Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 461 Fulfillment

"If everything is as Mr. Wei said, then I was able to escape from Shuozhou successfully this time. Could it be that I did it on purpose." Yu Yi's face completely changed.Looking at Wei Xiaokuan in disbelief.The words were full of shock.Even aghast.

The more Yu Yi thought about it, the more likely it was.His face couldn't help but become more and more ugly.Before Qin Qiong escorted Yu Yi's [-] soldiers to Shuozhou.Yuwen Zhao.Li Yuan took the opportunity to injure the guard and escaped.But Yu Yi was personally monitored by Qin Qiong.Never found an opportunity.Until reaching Shuozhou.He took advantage of the joy.Qin and Qiong no longer escaped.

However, Yu Yi was out of luck.Just escaped.Then it was noticed by Shuozhou.And launched a thousand-mile pursuit of him.From Shuozhou to Jinzhou.along the way.The Shuozhou army chased after them.How many times Yu Yi was forced into danger.If it weren't for him, he was a veteran on the battlefield.Experience.I'm afraid he was captured and returned to Shuozhou long ago.

Be frightened along the way.narrow escape.Yu Yi was always in a state of tension.It wasn't until then that he completely calmed down.Thinking about it carefully, it is full of fog.

It stands to reason.Yu Wenzhao and others escaped earlier than themselves.The news should have already been sent back to Pingyang.But looking at the appearance of Wei Xiaokuan and Liang Shiyan, it is obvious that they know nothing about what happened to their 5 people.

Zhao Wang Yu Wenzhao betrayed Zhou Guo.This idea just popped up in my mind.Yu Yi shook his head and vetoed it.He has worked with Yu Wenzhao for many years.He also knows a lot about the people.Yu Wenzhao and Yu Wenyong have always been kind.He is also loyal to Zhou Guo.And how can you make a surrender to the enemy.What's more, his family members are all in Chang'an City.

It should be said that Yu Wenzhao returned to the state of Zhou.Although there is such a possibility.But not big.There is no shame in failure.But if Yu Wenzhao fled back to Zhou State alone.The nature will be completely different.This is a deserter.The punishment must be extremely severe.Yuwen invites you to be the prince.respected status.There is absolutely no need to do this.

Through the encounter with Qin Qiong.Yu Yi had a more intuitive and profound understanding of the cavalry division in Gao Xing's hands and the infantry in Fu Fu's hands in Shuozhou.And as Yu Yi learned more about his opponent.The unhappiness in my heart because of failure is getting weaker and weaker.

Yu Yi once thought very conceitedly.No matter how elite the Shuozhou Army is.How deceitful is joy.Still can't help myself.Get yourself out of trouble successfully.An Ran returned to Jinzhou.

Think about it now.It's probably not as simple as he thought.Everything seemed to be as expected.in the process of fleeing.Yu Yi was almost captured by the Shuozhou army several times.Originally, Yu Yi was supposed to be blessed by God.Only now did I realize that this was probably done deliberately.

Success is no accident.Yu Yi understood.Qin Qiong was able to capture 5 of his own troops alive with weak forces and almost without bloodshed.The elite of its troops.The deceitfulness of command can be seen.

Be happy not to kill yourself.Nor did they persuade them to surrender.Instead, he allowed himself to return to Jinzhou safely.Combined with Wei Xiaokuan's analysis.Yu Yi thought about it.Happy to do so for one purpose only.That is to disintegrate the morale of Zhou Jun.It made Zhou Jun's army turbulent.

When Zhou Jun's iron hooves set foot on Jinzhou.Almost everyone knows it.In the northwest, a right army of 5 people is heading south like the wind.They want to work together to encircle and wipe out Gaowei.However, it was not until Gao Wei was defeated.Flee to Yecheng.Yu Wenyong led his army to Jinyang, Bingzhou.Yu Yi and the fifty thousand fell to nothing.No audio at all.

now.Zhou Jun was newly defeated.People's hearts are floating.Yu Wenyong was seriously ill again.Once the news of Yu Yi's entire army's annihilation came out.It is conceivable what a huge blow it is to the Zhou army in Pingyang today.It is true that most people do not know the truth of the matter.But Yu Yi was ashamed.The look of embarrassment fell into the eyes of everyone.

