.But soldiers who have seen blood and farmers with swords are naturally incomparable.

To defend the homeland as their duty.The Shandong Rebels who value the glory of soldiers extremely.Although there is only one army responsible for the pursuit. More than 2 people.But the momentum that erupted was no less than 5 to [-] people.When the Shandong Rebel Army hit the rear of the Jeju Army like a giant beast in the wild.The latter immediately turned his back on his back.Screaming continuously.

The Jeju army wanted to resist in a hurry.But the low morale made them just hold on for a very short time before they were defeated across the board.More and more people joined the ranks of fleeing.It can be said to throw away the helmet and abandon the armor.A thousand miles away.Although Gao Anagong was extremely angry and unwilling.But under the coercion of a hundred thousand defeated army.He also had to flee in the direction of Jeju.

The Shandong Rebels were merciless.Crazy pursuit all the way.It made the Jeju army tremble with fear.Run away again and again.

A soldier's flight.An anomalous domino effect was triggered.However, the Jeju army didn't know that the soldier who escaped first was a Xibei.The roar can be heard miles away.Those who suppress the voices of more than [-] people are especially ordinary people.

Be happy with those around you.Talk about martial arts.Xiao Ling's martial arts might not be as good as Ling Xiaoyun's.But agile.The ability to save lives is definitely second to none.Yes.Happy to arrange for Xiao Ling to sneak into the enemy's camp.Disturb the morale of the Jeju army at a critical moment.

When the eastern sky is faintly white.The steed under Gao Ana's crotch was already dripping with sweat.Breathing heavily.Wiping the sweat from his forehead.Gao Anagong looked back.Not seeing any trace of the enemy made him feel a little relieved.But when he saw the army following him.Loose and loose.Only 7 to [-] people.His face suddenly became gloomy.

A dignified captain.Northern Qi Sangui.One of the most powerful people.To be defeated by a young boy.Flee in embarrassment.This is simply a shame.Gao Ana tightly clenched his fists.Gritting teeth.Cursing endlessly in my heart.

Fleeing most of the night.The surviving Jeju Army has reached its limit both physically and mentally.Therefore, although the officers kept yelling and scolding.However, there are still some people who are slightly weak and collapse directly on the ground.He gasped for breath.As for morale, it's out of the question.

Gao Ana received the water bag handed over by his attendant.He took a deep breath.Soothes a dry, smoking throat slightly.Just about to speak.Suddenly, he heard shouts of killing coming from far behind.

"The enemy army is chasing us. Run away." The Jeju army was already frightened.Hear this faint cry of killing.Where dare to stay.Don't wait for the chief to issue an order.Just walk away.Gao Anagong wanted to stop him.But also powerless.Can only gallop.


Looking at the scorching sun overhead.Gao Anagong licked his dry lips.Suddenly, I felt a trance in front of my eyes.There was chaos in my mind.Body shake.Almost fell off the horse.Gao Ana shook his head.Strong cheer up.Urging the horse under his crotch to move forward.

It's been three days.It has been three days since Gao Anagong embarked on the road of escape.Noble as he is.Have you ever suffered such pain.For three days, he ran away in embarrassment like a bereaved dog.Go hungry.The armor on his body has long since faded.The clothes are even more messy.There is no trace of nobleman.

The army was defeated like a mountain.The Jeju army was defeated for thousands of miles.He was chased and killed by Shandong Yijun.Lost soldiers and generals along the way.The most hateful thing is.The Shandong Rebels who were in charge of the pursuit were like a cat catching a mouse.Suddenly tight and suddenly loose.Completely defeated the mind of the Jeju Army.Make them more vulnerable than sheep.

at first.Gao Anaku also placed his faith in the supply troops.But escaped all the way.But he didn't even see the shadow of the supply troops.No supplies.The exhausted Jeju army has seen a sharp increase in attrition.When arriving outside the city of Qizhou.The remaining Jeju Army is only 4 people.

However.What made Gao Anagong despair.The handsome flag was changed on the city wall of Qizhou.The big handsome flag that belongs to happiness is undoubtedly the biggest irony for him.Facing the enemy army rushing out from Qizhou.In desperation, Gao Anagong could only run away.Transfer to Jeju.

now.Beside Gao Anagong.There are only a thousand people.These are his most loyal servants.But these people now look like a bunch of beggars.Ragged.unkempt.Eyes are numb and dull.There is no energy in the whole body.

"How far is it to get to Jeju?" Gao Anaku asked in a low voice.His hoarse voice revealed his weakness and embarrassment.

"Go back to the king. There are still ten miles."

"Ten miles." Gao Anagong repeated.A look flashed in his eyes.The spirit has improved a lot.Back to Jeju.He can get rid of the enemy's pursuit.Take a good rest.You can even wait for an opportunity to counterattack and go back.Think about it.Gao Anagong couldn't help pulling himself together.Accelerated the pace of progress.

It's only ten miles away.It took almost half an hour to feel the Gao Anarchi.However.Before he could cheer loudly.The handsome flag fluttering over the city makes him feel like falling into ice.It's cold all over.On top of the city of Jeju.Actually flying a happy handsome flag.

"Master Huaiyin King. Gao has been waiting for a long time. Don't come here without any problems." At this moment.Suddenly, a clear voice came from the top of the city.Gao Ana's arm went all over for a while.Follow the reputation.See you under that handsome flag.There was a tall man in white standing.It's just too far away.Can't see the real face.

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