Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 347 This killer is not too cold

"Thank you. Lihua. Thank you." Zhang Rong wept with joy.She looked at Zhang Lihua gratefully and said.talking.Zhang Rong turned to look at Xiao Ling.Before she could speak.The latter opened his mouth and said, "I'll go outside to guard." After speaking.Xiao Ling forced himself up and walked out staggeringly.Every time you take a step, your body will tremble up and down.Obviously just happy that the palm hurt him badly.

"Let's get started, Lihua." Zhang Rong glanced at Zhang Lihua.Suddenly let go of joy.Zhang Lihua quickly pressed on Gao Xing.With a blushing pretty face, she covered Happy's mouth with fragrant sandalwood.


The sudden cold moistness on the lips made the joy stop for a moment.The madness in the eyes receded slightly.A fiery desire welled up from the depths of Gao Xing's eyes.Don't wait for Zhang Lihua's next move.Gao Xing stretched his arms tightly around Zhang Lihua's soft body.As soon as he turned over, he pressed her under him.At the same time, he began to greedily suck the fragrant and soft lips.

While being happy, he crazily tasted Zhang Lihua's Xiangjin Yuye.His hands moved around Zhang Lihua's body.His actions were extremely rough.Zhang Lihua frowned in pain.But there was an indescribable feeling deep in his heart.Very comfortable.


The sound of breaking silk sounded.Zhang Lihua only felt a chill in her chest.Not just outerwear.Even the close-fitting little clothes were roughly torn by Xing Xing.away from the body.Delicate skin with a gorgeous pink glow.Her private and proud towering heights are fully exposed in the air.Happy to let go of Zhang Lihua's small mouth.Burning lips slid down the slippery neck.Kissed the delicate bud on her chest.


Zhang Lihua trembled slightly.A soft and seductive moan came out of his throat.Star pupil blurred.Her pretty face was even redder.Panting softly.The arms could not help but hug the happy and generous back tightly.Swimming gently and stroking.

Just when Zhang Lihua was feeling the pleasure brought by the happy touching and kissing.Like falling into the clouds.Suddenly, I felt a tearing pain coming from my lower body.It made her whole body tense instantly.The nails of both hands dug into the happy back.There was even an involuntary cry of pain in his mouth.There were two lines of clear tears in the corner of his eyes.

Zhang Lihua wanted to stop Gao Xing from making any further moves.The latter showed no mercy at all.The action is even more brutal and wild.Zhang Lihua cried out in agony.Tears rolled down.at this moment.She felt that it was not the Pianpian young man whom she admired that was pressing on her.But a beast in heat.She wants to struggle.But the joyful arms held her like iron tongs.Make her unable to move.

"Lihua. Fast luck. Fast." Just when Zhang Lihua was at a loss.Zhang Rong's hurried voice rang in his ears.Zhang Lihua endured the severe pain in her body.He raised his head and kissed his happy lips tightly.Make an effort to concentrate.Run the true energy according to the double cultivation method taught by Zhang Rong Zeng Jin.

Using Zhang Lihua's virgin Yin as the medium.Under the operation of the method of double cultivation.Xing Xing finally found an outlet for the bursting zhenqi in his body.Introduce Zhang Lihua into Zhang Lihua's body along the part where Zhang Lihua is happy to combine.

Zhang Lihua didn't care about her body or her pain.Or a feeling of excitement.She discarded all distracting thoughts.Run the method of double cultivation with all your strength.He will be happy that the violent qi is circulating in his own veins.tame.Then through the mouth and tongue into the happy body.

So again and again.Zhang Lihua gradually entered the realm of forgetting both things and me.Concentrate on helping Gao Xing sort out his true energy.do not know when.Glad stopped the offense.He just lay quietly on Zhang Lihua's naked body.Let Zhang Lihua do what she wants.But his chaotic and manic mind fell into a deep silence.

Sunset and moonrise.The moon sets and the sun rises.It was the morning of the third day when Gao Xing woke up again.

