Super black turtle clone

Chapter 116 Create an Almighty Maritime Company!

() This time, after absorbing a large amount of pure water aura, the vitality in Zhuo Yun's body soared. Not to mention the water control ability needs a long time of training, even he himself needs a period of training before he can really adapt to the violence. Increased and changed vigor.

For various reasons, the moving schedule had to be raised.

After some consideration, he called Lei Tian, ​​and Zhuo Yun roared out of the residential area in his Lamborghini sports car.

"Brother Yun, this is the marketing hall of the latest high-end real estate developed by Leiting Group. You can definitely find a house that suits you here." The two walked into the hall, and Lei Tian smiled confidently.

Coming to the hall, looking at the rows of building models, as well as various realistic physical maps of mountains and hills, Zhuo Yun felt as if he was really visiting the site.

"Master Tian!" Not long after the two of them came in, a middle-aged man dressed in spirit quickly ran over and said with a respectful smile.

"Well, Manager Wang, this is Zhuo Yun Zhuo Shao. He wants to buy a property in our Thunder Real Estate. You must choose the best one. If you let me know what's wrong..." Said Lei Tian's eyes slightly Some cold.

"Yes, yes, yes, I understand!" Manager Wang shuddered and said in affirmation.

Glancing at Lei Tian, ​​who always seemed domineering and arrogant in front of his subordinates, Zhuo Yun was secretly amused.

Manager Wang wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, turned around with a smile and asked, "I don't know what kind of property Mr. Zhuo wants to buy, at what price, or what specific requirements you have."

"It's very simple. I want to buy a relatively du li house. There are no other houses within a short distance." After thinking about it, Zhuo Yun said casually.

"That's it, wait a moment!" Manager Wang nodded, and after saying something apologetic, he hurried to the counter next to him to inquire.

After a while, Manager Wang ran back and led Zhuo Yun and Lei Tian to a physical model.

"I just checked according to your requirements, and only this piece of real estate is suitable for your requirements. This is mainly du li's villas, with enough private space. The only disadvantage is that it is a bit remote from the urban area, not far away. It's just a mountain range, and the sanitary conditions may not be very good, but the air is absolutely fresh." Manager Wang answered cautiously, and told all the advantages and disadvantages of this real estate villa. If it was in normal times, he would definitely only talk about the advantages. It is impossible to talk about these shortcomings.

While Manager Wang was talking about it, Zhuo Yun was also carefully observing the physical model in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he was. This coincided with the place he imagined, especially the area not far from the villa. The mountains are even more to his liking.

"Very well, that's it. I want this villa." Zhuo Yun pointed to a villa closest to the mountains.

This villa is considered a more remote one in the scattered villa area, and it is only two to three hundred meters away from the mountains.

"I said, Brother Yun, why did you choose such a remote place? It's not because you have some ulterior secret, but you still want to hide in a golden house." Lei Tian, ​​who was puzzled next to him, said wretchedly automatically.

"Yes, one day, I will hide you in." Zhuo Yun glanced at Lei Tian, ​​and said with a meaningful smile.

"Hey, I'm just kidding, I'm not gay." Lei Tian tightened his chrysanthemum, shivering and shook his head quickly.

Manager Wang next to him was secretly shocked when he heard the conversation between the two. He was a little curious about Zhuo Yun's identity, but he also became more respectful. After all, the person who even called Master Yun to Master Tian was not him, a little manager. can be offended.

In less than half an hour, various procedures were completed.

With Lei Tian, ​​the young master of the Lei family, the villa was sold to Zhuo Yun at a discount of 580%, which cost more than [-] million.

Even though he spent so much money, Zhuo Yun didn't feel distressed this time. This is an imperative step. With this villa, he can practice with peace of mind without worrying about causing panic again.

After slaughtering Lei Tian ruthlessly again, Zhuo Yun drove back to the residential area and came to the house where he lived for almost two years, feeling a little bit reluctant in his heart.

"Sister Mei, wait for me, I will come to you soon." After arranging his salute, Zhuo Yun thought to himself, stepped out of the room with a firm expression, and locked the door behind him.

After driving his sports car for about two hours, a spacious villa residential area ahead appeared in Zhuo Yun's sight.

Although there are large gaps between each villa in this villa residential area and the area is very large, it still has a complete security inspection system. After all, the people who can afford such high-end villas are rich people. .

Apart from showing off their wealth, rich people are most afraid of safety issues.

He came to his own villa smoothly, and what made Zhuo Yun happy was that the basic decoration and whitewashing of the villa had been done, and he could move in directly.

Soon, the people from the furniture mall he contacted moved a set of furniture into the villa. After half a day, the originally empty villa finally felt like home. The only regret was that it was a bit empty.

"Living in this kind of place, as Lei Tian said, it would be nice to come to a golden house to hide your beauty." Zhuo Yun glanced at the bed that was so spacious that he could roll around in it, Zhuo Yun thought a little lewdly in his heart.

Lying on the comfortable bed, Zhuo Yun couldn't help thinking about the things he had thought about before. Now that he still has more than 1000 million yuan in his hands, he can definitely start a company. After all, it is not a matter of sitting and eating like this.

In one night, he sorted out his company plan, and the next day he quickly registered a maritime company named Almighty through his relationship.

Although the name is a bit vulgar, it is enough to show the business scope of Zhuo Yun Company, that is, as long as it is a sea business, it can handle all the business, referred to as Almighty.

If ordinary people establish a maritime company, they need various equipment and machines, as well as a good relationship with the customs, but Zhuo Yun does not need these things. With the help of the black turtle and the fire python, everything is saved down.

He then rented a floor in an office building as a place for the company to set up its business.

Asking people to arrange all kinds of office supplies one by one, sitting on the boss's chair, Zhuo Yun really felt a bit like the boss of the company, but now the boss is a bit hard-working, completely a bachelor commander.

(Thanks to Crazy Money Tree for the reward of 10000 starting coins, becoming the first rudder owner of this book, which shocked Xiao Zhai, thank you brother for your support, this book will be officially released tomorrow, which shocked Xiao Zhai , I hope everyone will subscribe and support more, if you feel that the number of words is small, you can set it as an automatic subscription to make fat!)

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