Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 349 The Beauty of Violence

"Hahahaha." Gao Xing raised his head and laughed.Looking at Dahe Chucai lightly, he said: "Prince Dahe. Say something else. Maybe I will be afraid. But fighting. I'm really happy and I've never been afraid."

"So you agree?" Da He Chucai showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes.A true warrior will not turn down anyone's challenge. "I really want to see. Is the young master whom Brother Li admired so much really worthy of his name?"

"I'll show you." He paused.Gao Xing continued: "But I'm afraid this place is not a good place." He said.Happily glanced at the cold corpse on the ground behind him.

"Young master. Could it be that you have encountered some trouble." Li Feng's eyes were fixed.asked seriously.He wanted to ask this question before.It's just that I didn't have time to speak.

Gao Xing nodded and said: "It's all small people in the Jianghu. Although it is not a problem, there are too many people. It is really troublesome. Just now we were about to leave. Suddenly we saw someone rushing behind us. It was supposed to be chasing soldiers. That's why we waited for the second time. "Happy and indifferent.Killing a lot of people is just like killing chickens and sheep.So calm and calm.It made him congratulate Chucai to change his impression a lot.

"My lord, why don't you arrange disciples from the beggar sect to accompany you. It's much safer that way." Li Feng frowned.

"The beggar gang has the mission of the beggar gang. It's not good to get involved in the rivers and lakes for no reason. It is estimated that the pursuers will come soon. Let's leave here first." Looking happily at Dahe Chucai, he said: "Prince Dahe. It's better to go together A paragraph. Find a secluded place. You and I can have a good fight. What do you want."

"As long as you don't avoid the battle." Da He Chucai said with a smile.


"Refreshing." Da He Chucai laughed out loud.Turn your eyes to Zhang Rong and Zhang Lihua's children behind Gao Xing.A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.More than admiration and admiration.without obscenity.

"I haven't asked who these two beautiful ladies are..." Da He Chucai had been focusing on Gao Xing just now.I didn't notice the two beauties behind Gao Xing.

Gao Xing replied proudly, "These are my two wives."

"Dahe Chucai has seen the two ladies." A look of disappointment flashed in Dahe Chucai's eyes.With a smile on his face.Greeted Zhang Rong's two daughters politely.

Look at the way he behaves in the Central Plains etiquette.The characters spoken in Chinese are correct and round.If it is not for the rough.Wearing a Hu suit.It really makes people think that he is a Confucian scholar who knows the book and respects the etiquette.It's totally different from being rude just now.

"Prince Dahe, you are too polite." Zhang Rong's two daughters hurriedly returned the gift.There was a burst of joy in my heart.Now the two have betrayed the Moon Worship Sect.There are no more shackles on him.There is no need to hide the feelings in my heart anymore.Happy to admit his identity in front of outsiders again.How not to please them.

"My subordinate, Li Feng, has met the two wives." He congratulated Chu Cai as a gift of the same generation.Li Feng pays homage with a big gift.Very respectful demeanor.

"Sir Li Zhuang is very polite. Please hurry up." Zhang Rong had a gentle and magnanimous smile on her face.Raise your arm slightly.Signal Li Feng to get up.The latter is not hypocritical.In response, he respectfully stood behind Gao Xing.

"Prince Dahe. Let's hit the road now."

"Very good. I can't wait to fight with you." Da He Chucai laughed.Then lead the happy four back to the queue.

The Khitan men who have lived in Saibei all the year round have seen a lot of tall and burly people of their own tribe.A girl with dark and rough skin.Have you ever seen such icy skin as Zhang Rong?Delicate woman like water.What's more, the second daughter is also a rare beauty in this Central Plains.All the people looked straight at the eyes.transfixed.

Stared at by a hundred pairs of fiery eyes.Zhang Rong and Zhang Lihua were very uncomfortable.He couldn't help frowning and shrunk his body behind Gao Xing.


Happily snorted.The sound is not loud though.But to a hundred Khitan warriors, it sounded like thunder on the ground.Let them feel excited.Instantly wake up from the beauty.

Hearing a happy snort.Da He Chucai was also slightly shocked.Most of the contempt in my heart disappeared in an instant.How can someone who can frighten everyone with a seemingly ordinary cold snort be so weak.He couldn't help looking forward to the battle with Gao Xing.My heart is burning.The fighting spirit in his eyes was even stronger.

Dahe Chucai ordered his subordinates to distribute four horses to Gao Xing's four queens.People will not stay any longer.Let's straddle together.

Two stunning beauties followed closely beside the thin Gao Xing.All the Khitan warriors were naturally envious and jealous.There is also some hostility in the happy eyes.Beautiful women deserve heroes.Xiang Xing is so weak.How to match with such a stunning beauty.It's just because of Li Feng's face.No one dared to blatantly provoke.But this did not prevent them from secretly competing.

The grassland people grew up on horseback since childhood.Both men and women are good at riding.along the way.All the Khitan warriors kept urging the horses to gallop.Want to leave happiness behind.Lose his face.

However, Happiness remained indifferent from beginning to end.Ride on horseback with ease and ease.Always ride with Dahe Chucai.Never lag behind.Everyone was surprised and pleased with the horsemanship.The hostility towards him also eased a lot.The grassland people are brave and ruthless.Always respect warriors.Although Wu Yong was happy, he didn't see it.But his excellent equestrian skills have greatly changed people's impression of him.

Everyone galloped all the way.About an hour later, they stopped in a small valley ten miles away from the official road.Although this valley is not big.But there is a small river passing by at the bottom of the valley.And shelter from the wind.It's a good place to camp temporarily.