A high ranking general.Armor with blood is worthy of reverence.But if he is in rags.Unkempt and unkempt, like a beggar, when he appeared alone.There is only one guess in everyone's mind: he was defeated.Distressed.

Figured out the joints.Yu Yi's face couldn't help but become extremely ugly.His brows were twisted into the word "Chuan".His fists were clenched tightly.creak.Anyone who is played with in the middle of the bulge will not feel good.What's more, it is famous far and wide.Yu Yi is always respected by acquaintances.

"It's so scheming." Liang Shiyan and Wei Xiaokuan looked at each other.They both saw the horror in each other's eyes.The latter shook his head with emotion.The tone was full of melancholy and bleakness.

Although everything is their guesswork.But Wei Xiaokuan and others believed that this was the truth.I am happy to appear on the battlefield at a critical moment to control the situation of the battle.Once can be said to be accidental.So how many times in a row?

Just a few days ago.Yu Wenyong's decision to launch a surprise attack at dawn is a brilliant strategy.Not to mention the lack of troops in Jinyang City.Supplies are empty.Even a big victory during the day is enough to make Qi Jun overjoyed.Let your guard down.Zhou Jun has the opportunity to take advantage of it.

However, Gao Xing seems to have known Yu Wenyong's plan for a long time.Ambush to the side.Stand by.Waited for a long time for Zhou Jun to rush into the ambush by himself.

Two relentless fires.Not only ruined the strategic plan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty to destroy the Northern Qi Dynasty.It even burned down the dignity of Yu Wenyong and a thousand Zhou generals.In fact, it was not the ordinary soldiers who made Yu Wenyong and Wei Xiaokuan feel the most heartache.More are those capable generals.

Thousands of troops are easy to get.One will be hard to find.From Pingyang to Jinyang.Along the way, although the Zhou army attacked the city and seized the territory.The Qi army was defeated steadily.But their own losses are by no means rare.

Daxi Zhen.Yi Sheng.Yuwen Chun.Han Ming.Wang track.Han captures the tiger.He Ruobi.All of these people are one-in-a-thousand fighters.But now he either died in battle or became a prisoner of the enemy.Especially Wang Gui.In Yu Wenyong's heart.He is by no means a mere courtier.more friends.But he was annihilated by the crazy Qi army in order to break the heir for Yu Wenyong.Life or death is unknown.But Wei Xiaokuan knew.The chance of Wang Gui surviving is not high.

"My lord Wei, I thought that we should send the emperor to Chang'an as soon as possible. I'm afraid things will change later." Liang Shiyan said very solemnly.This is the second time he made this suggestion to Wei Xiaokuan.

As a military general for most of his life.Everyone's life and death have long been ignored by Liang Shiyan.But he couldn't let Yu Wenyong have any accidents in Pingyang.Otherwise it's not just him.Even the entire Liang family would become sinners of Bei Zhou.Since then, there is nowhere to go.

"Master Liang's words are very true." Wei Xiaokuan nodded and said: "That's it. You and I will go to the city to inspect and train soldiers and horses in a while. To attract the attention of the Qi army. Then select five thousand elite warriors to escort the emperor under the leadership of General Yi. Sneak out of the city. Try to take the path. Don't arouse the Qi army's idea."

paused.Wei Xiaokuan said again: "At the same time, let all the cavalry in the city concentrate on standby. If there is any change in the Qi army, we will take the initiative to attack. No matter what, we must send the emperor out of the city safely. You two have doubts." Although Wei Xiaokuan was asking.But both the tone and the manner of speaking are decisive and straightforward.There is no doubt.

