Frunze finally left the Kremlin with nothing. When he walked out of the gate, he couldn't help but stop and look back at the majestic buildings behind him.Stalin's insistence on going his own way made Frunze completely lose his last effort. He knew clearly that once Moscow was occupied, the Soviet he fought for would cease to exist.

Decades of hard work finally came to naught, and Furongzhi's heart was like a knife stirring.But as a soldier, a staunch Bolshevik, he could not change the coming fate.Sighing deeply, he turned his head and walked towards the car waiting for him. The enemy outside the city was still attacking. He had to rush back to his combat post immediately to complete this impossible task.

On August 8, the Sino-Russian coalition forces cleared the outer positions of Moscow and officially launched the final general offensive to Moscow.In the early morning of the same day, with the roar of thousands of cannons and the bombing of the air force, the attack like a tide finally began.At this moment, although there are still nearly 20 garrison troops in Moscow, the morale of these troops has fallen to the bottom. There are deserters in various troops, and even the entire army collapses without a fight.Although Frunze made the last effort, he still couldn't prevent the complete collapse of the front line.He had no choice but to personally lead the two last elite guards composed of the most staunch party members and cadres to fight fiercely with the enemy.

However, under the attack of the powerful Chinese and Russian coalition forces, Frunze's resistance lasted only a short two hours. The last two troops in his hands were divided, surrounded and wiped out by the attacking enemy. Seeing that defeat was inevitable, he attempted to attack the Kremlin. Frunze broke out in the direction and organized troops to resist in the city. In the end, Frunze failed to achieve his goal. During the breakout process, a shell suddenly hit his car, the staunch Bolshevik party member.The best military commander of the Soviet Red Army ended his life.

At noon, the last troops guarding Moscow were annihilated, and the Chinese and Russian coalition forces took advantage of the victory to pursue and rush towards the center of Moscow.As the fall of Moscow is imminent, along the way, Red Army soldiers throwing away their weapons and fleeing are everywhere.The advance of the coalition forces moved forward with almost no resistance except for a very small number of weak resistance.

At 1:10 p.m., the coalition forces reached the heart of the Soviet Union, only 200 meters away from the Kremlin, where the red walls and tall domes of the Kremlin were already clearly visible.

When the entire Moscow garrison collapsed, the guards guarding the Kremlin launched their final resistance.The sound of gunfire and artillery rang out from the fortifications outside the wall. The well-equipped guard regiment relied on the building to fight against several times the enemy.

Of course, everyone knows that the guard group can't stop it for long.Although they lack heavy weapons, they are not afraid of sacrifice and fight tenaciously.But all this will be over once the armored troops of the Chinese and Russian coalition forces arrive.

Gunshots were heard clearly from outside the wall, and the staff in the Kremlin were in a panic. Some people were busy burning various documents, some people ran around with guns, and some people sneaked away when they saw that something was wrong. There are even some people who are dumbfounded and motionless, or weeping and waiting for the final fate to come.

"Comrade Stalin! Go! If you don't go, it will be too late!"

Stalin's office.A major general begged Stalin to leave here immediately, and now the enemy is temporarily blocked by the guard regiment.As long as the last strength is gathered, it is still possible to break out.However, no matter what he said, Stalin still refused to leave his office.

"Comrade Boris, I will not leave here. The people need me, the country needs me! I will always be with the people." At this moment Stalin was extremely calm.He smoked his pipe and said indifferently: "You leave with other comrades, the future of the Soviet rests with you people."

"Comrade Stalin!"

After waving his hand, Stalin motioned him not to continue talking, got up and walked into the bedroom inside.

In the bedroom, Stalin picked up the framed picture on the bed cabinet.This is a family photo from many years ago.Stalin, who has always been known for his iron will, showed unprecedented softness and warmth in his expression at this time. He silently watched the person in the photo, with a smile on his mouth, and gently stroked the mirror with his right hand...

After a long time, he opened the photo frame, took out the photo and put it in his breast pocket.After doing this, he poured himself a glass of red wine and sipped it slowly. Although the sound of guns and guns in his ears was getting closer and more intense, it seemed that all of this had nothing to do with him.

About ten minutes later, Stalin came out of the bedroom. When he was surprised to find that Boris hadn't left, but had been guarding himself outside, he couldn't help asking, "Are you still there?"

"Yes, Comrade Stalin, I have decided to stay with you!" Boris replied calmly.

Stalin smiled, waved to Boris, and motioned him to sit down beside him: "Thank you, Comrade Boris, you are a pure party member, but unfortunately I found out too late..."

