Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 336

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of morning sun came into the room, Gao Xing opened his eyes in good time. After a night of breathing adjustment, the turbulent Qi in his body finally calmed down, but the calm and calm smile of the past was no longer on Gao Xing’s calm face. Occasionally there is a coldness in the depths of the eyes.

Gao Xing pushed the door open and came out, seeing the two girls, Lu Hanyue and Yang Lihua, looking at the dark red faces of the two girls, and the fine grains of frost on the ends of their hair, Xing Xing was startled for a moment, then realized that the two must have been waiting for him all night, his heart was both warm and happy is pain.

"Lihua, Hanyue, I'm sorry for making you suffer," Gao Xing stepped forward, tightly holding the cold and numb catkins of Yang Lihua and Lu Hanyue, and said guiltily, it's December weather now, Huaizhou Although it is not as cold as in Yingzhou, it is difficult for the two women to stand quietly outside the house for a night, even if they have internal strength.

"Brother Xing, are you alright?" Yang Lihua asked, holding her happy palm instead, looking him up and down nervously. Although Lu Hanyue looked cold, the concern in her eyes was obvious.

"I'm fine, I made you worry," Gao Xing tightened his children's hands, and said apologetically, "It's cold outside, hurry up and warm up inside, you are so stupid, why don't you go inside when it's cold outside," Gao Xing said although it was The words of blame, but there is no trace of blame, but only guilt and concern.

"Husband, Sister Lihua and I both have kung fu, and we are not afraid of cold and heat." Even though he said so, Lu Hanyue's children still smiled gently and obediently entered the room with joy.

The three sat down, and Yang Lihua asked, "Brother Xing, did you make any progress during the interrogation last night?"

Gao Xing put a smile on his face, nodded and said: "I only know that the commander of the assassins is nicknamed Hongfeng, he is good at wielding knives, and he often wears a black outer and inner red cape. I don't know anything else. As for the other assassins, they are mostly notorious gangsters. They are not all familiar with each other, and they are only controlled by Hongfeng because the handle falls into the hands of Hongfeng, "

Speaking of this, he looked at Lu Hanyue happily, and asked with some hope: "Hanyue, you are from the Jianghu, do you know the name Chi Yan?"

Lu Hanyue shook her head apologetically, "I'm sorry, husband, I haven't heard of such a person before,"

Gao Xing's eyes darkened, and he shook his head and said, "Don't blame yourself, since Hong Feng never showed his true face, he presumably didn't want people to know his true identity. This name is probably fake, but I checked the assassin's identity carefully last night. Their skills are quite good, and the people who can drive them to work hard are not unknown people, besides, they have failed in their missions and have not obtained what they want, so they will definitely appear again."

After a pause, he continued happily, "I like to wear a cloak that is black on the outside and red on the inside, and is good at wielding knives. Is it Chi Yan's dress?"

"Chi Yan," Lu Hanyue looked at her in surprise and said happily, "My husband suspects that this matter is caused by the Holy Fire Cult."

"They are suspicious, but it shouldn't be serious." Without waiting for the children to ask questions, Gao Xing explained: "I sent people to spread the news that Sima Fu stole the "Longevity Formula". Now he is busy fighting with Chen Guo, if there is no threat from my father, Chen Guo can naturally use all his strength to beat him, Sima Fu probably wouldn't do that."

After a pause, he happily continued: "It is said that there are four gods of war in the Sacred Fire Cult, namely Meteor, Lightning, Chasing Wind and Chi Yan. A good sword is rare in the world, "

As for the largest sect of righteousness and evil, I am happy to have a basic understanding through Ling Xiaoyun. Among the four sects of the Demon Sect, the Moon Worship Sect is in the east, the Sacred Fire Sect is in the southwest, the Baihua Palace occupies the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and the Tianxie Sect is located in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Western frontier.

Among the four sects, when it comes to martial arts, the Tianxie Sect is the strongest, and the Moon Worship Sect is the worst. The former is located in a barren and bitter cold place, and its disciples are brave and fierce, so their martial arts are naturally strong. To win the favor of a man, to enter a wealthy family, or to become a wife and concubine, or to be a slave or a handmaiden, the relationship network of the Moon Worship Sect is extremely large and amazing, and it is also the richest sect of the four demon sects.

As the name suggests, the Hundred Flowers Palace has the fewest disciples, and all of them are female disciples. Even so, no one dares to provoke the Hundred Flowers Palace easily. There are six special envoys in the Hundred Flowers Palace. Bird grass, Amorpha fragrans, Tuberose and Poppy, these six kinds of flowers are all poisonous, from this we can see that the Palace of Hundred Flowers is good at using poison, especially the six special envoys are as beautiful as flowers and good at charming skills, when using poison, it really makes people feel sick. People are hard to defend against.

"My husband's guess is not unreasonable." Lu Hanyue nodded and said, "Since the news of "Longevity Jue" in Sima Fu's hands was exposed, the world has been boiling, and there are not a few people who seek bad luck from the Holy Fire Sect every day. If you make a move, the Sacred Fire Cult must be overwhelmed, and it may not be possible to divert people's attention in delusion."

