Super black turtle clone

Chapter 10 Wanton Ravage!

After finishing off the two bodyguards, Zhuo Yun walked towards Lei Bao'er, his eyes full of gloomy scowls.

"You, what do you want to do? I am the eldest lady of the Thunder Group. If you dare to hit me, my father will not let you go." Sensing the anger in Zhuo Yun's eyes, Lei Bao'er was so frightened that she quickly stepped back. Taking two steps back, he said threateningly with a trembling tone.

"Really, you didn't say that I didn't have this plan, but now I want to try it."

"Ah!" Lei Bao'er screamed in shock, her beautiful face turned pale, and her big eyes were watery, as if the river would burst its embankment at any moment.

Seeing that Lei Bao'er was terribly frightened, Zhuo Yun finally heaved a sigh of relief, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he glanced at her upright and swollen chest, curled his lips in disdain.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in poor little lolita. Since you're an airport, I'll spare you."

After speaking, ignoring Lei Bao'er's eyes full of shame and anger, Zhuo Yun smiled and walked away quickly, leaving Lei Bao'er to stamp her feet on the spot to vent her anger.

Back in the bedroom he rented, Zhuo Yun lay on the bed a little tired.

Although there was only one day today, many things happened. Not only did he earn 60 yuan, but he also had two fights with two groups of people. This was a life he had never lived before.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that his heart was full of restless factors. Today's exciting life made him very interested, and his heart was filled with inexplicable excitement.

"Maybe this is the day I yearn for, a life full of excitement." Muttering to himself, Zhuo Yun's eyes faintly emitted a frightening light.

That night, Xuangui inserted his paws into the power socket again, and absorbed the current for more than half an hour, making the lights in the whole building flickering and dimming, and appliances that consume a lot of power, such as TVs, could not operate normally at all.

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In the luxurious box of the nightclub, Chen Quan, the young master of the Chen Group, half-lyed on the sofa with a gloomy face, and beside him were two coquettish women who were dressed coolly and wore heavy makeup.

At this moment, the smiling faces of the two coquettish women were faintly in pain. Chen Quan's two hands were respectively inserted into the small coats of the two women, and rubbed wantonly on the soft and white meat buns, with no strength at all. No pity.

The door opened, and a man in black walked in quickly. Facing the glamorous scene in front of him, he was not surprised at all, as if he had already gotten used to this situation.

"Master, our people followed that kid and found that he also lives in Ronghua District, and..." Having said this, the man in black looked a little hesitant.

"And what, don't be hesitant." Chen Quan said in a cold voice with displeasure, the strength of kneading his hands became stronger, the pain caused the two coquettish women to frown, but they still had to smile.

"And that kid lives in the same building as Chu Meier."

"What!" Chen Quan sat up with his upturned figure, and shouted angrily, grabbing violently with both hands, the force seemed to crush two steamed buns.


The two coquettish women screamed in pain, but they did not attract Chen Quan's attention.

"Fucking bastard, she has been pretending to be noble in front of me. It turned out that she had lived with that wild boy a long time ago. He was just a broken shoe. He dared to reject this young master again and again. I must say this, and I will let Chu Meier This bastard is making love under my crotch." Chen Quan muttered to himself with a vicious face, rubbing the meat bun of the alluring woman beside him vigorously with both hands.

If Zhuo Yun knew what Chen Quan was thinking, he would definitely yell that he was wronged. The scapegoat was too wronged. They just lived in the same building, but they didn't live in the same room.

"Young master, do you want me to send someone to clean up that kid." A stern look flashed in the eyes of the man in black.

Chen Quan thought about it for a while and shook his head: "For the time being, let him be proud for a few days, so as not to startle the snake, and wait until I have sex with Chu Meier, and then deal with the two of them together!"

The man in black backed out in response. Chen Quan's eyes were full of excitement, and he glanced at the two coquettish women with white flesh on their chests. A sinister smile appeared on the corners of their mouths and they rushed forward. The room was filled with groans for a while. With pleading screams.

The next day Zhuo Yun woke up from his deep sleep, when he saw the black turtle lying on the floor, his jaw almost dropped to the ground in astonishment.

"My God, am I still dreaming?"

Rubbing his eyes, looking at the scene that hadn't changed at all, he was finally sure that he wasn't in a dream.

I saw that the black tortoise, which was originally only a little bigger than a palm, has now grown to the size of two palms, more than doubling in size.

"Xuangui, did you take hormones at night? How could you grow so fast?"

"Chichi!" Hearing Zhuo Yun's question, the spiritual Xuangui shook his head in doubt. Although he could sense Zhuo Yun's inner thoughts, he couldn't fully understand the meaning of the words.

The skyrocketing growth rate of Xuangui reminded Zhuo Yun of an American sci-fi movie he had seen before.

The story is that after a boa constrictor is hit by an electric current, its body begins to grow at an alarming rate, eventually growing to the size of a skyscraper.

"Could it be that the black tortoise will become so big." Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun was both worried and excited.

After all, all this was just speculation, and he quickly calmed down. After going downstairs to buy a lot of food for the turtle, he could only order it to stay at home.

After all, with Xuangui's current size, it is simply impossible to carry it with you, let alone let it lie on your shoulders.

The two lived in the same building. After getting ready, Zhuo Yun called Chu Meier. If there was a free ride with a beautiful woman, she would be an absolute idiot.

When Chu Meier went downstairs, she was slightly startled when she saw Zhuo Yun wearing a brand-name professional attire.

Usually, Zhuo Yun wears casual clothes, and with his handsome appearance, he looks more like a student. Now that he is wearing a formal business attire, his whole temperament has changed.

It seemed that he had transformed from a little boy into a man all of a sudden, exuding a masculinity all over his body. Even Chu Meier felt his eyes light up with his handsome and upright image, and his chest beat slightly faster.

Sitting on the side seat of Chu Meier's red Ferrari, Zhuo Yun was in a good mood, thinking secretly, when he would have the money to buy a good car, then it would be much more convenient to pick up girls.

Chu Meier's driving skills are surprisingly good, even in the peak hours of work, she can still handle it with ease, and it didn't take too long to arrive at the company parking lot.

(This book is now No. 19 on the new book list of contracted authors in the city. Brothers, work harder and strive to reach the top ten!)

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