Glad to open my eyes.What caught the eye was a head of silky, silky black hair.On it is a melon-seeded face with hibiscus jade noodles.The facial features are extremely delicate and delicate.Skin is smooth and smooth.It can be broken by blowing bombs.Binocular confinement.Eyelashes are long.She is indeed a peaceful Sleeping Beauty.

"Zhang Lihua." After a short period of confusion.When she was happy, she recognized the beauty in front of her.Feel the soft and moist skin underneath.A strange feeling came from the lower body.Happy heart suddenly startled.The brows could not help but wrinkle deeply.

Moved happily.But it woke up the Sleeping Beauty beneath her.I saw her eyelashes trembling slightly.Watery eyes opened.There was only a flash of surprise when he saw the joy.More shy and flustered.The fair and pretty face was stained with two touches of blush.

Zhang Lihua's beauty couldn't help but make Gao Xing stunned.A hot current rose from the lower abdomen.His eyes couldn't help becoming hot.Zhang Lihua felt a little uncomfortable being stared at.She moved her body coyly.This movement greatly stimulated the desire to be happy.Happily bowing his head involuntarily.Hold Zhang Lihua's seductive lips.Zhang Lihua moaned softly.Slowly closed his eyes.Snorting.Showing a look of letting you pick and choose.

soon.In this small cave.The man's gasp intertwined with the woman's moan.Played the most primitive movement of mankind.


Clouds and rain rest.Gao Xing and Yang Lihua got up.Only then did he realize that there were two sets of clothes beside him.After the two changed their clothes silently.The atmosphere was a little silent and awkward.

Gao Xing looked at Zhang Lihua quietly.I am grateful in my heart.Guilt again.Now he understands.It was Zhang Lihua who sacrificed herself and saved herself.

Zhang Lihua didn't know how to deal with happiness.I can only hang my head down.Playing with the hem of the clothes.I was both nervous and confused.Gao Xing is the husband of Master Zhang Rong.Now she and herself are husband and wife.How will the three get along in the future.When in Yecheng.Zhang Lihua developed admiration for Gao Xing.Now there is a further development.A heart is naturally attached to Gao Xing.It's just that her daughter's family's shyness and respect for Master made her confused and overwhelmed.

"Lihua. Thank you for saving me." Gao Xing broke the calm first.He stepped forward.Hold Zhang Lihua's hand with both hands.Asked gently: "Would you like to be my woman. Let me protect you for the rest of your life."

"I. I..." Zhang Lihua raised her head suddenly.His face was as red as blood.Hey, I don't know what to say.There was joy and confusion in his eyes.

"Husband, you're awake." Zhang Rong's surprised figure came.Then I saw a beautiful figure rushing into the cave like the wind.

"Master, Master." Seeing Zhang Rong come in.Zhang Lihua wrenched her hand away from Gao Xing's like an electric shock.His eyes were full of panic.

"Rong'er. I made you suffer." Gao Xing smiled at Zhang Rong.Step up to progress.Hold her somewhat cold catkin.Gently brushing her hair from the sideburns blown by the cold wind behind her ears. "How is your injury? Does it matter?"

Zhang Rong shook her head lightly and said, "My injury has healed a lot. It's all right now. It's all my fault that put you in danger." She said.A look of guilt and fear appeared on Zhang Rong's face.

"You don't need to blame yourself. Protect your own woman. This is my responsibility. I'm fine." Gao Xing covered it with her hands.Then said: "Look at you freezing. Come here and warm yourself." He said.When she was happy, she took Zhang Rong to sit by the fire in the cave.

Listening to the happy soft voice.Feel his deep relationship and love for himself.Zhang Rong's heart slowed down.Her pretty face was flushed with joy and embarrassment.Zhang Rong was about to speak.Suddenly, he saw Zhang Lihua with slightly sad eyes.The smile on his face faded away.Let go of your happy palms.Go straight to Zhang Lihua.


Zhang Rong didn't respond.Instead, he fell to his knees with a "plop".This move startled Zhang Lihua.She quickly bowed to help Zhang Rong and said, "Master, what are you doing. Get up quickly."

