Moscow fell, Stalin committed suicide, and Su Weizheng existed in name only.Since the news spread, a large number of government personnel and Bolsheviks fled in areas temporarily controlled by Soviet Russia. As the Chinese and Russian coalition forces captured Moscow and continued to advance northwestward, cities that had lost their will to resist surrendered one after another.After China and Russia officially issued a statement persuading surrender, even the last few Red Army units in the Northwest put down their weapons in an organized manner.Since early September, the Chinese and Russian coalition forces have recovered major cities such as Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, and Petrozhachik.

By late September, on 9 September, the war was finally over as the last remaining resistance to the Soviet government was wiped out in the north.On the same day, the orthodox government of the Russian Empire returned to Moscow, thus removing the word "orthodox" and changing its name from the Provisional Government to the Russian Imperial Government.

During the Tsarist period, Russia had two capitals, Moscow and St. Petersburg.In the late Romanov dynasty, due to the tsar’s personal preferences, he lived in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg for many years. Therefore, from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, St. Petersburg gradually replaced Moscow as the political center and became the first capital of tsarist Russia.

After the outbreak of the Red Revolution, the newly established Soviet government redesignated the capital as Moscow in order to distinguish it from the Romanov dynasty.Now that the war is victorious and the Soviet regime has been wiped out, the Russian Imperial Government considered still using St. Petersburg as its capital. First, it was because this place was the first capital before the Romanov dynasty. Second, it also considered that Moscow was severely damaged by the war after the war. In particular, the fire set by Stalin before his death almost burned down half of the Kremlin. Due to these two considerations, the cabinet members felt that it was more appropriate to stay in St. Petersburg.

But at this time, as the empress made the final decision.She insisted on returning to Moscow instead of St. Petersburg.Despite the cabinet's persuasion, Her Majesty the Empress still refused to change this decision, and personally issued an imperial order to return the capital to Moscow.

In this way, the choice of the capital was finally set in Moscow.Although it took a month of preparation, when the Empress of the Empire and her cabinet members came to Moscow, they saw the desolate and ruined palace.Can't help but sigh.But in any case, with the end of the war and the return of the Russian imperial government, Russia, which was suffering from hardships, gradually calmed down after all the wars.

In the matter of returning the capital, the empress's stubborn opinion made the members of the imperial cabinet very puzzled.However, Fang Zida, who is far away in China, revealed the secret.In his opinion, the queen's move was very smart. Whether Moscow was the former capital of the Tsarist Empire or the capital of the Soviet government, it had an irreplaceable position in Russia as a whole.Moreover, although the war is coming to an end.But the whole of Russia has not completely calmed down. The main force of the Soviet resistance force has been wiped out, but there are still some diehards hiding in some places, trying to make a comeback.

In addition, over the years, the perverse actions of the Soviets have made the whole of Russia depressed.Coupled with the reconstruction of Moscow after the World War and the resettlement of the poor, these are the first things the new government faces.The capital is Moscow.Can give new hope to a people damaged by war, the Queen will tell her subjects in this way.She will be with them, rebuilding their homeland and bringing Russia on the road to true revival.

The war is basically over, but with the end of the war, some problems that were not revealed before the war began to be placed in front of all parties.

The Eastern European Allied Forces, that is, the Allied Forces headed by Poland launched an attack on Soviet Russia while the Sino-Russian Allied Forces were fighting fiercely with the Soviet Red Army.When the war is coming to an end.The Eastern European coalition forces have captured more than 50% of Belarus and more than 40% of Ukraine's territory, and have asked China and Russia to re-demarcate the borders based on the occupied areas.

The lion of the Eastern European Allied Forces opened his mouth and immediately angered the queen. Before the Chinese government could respond, she rejected this illegal request without hesitation.The Eastern European coalition forces didn't care about the Queen's refusal at all, taking advantage of the Russian government's inability to intervene in Belarus and Ukraine.Continue to increase troops to the occupied areas, and at the same time send people to collect and plunder resources such as factories and mines in the two places, and appoint local officials to step up construction of fortifications to achieve the effect of a fait accompli.

The queen was extremely angry about this, but there was nothing she could do.After the war, the Russian imperial government also suffered a lot of losses. Although she won in the end, facing the vast Russian territory after the war, the government troops must continue to encircle and suppress those remnants on the one hand, and on the other hand, they must also be stationed in various places. .Coupled with the relief of disaster victims, rebuilding their homes, etc., the Russian Empire could not reach out to solve the problem of the Eastern European coalition forces. For this reason, the Empress urgently asked for help from the Chinese government, an ally, and hoped that the Chinese could help her again.

Regarding this situation, Fang Zida decided to deal with this problem in a peaceful way after careful consideration.Although China and the Russian Empire were allies in the Sino-Soviet War, Fang Zida knew very well that there were never any real friends in this world. Today's allies may be tomorrow's sworn enemies, and national interests are paramount.

