Super black turtle clone

Chapter 193 Bloody Gouyu!

() The blood flame wrapped around the knife soared, covering the entire capital of Masao Kitano, and the forced Zhuo Yun quickly led Mei Daizi to dodge to a distance, and the vitality in the body suppressed the blood in the body as if it was about to take away the body And out of the impact.

Suppressing the feeling of wanting to squirt blood, Zhuo Yun thought of Mei Daizi Kitano next to him, but when he turned his head, he was shocked to find that Mei Daizi didn't feel the slightest discomfort at all, instead she looked radiant He stared at the blazing blood flame.

"Mei Daizi, don't you feel that there is something wrong with your body?" After hesitating for a while, Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously.

Xue Yan's ability to attract blood into his body needs to be suppressed even if he needs to run the vitality in his body. He doesn't believe that Kitano Meidaizi's strength will be higher than his own.

"There's nothing wrong, it's just that I feel familiar with Xue Yan's instinct, as if it was a part of my body, it's a very strange feeling." Mei Daizi blinked her long eyelashes, with a surprised expression As for the blurred Tao, there was no expression of pain at all.

"Strange, what's going on? Is it really what Mei Daizi said? It's a blood relationship." Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun's idea of ​​letting Mei Daizi control Xue Yan became stronger. , whether it is for Mei Daizi or him, it will be of great benefit.

Just when Zhuo Yun was wondering and expecting, and Mei Daizi's heart was surging, the burning blood flames seemed to be absorbed by a vacuum cleaner, and quickly disappeared towards the middle gathering. In the blink of an eye, the blood flames that were still burning just now had disappeared. .

As for Masao Kitano's yin stick, there was not even a whole body left, and the whole body was swallowed by the blood flames, turning into a pile of ashes and falling on the ground.

Kitano Meidaizi stepped forward in a daze. In order to avoid her being in danger, Zhuo Yun could only quickly follow her. Be vigilant at all times when using the water control domain. No one knows if the blood flame will come Come out again, everything is better to be careful.

While Zhuo Yun was secretly vigilant, Kitano Meidaizi came to the ashes that Kitano Masao had turned into.

"No, is Mei Daizi planning to whip the ashes!" She thought subconsciously, before he could react, Kitano Meidaizi bent down and reached out to pick up a blood-red thing from the ashes.

"What is this!" came to Kitano Meidaizi, looked at the blood-red gouyu in her hand, and asked suspiciously that he had been using the water control domain just now, and it stands to reason that he should be able to see the inside of the ashes. The Gouyu was the right one, but he didn't sense it. Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he couldn't sense this blood-red Gouyu just by sensing the water control field.

Holding the blood-red gouyu, Kitano Meidaizi was a little dazed and confused: "If I'm not wrong, this should be the bloody gouyu passed down by the Kitano family. It is said that it was cast from the blood of millions of corpses. Infinite mysterious power, but a treasure that represents blood and disaster."

"Blood of a million corpses!" Zhuo Yun's face was moved after repeating one of the words. That terrifying mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

"Daru, Mei Daizi has a feeling that if I can integrate this bloody hook jade into my body, it will have great power. It seems that this bloody hook jade has been calling me." Beiye Meidaizi looked confused As he said that, his expression seemed to be impatient to try it. If it wasn't for the existence of Zhuo Yun, he would have already tried to integrate this bloody hook jade into his body.

Sensing that there was something wrong with Kitano Meidaizi's expression, Zhuo Yun immediately reacted decisively, and a sharp cold air shot out from his hand as he stretched out his hand, instantly freezing the bloody gouyu completely, turning it into a fist-sized ice ball .

A piercing chill emanated from the ice puck, and Mei Daizi's eyes, which were originally confused, suddenly became clear after a shock.

"How is it, are you alright?" Zhuo Yun asked with concern after removing the frozen bloody Gouyu from Mei Daizi's hand.

Shaking her head, Mei Daizi said with a surprised expression: "Daru, what happened to me just now, I felt like I fell asleep in a daze, and suddenly I was awakened by a chill."

"This bloody hook jade is very evil. Before I fully understand its specific situation, I will put it away in a frozen place. I will explore its secrets later when I am sure." Zhuo Yun put the bloody hook jade into the Put it into your own pocket, and at the same time shrink the water control area to cover it, and instantly put it into the space between the eyebrows.

"Well, I'll listen to the master." Kitano Midaiko patted her chest with some lingering fear, and nodded meekly.

Seeing that Kitano Mei Daizi had fully recovered, Zhuo Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to make Mei Daizi stronger and become his right-hand man, but he didn't want to see her sacrifice her own life. Going to gamble, before he figured out the mystery of the bloody hook jade, he secretly decided not to let Mei Daizi touch this bloody hook jade.

