Super black turtle clone

Chapter 132 So Cool!

() Originally, this kind of dress was very enjoyable, but Zhuo Yun reflected it after enjoying the eye ice cream.

After parking the car in front of Wang Yanrou, Zhuo Yun smiled wryly and said, "Sister Rou, don't you plan to go camping in the wild with this suit on?"

"Yes, what's the matter? Is there any problem?" Wang Yanrou took it for granted and looked around in a circle.

Looking at Wang Yanrou with an innocent face, Zhuo Yun decisively chose to ignore the inappropriateness of her clothes, shook his head and opened the car door.

Under the envious and jealous eyes of the men around, Zhuo Yun started his sports car and drove away. Seeing this situation, some young men secretly regretted and sighed, and once again used the rich second generation to comfort their wounded hearts. When they returned to Zhuo Yun, they were not the rich second generation, so they didn't know what kind of expression they would have.

What surprised Zhuo Yun was that Wang Yanrou was still a small astronomical enthusiast, and she was already familiar with things like watching meteor showers, and she knew the excellent observation places around her like the back of her hand.

Parked the car at the foot of the mountain, and at Wang Yanrou's recommendation, the two walked into a forest.

Even though this is Zhuo Yun's hometown, he is not very familiar with the surrounding mountains and forests. Bi Jing's parents would not let him run around when he was young, and he went to school all the time when he was old. play.

Just as Zhuo Yun thought, after only a few hundred meters in the forest, the coquettishly dressed Wang Yanrou sprained her feet and fell to the ground. Even the miniskirt was lifted up by the branches next to her, and she could see the whiteness inside. The lured little inner.

Resisting the visual impact, Zhuo Yun hurriedly stepped forward with a wry smile: "Sister Rou, you are known as a lover of literature, and you have a lot of experience in watching meteor showers. Don't tell me that you have never been to this kind of mountain forest before. .”

For those who are fanatical about meteor showers, Zhuo Yun knew a few of them when he was in college. As long as they know there are meteor showers or want to watch the sky, their favorite places to go are the tops of some mountain peaks.

"Jijia, I like to watch meteor showers, but before that, I only watched it from the Yaotai." Wang Yanrou looked a little embarrassed, clutching her right foot, and said with an innocent and painful expression.

"Hey, you're amazing, who told you to wear high heels to this kind of place, it's no wonder you didn't sprain your feet."

Zhuo Yun glanced at Wang Yanrou speechlessly, reached out and grabbed her right foot, and took off her shoes and socks, revealing her fair and delicate right foot.

Signs of redness and swelling can be clearly seen on the ankle, and it looks quite serious, with faint traces of congestion.

When Zhuo Yun carefully observed Wang Yanrou's right foot, he didn't notice the blush on her face, and there was a hint of shyness and strange feeling in her eyes.

Every woman has her own sensitive point, and one of Wang Yanrou's sensitive points is on her foot. At this moment, Zhuo Yun's right foot is being pinched by Zhuo Yun's fiery palms, and she can't help but feel an inexplicable sense of stimulation. The legs were clamped tightly.

"Your foot is twisted badly. I'll rub it for you to endure the pain." Zhuo Yun said without raising his head.

It's not that he doesn't want to look up, but because of his current position, it's easy to see Wang Yanrou's little Nei Nei, who has lost all her crotch when he looks up. Seeing this kind of scene in this kind of place can easily lead people to the road of crime.

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and stroked Wang Yanrou's ankle, circulating the vitality in his body to moisturize the sprained ankle.

The vitality itself contains a strong repairing ability, and after absorbing the water aura gushing out of the mysterious beads, it adds a breath of nourishing all things, so that the healing ability is further improved, and soon Wang Yanrou's legs The injury on the wrist was repaired by Yuan Qi and it was as good as before.

The whole process seemed nothing to Zhuo Yun, but to Wang Yanrou it was definitely a struggle of excitement and suffering.

The cool vitality blended into her sprained part, and under the kneading and stroking of Zhuo Yun's palm, the pleasure produced was as strong as that of an ordinary woman's feeling of being touched to some sensitive forbidden area, making Wang Yanrou's beautiful eyes full of chun, her eyes full The legs were tightly clamped, and there was a trace of wetness in the middle of the white underwear.

Zhuo Yun was naturally ignorant of Wang Yanrou's situation. After healed his ankle injury, he quickly stood up to avoid seeing some imaginative scenes.

"Your ankle is healed, let's continue on our way." Zhuo Yun glanced at Wang Yan, who had a ruddy complexion and a somewhat weird expression, and said judgingly.

"Oh!!" After recovering from the strange pleasure just now, feeling Zhuo Yun's gaze, Wang Yanrou blushed.

She moved her ankle, and Wang Yanrou, who had just come to her senses, exclaimed again: "Oh, it's really good, how did you do it?"

