Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 93 3 Teaching 9 Streams

Confucianism achieved unprecedented development and growth during the Han Dynasty. Like Taoism, it was supported and recognized by the imperial power, and slowly penetrated into the blood of the Chinese nation, becoming an innate belief.

Since the beginning of the Three Kingdoms, the entire Central Plains has been full of wars and wars.The long-lived Sima Yi killed Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan, stole the country of Wei, and unified the world. This should be said to be the gospel of the people.But the Sima family was inherently despicable and shameless, and their brutal and licentious rule made the country not very stable.

At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, the terrible "Eight Kings Rebellion" broke out.In order to fight for the pinnacle of power, members of the Sima clan began to attack and kill each other, dragging the Central Plains and the common people, which were gradually stabilizing, into the flames of war again.

Just as the princes of the Sima family were fighting hard, and both sides were hurting, the nomads in the north invaded southward on a large scale.

Because the Han nationality occupies the Yellow River Basin, it has unique development conditions. Therefore, the people of the Central Plains are much richer and more stable than the ethnic minorities who were born in the bitter cold and lived on the grass, and they also have a very rich and advanced culture.

Seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck is the instinct of animals, not to mention human beings who are primates of all things.No one wants to suffer hunger and cold without longing to live and work in peace.Because of this, something called envy, jealousy and hatred arises.Under the exploitation and instigation of careerists, war broke out. It doesn't matter whether justice is right or wrong. It is just a war for living resources and space, which broke out between the Han nationality and the northern minority.

Although it is said that before the Jin Dynasty, the relationship between the Han nationality and the ethnic minorities was not harmonious and there was hatred, but it was far from intense.After all, the land of the Central Plains is still sparsely populated, and it is not difficult to allocate a piece of land for those minorities who yearn for stability.After Emperor Wu of the Han defeated the Xiongnu, some soft policies were very helpful to ease ethnic conflicts. During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao unified the north, and he was always good to the minorities in the north.

But the rulers of the Sima family, not only because of some reason, maybe their buttocks were pushed by pigs, they just blindly oppressed and exploited the minorities, forcing them to return to the grassland, and became more and more hostile to the Han people.

When the "Eight Kings Rebellion" broke out in the Western Jin Dynasty, when the national power was declining and the people's hearts were in turmoil, the nomadic peoples in the north invaded southward on a large scale, disintegrating the Western Jin Dynasty with such force that they had to retreat to the south of the Yangtze River. ) with the support of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.The northern nomadic peoples invaded the south with the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Jie, Qiang, and Di alliances to take advantage of the emptiness of the Western Jin Dynasty.

The Wuhu Luanhua was extremely humiliating to the Han people. The most prosperous land in the Central Plains was occupied by barbarians, but the Han people who were once the most noble were reduced to the lowest slaves.The most frightening thing is that the Han culture was hit hard and even stagnated.

It is obviously unfair to attribute the fault of the Five Huddlers to the Hu people who invaded the south.Longing for a better life is the most essential pursuit of human beings, and it is also the reason why human beings develop and become the masters of the world.

National integration is the trend of historical development. During the Cao Wei regime, the Han nationality and ethnic minorities were in the stage of contact and slow integration.However, Sima's dizzy and cruel political strategy further intensified the ethnic conflicts, and finally led to the chaos that almost caused the Han nationality to fall.

The Wuhu Chaohua lasted for about 100 years, and it was not until the establishment of the Northern Wei Dynasty by Xianbei that it came to an end.

To truly conquer a nation, relying solely on force is far from enough, advanced culture is also needed.

The ethnic minorities who grew up in wild lands were not even a little bit inferior to the Han people in terms of culture, so they undoubtedly became barbarians in the eyes of the Han people.How could the proud Han nationality allow the vulgar people in their eyes to dominate their heads? The conflict naturally occurred.

The rulers of the ethnic minorities, because of their growth environment and education, are inherently aggressive and brutal. They want to use the backward way of ruling and managing the grassland tribes to rule the rich Central Plains. This will only arouse the Han Dynasty even more The resistance of the nation is simply a big mistake.When faced with the rebellion, the only way they could think of was bloody suppression and brutal killings, which made the ethnic conflicts more and more intensified, and there was almost no room for relaxation.

In history, it is often said that there are sixteen countries in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In fact, there are far more than sixteen countries facing the Eastern Jin Dynasty from north to south.According to historical records, in a mere hundred years, there were more than a hundred emperors recorded in the book, and there were not many others who dominated one side and established themselves as emperors.In the chaotic era at that time, the country changed like a revolving lantern, and the word people's livelihood was completely incapable of describing the situation at that time.

There is no emperor who does not hope that he can enjoy peace for a long time, his country is stable and peaceful, and he will always hold the power in his hands.In that era when emperors were as numerous as dogs, those who could rule the roost were obviously not mentally handicapped children.Some of them naturally know the root of the country's chaos, but they are helpless.

