Wojczynski is a Russian-American. He appears to be an American businessman, but in fact he is a special envoy of Bupai International.

The Bupai International was originally established by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov after the Russian Revolution to replace the Second International, which died out due to the outbreak of the European War, that is, the Workers International, so it is also known as the First International Three International.After the establishment of Bupai International, it was headquartered in Moscow and was led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov himself. The main work was to promote his revolutionary ideas and do some theoretical work. Later, because of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was in poor health for a long time, and the specific work was handed over to the committee. After the death of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Stalin quickly took over the power of the Soviet Union, because of internal and external troubles In view of the hostility towards the Soviet regime from countries all over the world, Stalin decided to take back the dominance of the Bupai International in order to solve internal and external problems, and let him directly lead the work of the Bupai International, and adjusted the main focus of the work of the Bupai International. Theoretical research turned to export revolution abroad.

In this way, as a member of the original American Socialist Party, Wojczynski was sent by Stalin to Asia to shoulder important tasks.Judging from the current situation of the Soviet government, there are several main problems.

One: The domestic revolution caused severe famine across the country. Although it has improved slightly, the Soviet government is still poor and weak. Solving the agricultural problem and developing industry are the top priorities right now.

Two: The civil war between the Soviet Union and the orthodox government of the Russian Empire has not yet been decided. Without completely destroying the enemy, it is difficult for the Soviet government to shift its energy from war to domestic construction.

Three: Because of the intervention of China and Western countries, the Soviet government appeared to be extremely isolated internationally, and it can be said that it did not have any allies.

Four: Stalin took over power, but there were still factions opposing him both inside and outside the party.His position in Soviet Union and Egypt was not secure.

Five: There are worries inside, strong enemies outside, diplomacy is at a standstill, and there is no help.

Because of these five points, Stalin urgently needed to find allies internationally and open channels of communication between the Soviet government and the international community.But his approach is different from ordinary people.The smart Stalin knew very well that the Soviet Union has now become a scourge in the eyes of all countries. It is very difficult to accomplish this task by conventional means, and it may even sacrifice some of the interests of the country and political parties to achieve actual results.However, this is something Stalin absolutely does not want to do. Once he does this, just the opposition speech in the party can force him to step down. After all, Stalin is not Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, he has no Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov has such a high prestige.

so.Stalin adopted another method to achieve his goal, that is, to engage in the export of revolution.Using the organization Bupai International to promote Bolshevism in countries around the world, on the one hand, it can cause divisions within each country and train some pro-Soviet members to serve the Soviet.In the second aspect, the Bupai International can also be used to indirectly control the direction of the power of these countries that are hostile to the Soviets, and even launch revolutionary movements in these countries when necessary, so as to reduce the external pressure on the Soviet government.

Even Stalin said that once some countries succeeded in exporting revolutions.That means that the Soviet government is no longer fighting alone, and these countries will change from rivals to their own younger brothers, followers and thugs.It even became a satellite country to block the enemy's attack for the Soviet government, and even if possible, it could be drawn into the Soviet government by him and eventually annexed.

Wojczynski was appointed by Stalin to be in charge of the Asian region. He had two main goals. One was the orthodox government of the Russian Empire in the Far East.The second is China.Compared with the Russian imperialist orthodox government, which is hostile to the Soviet Union and Egypt, China seems to be a better choice, but considering that it is not so convenient to work in China, Wojczynski deliberately started with Japan first, intending to rely on Japan The forces of the Northeast gradually infiltrated from Kanto Prefecture to the north and west.to complete his task.

To cooperate with Japan, it is necessary to find Japanese intelligence agencies.Through special channels, Wojczynski contacted important members of the Japanese cabinet and issued a request for cooperation in good faith.After consideration by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this matter was handed over to the newly established Super High School to handle it. Finally, after discussion at the Super High School headquarters, it was directly handed over to Neiji Okamura of the Kanto State Super High School.

In this way, Wojczynski set off from Moscow, arrived in the United States via Europe, then arrived in Japan, and finally came to Kanto State.Before Wojchenski arrived in Kanto State, Neiji Okamura received an order from the headquarters, and began to pay attention to and collect detailed information about Bupai International and Wojchenski.

Although the time was a bit tight, Neiji Okamura made a correct judgment after a general understanding of the situation, and he also guessed about Stalin's true thoughts about setting up such a Bupai International.Although Neiji Okamura was very unimpressed with the Bolsheviks, and it could even be said that he was more hostile to these so-called revolutionaries who had no king and father than anyone else in his heart, but this did not affect Neiji Okamura's final judgment and decision.