"Hey, this is a secret." Zhuo Yun smiled and said mysteriously. He didn't intend to let people around him know about his special ability. After all, the less people know about such things, the better. Be it a parent or a friend.

"Cut, don't talk about pulling it down, I don't care to know." Wang Yanrou said with a curl of her lips.

Seeing the posture of Wang Yanrou's youngest daughter, Zhuo Yun secretly sighed in his heart. When they first met, he thought that Wang Yanrou was a woman who was superior because of her beauty, but after getting in touch with her, he realized that it was not the case at all.

Wang Yanrou is an absolute capable faction, even Lei Yao can't handle it, and she admires Wang Yanrou's methods, and naturally thinks that she is a strong female type.

Now as he gets along constantly, he gradually discovers that apart from Wang Yanrou's strong female side, she also has the gentleness and coquettishness of a girl.

Several different personalities merged into one, making Wang Yanrou not only the body and appearance that fascinated men, but also full of attractiveness in character, full of unknown freshness, which made men want to conquer.

The ankle was healed by Zhuo Yun, Wang Yanrou tried to stand up, but she was completely weak. The pleasure she felt when she was treated by Zhuo Yun just now made her still not regain her strength.

Wang Yanrou gave Zhuo Yun a flirtatious glance, and Wang Yanrou couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry, and didn't know how to speak for a while.

It can't be said that it's because when I was treated for a sprained ankle just now, I couldn't help being in heat, which made my body weak now, and the bottom is still a little wet.

Seeing Wang Yanrou's appearance, Zhuo Yun didn't think about it, and thought she was worried about the mountain road behind.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll carry you on my back." Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand in front of Wang Yanrou and said.

Wang Yanrou, who was worrying about the reason, heard an inexplicable brilliance in her beautiful eyes, nodded lightly, stretched out her hand to grab Zhuo Yun's palm, got up with the strength of Zhuo Yun's arm, and lay down on the bed shyly. Zhuo Yun played with his back.

"It's so cool!" The moment Wang Yanrou leaned on him, Zhuo Yun had the urge to groan, the fleshy and elastic touch made the blood in his body flow quickly. .

Suppressing the messy psychology, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand to grab Wang Yanrou's white and tender thigh, and forcefully carried her whole body onto his back.

The surging oppressive feeling coming from the back, the slippery touch in the hand, and the faint female fragrance constantly wafting from the nose made Zhuo Yun feel that the whole body was a little light.

Compared to Zhuo Yun's feelings, Wang Yanrou's mood was not calm either. With the bumps of the mountain road, her chest was constantly squeezing Zhuo Yun's back. That feeling made her face rosy, and Zhuo Yun's pair of fiery The palm of her hand was firmly attached to her thigh, and there was an invisible heat flow.

The two were immersed in the strangeness like this, but they didn't have the pleasure of revealing it. Neither of them said a word. It wasn't until Wang Yanrou was about to go off the road that he stretched out his fingers. In this way, in the strange atmosphere, the two came here. next destination.

When he came to this flat mountain, what surprised Zhuo Yun was that there was already a couple who were tidying up the tent.

The other party has three people, Zhuo Yun was a little surprised that the other party was all men, which was completely different from the couple he imagined watching the meteor shower together.

"I didn't expect a small mountain to be so popular." Seeing a group of people not far away, Zhuo Yun thought a little funny in his heart.

Fortunately, the terrain of this small hill is relatively flat, and the area is also large. Even if two people arrive, the hill will not appear crowded.

When the two of Zhuo Yun arrived, the third who was tidying up the tent not far away also noticed the existence of the two, and they couldn't help turning around to watch, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

Wang Yanrou's coquettish charm was irresistible to men, and when the three of them discovered Wang Yanrou's arrival, almost all their eyes were on her.

Feeling Sanru's naked eyes, Wang Yanrou frowned in dissatisfaction. If it wasn't for the usual times, she might not care. After all, she is used to being stared at by men. Now she is with Zhuo Yun, but she I don't want to be watched by other men with such fiery eyes.

Zhuo Yun also noticed the gaze of the three, but he didn't stop it. His strength has become stronger now, but he is not blinded by his strength.

Watching is at home's freedom, as long as you don't provoke him, he doesn't want to cause trouble, after all, you won't lose a piece of meat if you look at it twice, and beautiful women are just for looking at.

Originally, Zhuo Yun planned to say hello to Sanru, but now seeing Sanru's unscrupulous eyes, he gave up this plan in displeasure, and began to sort out the things he and Wang Yanrou had prepared before.

"Hey, why is there only one tent?" Zhuo Yun said in astonishment as he looked at the simple tent he took out from Wang Yanrou's backpack.

Soon Zhuo Yun came back to his senses, deliberately showed a sly smile and said: "Sister Rou, you don't have any bad intentions, if you really want it, I will help you .”

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