Super black turtle clone

Chapter 207 Breakthrough!

() Feeling the awe-inspiring eyes of the people around him, Zhuo Yun suddenly became dull, he is not a person who likes to pretend.

"Okay, I don't blame you, you're just trying to maintain the rules of the gang, but in the future, it's best to understand the original before doing things, don't get carried away with joy just because of a few flattering words from others. "During speaking, Zhuo Yun glanced at Ma Fist, who was sitting there slumped.

"Yes, what the adults taught is that the young ones will definitely correct themselves sincerely." Zhou Fa's face flushed with shame, and he quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

After teaching Zhou Fa a lesson, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand to help Liu Shengquan who was already drunk into a puddle of mud. This master slept soundly and didn't know how much trouble he had caused by his roar.

He drove Liu Shengquan back to his own home. By the time everything was packed, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and it was already 10:30 when we drove back to the villa.

Glancing at the villa where the lights had been turned off and only the living room lights were still on, Zhuo Yun had a slightly lewd smile on his lips. He had drank a lot of wine before, and the blood in his body started to heat up slightly under the stimulation of alcohol. , A strong desire welled up in my heart.

"My wife Mei Daizi, I'm here." Howling in his heart, he cautiously went to the second floor, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of his room and walked in.

Borrowing the light of the moon, a figure with a bumpy figure can be vaguely seen lying sideways on the bed. With Zhuo Yun's eyesight, he can even see that under the thin layer of quilt is a naked body, what is it? Nothing to wear.

"Hey, I'm here!" With a wretched laugh, he took off his clothes as quickly as possible, and with a big gun in his crotch, he rushed onto the bed in no time, and pulled the quilt away. The whole person got in.

Stretching out his arms to hug the tender body lying on his bed, Zhuo Yun felt a burst of heat in his heart, and the leisurely fragrance filled his nostrils.

"It's strange, why is it different from Mei Daizi's usual fragrance, she must have deliberately changed the fragrance." She secretly guessed in her heart.His hands couldn't help grabbing the pair of huge murder weapons, kneading the upper part, and touching the soft body with the big gun on the lower part, a strong sexual fire surged into his heart, and the pain that had disappeared before tipsy feeling.It also rushed to the head with the surging blood.

Gradually, he was no longer satisfied with kneading.He stretched out his hand and turned his back to his delicate body, got up and lay down on her body, opened his mouth to bite on the soft red grape, and sucked it hungrily.

"Ah!" A moan sounded from under him.Affected by the anger and alcohol in his heart, he didn't hear that there was something wrong with the voice, but kept teasing the delicate and slim body below him.

Under the constant teasing, the delicate body under her body began to heat up, and her body twisted involuntarily.And Zhuo Yun's lower body showed a state of fury, and the blue veins were exposed like a glaring King Kong.

The stroking left hand went down, broke through the obstruction of the tender body's reaching out, and came directly to the secret garden between the legs.

"Ah!!" A sharp groan sounded, and the delicate body under him trembled, and the sensitivity shown by just touching it made Zhuo Yun's heart ablaze.

Moreover, his palm had already touched the muddy grassland, flooded by the chao water he had developed long ago.

With a machine gun straightened, Zhuo Yun skillfully aimed at the muddy hole in his lower body.I rubbed it outside twice, and moistened the surface with some dew.

"Pu Chi!" As soon as the waist was exerted force, the one-eyed flood dragon rushed straight in, breaking through layers of tender flesh like a bamboo.

"Ahh!!" Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded, awakening Zhuo Yun, who was immersed in Yuhuo and alcohol, in an instant.In his feeling, his sensitive one-eyed flood dragon seemed to break through a soft and elastic barrier.

"Boom!" In an instant, his head roared, and he froze in place.

Kitano Midaiko and him have done it several times, and it is impossible for that film to exist.He can be sure of the feeling of pushing in just now, it is definitely the feeling of ruptured membranes.In this way, the delicate body under him is not Kitano Midaiko.

"Damn how could this happen." He was secretly annoyed in his heart, and after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized that no matter the fragrance emanating from his body or the moaning voice, they were all different from Kitano Meidaizi, but at that time He was influenced by lust and alcohol, so he didn't think about it at all.

"It's really a mistake to drink." I sighed and regretted in my heart, but there was nothing I could do. I even pierced the most important membrane of others, and it was too late to say anything now.

At this moment, Zhuo Yun was in a dilemma. The golden cudgel inserted in the water curtain cave felt a comfortable feeling of being squeezed by waves of flesh, which made him want to continue attacking and vent his desire, but his reason made him want to Pull it out immediately, but pulling it out can't solve the misunderstanding this time.