Supporting the Russian Empire and overthrowing the Soviet regime is in China's interest.It is also in China's interest to weaken the Russian Empire after the war so that it cannot pose a new threat to China in the north.Fang Zida is not a saint, let alone a good person with selfless dedication. He is a politician who puts his interests first. In this regard, he sees it very clearly and has already made his own plans.

Given the strength China has demonstrated in this war, today's Chinese government has truly become one of the world's great powers.The prosperity of the country and the dividends of war have made China's international waist much thicker. Even those old powers, such as Britain and France, have changed their original attitudes, and it is no longer possible to look at this situation with their original eyes. Eastern Empire.

Regarding the territorial dispute between the coalition forces of the Eastern European countries and the Russian Empire, Fang Zida asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to show goodwill to the Russian Empire and the Empress, verbally condemned the despicable behavior of the Eastern European coalition forces, and expressed sympathy for the situation of the Russian Empire.However, the Chinese government also pointed out that due to the Sino-Soviet war, the Chinese National Defense Forces also suffered huge losses. Although this war was finally won, it also brought great damage to the Chinese government's economy.

After the war, the Chinese government will withdraw troops in batches according to the previous agreement to reduce the financial burden.Moreover, the issue of the coalition forces of Eastern European countries is different from that of Soviet Russia. In any case, they belonged to the ally side like the Russian Empire in the Sino-Soviet war. Everyone should sit down and discuss the territorial issues. There is no need to turn around and talk about yourself and yourself If the National People's Congress fights, if it does so, it will not conform to China's interests, and it will also isolate the newly revived Russian Empire internationally.

In view of the continuous wars in various parts of the world since the European War, the Chinese government proposed to all countries in the world to establish an international alliance to prevent the outbreak of large-scale wars in the future.The purpose of this organization is to reduce the number of weapons, quell international disputes and maintain people's living standards and help mediate certain international disputes and deal with certain international issues.The most important thing at present is to solve the immediate Eastern European coalition forces and the territorial issue of the Russian Empire.

For this initiative put forward by the Chinese, the Western powers that had already set out to establish such an organization expressed their approval. Some big powers sent envoys to Moscow, Belarus, Ukraine and other regions to try to persuade and negotiate a peaceful settlement with the other party.

As a result, the tension between the two sides has gradually eased. First of all, the Eastern European coalition, which is the puppet of the Western countries, exerted influence on this matter due to the political considerations of the masters behind them, which made the Eastern European coalition make a "friendly" The decision-partial withdrawal of troops.

Half a month later, the Eastern European coalition forces began to partially withdraw their troops to the west, voluntarily giving up more than 70% of the territory in the occupied area.But at the same time, they put forward a request for local autonomy, and retained the local officials and governments appointed by them. The reason was that in order to prevent Tsarist Russia from invading Eastern European countries again in the future, reliable guarantees and regional buffers between the two sides must be obtained.

Regarding this situation, although the queen was helpless, she finally gritted her teeth and took a step back.She agreed that the new League of Nations would coordinate territorial issues, but first it must be ensured that Belarus and Ukraine could not be separated from the Russian Empire.In addition, part of the territory of the Eastern European countries occupied by the Tsarist era can be properly returned, but the Eastern European countries must also make certain economic compensations to the Russian Empire to resume production and rebuild Russia.

This is a seemingly acceptable condition for both parties, but there is still a lot of work to be done.Regarding these, Fang Zida has no interest in paying attention to them, because he has already handed over the work to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Cao Rulin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will send someone to Europe to form the League of Nations, who will serve as representatives of member states and be responsible for the details of specific negotiations.

In mid-October, as the war ended, the Chinese National Defense Forces began to withdraw.Of course, according to the agreement before the war, although the Chinese government paid a lot in this war, it also obtained huge dividends.

Among other things, just taking back a large piece of land that had been invaded since the Tsarist era has already made the people of the country rejoice.In the past two months, the victory of the war has caused cheers in the country, and the prestige of Fang Zida's government has reached an unprecedented peak.After 1840 long years since 82, China has finally stood up again. The sleeping lion that Napoleon said woke up. The Chinese people have won the due respect and awe with a gesture that shocked the world.

In addition to the territory, according to the Sino-Russian alliance agreement, the Chinese government will help the Russian Empire rebuild its homeland. At the same time, the Chinese National Defense Force also has the right to garrison troops and other privileges in some places in Russia. In particular, the Chinese government has also won the oil exploration rights in the Serov area. The acquisition of oil fields has solved the final bottleneck of China's development and take-off. It is conceivable that the future is smooth in Fang Zida's eyes. (To be continued..)

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