Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 745

The whole army of Huang Faqu was wiped out, and the Qi army captured Shiliang City. The whole territory of Jingzhou naturally returned to the embrace of Qi State, but Gao Xing just took a short rest in Shiliang City and led his army southward, heading towards Nanqiaozhou in a mighty way. At the same time, Wang Lin, the commander-in-chief of the Third Group Army guarding Hezhou, also led an army of [-] troops, pushing towards Nanqiao Prefecture with Gao Xing.

Huang Fa Qu's soldiers were defeated and died, and the news of Qi's menacing approach was sent back to Chen Guo. All of a sudden, the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty were panicked. install.

Even though Wu Mingche had already experienced the difficulty of being happy and Wang Lin's tenacity, he never thought that they would be so powerful. Huang Faqu, who had been running Jingzhou for several years, was still so vulnerable and let the army of Qi go south.

Happy seems to win easily, but it is not. Not to mention the defeat of Zhou Guo and the Turks, Chen Guo was caught off guard by the suddenness of Gao Xing leading the army to the south. It is not easy.

It is true that Huang Faqu has a meticulous mind, but after all, in this era, his vision is inevitably limited. He would never know how many methods Gao Xing has mastered to transmit and keep secrets, making him hard to guard against, and this also doomed the end of this war.

"General, the Qi army is setting up camp, and it is inevitable that our defenses will be lax. Or we will lead people out and charge them while they are not firmly established, so as to kill the spirit of the Qi army and stabilize our army's morale," Nan Qiaozhou said. At the top of the city, Wu Mingche's lieutenant looked at him solemnly and said in a deep voice.

A quarter of an hour ago, the 20 Qi army finally arrived five miles north of Nanqiao Prefecture. However, they did not directly attack the city, but set up camp recklessly.

"No," Wu Mingche shook his head, his brows were tightly frowned, his vicissitudes of eyes were full of sorrow, "Happy is not a fledgling kid, how can he not be on guard? If you look carefully, the Qi army seems to be loose and slack, but in the dark it is Murderous plans are everywhere, those catapults and archers are arranged, if we go rashly, we will definitely fall into the trick of Gao Xing and suffer heavy losses, "

The lieutenant general trembled in his heart, and said melancholy: "Then what should we do? The Qi army has successively won big victories, and the hearts of the people in the city are fluctuating. If we can't win a victory, the general will worry that our army's morale will be even lower."

Wu Mingche was silent for a moment before he said: "The Qi army is in full swing, we really shouldn't confront it head-on. Although Nanqiao Prefecture is not a fortified wall, it is still solid. There are 20 elite soldiers in the city. No matter how happy we are It is impossible to break through it, and besides, we are very close to Jiankang, and we can get the emperor's reinforcements at any time, so you don't have to worry too much, but," Wu Mingche suddenly stopped talking.

The deputy general looked at Wu Mingche suspiciously: "General, what is it?"

Wu Mingche shook his head and said with a smile: "It's nothing, the victory will belong to us in the end, even if it is a tiger, this general will break a few teeth from his tiger's mouth."

"The general is mighty," the deputy general cheered up, and the deputy general's expression immediately relaxed, laughing at himself for being intimidated by the happy prestige, and he didn't have the confidence to win the battle. You have everything, so why not be afraid of being happy, the general didn't think carefully, and almost messed up, making the general laugh at you, "

Wu Mingche shook his head and said nothing, but the sadness in his eyes didn't dissipate at all, and he said to himself: "I hope I'm worrying about nothing."

But after sleeping for two hours, Wu Mingche woke up startled from his dream, pushed open the door, looked up at the dark sky, he couldn't help but let out a long breath, as if he wanted to vent all the depression and boredom in his chest.

After decades of military service, Wu Mingche has never been as depressed as he is now. I don't know if it's because of his terrible joy, but also because of the predicament that Chen Guo will face, and his current situation.

Chen Xu's death was too sudden, and there was something strange about it. Even though he had some doubts in his heart, Wu Mingche didn't dare to reveal anything. It was only because of Chen Shuling's guilt that Wu Mingche was implicated. Although he was not convicted, the army under his command was purged by Chen Shubao. After reading it again, although Wu Mingche is still the leader of Chen Guojun, his control over the army is not as good as before. Chen Shubao still respects him on the surface, but in fact he is a little distant.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, how could Wu Mingche not understand, but he was inevitably a little lonely and sad in his heart.

But he didn't know that from the beginning to the end, Sima Fu and the Sacred Fire Sect wanted to seize the military power in his hands. After all, Sima Fu's true identity was very important. Once it was revealed, the outcome would be disastrous. It's hard to believe him.

Amid Wu Mingche's sighs, the sky was getting brighter. Chen *jun had been guarding all night, but the Qi army did not move until noon. Wang Lin came from Hezhou, and the 15 troops of the Qi army surrounded Nanqiao Prefecture. , Wu Mingche's heart sank to the bottom of the sea, his brows were full of gloom.

"General Wu Mingche, the old man is here, why don't you go out of the city to see him, and have a drink and talk together, wouldn't it be fun," Gao Xing stood on a high platform six to seven hundred meters away from Nanqiaozhou, staring directly at the city of Nanqiaozhou with his eyes like stars. Wu Mingche's clear voice can be heard by almost the whole city.

Wu Mingche's face darkened, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Qizhu is happy, you and I are against each other, why do we come from old friends?"

