Central Siberia.

After a year or so of repeated struggles, the Soviet Red Army was defeated in the Battle of Siberia, and then the Russian Imperial Government Army took advantage of the opponent's retreat to quickly advance westward. Then the two sides launched several battles in central Russia. After Denikin's entire army was destroyed, the Russian Imperial Government Army Withdrew decisively to the Siberian defense line, and the battle situation returned to last year's posture.

However, this time, Trotsky, the commander of the Eastward Front Army, did not rush forward. He first consolidated the areas liberated by the Red Army in a steady and steady manner, and formed a stalemate with the defending Russian Imperial Army. There were many firefights, but all were small-scale conflicts and no major battles were fought.

Regarding this situation, Trotsky made a report on the strategic deployment plan to the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. Although the Russian Imperial Army suffered a lot in the battle in the central region, in fact their strength was not consumed too much. In terms of its nature, it was originally an armed force free from the Russian Imperial Government's army. The opposing commander, Baron Peter Nikolaevich Wrangel, was an extremely prudent and excellent soldier. The most sensible choice is to order the troops to withdraw to the Siberian defense line without hesitation, so that the main force will remain basically intact. In addition, the opponent has built a solid defense line fortifications for more than a year. If it is not done well, it will repeat the mistakes of last year's disastrous defeat in the Battle of Siberia.

Because of this, Trotsky adopted the safest combat plan. In his opinion, as long as he stabilizes the rear, accumulates strength, and waits until he is absolutely sure before launching a decisive battle to break through the Siberian defense line in one fell swoop is the best choice.As long as the enemy in front of them is eliminated, the Russian Imperial Government Army will no longer be the opponent of the Soviet Red Army, and then they will hit the Far East in one breath and completely liberate the country.It was a breeze to capture the so-called queen alive.

From a military point of view, Trotsky's plan is no problem, but from a political point of view, it has aroused the dissatisfaction of the Soviet high-level.In the eyes of the vast majority of Bolshevik party members, the Red Army with firm belief and strong strength is indestructible, and the white bandits are like chickens and dogs under the mighty torrent of the Red Army.Now the Red Army has the upper hand tactically.Then we should break through the Siberian defense line in one go and wipe out the reactionaries completely.

Not only members of the Revolutionary Committee held this view, but even political commissars at all levels of the Eastward Front Army. They were strongly dissatisfied with Trotsky’s tactics and local confrontation. Even Stalin, who initially agreed with Trotsky’s views, He also gradually changed his original attitude, asking Trotsky to find a way to take down the Siberian defense line as soon as possible, so as to speed up the completion of the strategic goal of liberating the whole country.

On this day, commanders, fighters and political commissars of all divisions and above of the Eastward Front Army received a notice from Commander Trotsky and came to the headquarters to attend a meeting.The meeting is scheduled to begin at nine o'clock in the morning.From 08 o'clock, many people arrived one after another. At around 30:[-], Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov, political commissar of the Eastward Front Army, also came.

"Comrade Malenkov! Hello!"

When Malenkov arrived, the commanders and political commissars at all levels hurriedly got up and greeted him. Although Trotsky was in charge of the entire Eastward Front Army, everyone knew that Political Commissar Malenkov was Comrade Stalin’s confidant. The status is like the supervising army sent by the emperor in the Ming Dynasty of China.

"Hello everyone! You have worked hard!"

Malenkov, who came in with his hands behind his back, smiled and nodded to everyone.When walking in front of a few familiar people, they would stop and say a few gossip about caring about the other person's health. All the comrades who were sympathized with seemed flattered.Thank you very much.

"Comrade Malenkov, what is the theme of today's meeting...?" A division commander couldn't help asking because he had a good relationship with Malenkov.

"Hehe, of course it's aimed at that side." Malenkov smiled and stretched out his hand and pointed to the east: "Comrade Trotsky feels that the time for a decisive battle is ripe."

"Great!" Most of the crowd were overjoyed, only a few people frowned slightly, and it seemed to these happy people that they were confronting each other every day.It is almost a waste of time and a cowardly performance, as a heroic Red Army commander and fighter, he should move forward!go ahead!Move on!Use cannon fire to tear all the damned reactionaries to pieces, thus completing the great cause of proletarian revolution and liberation.

As for the few people who frown, they are basically military officials, and they usually look down on these political commissars who can only talk and talk.There are also some mediocre generals who are incapable of fighting and only hold their thighs. In their view, it is not time for a decisive battle. Whether from the military or other aspects of the two sides, the Red Army has no certainty of victory. It is likely to lead to the failure of the offensive, and it may even happen that the Siberia campaign was defeated last year.But they also understand that as time goes by, the pressure on Trotsky is getting bigger and bigger. Leaving aside Moscow, even the voices in the Eastward Front Army against Trotsky's shrinking are getting more and more The main representative is Political Commissar Malenkov.