"Brother Yun, I don't feel any pain anymore, let's continue." Just when he was hesitating and didn't know what to do, a soft and clear voice rang in his ears, and the delicate body under him stretched out. His arms were only on his back, and his buttocks were slightly twisted.

"No, it's Lei Bao'er. It's going to be a disaster. How can I face Lei Tian in the future? In this way, I'm his brother-in-law." Zhuo Yun's head was in confusion.

He was in a daze here, but Lei Bao'er under him didn't stop, holding his back with both hands, his whole body was like a wriggling python, a pair of huge weapons rubbed against Zhuo Yun's chest, and his lower body was spinning and twisting Moving, conveying a sense of pleasure.

Feeling the strong pleasure and impulse coming from his body, Zhuo Yun shook his head in confusion in his mind.

"Damn it, since you don't know what to do, let's talk about it later." He shouted in his heart, changed his passivity just now, and completely let go and turned into a roaring beast.

Holding the soft and huge steamed bun with both hands, the lower body moved quickly, feeling the tightness and comfort from the virgin.

All of a sudden, the whole room was filled with an aura of passion. The passionate Zhuo Yun and the active and enthusiastic Lei Baoer intertwined sparks of passion. The sound of collision lasted for nearly an hour and a half. It wasn't until Lei Baoer begged for mercy that he couldn't bear it, that this long and protracted battle was considered to be over.

"Ah!!" With a long sigh of comfort, the white liquid gushed out, instantly dotted a piece of white nail oil on Lei Bao'er's chest.

"Brother Yun, you're so good or bad, you've got it on someone else's chest." Lei Bao'er lay powerlessly on the bed, glanced at the ruddy mucus on her chest, and flirted with Zhuo Yun. glance.

At this moment, Zhuo Yun was willing to go all out, anyway, what should be done has been done, so there is nothing to regret.

"Why, do you want to taste it, or I'll put another tube into your mouth." Zhuo Yun said with a wretched smile on his lips.

"You're necrotic, so you know how to bully others." Lei Bao'er's charming face flushed, even though the two had fought hand-to-hand just now, she still resisted when she was asked to swallow that kind of thing.

Seeing Lei Baoer's appearance, Zhuo Yun put it away as soon as he saw it was good, and simply treated his lower body, cleaned up the white liquid on Lei Baoer's penis, and lay beside him with a relaxed and awkward face.

Naturally, Shu Shuang fired a cannon happily, venting all the yu fire in his body, and the reason for the awkwardness is self-evident, this is not about finding a one-night stand in wine, otherwise it will cause problems .

Not to mention that Lei Baoer is the younger sister of his good friend Lei Tian, ​​but he doesn't want to hurt Lei Baoer, a little girl.

Lei Baoer gave him a very bad feeling when we first met, but after getting in touch with her, he was still bad, but he gradually understood the things hidden behind the bad character, which made him feel a little bit sorry for this girl.

Later, Lei Baoer blocked bullets for him, which touched him a lot. This is definitely not something ordinary people can do. After that incident, Lei Baoer made a huge change for him. He can feel Lei Baoer Bao'er's sincerity, it is precisely because of this that he can't let Lei Bao'er get hurt.

What happened tonight made him a little depressed. He secretly despised his own self-control, which was really bad. He was tempted like this, otherwise these problems would not have appeared.

Just when Zhuo Yun was distressed, Lei Bao'er was wrapped around his body like a beautiful snake, with her arms tightly around him, like a gentle kitten sleeping under the sun after eating and drinking. Showing a look of happiness.

"Brother Yun, do you know that I am really happy now, and I will be your woman from now on, and I will never have any regrets in my life."

Zhuo Yun, who was worrying, was refreshed when he heard the words. From Lei Baoer's tone, he heard a kind of deep nostalgia and satisfaction. That emotion without any other ingredients did not make him feel happy , On the contrary, there is a sense of guilt and guilt.

For a beautiful woman like Lei Baoer, especially after the last kidnapping incident, she has changed a lot. Although she still has the temper of a young lady, she is already very different from the previous arrogant and unreasonable. Zhuo Yun knows all this It was all for him, which made him even more afraid to accept Lei Baoer's feelings.

What's more, by accident, he already had a relationship with Kitano Meidaizi, and he didn't mind Kitano Meidaizi's identity as a Japanese, and Zhuo Yun didn't want to disappoint Kitano Meidaizi's feelings for him, he There is really no way to give Lei Baoer real happiness.

"Bao'er, I'm actually not as good as you think. You will only hurt yourself in the end." Holding Lei Bao'er's soft and youthful body, Zhuo Yun sighed He said with a wry smile. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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