"Comrade Stalin..." With a sore nose, Boris couldn't help but burst into tears. He choked up and said, "You too..."

"Yes! We are all believers in the revolution, true party members... If you give me another 20 years... No! It only takes 10 years, and the Soviet flag will fly all over the world!" Stalin sighed softly.

This kind of extravagant hope will never be possible for Stalin. The enemy is already in front of him. Maybe half an hour, maybe 10 minutes or even less, he, the supreme ruler of the Soviet Union, will become a prisoner at the gunpoint of the enemy. As a revolutionary, This situation is absolutely not allowed to happen, and Stalin has long been prepared for this.

Nodding to the two loyal guards who had been guarding the door, the two guards silently brought in a few gasoline barrels from outside the corridor, then opened the oil barrels without saying a word, and poured the pungent gasoline around.

"Comrade Boris, what do you think of this way of welcoming guests?" Stalin asked jokingly.

Boris smiled and said: "The guests will definitely be surprised. I think this way is both special and surprising."

"Hahaha! You are right, dear Boris..." Stalin laughed out loud, so happy that he almost burst into tears.

A few minutes later, when the entire office was filled with gasoline, the gunfire outside suddenly became much weaker than before, but the shouts of killing had become clearly audible.

Silently looking at each other, both Stalin and Boris knew that the last resistance of the guard regiment was over, that the enemy had breached the gate and would soon come to them.Now, the final hour has come, and it should all be over.

"Smoking?" Stalin asked with a smile, picking up his pipe.

"Thank you, Comrade Stalin, I'm used to smoking this..." Boris took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out and put it in his mouth.

"It's a good habit, at least it's not as troublesome as mine." Stalin said with a smile, filled the empty pipe with tobacco, and then pressed it lightly with his thumb skillfully.

After finishing all this, Stalin glanced at Boris knowingly, Boris took out the lighter, and with a crisp sound, the lid of the lighter was opened...

"Quick! Quick!"

The first infantry to rush into the Kremlin belonged to the 122nd regiment of the Northwest Army. A captain and company commander led his soldiers to finally wipe out the last resistance at the gate and rushed in first.

The huge Kremlin is like a labyrinth. The captain didn't know where Stalin was hiding, but that didn't stop him from rushing upstairs, because he knew that the office of Stalin, the supreme commander of Soviet Russia, couldn't be downstairs.

Running up the stairs in a few steps, the captain searched from room to room along the corridor, but every room he kicked out was either empty and empty, or only a few ordinary guards were left hiding in the dark. Attempts to resist to the end.After dealing with these bugs, the captain was a little annoyed that Stalin could not be found. At this moment, a soldier came to report that he had captured several escaped officials. According to the Russian translation, Stalin's office was not far ahead. After hearing this, the captain was overjoyed, and hurriedly led people there.

"Stalin! I'm here! You obediently wait...hahaha!" Dagong was right in front of him. As he got closer and closer to the destination, the captain's blood was boiling. At this time, a flash of what if What kind of credit will he get for catching Stalin himself? In addition to the medal he deserves, will his military rank be directly promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel or even colonel?

"Company commander! Just ahead!"

"Okay! Attention everyone, watch out for Stalin's counterattack!" After finally finding Stalin's office, the captain instead ordered the soldiers to slow down temporarily.Now that the great achievement is in sight, he doesn't want to kill this guy because of the recklessness of the soldiers below. A living Stalin is worth much more than a dead Stalin.

Calling the soldiers to search and advance to prevent Stalin's personal guards from counterattacking, the captain gradually moved towards Stalin's office.Ten meters, five meters, three meters, two meters... finally came to the door of the office, and all the expected counterattacks did not appear. When the captain who was a little puzzled guessed whether the old boy Stalin ran away, his face showed a smile. anxious look.

"Break the door open!"

Thinking of this, the captain gave an order to attack, and two strong soldiers began to knock on the door. The thick oak door was very strong, and after a few knocks, it did not open. Just as the captain beckoned to send another man to open the door , suddenly a muffled sound sounded from inside the door, and before the people outside the corridor could react, the solid oak door flew out like pieces of paper amidst the explosion and violent flames, bringing along the person standing at the door. The two soldiers were also rushed away by the air wave at the same time.

As the explosion sounded, Stalin's office was covered by raging fire. The opening of the door caused the fire to spread to the corridor at an extremely fast speed. On the next floor, the entire superstructure of the Kremlin was completely shrouded in flames. The rising flames and thick smoke quickly swept across the entire palace, making the Chinese and Russian coalition commanders who were about to attack and search stunned. (To be continued..)

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