Shaking his head happily, he seemed to be very disappointed and said: "General Wu, when I was young, the name of the general was like a thunderbolt, and I always wanted to drink with the general at the same table, but the general refused to leave people thousands of miles away. Lost, no matter, everyone has their own ambitions, since the general is unwilling, I can't force it."

Speaking of this, the happy face immediately straightened, and he said seriously: "Wu Mingche, you must also know that both the Zhou Kingdom and the Turks have returned in disastrous defeats. It is difficult for your Chen Kingdom to be independent. Why don't you just retreat to the south of the Yangtze River? I won't embarrass you. The 20 Chen army in the city can also return home safely, I don't know what you want, "

"Hahahaha," Wu Mingche burst into laughter when he heard the words, "Happy, although you are the Lord of Qi, you are too arrogant. This Nanqiao Prefecture is my Dachen's city. What right do you have to call me General?" Retreat, the one who should retreat is you, your Qi army is only 15, how can you defeat my general's 20 tiger and wolf divisions?"

"It's a joke," he sternly reprimanded, and mocked happily: "Wu Mingche, when did this Nanqiao Prefecture belong to your Chen country? Back then, Chen Xu took advantage of our Qi country's ignorance, led his troops on his back, plundered us, and occupied my territory. Countless, today you speak so confidently, you are really shameless, "

Wu Mingche sneered, and shouted without hesitation: "It's nonsense, the land of Jianghuai has been the territory of our Southern Dynasty for hundreds of years since the Jin Dynasty, and it has never been the territory of your Qi State. If it wasn't for your Qi State Emperor to take advantage of the danger , How could the millions of people in my country of Chen live under the oppression of Emperor Qi for decades, suffering unspeakably, now you are even more aggressive, attracting a large army to invade, provoking a war between the two countries, people all over the world will suffer cast aside,"

I was happy to hear the words and smiled, but the smile was very cold and full of evil spirit, "Wu Mingche, you are eloquent, and I have seen the ability to turn black and white. Even the blooming lotus cannot cover it."

"If you Chen Guo dared to join forces with Zhou and Turks to invade our Daqi territory, you must be prepared to bear my anger. I originally thought that God has the virtue of good life, and I don't want to do more killings. Since you don't know the current affairs, don't blame me. ruthless hands,"

"Wang Lin,"

"The minister is here,"

Wang Lin's heart trembled, and she replied loudly.

"Send an order to besiege the city. No one is allowed to enter or leave. Anyone who violates the law will be killed without mercy. At the same time, the water source will be cut off. I want to see how Wu Mingche can persevere."


The happy voice was not small, Chen *jun on the top of the city could hear it clearly, his heart sank, Wu Mingche frowned even tighter, the situation became more and more unfavorable for Chen Guo.

The purpose of Happiness is self-evident, that is to besiege the city, wear down the fighting spirit of Chen *jun, and trap them alive. There are 40 soldiers and civilians in the city, and the daily water consumption is very large. Create turmoil.

"People in the city, I am the emperor of the Great Qi Empire. I am happy. I didn't want to embarrass you. However, Wu Mingche was stubborn and insisted on fighting me to the death. I had no choice but to do so. I'm sorry, but I assure you that as long as you If someone can persuade General Wu Mingche to retreat, I will definitely not kill a single person, even the soldiers of Chen Guo can return home safely, "

These words were happily shouted out with true energy, resounding through the sky like thunder, and most of the soldiers and civilians in the city could hear them.

For a while, there was a commotion in Chen *jun in the city, and there was a lot of discussion. Zhou Guo, Turkic, and Huang Faqu were defeated one after another. Confidence in victory, and thinking of the tragic situation of being thirsty to death, my heart became even more flustered.

Wu Mingche had a panoramic view of the changes in the soldiers, his face was so gloomy that he could lower himself into the water. He didn't expect Gao Xing to be so despicable, but there was nothing he could do about it. How could Gao Xing roar so loudly? Back then, it scared Xiao Maha to death. The war horse, captured him alive in one fell swoop, allowing Wang Lin to escape from death.

"Happy, you are a majestic emperor, aren't you afraid of losing your status by using this despicable trick?" Wu Mingche glared, and said coldly: "My generals and soldiers are all tough men, and I will definitely let you return without success."

"There's no point in talking too much, we'll see the truth under our hands," Gao Xing smiled meaninglessly, and then walked off the high platform without looking at Wu Mingche again.

"Your Majesty, Wu Mingche should have sent the news back to Jiankang. I'm afraid Chen Guo's reinforcements will arrive in the past two days. We need to take precautions early. Should we send a team of elite troops to lie in ambush?" Wang Lin looked at it seriously. said happily.

Happily smiling and nodding his head, he said: "What Commander Wang said is right, this time we are going to surround the spot to fight for aid, if Chen Shubao is not injured or disabled, he may cause trouble again, dare to join Zhou Guo to invade our territory of Daqi , I want him to pay a heavy price, "

Wang Lin was relieved and said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, there are still 20 troops in the city of Nanqiao. We can't take it lightly. See if we can send more troops. After all, we want to besiege and block Nanqiao, and we need to send people Ambush Chen Guo's reinforcements, the number is still a little small, "

"Commander Wang, don't worry, I've already made up my mind about this matter, just follow me," Gao Xing smiled confidently, turned and walked towards the depths of the barracks.

Wang Lin was slightly taken aback, looking at the tall and majestic back in front of her, she felt a lot of emotion in her heart. Who would have thought that the thin young man back then is now the mighty king of a country, and Wang Lin is also rising when the tide rises. Unprecedented respect.

Shaking her head, Wang Lin put aside the thoughts in her heart and followed the happy pace.

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