Let’s not talk about the matter of Shanghai*shanghai for the time being. Zhou Chen is also a kind of supervision to Jiang Zhiqing in Shanghai*shanghai. Has Zhou Chen made a difference?

Negotiations in Europe are still going on, and the price offered by the French is simply unacceptable. Although the French have made a little concession in form under the coordination of other countries of the Allied Powers, it is still unbearable for the German Provisional Government.Therefore, it is still far away when the whole negotiation will have a result.

During the negotiation process, all countries were not idle, especially the Chinese acted first, and took a lot of benefits from the defeated countries.Following the Chinese government, other countries also wantonly resell the assets of the defeated countries. Although they don't need the basic industries of Germany, who doesn't like the possibility of exchanging these scrap copper and rotten iron for real money?

Taking advantage of this trend, the representatives of various countries at the negotiating table seemed to be discussing how to judge the defeated countries on behalf of justice.But under the negotiating table, these representatives turned into insatiable businessmen, and the countries that held the resources of the defeated countries made big deals with each other. The whole of Paris seemed to have become a paradise for international brokers.

In this feast, the Chinese government has achieved brilliant results. Of course, the Japanese government, which is one step behind, will not be reconciled. Containing China still gives Japan a little benefit.

The Japanese government paid a huge price for the effort to get a little leftovers from the mouths of the Chinese.Because the yen withdrew from the international currency market, just the exchange rate loss of more than 20% was caused by the part of the domestic yen through the local currency exchange transactions, and because Japan did not expect the Chinese to make such a move so quickly and decisively. While mobilizing funds, it also sent funds to the Allies in the name of the government.For example, Britain and the United States borrowed money to snap up the industrial resources of the defeated countries, so they also caused considerable actual losses.

Through these two aspects, the Japanese government managed to obtain a few factories and mine facilities, but the price paid was not converted into any benefits, which made the Japanese compare themselves in front of the Chinese.I couldn't help shaking my head and sighing secretly. Even because of this incident, the Japanese cabinet has begun to discuss the proposal to redevelop the Japanese currency market.

Fang Zida couldn't help laughing in the office after receiving the intelligence agency's report on the Japanese government's presence in Europe.The Japanese swollen their faces to pretend to be fat. Except for some expenses and costs, the loss in the foreign exchange market all flowed into the pockets of the Chinese government. In fact, the Japanese borrowed money from the United Kingdom and the United States in order to compete with the Chinese government. When it came to the Chinese government, Fang Zida had already considered this point in his plan, and the Japanese character destined them to do so.So Fang Zida and the American consortium made preparations from the very beginning, waiting for the Japanese to take the bait.

What's more, the Chinese government snatched up some valuable factories, mines and other facilities before everyone else. The things that the Japanese robbed later were left by the Chinese government. Even if they were shipped back to Japan, they would be the same The level of basic industry is comparable, and it does not play much role at all.Moreover, Japan is a resource-poor country, and all industries must rely on imported resources from abroad to operate.This is compared with China, which has a vast territory and rich mineral resources.Its inherent shortcomings are obvious.

"When can Yang Xizi come back?" Fang Zida asked casually after chatting with Yang Yongtai about the "stupidity" of the Japanese.

"It is estimated that next month, some time ago, the telegram said that Xi Zixiong had gone to Hamburg. According to the itinerary, he will board the ship with this group of German technicians." Yang Yongtai replied, revealing his feelings for Yang Du's trip. envious.This time, Yang Du went to Europe as the president of the Central Bank to implement Fang Zida's plan, which was a great success. As a good friend, Yang Yongtai was happy for him.At the same time, I also sighed why the person who went there was not myself.

However, Yang Yongtai also knew in his heart that as the secretary-general of the State Council, he was Fang Zida's chief steward, and his status was no lower than that of Yang Du, and his work focus did not allow him to leave the country for a long time.Handling daily affairs and making suggestions for Fang Zida, this is all he has to do.

"It takes a long time to come and go." Fang Zida smiled wryly and shook his head. The transportation in this era is really inconvenient. It takes two months at the shortest time to go to and from Europe, and this is still a smooth journey. If Encountered wind and waves on the way, this time may be even longer.

How can it be like a few decades later, if you go from China to Europe or return to China from Europe, you can buy a plane ticket and sit for more than ten hours to arrive. Now, although the aircraft has emerged on the European battlefield, European countries have also formally established air forces. The performance and safety of aircraft in this era, etc., is still far away when Fang Zida wants to achieve it.

Thinking of the plane, Fang Zida suddenly remembered the task assigned to Chen Wei. It has been more than a year, and he doesn't know how Chen Wei is going.