After getting rid of Masao Kitano, the old cunt, Zhuo Yun returned to the room and put Murasame into his new space.

Only then did he think of another thing in the space between his eyebrows, two water plant leaves as weird as bloody jade.

Losing the water source and soil, the two aquatic plant leaves did not show the slightest sign of decay. In Zhuo Yun's induction, he even found that the two leaves seemed to be still growing. It is estimated that if they were placed anywhere outside, after a while Time can grow into two new aquatic plants.

In Zhuo Yun's mind before, Xiaoqiang was undoubtedly the one with the strongest vitality, but now he has found something much stronger than Xiaoqiang's vitality, and that is this weird aquatic plant.

The super vitality shown by the aquatic plants has made Zhuo Yun pay more attention to it. Just for this amazing vitality, if the mystery of it can be solved by scientific means, he believes that it will definitely have super power. unimaginable value.

At the beginning, he just planned to find a random place, test the ingredients in it, and determine whether it was useful, but now he gave up this somewhat hasty idea.

"By the way, why did I forget him!" After thinking for a moment, Zhuo Yun patted himself on the head amusedly.

At eight o'clock in the evening, it is the time when the city's nightlife begins. The red lights of the buildings on both sides of the road are flickering, and the traffic on the road is no less than that of Bai Yao.

Outside the night wine, Zhuo Yun drove his sports car and drew a beautiful arc and parked in the parking space, that handsome flick of the tail immediately made the surrounding women who were thinly dressed, with snow-white chests, and underpants ripped to the bottom of their thighs, look away secretly .

Ignoring the temptation of the electric eyes of these sissy girls, Zhuo Yun locked the car door and walked directly into Ye Se Wine.

Zhuo Yun is no stranger to this night wine. When I was in college, a few classmates would meet here every once in a while. Although I couldn’t afford the high-end drinks inside, I could still order a few glasses of beer Watch cuties there.

Recalling his youthful college life back then, he couldn't help feeling nostalgic. Now that he can be said to have achieved success, he still longed for the kind of friendship in college where he had no thoughts, no thoughts, and no fame and fortune. A kind of happiness without too many constraints.

A burst of brisk music reached Zhuo Yun's ears, waking him up from his emotion, and the shining inside of the wine had appeared in his sight.

Although the decorative tables and chairs inside have obviously been replaced with new ones, the familiar feeling still makes him feel very comfortable. Men and women are drinking and chatting with each other in sight. Compared with other places, the atmosphere here is relatively harmonious. There is no violent music like a nightclub, and the fiery desires of men and women.

Enjoying the familiar feeling, Zhuo Yun scanned the field, and quickly locked on to the figure with the majestic and abrupt figure.

"This guy shouldn't have a nice personality, and he's still picking up girls after such a short time." Zhuo Yun shook his head amusedly, looking at the plump figure who was courting a sexy woman in hot clothes.

"Fatty, you got dumped again, you boy still don't change sexingo!" Stretching out his hand to pat the thick and fat shoulder, Zhuo Yun glanced at the figure of the woman who was walking away with her little butt twisted, and said teasingly.

"Zhuo Yun, don't hit me. This is the 240th time I have failed to strike up a conversation with you. Can't you comfort my wounded heart?" Liu Shengquan's face turned from far away, with an innocent expression, Said with a hurt face.

Ignoring Liu Shengquan's innocent appearance, Zhuo Yun rolled his eyes in contempt and said: "Come on, you think I don't understand you, you probably have walked out of the shadow of failure before I finish comforting you. Looking for the next target to strike up a conversation with."

"Hehe, brother Yun who knows me too." Having been exposed, Liu Shengquan was not shy, and smiled cheekily.

Facing Liu Shengquan's extraordinarily thick-skinned, Zhuo Yun didn't feel the slightest surprise. He watched Liu Shengquan grow from a thin-skinned little fat guy who would blush even at a glance at a girl, to the point where he can even pierce with steel needles. An impervious obscene fat man.

When he was in college, Liu Shengquan had always had a relatively low self-esteem because of his body size, and he didn’t even dare to look at girls more. Later, with the encouragement and support of the brothers in the dormitory, he honed his current fat body. Oil seeds.

"Didn't I hear that your kid is in a relationship? You seem to be getting married soon. Now, if you still dare to seduce a woman in a drink, be careful not to be seen by your girlfriend and pick your skin off."

"Hey, it's hard to say." Liu Shengquan, who was still smiling just now, immediately felt like a frosted eggplant when he heard the word girlfriend.

"What's the matter, is something wrong, tell me brother, maybe I can help you." Seeing Liu Shengquan's appearance, Zhuo Yun asked in surprise.

In his memory, Liu Shengquan had always looked like a smiling Buddha, happy all day long, but once he was really worried, it meant that he must have encountered a big problem.

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