Everyone dismounted.No nonsense.Gao Xing and Da He Chucai stood five meters apart on the flat ground in the middle of the valley.

"Young Master Gao. Although I dare not pretend to be the number one warrior of Khitan, but I am the number one warrior of my Dahe tribe. You have to be careful." Dahe Chucai was shirtless.Bronzed skin.Angular.Muscle textured as solid as granite.And the jet-black chest hair on her chest.All show the beauty of violence to everyone.

"Thank you, Prince, for reminding me. Please." After bowing his hands, he gave a salute.Delighted legs differential.The feet are uneven.The hands hang freely on the body.He quietly watched Dahe Chucai with both eyes.

"Please." Dahe Chucai saw that Gao Xing did not put up a battle.It seems to look down on yourself.I was a little annoyed in my heart.He is no longer polite.Shout out loud.The body is like a beast pouncing on food, rushing towards the happy.Two fists the size of sand bowls were raging violently.The momentum is amazing.

The happy face is still as calm as water.Even with a faint smile.

Da He Chucai rushed to one meter in front of Gao Xing in a flash.Seeing the latter, he still didn't dodge or evade.Underestimate yourself.I feel even more annoyed.The hands couldn't help adding another point of strength.The fist is also coming a little faster.The fierce fist wind made the happy clothes fly backwards.

The Khitan warriors onlookers only exerted their full strength when they saw Da He Chu.About to hit the delight.They couldn't help cheering loudly.However, their cheers stopped abruptly as soon as they left their mouths.It turned into an exclamation.

Just when Da He Chucai's fists reached a foot in front of De Xing.The static joy suddenly moved.His arms hanging by his side seemed to travel through space.No one can see the trajectory of the movement.It just so suddenly appeared on the chest.Just happened to block Da He Chucai's fists.

After a muffled sound.The world seemed to stand still.Dahe Chucai's fists were hitting the happy palms.His body still maintained a forward posture.But couldn't get any further.And happy body is straight.Such as pines and cypresses.Stand still.

Da He Chucai's eyes widened.My heart was full of shock.How could he expect it.Hitting with all my strength was like hitting cotton.Soft without strength.The happy body did not move a single point.


Looking at the indifferent smile on the corner of Gao Xing's mouth.Dahe Chucai suddenly had a stronger fighting spirit in his heart.The blood in the whole body seemed to be boiling.He roared sharply.The double power quickly retracted and then hit again.It was even stronger than the previous two punches.

Da He Chucai was furious.Boost power speed to the extreme.Surrounded like a crazy tiger happily.Attack him like a storm.And happy but always calm and calm.Fist and palm with both hands.up and down.Flip all over.Dissolve Dahe Chucai's moves one by one.

The two fisted and kicked.The sound of crackling and crashing was as dense as rain.But the onlookers were dazzled.Can't see what's inside at all.


It takes about half an hour.The two who were entangled suddenly separated.Dahe Chucai stepped back five steps.He shook his body before standing still.Qi and blood float.His face flushed.On the contrary happy.Except that the clothes are a little messy.The expression on his face remained the same.Even the position where he was standing had not moved an inch.


Judging from the situation of both sides, the outcome has been divided.The Khitan warriors couldn't help but gasped.Watching happily in disbelief.Who would have guessed.The thin and frail Gao Xing actually defeated the mighty Prince Da He.And it looks easy.

"Master Gao. I lost. I am convinced." Shaoqing.Dahe Chucai's tumbling blood calmed down.His complexion recovered a lot.He looked happily and said calmly.

"Accepted. If Gao hadn't made a breakthrough recently, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to defeat you. Prince Dahe's supernatural power is really amazing. Gao really admires him." He smiled happily and cupped his hands.

The latter sentence is true.Congratulations to Chucai, in terms of strength alone, he has already surpassed Cheng Yaojin.Compared with Xiao Mahe, it is not far behind.See how young he is.After a few years, the body has reached its peak.It must be more powerful.

I am also happy to break through to the sixth level of "The Secret of Longevity".The skill has increased a lot.Otherwise, it might not be so easy.Furthermore.Although Dahe Chucai is tall and powerful.Endless physical strength.But it is more than strong in moves.Not flexible enough.This is also an important reason why he easily lost.

"Today I fought with Mr. Gao. I know that I was too arrogant before. I underestimated the heroes of the world." Da He Chucai said with some frustration.He is not afraid of failure.It was just too easy to lose.It was difficult for him to accept for a while.

"Prince, you don't have to complain. Maybe you are not as good as me in a single battle. But in the battlefield, I may not be better than you." Happy smiled and comforted.Gao Xing is not a domineering person.What's more, Da He Chucai is kind to Li Feng.Nature needs to give people face.Therefore, I am happy to say that I am three parts true and seven parts false.

"Young Master Gao is absurd. I have self-knowledge." Da He Chucai said modestly.But obviously feeling much better.Flower sedan chairs are carried by people.Honest and cheerful, he doesn't care too much about winning or losing.

Happy to defeat Da He Chucai.The other Khitan warriors naturally did not dare to underestimate him.The eyes that looked at him also became very reverent.Worshiping the strong is actually the instinct of animals in nature.

next.Several people sat around and chatted briefly.Dahe Chucai took out the dried horse meat and kumiss to share with Gao Xing.Although the Khitan people are rough.Not educated.But straightforward and enthusiastic.After a while, I became familiar with Gao Xing.Gao Xing and Da He Chucai also started to call each other brothers.

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