"Lihua. Thank you. If it wasn't for you, my husband might not be able to escape this disaster. As I said, as long as you are willing to sacrifice your life to save me, I would be willing to do whatever I want." Zhang Rong bowed firmly.Then he looked at Xing Xing and said, "Husband, you survived this time. It's all thanks to Lihua. She made a huge sacrifice for you. You can't let her down."

"Master." See Zhang Rong said so.Zhang Lihua was both surprised and delighted.She glanced shyly at Happy.He called out in a low voice.

"Rong'er. I know. Get up." Gao Xing walked to Zhang Rong and helped her up.She nodded seriously and said, "Even if you have to kneel, I should kneel." Zhang Lihua was about to stop her.She was happy but interrupted her and said: "Lihua. Marry me. Be my wife with Rong'er. Let me take care of you for the rest of your life." Happy eyes are gentle and watery.But firm as iron.

Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Rong.The latter was looking at her encouragingly.Zhang Lihua was overjoyed.Lips move.Trembling voice: "husband, husband."

"Lihua." Gao Xing called out.He held Zhang Lihua tightly in his arms.The latter pressed his cheek against his happy chest.Feel his body temperature.his heartbeat.My heart is full of happiness.Zhang Rong quietly looked at the two embracing each other.Smiles and blessings.Not a trace of jealousy.


After a few brief conversations with Zhang Rong and Zhang Lihua.I am happy to let my children stay in the cave.He stepped out of the cave himself.Go to a sheltered place 50 meters away from the side of the cave.

Shaoqing.Glad to be in that sheltered place.A bonfire was burning there.Xiao Ling leaned tightly against the mountain wall.Paled face.Chapped lips.Breathing is also much weaker.

Exhale with joy.Watching the white air fluttering in the air.He couldn't help feeling guilty for a while.I am happy in the warm cave with my beautiful woman in my arms.Xiao Ling endured the wind and cold outside.Especially when he was seriously injured by his own miss.

"Bang." Gao Xing bent his knees.Kneel down.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Ling opened his eyes.Surprised to see happy.His eyes dimmed a lot.But also less indifferent.

"It's both a thank you and an apology. If it weren't for you, I might have died long ago. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been seriously injured." The happy tone was very sincere.

"Although I call you Governor, I regard you as a friend and a brother in my heart. You don't have to be grateful when I save you, and you don't have to mind if you accidentally hurt me." Xiao Ling sat up straight with difficulty.Said a little weakly.Seriously injured, his voice was less cold.There is more warmth.

"Since our bet, I have regarded you as my friend. You are a killer with principles. Or a killer who is not too cold." Gao Xing stood up with a smile.Came to Xiao Ling and sat down.Put your hand on the opponent's wrist.

"Xiao Ling. I made you suffer." Gao Xing put down Xiao Ling's hand.sighed apologetically.

"It's not hard. There's such a beautiful lady taking care of me. Painful yet happy." Xiao Ling's mouth twitched.Bend into an arc.

"Good boy. I thought you couldn't laugh. You couldn't make jokes." Gao Xing chuckled.He patted Xiao Ling on the shoulder lightly.But it affected the latter's injury.Let him show his teeth for a while.Take a breath.

"Laughing too much is definitely not a good thing. This will come true." Xiao Ling regained his strength.Pretending to be annoyed, he glared happily and said.

Gao Xing smiled lightly and shook his head, "Xiao Ling. Your bones should have been connected. Next, I will teach you a set of luck methods. It will be of great help to your healing." Without waiting for Xiao Ling to agree or not.Happy to speak out.It's the "Secret of Longevity".A total of eighteen weights.One weighs a lot.Not a word.

The more Xiao Ling heard it, the more shocked he became.The mind is completely attracted by the happy words.He is a martial artist.Naturally, one can hear the mystery of this set of formulas.Compare with it.The difference in my own cultivation method is far more than a thousand miles.

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