When he roughly guessed the real intention of Bu Pai International, he became very interested.You must know that the Japanese government strongly supported the revolution of Sun Wen and others, playing the role of a pro-China supporter, which caused the Manchu Qing to be troubled by the revolutionary party, and finally developed to the success of the [-] Revolution, the collapse of the Manchu Qing, and the establishment of the Republic of China.

From this point of view, Bupai International's plan is actually no different from what the Japanese did.For the benefit of one's own country, conflicts are created within opponents or potential opponents, thereby intensifying conflicts, causing them to fall into internal friction, buying time for themselves and obtaining greater benefits.

However, the methods used by the two sides are slightly different. Japan uses support and separation, while Bupai International is preparing to use ideological invasion.The means are different, but the purpose is the same.What's more, since the local war between China and Japan a few years ago, although Japan is still superior to China in terms of overall strength, Neiji Okamura clearly knows that China today is different from the past, especially when he is in Kanto Prefecture. This overseas territory, which was originally China's territory, can more clearly see the rapid changes in China.

The outbreak of the European War and the long state of war plus the final victory of the European War.These have given the Chinese a rare opportunity, and China has reaped a lot of benefits from it, whether it is politics, economy, industry or military.After all, compared with China, Japan is too small. It has a much wider territory than Japan and a population base dozens of times larger than Japan. Once China takes off, Japan will not be an opponent at all.

As the top person in charge of the Super High School in Kanto Prefecture, Neiji Okamura's main task is to target China and northern Russia.Of the two, he is of course more concerned about China.Since the goal is the same, there is no obstacle to the cooperation with Bupai International, but as for how to cooperate and how the two parties can obtain the maximum benefit for themselves in the cooperation, Neiji Okamura needs to carefully consider this point.

When Wojczynski arrived in Kanto State, Neiji Okamura showed up side by side, but deliberately left him alone for a few days.But in the past few days, Neiji Okamura was not indifferent to everything, and he was secretly observing the special envoy of Bupai International every day.

Wojczynski never saw Neiji Okamura, so he was not angry.On the contrary, he took a good rest for a day first, and then wandered around Sichuan accompanied by Suzuki Sadaichi. With Ji's contact, he felt more and more that this is not a simple person.

"Senior, this is today's itinerary and some of the conversations we talked about during the trip." In the evening, Suzuki Sadaichi came to Okamura Neiji's office after returning to the special high school, and handed over a brief record.These days, every day after he sent Wojchenski back to the hotel, he had to make such a thing and give it to Neiji Okamura. Today is the fifth day.

Sitting behind the desk, Okamura Ningji slowly flipped through the things, and at the same time asked some details.After reading everything, he put this thing in the drawer.

"Suzuki-kun, can you talk about your feelings about this person?"

Suzuki Sadaichi did not expect Okamura Ningji to suddenly ask this question again. It was slightly different from the last time. Suzuki Sadaichi thought about it carefully and said: "Except for the last time, after contacting these days, Suzuki feels that he Still a man of tenacity and exceptional sensitivity.”

Nodding his head slightly, Ningji Okamura tapped his fingers on the table a few times, as if he was thinking about something.After a long time, he said: "Well, cancel tomorrow's arrangement. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, I want to meet this 'comrade' Wojchenski."

"Hi!" Suzuki Sadaichi quickly responded, "Then senior, shall I inform him now?"

"Hmm..." Neiji Okamura nodded, and after Suzuki Sadaichi left, he got up from his chair and walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked in the direction of the hotel where Wojchenski stayed, Gradually a smile appeared.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Suzuki Sadaichi brought Wojchenski to Okamura Neiji's office. The specific meeting was only a private meeting at Wojchenski's request, and even Suzuki Sadaichi was unable to attend. .And at the same time when the two sides were having secret talks, Zhou Yuanliang was flipping through a piece of information that had just been sent in the office of the Republic of China Intelligence Bureau building thousands of miles away in the capital.

A few days ago, Fang Zida reappointed Zhou Yuanliang as the assistant director of the Intelligence Bureau, and the director was still Yang Yongtai.This result is both good news and bad news for Zhou Yuanliang.The good news is that Fang Zida finally forgave him and returned some of his rights, but the bad news is that Yang Yongtai completely took over his original position and ascended the throne of intelligence chief.

Regarding Fang Zida, Zhou Yuanliang had nothing to say, even Zhou Yuanliang would not object to Fang Zida asking for his life.But for Yang Yongtai, Zhou Yuanliang still maintained his original respect and respect on the surface, and he also tried his best to cooperate with him in his work, but in his heart he was completely unconvinced.

After reading the information in his hand, Zhou Yuanliang sat in a daze for a long time without moving. After a few minutes, he packed his things, put on his coat and left the office quickly. (To be continued..)

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