Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 339 The Red Wind Appears

Maybe it's because of character and situation.Gao Changgong can really be called a benevolent gentleman.He is neither greedy for money.Not lecherous.In addition to the original partner Zheng.The only concubine room was rewarded by Gao Wei.Whether the identity is clean or not is unknown.As early as when Gao Changgong was demoted from Yecheng.The concubine's room was dismissed by Gao Changgong.

Gao Changgong knew that Gao Wei's intention to kill himself was not gone.So always be careful.Walking on eggshells.And the family is used to thrift.There are not many servants in the mansion.Especially the back house where the family lives.Others can't easily enter.

This is a joy to hear.After all, his current identity cannot be revealed.Yang Lihua and Lu Hanyue really needed an explanation.a title.

marry.Whether it is past life or present life.Happiness is so strange.So when the fifth day of the first lunar month comes.Happy but with a kind of inexplicable panic and confusion.The whole person was in a daze.I don't know where I am.My whole body was stiff.at a loss.

I bowed down to heaven and earth.grandparents.Even the wedding is over.It's not so much a wedding.It's more like a ceremony.The participants included the groom, the brides and Gao Changgong and his wife.The housekeeper Gao Fu was the only one watching the ceremony.

Such a humble wedding.For any bride is extremely wronged.Fortunately, Gao Changgong apologized as a prince.And make sure that the time is right before making a big deal.Brides also more or less know the difficulty of being happy.Therefore, there are not many complaints.

If you say this wedding is different.That is, there are as many as three brides.Except Yang Lihua and Lu Hanyue's two daughters.And Wu Shun.As soon as I saw the three were wearing gorgeous wedding clothes.A beautiful bride.I was so happy that I almost jumped up in fright.But in the ancestral hall.In front of the ancestors and Gao Changgong.He could only suppress the shock in his heart.Obediently saluted under the command of the housekeeper Gao Fu.

until then.It was only when he was happy that he understood why Mrs. Zheng would ask him questions like "how is Wushun" that day.Although it feels a little awkward.But there is indeed a hint of ecstasy in Gao Xing's heart.Let him be as beautiful as a flower.Wu Shun, who is as gentle as water, surrenders to others.I am afraid that I am also determined not to.

man.It is indeed a very possessive animal.

Happy to think so.There was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.


finally.Excited in joy.eager.In a happy mood.The night was long overdue.

A rare family reunion.Gao Changgong started drinking on a whim and joy.But he is no happy opponent.When twilight first came, he was drunk and limp on the table.Gao Xing and the housekeeper worked together to help the drunk Gao Changgong into the room to rest.Then mother Zheng was a little ashamed.Blushing with encouraging eyes, she walked towards the new house.

Wushun, Lu Hanyue, and Yang Lihua Three Girls Middle School.On identity.Wu Shun is the daughter of an ordinary merchant.Lu Hanyue is a chivalrous woman.Except for a master who lives in seclusion in the mountains.No more relatives.But Yang Lihua was the general of Shangzhu Kingdom in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.The eldest daughter of Sui Guogong Yang Jian.The status is the most respected.Among the three women.Although Wu Shun and Gao Xing first met.But it was Yang Lihua who was the first to be married to Gao Xing.Therefore, Gao Xing walked towards Yang Lihua's room door as a matter of course.

Gently pushed the door.The door was closed tightly.I was happy and lightly snorted.He also said that he was drunk.Dizziness.Added some strength.The door remained motionless.Happy to burp.He called softly: "Lihua. It's me. Why did you lock the door?"

"Brother Xing. I don't feel well. You. Go to sister Hanyue." Yang Lihua was a little shy.Some voices of resentment came out.If it is not happy, the six senses are keen.I really can't hear clearly.

"You are not feeling well. Is it important? Open the door and let me have a look. Or I will call the doctor." Gao Xing was surprised when he heard this.Said anxiously and with concern.

"No, it's not in the way. Go and accompany Sister Hanyue. It's getting late."

He happily asked in disbelief, "It's really not a problem."

"Really." Yang Lihua's tone was very firm.Glad to finally be relieved.After asking Yang Lihua to pay attention to rest, she walked to Lu Hanyue's room.

Came to Lu Hanyue's room.I'm glad I haven't had time to speak yet.Lu Hanyue's cold voice came: "Husband, I want to practice kung fu to heal my injuries tonight. I'm afraid I can't accompany you. I'm sorry."

Happily startled.I was about to ask "Isn't your injury fully healed?"Immediately, she understood Lu Hanyue and Yang Lihua's intentions.

Among the three women.Lu Hanyue and Yang Lihua are already married.Only Wushun is still perfect.Lu Hanyue and Yang Lihua gave up their happiness to Wu Shun on their wedding night.You can see their generosity.The depth of the love for joy.

Three wives and four concubines.The blessing of Qiren is not so easy to enjoy.The scourge caused by the jealousy of the female family members of a wealthy family.That was shocking.If the three women are fighting each other hard.How happy to devote himself to Wang Tu's hegemony.

Think about it.Happy heart is both warm and guilty.Get a wife like this.What can the husband ask for?Do not know why.in this night.Gao Xing suddenly thought of Zhang Rong who was far away in Yecheng.That carried too much.The woman who silently supported her behind her back.

"Rong'er. Are you okay?" Gao Xing looked up at the thin crescent moon in the sky.asked silently.

a long time.Happy to dispel the melancholy in my heart.Shake your head.Firmly walked to Wushun's room.Xu was discussed by the three women.Wu Shun's room door was only slightly closed.Xing Xing responded to the sound with a slight effort.

Compared with the freezing cold outside the house.It can be said that the house is as warm as spring.The iron stove, happily invented, stands in the center of the room.The black coals were burning red in the furnace.

