Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 603 Traitor

Chapter [-] Traitor

"What Baoning said is true. The lonely king is really indignant and heartbroken at what the despicable people have done," Gao Shaoyi said angrily, beating his chest and feet, "Gao Changgong, a despicable villain, how dare he be so rebellious, let alone usurp power and seize the throne. It's really a disgrace to my Gao clan that I don't even care about brotherhood, it's so vicious, it's beyond reason, "

"His Royal Highness Yan Wang, the villain has only attained enlightenment for a while. Don't let your highness lose your temper because of this. Now you are the only one in Daqi, your highness is the last hope of the Gao family. You must take care of your health, reorganize your super-class, and restore your martial arts The glory of the emperor," Gao Baoning said solemnly and respectfully: "Those who lose their way will have little help, but Gao Changgong will pervert and act recklessly, and it is inevitable that he will die all the way."

Speaking of which, Gao Baoning is also a character. Since he served as the governor of Yingzhou, the Northeast of the Northern Qi Dynasty has been relatively stable. He has lived in a place where barbarians inhabited for a long time. The impression in the hearts of the local people is not bad.

Gao Baoning was born in Saibei, he was not a member of the Gao clan, in terms of status he was far inferior to Nan'an Wang Gao Sihao, but Gao Baoning was also a loyal minister to the Gao clan, especially he had a close relationship with Fanyang Wang Gao Shaoyi.

Speaking of which, Gao Baoning is not a direct relative of the Gao family, as long as he is willing to surrender, Gao Changgong will definitely treat him with courtesy, but in fact Gao Baoning has a grudge against Gao Changgong and is unwilling to surrender, especially hating Gao Changgong.

A few years ago, Gao Wei was granted the title of Inspector of Yingzhou by Gao Wei because of his meritorious contribution to the "Secret of Longevity". It was only because Gao Wei wanted to take him as a hostage that he stayed in Yecheng with the reason of "not old enough to study" , while Yingzhou is actually still in charge of Gao Baoning.

Although Gao Baoning did not lose the power in his hands, he was restrained by Gao Xing in name, instead of ascending but descending, he was ridden on his head by a man with a yellow mouth. Gao Baoning was proud and arrogant, so he was naturally very uncomfortable.

Gao Baoning has always believed that the reason why he has not made any progress in the past few years is because he is happy, and he inevitably harbors resentment, how can he surrender to Gao Changgong now, besides this, Gao Baoning also has other calculations in his heart.

Marriage between the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Turks has become a fixed trend. Only when the autumn yellow horses are fat, the two parties will join forces to attack Qi. With the dilapidated chaos of the Northern Qi Dynasty, it is bound to be difficult to stop the coalition cavalry. I am glad that Ashina Ku was captured alive, although in order to avoid conflict with the Turks It is an indisputable fact that he and the Turks have turned against each other, but the relationship between Gao Shaoyi and the Turkic Tabo Khan is relatively close.

Gao Shaoyi is the third son of Emperor Wenxuan, Gao Yang, who also inherited his father's temperament, arrogant and unrestrained, lawless, likes drinking and having fun with villains, making friends with eunuchs in the court, killing people for fun, doing mischief, and his evil deeds are too numerous to describe.

However, Gao Yang’s abnormality is outrageous, but the Northern Qi Dynasty he was in power was indeed powerful, and even the Turks did not dare to beat him lightly. Bo Khan respected Gao Yang very much, so he had a preference for Gao Shaoyi, especially Gao Shaoyi’s legs and ankles and Gao Yang’s. The similarity makes him like it even more, because the relationship between Gao Shaoyi and the Turks is relatively harmonious.

Although the Turks covet the prosperity of the Central Plains, not everyone is willing to go south to the Central Plains. After all, they are used to nomadic life. They don’t know how to produce. People hope to get mountains of food, colorful silks and satins, exquisite and practical ceramics, and women with delicate and fair skin and slender figures, and Northern Qi has no shortage of these.

"Baoning, in your opinion, what should the lonely king do now?" Gao Shaoyi vented, the fear and anger in his heart disappeared, but the worry on his brows did not diminish at all, "Gao Changgong's foundation is not stable now, three or two There will be no troops coming to Yingzhou within a month, but he will come sooner or later."

A flash of light flashed in Gao Baoning's eyes, and he said firmly: "Your Highness, although Gao Changgong has many elite soldiers under his command, his humble background will inevitably attract the envy of others. The so-called tree attracts wind, and Gao Changgong has many enemies."

After a pause, Gao Baoning said again: "His Royal Highness, in the last year's battle with the Zhou people, although Gao Changgong and his son defeated the Zhou Lord, although the prestige was unmatched for a while, the Zhou people hated his father and son deeply. Now that the Zhou people have formed an alliance with the Turks, it must be the same." Eager for revenge.

Your Highness has always been on good terms with the Turkic Tabo Khan, now why not use heavy courtesy to destroy the dissidents, and then allow the Zhou people to land the city, and work together from inside to outside to eradicate Gao Changgong and his son. If you want to come, the Zhou people will not refuse. The Zhou people were defeated and returned. The vitality is seriously injured, if they really fight head-on with Gao Changgong and his son, even if they can win, they will definitely suffer heavy losses, but it is different with your highness, "

In Gao Baoning's view, the Turks need supplies, while Gao Shaoyi needs land. There is no conflict between the interests of the two, and opportunities for cooperation can be found. After a few years of hard work, it is not impossible to wait for the court to be stable, the army strong and the horse strong, and then compete with the Turks.

