Super black turtle clone

Chapter 118 The strongest defense!

() After the initial tentative attack, Can Leopard has really shown its brutal and crazy side, as if it really turned into a ferocious cheetah. All faces changed slightly.

The Can Leopard at this moment is simply a mad beast, even Dao Feng thinks that he can hardly resist such a crazy and fast attack of the Can Leopard, and once he reveals his flaws, he will be greeted with a deadly attack from the Can Leopard.

However, Zhuo Yun standing there in the arena is like an omniscient god. No matter which direction Can Leopard attacks from, he can react quickly even if he is behind him. No matter how tricky the attack is, he can always Block it accurately.

"This kid is too strong. Could it be that he deliberately hid his clumsiness when fighting Leng Ji?" Looking at Zhuo Yun in the field, Dao Feng looked at Leng Ji with an ugly face next to him suspiciously.

It's not just Dao Feng who thinks this way, even Leng Ji herself thinks the same way, which hits her proud self-esteem a lot, and she exudes bursts of icy cold breath, frightened Dao Feng and others hurried away from this place. ticking time bomb.

If Zhuo Yun knew what Leng Ji was thinking, he would definitely be wronged. He didn't hide his clumsiness at all at the beginning. If it wasn't for the mysterious bead that almost fell into Leng Ji's hands, let alone hiding it, it would have almost turned into an ice sculpture.

It's a pity that Zhuo Yun, who was immersed in that wonderful feeling, didn't realize Leng Ji's misunderstanding. The feeling of controlling everything around him made him unable to extricate himself.

In every man's heart, there is an ambition to control everything, but some are buried deeper, some are buried shallower, and some are covered up by other desires. Zhuo Yun at this moment I was intoxicated by the pleasure of being in control.

Zhuo Yun was happy, but Can Bao was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

His fighting style is violent and fast, like a cheetah preying on prey, and he can usually finish off the opponent in just a few rounds. However, all these fighting with Zhuo Yun made him feel like he has no place to open his mouth.

It's like a cheetah, facing a big tortoise with its limbs and head retracted into the tortoise shell, it has no idea where to bite, the next bite will only bite the hard tortoise shell, and it will not hurt the big tortoise at all. Turtle in the slightest.

This kind of fast and berserk attack is also very exhausting to Can Leopard, and it is impossible to maintain a long-term attack. It is estimated that before he can pry Zhuo Yun's turtle shell, he will exhaust his energy and collapse on the ground.

The continuous attack was ineffective, and the ferocious eyes of Can Leopard gradually began to become bloodshot. The originally ferocious pupils turned bloodthirsty and violent blood red, and the aura in his body soared. It is estimated that even the real Cheetah met him. They would all run away in terror.

"Can Leopard is about to perform a unique move, and now it's a good show."

The onlookers were startled, and instinctively took a few steps back, feeling the terrifying aura emanating from Can Leopard, all present were full of anticipation.

If most of them thought that Can Leopard would definitely win before, they didn't dare to draw conclusions easily at this moment. They don't know whether Can Leopard, the sharp and indestructible spear, will win, or Zhuo Yunna, who is like the strongest shield. The defense will last till the end.

Can Leopard opened a distance of four or five meters from Zhuo Yun in the blink of an eye, put his hands on the ground, and assumed the posture of a wild beast attacking.


Roaring like a ferocious beast, Can Leopard suddenly landed on the ground with both legs.

"It's too late!" Can Leopard's leg muscles swelled, his trousers were instantly torn by the swollen muscles, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and shot out.

The speed was so fast that the crowd watching the battle from a distance only felt their vision blur, and when they came back to their senses, Can Leopard had already rushed in front of Zhuo Yun.

In the eyes of the onlookers, Can Leopard's speed was as fast as lightning, and Zhuo Yun, who was immersed in sensing the surrounding water vapor, sensed his existence the moment the other party rushed into his own domain, not only that, even Can Leopard The dangerous aura emanating from the leopard's attack, and even the attack route can be vaguely judged.

The moment Zhuo Yun sensed the dangerous aura emanating from Can Leopard's body, Zhuo Yun suddenly woke up. The dangerous aura could not be resisted by his half-baked defensive skills.

"Since you can't defend passively, then use offense to turn it into the strongest defense."

In an instant, a thunderbolt-like aura burst out in his mind.

Zhuo Yun, who had been defending all the time, was like a male lion suddenly waking up. He stepped forward and roared with both fists towards the remnant leopard opposite.

"Boom!" There was a roar of violent impact, and the berserk power surged like a tide, creating a wave of air in the spacious room of the arena.

The onlookers had to step back quickly to cover themselves, and they didn't resist the surging air wave until they came to the wall.

The air wave of the impact dissipated, and Dao Feng and others quickly cast their sights on the center of the competition arena. A figure stood there proudly, the shattered jacket turned into pieces and drifted with the wind, revealing a firm but not obtrusive figure. Fair upper body.