Wu Shun wears a hijab.Sitting quietly on the edge of the bed.Look carefully.However, she found that her pair of slender and white hands were tightly clutching the hem of the skirt.The blue veins on the back of the hand are clearly visible.

"Sister Wushun." Gao Xing suddenly felt a little dry in his throat.I felt a little nervous for no reason.Breathing is also somewhat rapid and disordered.

"Husband, husband." Wu Shun responded softly.The voice is as low as a mosquito.Even with a tremolo.The body trembled slightly.

See Wu Shun so nervous.The tension in Gao Xing's heart disappeared in an instant.He gently sat down beside Wu Shun.Lift off the cover on his head.Immediately, a blown bullet can be seen.A pretty face as red as blood appeared in front of her eyes.By flickering candlelight.Glows a touch of luster.

Wu Shun's eyes blinked flickeringly.Want to see happy.But a little nervous and shy.There was a hint of water in her shy eyes.Extraordinarily charming.Looking at Wu Shun's delicate red lips.Gao Xing suddenly recalled the tactile sensation of the accidental kiss that day.My heart heats up.Involuntarily, he lowered his head and grasped the fragrance.

Wu Shun was startled.want to escape.But immediately lost himself in the happy sucking.Water seemed to overflow from a pair of beautiful eyes.Charming and seductive.


Wu Shun let out a soft moan from his throat.The hot body limply leaned against the happy body and fell backwards.The star eyes are half closed.The long eyelashes fluttered slightly.

Happily and greedily tasting the fragrance between the lips and teeth of the beauty in my arms.A pair of big hands also climbed onto Wushun's slender and charming body.Controlling the fullness and firmness of her chest.

I don't know when.The candles in the house were quietly extinguished.Only the violent panting of men and women remained.I was so ashamed that the crescent moon outside the house quietly got into the clouds.


King Yiyang died of illness.It was three days later when the news reached Yecheng.This is still the credit of the beggars.When informed of this news.The joy of the newlyweds disappeared in an instant.There was a deep sense of loss and sadness in my heart.

King Yiyang.Situ (Prime Minister) Zhao Yanshen served several generations of monarchs in the Northern Qi Dynasty.Even when Emperor Shenwu Gao Huan was in power, he often participated in secret affairs.His whole life witnessed the rise and fall of the Northern Qi Dynasty.Zhao Yanshen was praised for his gentleness and prudence.In the later period of Gao Wei's administration.In that dirty officialdom.He is the only one who can make people praise him as a "good official".

now.Zhao Yanshen died.A dignitary in charge of government secrets.Except for Gao Wei's favorite domestic slave jester.Only Sizhong (Chief Inspector General) and Kaifu Yitong Sansi (Prime Minister level) Hulu Xiaoqing were left.However, Hu Lu Xiaoqing is not a kind person.I can only reluctantly say that I am not too corrupt.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty could not find a few who were not corrupt and perverted the law.Unruly officials.How can such a country survive.

For Zhao Yanshen's death.He sighed happily.For Northern Qi's more declining fate.Also for its untimely life.A talent cannot be fully displayed.Originally happy to have a good relationship with Zhao Yan.I also hope that he can come out to help in the future.But I don't want fate to trick people.Zhao Yanshen died earlier than in history.Think carefully.One of the reasons is happy and can understand one or two.

Since Gao Wei and his son came to power.Zhao Yanshen's talent cannot be fully displayed.Moreover, he was always constrained by the three nobles of the Northern Qi Dynasty.Therefore, we have to become more cautious in dealing with people.The most beloved granddaughter was forced to leave Saibei because of Gao Anagong's father and son and the Turkic Seventh Prince Ashina Kuzhen.Didn't see each other until death.Accompanied by Gao Xing, he went to the Northern Zhou Dynasty to marry his relatives.But because of happiness.Entered the prison of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.What a suffering.

All of the above.No matter it has a great impact on Zhao Yanshen's body or spirit.Hence the premature death.


"Brother Xing. The red wind has appeared." Gao Xing was saddened by the news of King Yiyang's death.Yang Lihua's crisp voice woke him up instantly.

"The red wind appeared. Where. When." Gao Xing stood up suddenly.She looked at Yang Lihua with burning eyes.Eyes full of excitement and eagerness.

Yang Lihua was taken aback by the joy.But she still answered truthfully: "Three days ago. Hongfeng appeared in Jiangling. I got half a piece of parchment."

"Okay. Just show up. I want to see what this Red Wind is capable of. He dares to act wildly on our territory." A sharp light flashed in Gao Xing's eyes.There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.Said bitterly.The murderous aura on his body was looming.

Yang Lihua looked at Xing Xing worriedly and asked, "Brother Xing. What are you going to do?"

"I plan to go to the general in person. I will meet this red wind well. Find out what monsters are hiding behind him."

"No. You can't go." The happy voice just finished.Lu Hanyue's cold voice came from behind.The tone is very firm.

"Why?" Gao Xing frowned.Some displeased.I really don't understand why Lu Hanyue would stop herself from avenging her father.

"Husband, you have not got rid of your inner demons. Once you get angry, start the killing ring. It is very likely to erupt again. No one can predict what will happen at that time. I firmly oppose you chasing and killing Hongfeng." Lu Hanyue stared closely with happy eyes.Said without compromise.

He frowned lightly with joy.His eyes flashed coldly.Seriously: "I have made up my mind. There is no need to persuade me anymore."

"That's good. I'll go with you. If you really fall into the devil's way and become inhuman. I would rather die in your hands. I don't want to be here in fear. Stay alone in an empty room." Lu Hanyue couldn't stop her from being happy.Can only ask to accompany.

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