Gao Shaoyi frowned and pondered for a while, hesitantly said: "Baoning, although the lonely king has some friendship with Bo Khan, he may not be willing to help the lonely king ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. He must have the heart of destroying himself, how could he give up this great opportunity, "

"Your Highness is not unreasonable to be worried, but Your Highness, the relationship between the Turks and the Zhou people is not harmonious, and can a mere woman really affect the affairs of the country?" Gao Baoning smiled coldly: "As long as there are enough interests, the Turks and Zhou people The Zhou people's covenant can naturally be disintegrated, not to mention that the princess married by the Zhou people is not only the royal family, but also the wife of Gao Xing'er in name, how can the Turks be indifferent when the Zhou people treat them so slowly, "

Gao Shaoyi was startled, and after a long while, a relieved but carefree smile finally appeared on his face and said: "Bao Ning's words really made the Gu Wang Mao Sai suddenly understand, a clever plan, a good plan, Bao Ning, a loyal man can only be shown in the face of adversity, today you vote for the lonely king Li, if the lonely king can succeed in the future, I will reward him with peaches."

"His Royal Highness Yan Wang is serious." Gao Baoning got up from his seat, knelt down on the ground respectfully, and said loudly, "Your Majesty is doing his duty to be loyal and wise. I dare not claim credit. I only ask His Majesty not to abandon you. Allow me to follow His Highness around, "

"Okay, okay," Gao Baoning laughed, bowed to help Gao Baoning up, held his arm tightly, and sighed: "Today, the lonely king has such a wise and brave general as Baoning, so why worry about things failing, Baoning, in the future If the lonely king is the son of heaven, you are the prime minister of the lonely king."

"Thank you Your Majesty for your kindness, I will see you Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live my emperor," Gao Baoning knelt down on the ground again, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Ha ha ha ha,"

"Boom, boom,"

The shower finally fell on the ground accompanied by a muffled thunder, the wind became more and more unrestrained, and the rain seemed to pour down, but Gao Shaoyi's state of mind was completely different from that just now, and the carefree and wild laughter came far away through the rain curtain.

Although the happy crossing has changed a lot of history, Gao Shaoyi still made peace with the Turks. The only difference is that in history, Gao Shaoyi did not want to surrender to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, but defected to the Turks, established a government in exile, and dreamed of restoring the country. Now he is Seeking self-interest in the interests of the people of the country has become a real traitor.

He is not clear about Gao Shaoyi's movements, and even if he knows, he will just laugh it off, because in his heart, whether it is Gao Shaoyi, Turkic, or Northern Zhou, Southern Chen, they are all targets to be eliminated, it is only a matter of time What's more, now that he is busy with things at hand, he is happy that he doesn't have much time to pay attention to Gao Shaoyi.

Half a month ago, under the joint name of Tang Yong and other civil servants and generals, Gao Changgong finally complied with God's will and ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. That day was May 577th in [-] A.D. It was a very meaningful day for the Northern Qi Dynasty and even the entire Central Plains.

Gao Changgong originally wanted to slowly stabilize the country and then hand it over to Gao Xing, but the alliance between Turkic and Northern Zhou forced him to stand up ahead of time and take on this crumbling and crumbling country.

Due to the rush of time and lack of preparation, Gao Changgong naturally faced many problems and difficulties, especially in the past few years when the Northern Qi Dynasty was chaotic, the dignitaries in various places were lax in supervision, good and bad were mixed, and corrupt officials abounded. However, in order to complete the unification as soon as possible, Gao Changgong can't use these people, so he can only plan carefully in the future.

As for Happiness, he is busy with a lot of things. Although Gao Changgong's prestige is unmatched, it does not mean that no one opposes it during the period. In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. For those who dare to resist, Happiness will give them ruthless suppression and killing. And some dignitaries who caused anger and resentment could not turn a blind eye when they were happy, and they all eradicated them with thunderous means. However, Happy tried to catch the big and let go of the small, which not only won the hearts of the people, but also shocked others, but did not cause too much turmoil.

Of course, in these incidents, the shadow of the shadow thorns under Gao Xing's command is naturally indispensable, and the Moon Worship Sect also contributed a lot. After negotiating openly and honestly with the Moon Worship Sect, Gao Xing really saw the intricate and deep-rooted relationship between them, and was shocked. Yu is also a little lucky.

If the Moon Worship Sect and the Turks were colluding, even if they were happy and conceited, they really had no confidence in defeating the coalition forces. Even if they could win, how many people would be buried in the grass, then what would be the point of what he did.

He had just inspected Jinyang's city defense and returned to the palace. Before he could swallow the hot tea in his mouth, the beautiful and beautiful Wu Zhao came, followed by a voice like a silver bell. Although it was not as gentle as Wu Shun's, it was still is distinctive.

"Little prince, according to your instructions, Zhao Hufa and his party of one hundred people arrived in Yingzhou three days ago, and they must have contacted Prince Dahe Chucai by now,"

Gao Xing put down the teacup, frowned lightly, said somewhat displeased and helpless: "Zhao'er, is it difficult for you to call me brother-in-law?"

Wu Zhao's eyes narrowed slightly, he clenched his fists tightly in his sleeves, and then he relaxed again and said, "My lord, Fan Yang Wang Gao Shaoyi has sent a secret envoy to Turkic, I wonder if there is anything you need my teacher to do, "

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