"Damn it, isn't it so exaggerated!" Dao Feng stared at the shocking scene in astonishment, which was comparable to a scene in a movie.

Under the flying clothes fragments, Zhuo Yun stood on the ground with a cold and confident face, four deep footprints were abruptly stepped on the solid reinforced concrete ground under his feet.

Looking at Zhuo Yun, who was naked and upper body, and Leng Ji, who had a cold and expressionless face, a blush appeared on her face, and she quickly turned her gaze to other places.

Leng Ji's glamorous face was full of shock, her salivating red lips parted slightly, and the violent and ferocious Leopard in her sight lay leaning against the wall like a dead dog, with blood flowing from him gushed out of his mouth.

The clothes on Can Leopard's upper body were completely torn, revealing the firm bronze skin covered with wounds, but the arms that were originally as hard as steel were severely twisted at this moment, and the muscles were torn and leaked outwards. blood.

Dao Feng and others recovered from Zhuo Yun's movie-like scene, only then did they find the sadly injured Can Leopard. The poor Can Leopard was lying there vomiting blood, and it took a long time for the crowd to discover his existence.

Several of Can Leopard's attendants turned pale with fright, and quickly notified the specialized medical team of the underground base, and soon a group of doctors and nurses rushed in and carried the seriously injured Can Leopard out on a stretcher.

"Hoohoo! This guy is amazing!"

Zhuo Yun, who was standing in place, calmed down the surging qi and blood, let out a sigh of relief, glanced at his right arm, and a blood red claw mark appeared on it.

As a participant in the battle, Zhuo Yun has the deepest understanding of Can Leopard's strength.

If he hadn't swallowed a whole hundred-year-old wild ginseng before, his vitality cultivation base had greatly increased, and he had made a breakthrough in the water control ability, if he wanted to defeat Can Leopard, he would definitely hurt the enemy by one thousand and himself by eight hundred.

Just like the blood-red claw mark on the arm, relying on the strengthened vitality and the defensive power of the Turtle's Breathing Art, it barely resisted it. If it was before, a piece of flesh would definitely be torn off.

"Damn it, Zhuo Yun, you are really the idol I admire, Can Bao was beaten to death by you, have you been hiding your clumsiness before?" Dao Feng walked up quickly, looking up and down Looking at Zhuo Yun, it was as if they had known each other for the first time.

When he came back to his senses, Zhuo Yun shook his head and said: "I just made a breakthrough recently. The battle just now gave me a lot of insights. Let's not talk about it. I want to go back and sort it out."

After speaking, without giving Dao Feng a chance to speak, he hurriedly left the arena and came to a training room where the players usually exercise.

He benefited a lot from the battle with Can Leopard just now, not only is it easier to control the vitality in his body, especially the kind of temporary epiphany, which seems to be able to control all the moves around him, so he dare not have the slightest delay.

Dao Feng and others didn't know this, and thought it was Zhuo Yun's excuse, which made Leng Ji more sure that when Zhuo Yun was fighting with her, she deliberately hid her clumsiness, and even imagined that the accidental eating of tofu at that time was the same. It was all done by Zhuo Yun on purpose.

Poor Zhuo Yun didn't know that he had been completely wronged by Leng Ji, and the name of the wolf was officially worn on his head.

After staying in the training room for more than four hours, Zhuo Yun came out with a tired face.

Although his face is haggard and tired, the excitement in his eyes is self-evident. After more than four hours of study and perception, he finally mastered the feeling of feeling during battle.

He also gave this trick a very famous name, called Yushui Domain.

Of course, the name is very strong, but the real power is not so exaggerated. This trick is at most sensing the water vapor within two meters around the body, and maintaining this state requires a lot of vitality. It can only play a supporting role. If you really want to reach the realm of the domain, you are still far away.

In Zhuo Yun's office on the sixth floor of the office building, he was sitting in the boss's chair, feeling a little excited.

When he left university that year, he was still a college student who had no power, no power, and no money. He never thought that he would be the boss after a few years. This feeling of recruiting employees is really uncomfortable. Same, at least now, no matter how I say it, I am a successful student.

While thinking about it, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but smile. He tidied up his uncomfortable suit and dialed the phone connected to the outside.

"Let the No.1 interviewer come in."

"Yes, Chairman!"

There was a gloomy, even resentful voice on the phone.

The voice is very familiar, it's not that it's the young master of Lei Ting Group, the future successor of Lei Ting Group, the flirtatious and unrestrained young master Lei Yaolei.

Outside the office, Lei Yao acted as a receptionist with an aggrieved face. The future successor of the majestic Lei Ting Group was transferred here by Zhuo Yun.

Fortunately, none of these interviewees knew, otherwise their jaws would drop in shock.

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