"No matter who it is, since they want the "Secret of Longevity" so much, I'll give it to them and play with them," Gao Xing snorted coldly, with a stern look in his eyes, and said bitterly.

"What does my husband plan to do?" Lu Hanyue asked suspiciously when she saw the gloomy look on Gao Xing's brows, and became even more worried.

"We still need Hanyue's help in this matter," Gao Xing gestured for Lu Hanyue and Yang Lihua's sons and daughters to come closer, and whispered the plan in his heart slowly.


On December [-]th, Gao Changgong, who had been seriously injured for nearly ten days, was finally able to get out of bed and walk, and deal with some urgent official duties. When the news came out, the people in the city were immediately relieved. Everyone rushed to tell each other, killing chickens and sheep to celebrate the news. Gao Changgong is the patron saint of Huaizhou. With him, the people can live and work in peace and prosperity. With him, neither the rebels in the north nor the thieves in the south can go one step further, and Xuyi will be impenetrable.

However, the joy in the hearts of the people in the city has not yet shone, and the bad news came again. On the night of December [-]th, the back house of the prince's mansion suddenly caught fire. The assassin sneaked into the mansion, and not only took advantage of the chaos to injure Gao Changgong again, but also seriously injured the son Gao Xing, and Gao Changgong and Gao Xing's study were all burned to the ground.

Sui Prince and his son were assassinated at the same time, and the tense and depressing atmosphere in Huaizhou City reached a certain point in an instant. And it has become desolate, and the people are even more in danger.

While Huaizhou was hunting for assassins, an extremely fierce battle was taking place in the market at the West Gate of Yangzhou City.

There were two people fighting, one covered his face with a black scarf, covered his body with a black outer and inner red cloak, and danced with a steel knife in his hand, with an astonishing aura, the other was a middle-aged man in blue with fair skin , three long beards under the jaw, fluttering, so chic.

The figures of the two were fast and slow, and the battle was inseparable. The sparks of the collision of weapons in the air kept flickering, and the people around were both afraid and excited.

"Hongfeng, you despicable villain, the two of you agreed to participate in the research together, why did you go back on your word now?" The two trembled, but neither defeated the other, they both stepped back and stared at each other, blue The man in clothes shouted angrily.

"You idiot, believe what I say, get out of the way if you don't want to die, I don't have time to tangle with you," the man in black laughed mockingly, and then said coldly.

"You despicable villain, if you don't hand over the "Secret of Longevity" and the treasure map today, you will never leave, let's see what happens," Lan Yi yelled angrily. His long sword exudes a cold light under the sunlight.

"Shut up, you idiot," the man in black was startled and angry, trying not to let him rush forward to fight with the man in blue again. Although the knife in his hand was like a storm, but if you look carefully, you can see that People don't want to go all out, but they are looking for a way out.

"Hey," just when the man in black was negligent, the man in blue suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the man in black's lapel and tore it forcefully, with a hissing sound, the man in black's lapel was torn. At the same time, something tightly wrapped in oiled paper fell out of his arms.

Looking at the oiled paper package, the man in black's complexion changed drastically. With a low growl, he raised the steel knife with his right hand from bottom to top, trying to prevent the man in blue from grabbing the package. Facing the sharp blade, the man in blue had no choice but to He withdrew his hand, but he didn't retreat, he flew up and hit the man in black grabbing the oiled paper-wrapped left wrist.

There was a soft "touch", the man in black snorted, the package in his hand flew up into the sky and scattered, and a scroll of sheepskin fell out of it, the man in black and the man in blue looked at each other, and sternly reprimanded, He stood up and grabbed the sheepskin scroll, but at the same time grabbed one side of the sheepskin scroll.

"Go to hell." If you want to get the parchment, you have to desperately hold the parchment tightly with one hand, and use a killer move to attack each other in the air. There was a "hiss" and the two were torn apart, and the two of them were thrown backward seven or eight meters away. When they landed, they staggered a few steps before they stood still, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths.

The two looked at each other from a distance, without saying a word, snorted coldly and walked away, disappearing into the sea of ​​people in the blink of an eye.

Although the two did not fight for a long time and did not speak much, everyone knew what they were fighting for. The magic of the "Longevity Formula" had already been spread all over the world. heartbeat.

On the second day, the man in blue was poisoned to death in the inn, and the parchment on his body disappeared, and the things recorded on the parchment slowly spread.

It is said that "The Jue of Longevity" is divided into two volumes. The first volume describes the law of immortality, and the second volume records the peerless martial arts. The treasure map is said to be left by Qin Shihuang for later generations, and it contains countless gold and silver.

Compared with the first volume of "The Secret of Longevity", which has many restrictions, the second volume is more attractive. No matter the miraculous and peerless martial arts, or the unimaginable wealth, everyone in the world flocks to it.

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