"I will follow Master Wei's orders in everything." Liang Shiyan and Yu Yi exchanged glances.Get up at the same time.He bowed respectfully.It can be regarded as solemnly receiving the military order.

The current crisis situation.Yu Wenyong fell into a coma again.Cannot preside over government affairs.Wei Xiaokuan surpassed both of them in terms of official position and prestige.It would be best for him to preside over the overall situation.

"That's it. Let's get ready, both of you. Start action after dinner. I'll leave everything to you." Wei Xiaokuan solemnly clasped his fists in return.Words said sincerely.


"I heard that General Yu Yi, the governor of Zhou's army in Anzhou, has returned. But he is alone. The [-] troops were all captured by the governor of Shuozhou, Qi State."

"Not only that. The prince of the Sui Dynasty and Duke Beiping Gao Xing are the incarnations of the God of War. It is said that a few days ago, they flew dozens of battles from the top of the city. One person killed tens of thousands of soldiers of the Zhou army. Even Zhou Emperor Yu Wenyong was almost killed. He catches."

"You're wrong. I heard it was because the Crown Prince of Zhou State wanted to usurp the throne. Together with Liang Shiyan. Wei Xiaokuan colluded with foreign enemies. He deliberately let Emperor Zhou fall into the enemy's tricks. Yu Wenyong was furious. He couldn't afford it."

"Zhou Emperor Yu Wenyong hasn't shown up for several days. I'm afraid he was seriously injured. Maybe he died already. But it's also very possible that General Zhou kept his funeral secret."

"His Royal Highness the King of Sui personally led [-] Qi troops into Jinzhou, and the prince was happy to assist him. Even if Yu Wenyong is still alive, I am afraid that the outcome of failure cannot be avoided."

"The Zhou army is defeated. The flag on Pingyang City is about to change."


It started when Yu Yi stepped into Pingyang City.But just three hours.Rumors abounded in the city.Intensified.

Wei Xiaokuan, Yu Yi, and Liang Shiyan gathered again.The faces of the three of them were extremely gloomy.His eyes were full of anger.The muscles in the corners of Wei Xiaokuan's eyes twitched slightly.Qiangzi suppressed his anger and said: "Have you found out? Who is deliberately spreading rumors. Deliberately causing trouble."

Liang Shiyan shook his head.Reluctantly and somewhat frantically, he said: "These rumors spread from all over the city. The source can't be found at all. The lower officials have already sent people to control a group of people who spread the rumors. It's just that they can't catch everyone in the city."

"Damn it." Even though he knew it was a useless question.But when Liang Shiyan told this fact.Wei Xiaokuan still couldn't help being annoyed.Gritting his teeth, he said, "Fangmin's mouth is better than Fangchuan's. I'm happy. Such a vicious scheme."

According to the talents of Wei Xiaokuan and the others.Why don't you understand that these rumors are all happy to find someone for a walk.The purpose is nothing more than to shake Zhou Jun's morale.hit their morale.Let them mess themselves up.Pingyang is self-defeating.

And this also proved that the guesses of Wei Xiaokuan and others were correct.Everything is happy and premeditated.Two kings.Dozens of millions of soldiers and civilians are under happy control.In other words, it was in the calculation of Sui Wang Gao Changgong.

The highest state of falsehood is to be true.Three minutes off.If Yu Wenyong can come forward intact.The turbulent military spirit is bound to be appeased in an instant.All rumors will also be self-defeating.But the problem is that Yu Wenyong is really seriously ill.unconscious.

Wei Xiaokuan wanted to use iron and blood methods to suppress.But he dared not.Pingyang belongs to Zhou Junxin.The hearts of the people are not returning.Once Wei Xiaokuan acted too aggressively.It will inevitably lead to a violent backlash from the people.There will be chaos in the city.Gao Changgong took advantage of the momentum to attack.There is no doubt that Pingyang will be broken.

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