It is undoubtedly the most correct way to learn the culture of the Han nationality so as to rule the Han nationality and alleviate the contradictions between the nationalities.However, they dared not adopt such an approach.When the nation accepted Han culture and was assimilated, who was really conquered?

Just when the rulers were distressed, a new sect appeared in front of everyone, that is Buddhism.

In this era when human life is so cheap, the life of ordinary people is simply miserable.The reincarnation of cause and effect and the theory of the afterlife that Buddhism emphasizes undoubtedly gave these hopeless people the hope of continuing to live.Many people began to believe in Buddhism. They took the suffering and disasters they had suffered in this life as a matter of course. They learned patience and concession, which was undoubtedly extremely beneficial to the ruler.

With the addition of foreign Buddhism, the original sharp ethnic conflicts were passed on, making ethnic conflicts become conflicts between Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism in the east.

The Tuoba clan of the Xianbei nationality established the Northern Wei Dynasty (also known as the Later Wei, Tuoba Wei, Yuan Wei), and unified the north that had been in chaos for more than a hundred years.When it comes to the Northern Wei Dynasty, one has to talk about a woman, that is the Queen Mother Feng of the Northern Wei Dynasty, a Han nationality who made a decisive contribution to the development of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and she was called the Empress Dowager Civilization in history.

The country before the Northern Wei Dynasty was called a barbaric country because the ruling class of the country from top to bottom was very barbaric and rude, and did not understand what civilization was at all.The reason why the Northern Wei Dynasty is different is that Empress Dowager Feng made great achievements.Under her strong reforms, the Xianbei of the Northern Wei Dynasty began to learn the culture of the Han nationality, adopted the customs and habits of the Han nationality in their lives, and banned all the bad habits of the past, so that they gradually stepped into civilization.Her grandson Tuoba Hong (Yuan Hong, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty) fully inherited and carried forward her political strategy, which brought the Northern Wei Dynasty into a stage of rapid development.

The reform of Empress Dowager Feng and Tuobahong is extremely important in history. It not only accelerated the integration of the Chinese nation, but also played a great role in the inheritance of Han culture.

In order to prevent the intrusion of other ethnic groups in the north, the Northern Wei Dynasty set up six towns on the border of the Northland, guarded by the country's very elite troops.The central aristocrats are gradually sinicized, while the fresh aristocrats in the bitterly cold borderlands still retain their original customs, especially because their treatment is not very good.

While accepting Han culture, the ruling class of the Northern Wei Dynasty learned more about the decadent lifestyle of the Han gentry, extravagance, lust, brutality, and cruel exploitation of the people under its rule. This led to the final direction of the Northern Wei regime. perish.The nobles of the six towns with elite soldiers and horses are far stronger than the central government, so the war broke out, and the Northern Wei Dynasty finally went to extinction, and the great country was given to Gao Huan and Yu Wentai.

In this era of frequent wars, it is not so much a battle between nations, but a conflict caused by the integration of nations due to differences in culture.Through the beacon fire, it is not difficult for us to see the shadows of the three religions and nine streams.

The so-called three religions are Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.Compared with Buddhism and Taoism, the organization of Confucianism is relatively loose, not like a sect.The so-called "nine streams" generally refers to other schools of thought, such as Shengjiao.

These sects hold the most advanced culture and thought, and the struggle between them can also be said to be the bane of war.Whenever there are troubled times, they are the most active, and the winner will have the best development resources and the most extensive believers.

After the disintegration of the holy religion, the ancestors of the miscellaneous family had to continue to hide and endure in order to continue to survive and inherit. For this reason, they created the Moon Worship Sect, using the moon as a totem. Although the sun is not weak and can illuminate the earth, it is also an eternal existence.

Miscellaneous schools, characterized by "combining Confucianism and Mohism, combining names and methods", are the directors of various schools.In other words: I know everything, but I am not proficient in any of them.

However, after nearly a thousand years of development, various factions are also merging with each other, and the boundaries today are far less clear than they were before.For example, the ruling class governs the country. Although they use Confucianism, they also establish laws instead of etiquette. Although these are the tools they use to oppress the common people, they have the shadow of Legalism.

Now, seeing that the Northern Qi, Northern Zhou and Southern Chen three kingdoms are about to have another big battle. When the world may return to unity, all religions and factions will become active again. On the surface, it is still the Taoist, Confucian and Buddhist three who have won the greatest victory. As for the Moon Worship Sect, it has no blatant strength.I can only hope that I can find the person who applies for the astronomical phenomenon, so that I can compete for the luck of development in the future.

In the 5000-year history of China, the Southern and Northern Dynasties occupied less than one-tenth of the era, and the hardships of people's lives are really unimaginable.According to statistics, in the past few hundred years, a major war broke out in the Central Plains on average every two years. This statistic is astonishing.It is not uncommon for people to be displaced and their families to be destroyed.Zhang Rong is the witness and bearer of this suffering world.

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