Super black turtle clone

Chapter 183 The Beauty Mayor Has a Date!

() "Boss Zhuo, get up and eat quickly, if you don't get up, the food will be cold." Wang Yanrou's urging and dissatisfied cry came from outside the door.

"Ahem, I see, I'll be downstairs in a while." Zhuo Yun replied awkwardly.

Outside the door, Wang Yanrou stood on the corridor, with a look of doubt on her face: "It's strange, Zhuo Yun's voice is a little strange."

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away, Zhuo Yun let out a wry smile, his voice was not strange, that was strange, this feeling of being suddenly poured with cold water when the fire was boiling, almost didn't frighten him into impotence, That's pretty good.

Feeling the fever of Kitano Meidaizi in his arms, Zhuo Yun could only resist the urge to have a thousand shots, and pulled out the wet golden cudgel from the alleyway, under the sad eyes of Kitano Meidaizi , Clean up and put on clothes.

Dressed neatly, Zhuo Yun tidied up to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, then turned his head to look, and what made him depressed was that Kitano Midaiko was still lying on his bed.

"Mei Daizi, get up quickly." Stepping up to Kitano Meidaizi, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand and patted that soft and elastic buttocks hard.

"O!" A scream came from Kitano Meidaizi's mouth. In this environment, especially when her whole body was naked, Zhuo Yun felt a surge of energy and blood, and the lower body that had just calmed down almost swelled again. Express your protest angrily.

"If you want, I will take care of you at night." Squeezing Kitano Meidaizi's firm breasts, Zhuo Yun smiled with lust in his eyes, even though he thought it was very pure The smile, but at the moment it seems unusually wretched.

As a high-quality domestic virgin, when I was in college, I fell in love with my girlfriend. At most, I held hands, kissed, and touched. Now I have been counterattacked by Kitano Midaiko and officially become a man. Zhuo Yun is also very knowledgeable about this aspect, but he doesn't want Wang Yanrou and Mu Xue to see it.

Although logically speaking, there is no special relationship between the three, but Bi Jing has also experienced ambiguous contacts. When facing two women, he always feels like stealing from his own women.

"Linen belt, it's not that I don't want to get up when I enter the house, it's just that I don't have my clothes here." Mei Daizi Kitano, whose whole body was sore after being touched by Zhuo Yun, uttered a very popular Japanese phrase, and quickly blocked Zhuo Yun's mischievous palm .

Hearing Kitano Meidaizi's words, Zhuo Yun glanced around and laid down the bath towel on the ground, besides that, he didn't even have a bathrobe.

"In this way, you hide in the room first, don't go out, I'll get you clothes, remember, no one will open the door for her except me." Zhuo Yun walked out of his room, swept the After looking around, she walked towards Kitano Midaiko's room with a ghostly expression.

Fortunately, Kitano Meidaizi's room is also on the second floor, so at least she doesn't have to go down to the first floor to meet Mu Xue and Wang Yanrou.

Opening Kitano Midaiko's room, there is not much decoration inside, it looks very simple, and there are not many clothes in the closet, they are all clothes that don't look very coquettish. The charming and coquettish woman in the wine is not her real character.

Thinking of the blood stains he saw on the bed just now, Zhuo Yun was secretly troubled. Before that, he thought that Mei Daizi Kitano was no longer a virgin. The female killer, without too much psychological burden, only now realizes that her imagination is completely wrong.

"Forget it, take one step at a time." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun took the clothes and sneaked into his room again.

Appreciating the ketone body of a beautiful woman is a very exciting thing, and watching a beautiful woman put on clothes, the visual stimulation is not inferior at all, especially after breaking the melon last night, Kitano Meidaizi's lower body is red, swollen and painful, wearing clothes The posture is even more attractive.

"I can't take it anymore, I'd better go out first," Zhuo Yun walked out of his room, holding back his irritated lower body, and bumped into Mu Xue who was walking up the stairs.

The sudden encounter made Zhuo Yun secretly feel a little guilty. Just as he was thinking about how to say hello, Mu Xue, who was opposite him, blushed suddenly, and walked downstairs quickly with her head down.

Slightly surprised, Zhuo Yun remembered the look in Mu Xue's eyes just now, and lowered his head to look down.

I saw a tall tent standing on his trousers, showing that majestic posture.

After calming down his little brother, Zhuo Yun walked to the dining table on the first floor, and after a while, Kitano Meidaizi who had packed up also came down from above, but her posture was obviously limping, It immediately caught the attention of Wang Yanrou and Mu Xue.

"Sister Mei Daizi, what's the matter with you, is it uncomfortable there?" Wang Yanrou, who was acting as the warm-hearted elder sister, stepped forward to help her and asked with concern.