After asking about Yang Yongtai's recent work arrangements, Fang Zida came up with the idea of ​​inspecting Chen Yu's side.Do as soon as you think of it, this is Fang Zida's consistent personality, and soon he decided to let Yang Yongtai arrange the schedule as soon as possible.

Now that Fang Zida is the prime minister of a country, traveling is not as easy as before.In addition to the itinerary, there are also confidentiality, security work, etc., not to mention that he is going to the military research base this time, which requires absolute confidentiality, so Yang Yongtai did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and immediately notified Chen Guofu to make a security work plan, and I went out to implement the itinerary all the way in person, and after ten days of tossing around, I finally confirmed this matter.

On this day, Fang Zida held a state affairs meeting as usual, and the meeting mainly discussed the development of next year.Due to the victory of the European War, a series of indemnity agreements signed by the Chinese government since the Qing Dynasty have basically been cancelled. Among them, the indemnity payments from Britain and France stopped when China sent troops due to China’s participation in the war. Although the final agreement on the European side was not signed, it can be In fact, the three countries have decided to cancel the original treaty.On the side of the Allies, since China declared war, these indemnities have ceased to exist. As for the United States, it has already refunded the boxer indemnity to China, not to mention the Russian government. It is admitted that the orthodox government of the Russian Empire is supported by China, and they only owe China. How can there be any claim that China owes them?After counting and counting, only the Japanese are still shamelessly pretending to be deaf and dumb, holding on to the issue of compensation.

As a result, China's financial situation has improved a lot. Coupled with the many benefits the Chinese government has gained in domestic construction and Europe, the development of next year is optimistic and extremely important.In this regard, Fang Zida asked all ministries to make targeted plans for reference and implementation. At the same time, he sternly pointed out at the meeting that if any department was careless and perfunctory, he, as the Prime Minister, would definitely punish him severely.

At the end of the meeting, Fang Zida also officially announced the appointment of Cen Chunxuan as the head of the State Supervision Department. This department has established anti-corruption committees, review committees, prevention committees, and regional committees to fully supervise officials at all levels based on the principle of "fairness, justice, and openness." , To prevent corruption and decline in government credibility, in order to create a clean and efficient official body.

This appointment was like a bomb, blowing up all the cabinet members.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one could speak, and no matter who was dissatisfied in this vote, they obediently voted for it, and it was approved by all members of the cabinet.

In this regard, the National Supervision Department was formally established. Although this department does not belong to the cabinet ministries, it is directly responsible to the State Council and has the right to supervise the ministries.What's more, the first minister, Cen Chunxuan, was well-known. As early as the Qing Dynasty, he had been vicious and hated evil, and had the reputation of being an official butcher.After the founding of the Republic of China, under Fang Zida's recommendation, Cen Chunxuan also served as a supervisor in the developed areas along the southeast coast, enabling the central government to encourage and develop industry and commerce while maintaining the cleanliness and efficiency of the local government. Fang Zida's intention to push this stage is very obvious, that is to use this knife to completely establish a supervision and restraint system for the entire country at all levels of government.

At the end of the meeting, Fang Zida stayed with Cen Chunxuan to talk for nearly an hour. After Cen Chunxuan left excitedly, he quietly left through the side door of the State Council Office under the arrangement of Yang Yongtai.Half an hour later, Fang Zida boarded the special carriage at the train station through a secret passage, and he left the capital without knowing it, and headed southwest all the way.

The next day, the train entered Shanxi, and Fang Zida did not get off the train when it arrived in Tai*yuan. Yang Yongtai had already made arrangements. They left Shanxi and went to Shaanxi. Fang Zida had just finished his lunch at noon that day, and Yang Yongtai came to report. They would arrive at their destination, Yulin, in an hour.

"So fast? I thought I'd have to sit for another night." Fang Zida looked out the window in surprise. As the train moved, pieces of yellow land outside the window quickly passed by.

"This is all thanks to your wisdom, Prime Minister. Over the years, with your support, the Ministry of Communications has made great strides in the construction of railways. To be honest, in a few years, it will take a few days to travel from Beijing to Yulin by train, and even have to change stations halfway. Changing cars, needless to mention the troubles involved. But now it’s much better, except for a transfer in Tai*yuan, the road is basically flat.” Yang Yongtai said with a smile, and handed the white towel in his hand to Fang Zida.

Nodding his head to express his gratitude, he took the towel and wiped it. Fang Zida also smiled and said, "That's not bad. It seems that the Ministry of Communications is still doing a good job. It's not in vain for me to allocate so much money every year..."

Yang Yongtai chatted, and soon the train arrived in Yulin. When the train slowly entered the station, Fang Zida saw from the window that Chen Wei and his people were already waiting on the platform. (To be continued..)

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