Super black turtle clone

Chapter 130 The moth of the country!

() Because of the uncooperative relationship of the residents in this area, the staff of the demolition office were very angry. After reporting to the superiors, they finally tore off the mask of hypocrisy, and used the police and two large construction vehicles to prepare to forcibly demolish the area. place.

At the same time, the staff of the demolition office also said that if anyone obstructs them, not only will they be arrested under the law and order regulations, but they will not even get compensation for the demolition. flustered.

"I have already said what I just said. If you continue to obstruct, you will not only be arrested, but even the compensation will be confiscated. You should think carefully, otherwise it will be too late to regret it." Among the demolition office workers, a The domineering middle-aged man with the belly of a general yelled loudly, with an air of superiority and arrogance, as if his superiors were issuing orders to their subordinates.

Hearing the words of the Director of the Demolition Office, the audience couldn't help discussing for a while. Although they were very dissatisfied in their hearts, they had to think about the consequences of continuing to block it.

Zhuo Yun's mother and others were just ordinary people with no power and power. Under the behemoth of the state machine, most of them chose to submit for a day.

"Hmph, you don't have to drink fine wine for toasting!" Seeing the people around them start to disperse and go home to clean up the house, the director of the demolition office had a sneer on his lips.

In his opinion, these unreasonable people cannot be reasonable, and only the most domineering posture can make them succumb.

"I'll only give you half a day to move, and when the time comes, we'll start the forced demolition." The director of the demolition office shouted seriously.

"Xiaoyun, I think we're moving too. It won't do us any good to stop it like this." Seeing the neighbors who kept leaving around, the mother said with a sad expression.

The father next to him also nodded dejectedly when he heard the words. Originally, he had hoped that the demolition would make a fortune, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this in the end.

"Mom and Dad, you go home first, I'll go back later!" Zhuo Yun nodded and said to his parents.

"Okay, Xiaoyun, don't be impulsive, they are part of the country, we can't beat them." Mother said worriedly.

Zhuo Yun smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry, I know it in my heart."

After coaxing his parents back home, Zhuo Yun looked coldly at the domineering director of the demolition office. He really wanted to wipe out such scumbags and make a little contribution to the crowded earth.

After thinking about it, considering that his parents were nearby, he gave up the idea of ​​doing it, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Zhuo Yun, why did you think of calling me, kid? Is there something wrong?" The phone was connected, and Ouyang Zuo's foolish but dignified voice came from inside.

"Captain is really clever!" After flattering him, Zhuo Yun smiled and told what happened at home.

"Hey, moths in these countries, don't worry, I'll call you to inquire, I believe it will be resolved soon." Ouyang Zuo said angrily, and agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Not to mention that this matter itself is a problem of the demolition office, Zhuo Yun's ability to defeat the remnant leopard alone is enough to win over Ouyang Zuo, the captain.

After hanging up the phone, Zhuo Yun stood there calmly and waited. He believed that with Ouyang Zuo's ability, he would soon be able to solve this trouble that was difficult for ordinary people to solve, but it was nothing to Ouyang Zuo.

Soon all the people who had gathered had left until only Zhuo Yun was left standing there, which suddenly caught the attention of the director of the demolition office and others.

"It's him!" When the demolition office came in, a middle-aged man in a well-fitting suit had his eyes slightly lit up, and a savage smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The middle-aged man stepped up to the side of the police chief and said something in a low voice. The police chief glanced at Zhuo Yun, hesitated and then nodded.

"I didn't want to make trouble. It seems that sometimes I can't help myself." Seeing the police chief walking towards him in his sight, and the middle-aged man in the demolition office in a suit, Zhuo Yun thought to himself sigh.

"Boy, let's meet again." The middle-aged man from the demolition office walked up to Zhuo Yun and said with a sneer.

"Yes, I said why the crows were calling this morning, so it was you who came here." Zhuo Yun nodded seriously.

The middle-aged man from the demolition office in front of him was not a stranger, he was the leader of the three demolition office workers who threatened him last time and was later scared away by him.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp!" The middle-aged man from the demolition office had dark eyes, looking at Zhuo Yun's eyes, revealing a touch of hatred and a touch of fear.

The last time he was impacted by Zhuo Yun's aura, he was so scared that he didn't recover all afternoon after he went back, and when he went to bed with his wife at night, he even showed signs of reluctance, which made him hold a grudge all the time.

"Captain Su, you heard what this kid said. Not only did he threaten our zhengfu staff before, he also made rude remarks just now." He gave Zhuo Yun a bitter look, and said to the police chief.

"En!!" The police chief nodded, looked at Zhuo Yun coldly and said, "You are suspected of threatening and insulting national workers, please come with us."

"Hehe, what a joke, did he threaten me when he said I threatened me? He is a national employee, and I am still a national citizen. Why do you arrest me?" Zhuo Yun smiled coldly. I really don't take the captain of a small town police station seriously.

"Just because we are the police." The police captain sneered proudly, and waved to the police officers not far away. Immediately, two people walked over quickly, and those with handcuffs in their hands were about to be caught. Zhuo Yun.

"Stop, what do you want?" At this moment, the father, who was worried about coming out to have a look, ran over quickly.

"Don't stop us from enforcing the law normally, or we'll arrest you too." The police captain shouted coldly at the rushing father, and the two police officers who came forward stepped forward and stopped the father outside.

"Plop!" One of the policemen reached out and pushed Dad to the ground.

Zhuo Yun, who didn't pay much attention at first, his eyes turned red when he saw this, and an invisible murderous aura burst out from him, and he appeared in front of the policeman who pushed his father down in a blink of an eye. He reached out and grabbed his neck, grabbing his entire volley.

"Oh, help, help, cough, cough!" The policeman who was grabbed by the neck screamed with difficulty, his face pale with fright, not at all as arrogant and domineering as before.

The police captain, father and others beside him were also stunned by the sudden situation, and they all looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

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