Years of the Republic of China 1913

Volume 1 Turbulent Times Chapter 173 After the Declaration of War

China joined the Allies and officially declared war on the Allies. The news shocked the whole world immediately after it was released.Before the war or at the beginning of the war, whether a weak country like China chose the camp of the Allies or the Allies was not a big deal to the big powers.In the eyes of the big powers, winning a weak China can only provide them with some moral help. It can be said that there is no more than one, and no less if there is one less.

But a few years passed in a flash. As the entire European countries fell into the quagmire of war and couldn't extricate themselves, tens of millions of soldiers in the two camps of the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers fought each other, and blood flowed like rivers. This war became more and more tragic, but China Its national strength has been greatly enhanced in just a few years by virtue of its rare peacetime immersion in development.Especially because of the long-term war consumption, the European countries are extremely short of labor and materials, and thus their dependence on various commodities, military raw materials, and materials from China has been continuously strengthened. At this time, China's role has been negligible from the beginning In turn, it becomes more and more important.

China suddenly announced that it would join the Allied Powers. This news led to subtle changes in the balance of the European battlefield. While the strength of the Allied Powers weakened, the power of the Allied Powers was strengthened.When the ambassadors to China officially received the notification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China about joining the war and going to war with the Allies, all the ambassadors belonging to the camp of the agreement countries, except for the Japanese ambassador, all smiled and toasted, while the ambassadors of the Allies Seyin's face was terrible, as if the whole family had died overnight.

"Marcos, as an old friend. All I can say is sorry on this matter."

On the day when China declared war, Fang Zida specially hosted a banquet in Beijing for his old friend and partner, the German businessman Max.When China joins the Allied Powers, it will inevitably expel diplomats, businessmen, etc. from the Allied Powers in China to fulfill the obligations of the Allied Powers.In the past few years, with the help of Marcos, Fang Zida has benefited a lot from both national industrial and commercial development and private business, in other words, without the great assistance of Marcos.Fang Zida's national industrial and commercial development plan is not so easy to complete at all, and a large part of the credit must be attributed to Marcos, and now China has declared war on the Allies.Marcos is a German businessman. Although Fang Zida has no regrets in terms of national justice, he always feels sorry for his old friend.

Raise a full wine glass.Fang Zida stood up a little ashamed.

"You don't have to do that, my friend." Marcos didn't look so gloomy like the German ambassador who received the news at noon, but shook his head with a smile: "Politics is politics after all, and our friendship is long-lasting, isn't it?"

"Thank you!" Fang Zida was taken aback for a moment, clinked glasses with Marcos moved in his heart, and drank it with his hands up.

After drinking the wine in the glass, Marcos pointed to himself and said with a smile: "Fang, although I am German, I am also Jewish. You know that we Jews are a nation without a country. So in my eyes, I only care about business. I have no interest in the war between your country and Germany. To be honest, I really hate this boring war. In this dirty war, neither side is just and no one is evil. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a group of bandits who do not evenly distribute the spoils and kidnap the people of their countries to make a profit and go to war. I got my own things, as for who loses and who wins in the end of the war. So what? The world in the future will still be this world, and those in power will still be those in power."

Fang Zida laughed immediately, and what Marcos said hit the nail on the head and even had some philosophy.People in the world often say that Jews have only interests but no country in their eyes, and they can even sell their own country for interests, but what Marcos said made Fang Zida hear the helplessness and indignation in his heart. Maybe Jews are not only born businessmen, but also born philosopher.

"Well said! To hell with this shit war! Come on, cheers!"


Putting down the wine glass, Fang Zida and Marcos met each other's eyes, and laughed knowingly, and the slightly dignified atmosphere just now was swept away.

"What are your plans next, my friend? From the perspective of a friend, I suggest you become a Chinese citizen. If you agree, I can help you with the formalities today." Fang Zida asked after eating.

"Thank you very much for your arrangement, but there is no need, because I will go to the United States." Marcos said casually: "Actually, I sent all my European family to the United States more than a month ago. A few days ago They sent a telegram to say that they had arrived safely. As for me, I have already submitted an immigration application to the US government, and it is estimated that I will officially obtain US citizenship in a few days."

"What?" Fang Zida was a little surprised, and looked at Marcos in disbelief.

