Super black turtle clone

Chapter 202 When the robbery is in progress!

() This time the luxury cruise ship must be robbed quickly, and the Macau side must not react. Otherwise, once the Macau government launches a naval siege, Zhuo Yun is not sure if he can handle it with the current strength of the black turtle avatar. The government of Macau discovered the existence of the black turtle, and it is estimated that the news of the black turtle will spread throughout the world soon, and it will be impossible to use the black turtle as a hidden trump card by then.

Relying on the black turtle's super sensing power, even under the patrol ship, he still knows the sea surface within a radius of one kilometer like the palm of his hand, and soon the Thomas pirate ship quickly entered his sensing range.

At the same time as he sensed it, the navy on the patrol ship also found this uninvited guest who suddenly appeared.

"Buzz!" The sound of the whistle sounded, and the patrol ship shot off fireworks representing expulsion, which exploded in the air and turned into the emblem of the Macau Navy.

"Captain Thomas, the navy on the patrol ship has spotted us. What should we do now? If we go straight there, our pirate ship will also suffer a lot of losses." On the pirate ship, the pirate in charge of investigating the situation immediately turned to Thomas. report.

Taking out the binoculars and looking at the patrol ships in the distance, Thomas's eyes flashed with extraordinary firmness, and he said without the slightest hesitation: "Attack at full speed, with the omnipotent Lord Neptune around, the patrol ships are nothing at all."

Hearing Thomas' words, the pirate who was still a little worried at first was immediately cheered up, and even replied a little crazy: "Yes, Captain, Lord Sea King is omnipotent."

Receiving Thomas' order, the pirate ship not only did not slow down, but accelerated towards the patrol ship.

This kind of behavior of the pirate ship immediately attracted the attention of the navy on the patrol ship. Just when they were about to fire to expel them, there were violent waves on the calm sea. Spread in all directions.

"What's going on, what happened." In the cabin of the patrol ship, he was sitting in front of the monitor.The captain of the patrol ship who was holding the coffee felt a surge of force, poured all the coffee on himself, and drank it angrily.

It's a pity that no one responded to his anger at this moment, and the captain hadn't had time to wipe the coffee on his body.I felt a greater force transmitted to myself through the chair I was sitting on.The whole person was thrown flying and hit the top of the cabin.

Under the excited and adoring eyes of Thomas and others, the patrol ship was knocked out of the sea by a huge force, and flew out tilted and upside down.

During the whole process, the waves were surging, and they couldn't see the specific situation at all.He could only vaguely see the influence of a black shadow emerge from the sea water.

Another patrol boat 200 meters away from this patrol boat also suffered a violent attack, but compared to the violent methods here, the other side seemed gentle but much weirder.

A large number of bubbles suddenly appeared in the sea water around the patrol boat, and gusts of hot air emerged from the surrounding sea water.The crew members on the patrol ship were all horrified to find that the temperature of the ship under their feet was rising in a straight line, and after a while, as long as the steel connecting the hull became hot.

"Buzz buzz!" The siren sounded only when the ship's hull was seriously damaged, and bursts of red light appeared in the sight of Thomas and others through the sea water.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked them appeared. The patrol ship seemed to be pulled by a monster in the deep sea, and sank toward the sea at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Long live Lord Neptune, long live Lord Neptune!" On the pirate ship, a group of pirates shouted as if they had been injected with chicken blood.That appearance is simply like a fanatical terrorist, and the condensed spiritual power alone is enough to make people feel intimidated.

Under the sea that Thomas and others couldn't see, a huge tortoise was waving its sharp claws, throwing the sea water around the patrol ship that fell into the water.A huge underwater vortex was formed, quickly engulfing the ship that was already sinking.

And under the sea on the other side, a huge crimson boa constrictor gushed out flames that made the sea water boil, and forcibly burned a hole the size of an urn on the bottom of the patrol ship.The sea water gushed into it, and the ship quickly sank toward the bottom of the sea.

A write-up should be timely for the Navy.One after another got out of the ship in horror, struggling to swim to the surface of the sea, but what greeted them was the mouth of the fire python that smelled of sulfur. For the greedy fire python, as long as it is edible food, they will Will not let go.

Zhuo Yun did not stop this, this time he did not intend to let the navy on the two ships survive, it was not because he was ruthless, but to protect himself, between others and himself, he could only choose to protect his own Interests are not harmed.