Under the pressure of several aspects, Trotsky may have no choice but to make this decision.Thinking of this, those who held opposing opinions could only shake their heads secretly and sigh, but they dared not open their mouths to refute.

It was nine o'clock in a blink of an eye, and at nine o'clock sharp, Trotsky, the commander of the Eastern Front Army, entered the venue. He shook hands with political commissar Malenkov calmly, sat down in his seat, and announced The meeting begins.

According to the meeting procedure of the Soviet Red Army, the political commissar Malenkov should be the first to speak at the meeting. Of course, the content of the speech is the same old talk, nagging about political propaganda and advocacy, etc. The people below these words have long been heard Calloused, but on this occasion, everyone pretended to listen with gusto, and some even held a small notebook in their hands and put on a posture of taking notes seriously.

About half an hour later, the "bombing" by political commissar Malenkov finally ended. After the warm applause, the next topic of the meeting was announced by Trotsky, the commander of the East Front Army.

Nodding his head, Trotsky stood up and said to everyone solemnly: "Before the military meeting, as the commander of the front army, I would like to announce one thing! The shameless slander of the use of poison gas tactics in China! According to the instructions of Comrade Stalin of the Supreme Soviet, in response to this incident, it was concluded that there are hidden enemies and traitors in our party and army. According to repeated investigations by Moscow, there are now preliminary In conclusion, these enemies and traitors are in our Eastward Front Army!"

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar at the scene. Everyone was so shocked by the news that they couldn't speak. Even Political Commissar Malenkov's eyes widened.

"Comrade Trotsky, where did you get this news? Why haven't I been notified by my superiors?"

"Comrade Malenkov, please don't worry. This news was sent to the headquarters just 10 minutes before the meeting. Because you left temporarily, I didn't have time to inform you. Besides, this matter needs to be kept absolutely confidential, so after thinking about it, I feel that I will tell you at the meeting Everyone is better." Trotsky replied softly, and Malenkov slowed down his expression and nodded, indeed, as Trotsky said, he came to the venue half an hour earlier, and it is normal for the news to come too late to notify himself Yes, and since the enemy and traitors are within him, it would be a good plan to announce it directly at the meeting place. When the time comes, the guards can immediately take down the names of these people, and they will never be given a chance to escape.

Seeing that Malenkov nodded, Trotsky was not polite.Immediately waving at the door, Hu Lala rushed in. A group of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded the entire venue. All the people present looked at each other, their faces pale with fright, and some timid guys even had weak legs. Moisture.

When the guards were in place, Trotsky took out a piece of paper from his pocket, walked to the front of the stage and began to read it.At this time, Malenkov's eyes were fixed on the commanders and fighters and political commissars at all levels in the audience like a wolf. As soon as the list was announced and the guards caught the people, he could take over as a political commissar of the front army. Start the interrogation.

"According to investigation and verification, the list of traitors is as follows: Georgi Maximilianovich Malenkov, political commissar of the Eastern Front Army..."

The name of the first person startled everyone. Before the stunned Malenkov could react, the guard who had been eyeing him for a long time rushed over like a tiger, and first handed over his gun neatly. , and then handcuffed him.

"No...it's impossible...!"

Malenkov struggled and shouted, with stunned, puzzled and terrified expressions in his eyes, he immediately understood that he would never be abandoned by Comrade Stalin, and that all enemies and traitors were set up by Trotsky Trap, the biggest possibility is that Trotsky is the traitor, and in order to cover up the authenticity, he gave himself a preemptive strike.

"Trotsky... you are... woo... woo...."

After realizing it, Malenkov shouted in a hurry, trying to tell the truth.It's a pity that before he finished speaking, he was stuffed into a cloth strip by the guards. Under the strong suppression of the guards, he could only struggle with a whine and couldn't say a word.

Regardless of Malenkov's reaction, Trotsky on the stage continued to read the list, and every time he read one, the guards stepped forward and grabbed him, and at the same time gagged him like he did with Malenkov.

One, two, three... After reading all the lists, almost half of the people in the venue were taken away by the guards.At this time, the rest of the people were fortunate to find that almost all of them were political commissars at all levels and military commanders they were close to, and they were usually in the same camp as Trotsky, or had a good relationship. No one is on the list. (To be continued..)

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