With a slight smile, Marcos put up a finger and shook it gently: "My friend, don't forget that I am a Jew and a businessman. Businessmen have always had a very sensitive sense of smell. Although you concealed it very well, in March The small adjustments to the quotas for exporting goods to Europe that started earlier made me understand that the time for China to join the Allied Powers is not far away. And two months ago, the recall of your military observer group made me firmer in this judgment, so in I made this choice without consulting you."

Looking at the gray-haired old man, Fang Zida was speechless for a while, he never thought that he was so skillful in covering up and still be seen by others.Fortunately, the other party was Marcos, my friend and partner. If the news leaked in advance, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you the truth in order to keep it secret, Marcos, you won't blame me?"

"How come?" Marcos said with a smile, "Business is business, and friendship is friendship. It's normal for you not to tell me about such a big event." He smiled and said, "Besides, don't we cooperate very well? In the words of you Chinese, we have a good understanding."

Fang Zida couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and nodded again and again in agreement.Marcos had prepared a way out for himself in advance, which put a big stone in Fang Zida's heart. Originally, Fang Zida wanted to offer a drink today to apologize to Marcos, and secondly, he was going to help Marcos and settle down for him. The way forward, after all, when China goes to war, the Germans will have a hard time, and as old friends, they have to help anyway.

Who would have thought that Marcos had already prepared it quietly, and while Fang Zida heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but feel a little more sorry for Marcos.While shaking his head again and again with a smile, Fang Zida decided to make up for him when he had a chance in the future.

"However, there is something I would like to ask." After taking a few mouthfuls of food, Marcos said.

"please say."

"Although I have applied for American citizenship, there are still many other German businessmen in China, and some Germans are also stranded in China. Now your country has joined the Allied Powers, as a senior official and cabinet member of zhengfu , I would like to ask how you deal with them?"

Of course Fang Zida knew what Marcos meant when he asked this question, and he also understood that what Marcos meant was not only for the Germans, but also for their business investment and real estate in China. Some people proposed that since the war started, all the property of the Allies in China would be confiscated and the personnel of the Allies in China should be expelled.This proposal has been approved by many people. If this is done, it will be a good thing for the Chinese government in the short term. All the properties of the allies in China will be confiscated, and all the loans from the previous years will be repaid. The country will gain huge commercial benefits. , and will also benefit greatly financially.However, Fang Zida, the deputy finance minister and the president of Central Bank, disagrees with this. In his opinion, doing so is simply drinking poison to quench thirst, which greatly damages Zheng Fu's international credibility and the newly established industrial and commercial market.This war can last at most one or two years. After the war, everything has to start again. Who can guarantee that China, which has cut off its own retreat for the sake of temporary interests, will be blamed and attacked by all parties in the future world?Therefore, the people headed by Fang Zida proposed that even if there is a war, things should not be overdone, and everything should start from the perspective of meeting each other in the future.

Of course, Fang Zida is not a good man and a trustworthy woman. Of course, he has to rely on the loans from the allied countries. If he does not take the money, he will not take it for nothing. From the perspective of international practice, there is nothing to blame.The issue of private investment and expatriates must be carefully considered. Fang Zida suggested that private commercial investment should be implemented in accordance with international business rules and China’s commercial law norms. Normal investment should be protected and ordinary expatriates should be given some care. This not only reflects the magnanimity of a big country , It will also lay the foundation for future post-war development and exchanges.

As for the Germans and military officers who are helping the National Defense Forces in China, Fang Zida even proposed not only to take good care of them, but if possible, he might even persuade them to stay in China and serve the National Defense Forces.Anyway, the Republic of China implements a multi-nationality system. When declaring war on the Allies, it is unlikely that the Chinese army will directly engage in a direct war with the German army. The declaration of war is just a gesture and a political requirement, and there is no need to cut off the way out.

Fang Zida didn't hide from Marcos, he directly expressed his opinion, and told Marcos that this plan has been approved by the Chinese government and will be implemented immediately.

"I'm relieved." Marcos nodded, looking very relieved: "I will tell my friends the news, and I think they will be satisfied when they hear it."

"Then I will trouble you. I hope you can help explain some aspects. If you encounter any problems in the implementation, you can ask them to come to me directly."

"Thank you!" Marcos smiled and raised his glass to touch Fang Zida lightly to express his gratitude. (To be continued..)


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