From Zhuo Yun controlling the black turtle and fire python to the sinking of the two naval ships, the whole process only took a minute or so, and the other patrol ship didn't even have time to react. At that time, Thomas's pirate ship had already roared towards the luxury cruise ship.

Dozens of fully armed pirates jumped onto the luxury cruise ship one after another, and a fierce gun battle immediately started on the luxury cruise ship. Zhuo Yun, as a spectator, watched this exciting scene through the sea, but did not help.

Not to mention that he is now possessed by the black turtle and can't help at all, even if he can help, he won't make a move. If Thomas can't even complete this level of robbery, then there is no need to continue to be the leader of the pirates.

As for the remaining patrol ship, as soon as it was launched, it was bombarded by the artillery fire of the Thomas pirate ship. With the firepower of the Thomas pirate ship comparable to that of the regular army at sea, it suppressed the patrol ship in an instant and was unable to fight back.

Compared with the pirates on Thomas's pirate ship, the navy, who had no experience in battle and was only acting at most, was basically like tofu. It looked good in color, but in fact it shattered when touched.

Thomas and the others hadn't finished robbing, and the patrol ship died gloriously while sinking while emitting thick smoke.

There are security guards on luxury yachts, and some rich people also have bodyguards around them, but compared with the vicious Thomas and his party, they are more than one level behind in terms of equipment and combat experience, except for a few good bodyguards , the others almost fell to the ground piece by piece.

In just ten minutes, the entire huge luxury yacht was completely controlled by Thomas and his team. A large amount of cash and jewelry were packed into bags, and special people delivered them bag by bag.

Zhuo Yun, who was watching underwater, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this situation.

The bags were not waste paper, but real banknotes, many of which were even US dollars.

"Damn, being a robber is the fastest way to get rich." Seeing this, Zhuo Yun couldn't help complaining, secretly thinking about whether he should also be a full-time pirate.

The efficiency of Thomas and his team is very high. These people are strong veterans. It took less than 10 minutes to rob the luxury cruise ship. A group of dozens of people returned to Thomas's pirate ship again. superior.

There were only a group of rich people with big bellies and terrified looks on the luxury cruise ship, as if they were dead relatives. Even for these rich people, the money Thomas robbed was enough to make them feel heartbroken.

In the past 10 minutes, the Macau government was blown up. When they received the distress signal from the luxury cruise ship, the staff on duty at the time thought it was a joke. After all, the luxury cruise ship is protected by three patrol ships, which is basically impossible What's wrong.

It was also because of the mistakes of the staff that the best rescue time was missed. By the time they reacted, nearly 10 minutes had passed.

The Macau government immediately dispatched all the navy and military ships, rushing towards the direction of the luxury cruise ship at full speed.

Rich people from all over the world are gathered on the luxury cruise ship, each of them is worth tens of millions, most of them are worth hundreds of millions, if such people have something wrong on the luxury cruise ship, they will be regarded as the government of Macau There is also tremendous pressure to bear, especially because this time the bet includes Macau, so hurry up and get out of here. "Standing on the deck, glanced at the bags of banknotes, Thomas shouted excitedly.

The Thomas pirate ship turned its bow and quickly fled to the distance. Only when they got away from the waters of Macau could they really take a breather.

"Thomas, it's not good, Thomas." The pirate who was observing the surrounding sea area exclaimed in surprise, turned his head and said with an ugly look: "Suddenly four ships appeared around this sea area, and they were quickly heading towards us. Going in the direction where we are, they will soon be able to surround us."

"What, Shet!" Thomas shouted angrily with a dark face, and said with cold eyes: "Is it the Macau Navy? They came really fast enough."

"No, it seems, it seems to be the pirate ship of the Red Coral Pirates." The pirate in charge of the investigation stared at the binoculars carefully and said with some surprise.

"Red Coral Pirates!" Hearing this name that made him gnash his teeth, Thomas was slightly taken aback, secretly wondering what they were doing in this sea area.

"Could it be that they are also robbing the luxury cruise ship?" Thomas's heart suddenly moved. This is the only reason that can explain the current situation. Otherwise, the Red Coral Pirates would have no reason to come to this sea area at all, and they couldn't be the prophets who came to surround him. This fake red coral pirate ship.

"Leave them alone and move forward at full speed. Don't forget, we are also part of the Red Coral Pirates now."

Thinking quickly for a moment, Thomas showed a sinister smile on his face. After giving the order, he immediately asked the pirate brothers to take back the bags of banknotes to the cabin and return to their respective posts, ready to attack at any time. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. For mobile phone users, please go to read

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