Even if she is a specially trained killer, Bei Ye Mei Daizi Bi Jing is a woman, and she just experienced a broken melon, which made her originally calm mind have some loopholes. After hearing Wang Yanrou's words, she subconsciously glanced at Zhuo Yun next to her .

"It's broken!" Zhuo Yun, who had been secretly watching from the corner of his eye, saw this subconscious action of Kitano Meidaizi, his heart tightened immediately, and he quickly pretended not to know anything and lowered his head to eat.

Wang Yanrou, who is an old fox in the workplace, immediately noticed this situation keenly, and looked suspiciously at the calm Zhuo Yun.

"Cough, I'm full, let's take a step first." After eating two bites in a hurry, Zhuo Yun decisively cast his escapism and said with a smile.

"I'm full too. Let's go out together, just to send me to the talent market."

Zhuo Yun, who had just stepped forward, stopped depressed, turned his head and saw Wang Yanrou who was smiling all over his face.

In desperation, Zhuo Yun could only drive Wang Yanrou and leave the villa area together.

"Boss Zhuo, didn't you wake up very early for everything? Why didn't you get up so late today." While speaking, Wang Yanrou stared at Zhuo Yun with her beautiful eyes.

"Here we come!" Thinking to himself, Zhuo Yun said calmly, "I slept a little late last night and was busy dealing with the closure of the company. I believe there should be news in the next few days."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help thinking that since he asked the beautiful Mayor Shen Yuyan last time, he hasn't called to ask about it.

Wang Yanrou, who was staring at Zhuo Yun closely, seeing his unchanged expression, was still secretly suspicious all day long, and asked some questions, all of which were cleverly answered by Zhuo Yun, so she could only secretly doubt, but did not have any There is no way to prove it. Of course, in her heart, she doesn't want to prove anything.

After sending Wang Yanrou to the talent market, Zhuo Yun took out his mobile phone and called Shen Yuyan, the beautiful mayor. This time he dialed Shen Yuyan's private mobile phone number.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Zhuo? Why did you think of calling me, the little mayor?" As soon as the call was connected, Shen Yuyan's voice full of resentment came from the other end of the phone. Complaining about my husband ignoring me is the same.

Zhuo Yun, who had just tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, heard Shen Yuyan's words full of resentment and amorous feelings, his body shivered involuntarily, and Shen Yuyan, who had the temperament of a queen, appeared in his mind, wearing a black leather jacket with a sad face. Pants, holding a long whip, waving the long whip with a smile on his face.

"It's too evil!" Quickly shaking his head to dispel this passionate fantasy, Zhuo Yun joked with a smile: "Beauty, you are the mayor o, you must always maintain your majesty, such a big resentment can easily be suspected as boudoir resentment woman."

"Hmph, you're the one who hates you. It looks like you don't plan to ask me to help with your company's affairs. I wanted to tell you good news, but now it seems unnecessary."

"Okay, okay, as the saying goes, the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach, and the mayor can hold an aircraft carrier in his belly. We can't be so stingy."

"It's okay if you don't want me to be angry. Treat me to dinner tonight, and I will naturally tell you the good news then."

"No problem, as long as the beautiful mayor you want to eat, I will catch you even a whale in the sea." Zhuo Yun promised.

Shen Yuyan, who didn't know that what Zhuo Yun said was actually the truth, even though she thought Zhuo Yun was joking, she was still very satisfied in her heart.

Fortunately, Zhuo Yun didn't know what Shen Yuyan was thinking, otherwise he would have secretly admired that women are indeed a group of strange animals.

After talking on the phone with Shen Yuyan, he didn't go to other places, but drove back to the villa area directly, because just now he received the news from Xuangui that it and the fire python had arrived in that weird area. Green meadow nearby.

Zhuo Yun was full of curiosity about the weird water grass field, and this kind of weird plants were more surprising than those huge aquatic beasts.

When he returned to his room, he was a little surprised that the messy beds last night had already been replaced with a new set of bedding, avoiding the embarrassing situation of lying in the wet quilt.

With what happened to Kitano Meidaizi last night, he didn't dare to slack off any more. He set up traps at the entrances of the entire room, and told Mu Xue and the two girls not to come in. Then he lay on the bed and shifted his consciousness To Xuangui.

It is still the deep seabed, except that there is a fiery red python beside the black turtle. The infiltrating huge figure and the snake letters that are constantly swallowing and swallowing are extraordinarily terrifying. This image is used to shoot American sci-fi blockbusters Definitely a hit.

Glancing at the flattering fire python, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but feel a little moved. If a film without any special effects was shot with fire python and other exotic animals, it would definitely be very attractive.

Of course, he is just thinking about it now, not to mention that he doesn't have the spare money to do this, even if he does, once the film is shot, it is estimated that supernatural organizations from various countries will come to him for a drink and chat.

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