Super black turtle clone

Chapter 232 Trip to Sweden!

() Under the water control domain, Zhuo Yun could feel the changes in Nicholas Kerry in his heart. If he dared to do anything wrong, then he would let Nicholas Kerry be completely buried here.

After a lot of mental struggle, Nicholas Kerry finally defeated his desire rationally, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand when he stretched out his hand, he glanced at it reluctantly, and threw it to Zhuo Yun.

"This is the water of life that I snatched from the Holy See. The holy water of the Holy See is known as the two most miraculous waters in the world. The water of life in the jade bottle contains amazing vitality. No matter how many injuries you suffer, as long as there is no If you die, you can come back to life by taking a drop of the water of life. In addition to this ability, the water of life can also transform the human body and improve the vitality of human cells. It can not only increase the life span but also greatly enhance the body's self-healing ability. "

"It's so amazing!" Hearing Nicholas Kerry's words, Zhuo Yun couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

If it is really like Nicholas Carey said, having this bottle of water of life is equivalent to having several more lives, which is enough to bring the dead back to life at critical moments.

Playing with the jade bottle for a while, Zhuo Yun gently opened the stopper of the jade bottle. Almost at the moment he just opened it, a breath that made people feel refreshed and the pores of the whole body were opened came out from inside, just breathing One sip made him feel much more refreshed.

Feeling the magic of the water of life, Zhuo Yun quickly plugged the jade bottle. If such a good thing leaks for a long time, it will definitely pass away.

"Now I have given you the things as agreed." Standing not far away, Nicholas Kerry looked at Zhuo Yun cautiously and said.

Speaking of the conversation, he didn't have much confidence in Zhuo Yun's previous promise. After all, his body was injured now, and his strength was less than half of his usual strength. If Zhuo Yun took the opportunity to attack, he really didn't think he could escape.

Hearing Nicholas Kerry's words, Zhuo Yun put the jade bottle containing the water of life into the space between his eyebrows, and looked at him indifferently. The atmosphere in the air became solemn in an instant, and Nicholas Kerry also secretly Jing Be vigilant, ready to flee with all your strength at any time.

"I'm a person who keeps my word. Now that I've made a promise, you can leave now." Zhuo Yun stared at Nicholas Kerry for a while, and when he couldn't help but wanted to run away immediately, Zhuo Yun said indifferently.

"Hoohoo!" Nicholas Kerry let out a sigh of relief, and nodded gratefully to Zhuo Yun, a pair of bat wings grew out from behind, and the whole person changed into a vampire state, flying into the air while waving, and in the blink of an eye The kung fu disappeared in the distance.

Looking at the direction where Nicholas Kerry disappeared, Zhuo Yun smiled, shook his head, turned around and walked towards the loop.

He could indeed behead Nicholas Kerry just now, but that would not be of any benefit at all. Instead, it would be better to put it back, maybe there would be unexpected gains.

I believe that the vampires who know the blood crystal of the ancestor will definitely try to come and snatch it, which saves him the time to go to England. Most importantly, compared to going to England, where the vampire lair is, waiting for the arrival of the vampire in China is undoubtedly Much safer.

After all, Huaxia is his home ground, and the gangsters in City Z are completely in his hands, he can easily grasp the dynamic news of the entire City Z, and there is even a base for the fifth team here.

The matter in City Z came to an end, Zhuo Yun boarded the plane to Sweden after a brief preparation.

With the 30 billion US dollars, Thomas and others used various relationships to finally convert nearly 20 billion US dollars into regular currency. This money is enough to buy a batch of high-quality maritime combat ships. Of course, this requires a certain relationship.

The reason why Zhuo Yun set his sights on Sweden was not only because of the existence of Viscount Nils, but also because of the strong military power of Sweden, especially the naval power, which is considered even in the European region. Above is the top existence.

The amount of money Sweden spends on naval military affairs every year is terrifying, and it is also one of the exporters of professional marine ships. Even military ships can be sold as long as they are purchased at a high price.

The Kingdom of Sweden is located in the southeast of the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe, with an area of ​​about 45 square kilometers. It is the largest country in Northern Europe. In Sweden, it is extremely pursuing equality and freedom, and has set up a lot of social welfare, which is popular among many people. Longing for a place to live.

As soon as he got off the plane, Zhuo Yun's first impression of Sweden was that it was full of freedom and freshness.

Although I don't want to admit it, Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is indeed better than many cities in China. Whether it is the environment, the layout of the city, or even the atmosphere in the city, it is far better than China.

With the discovery of science and technology and economy, China's big cities have gradually embarked on a so-called fast-paced life, with pressure and tension everywhere, and people's tempers have become irritable and unwilling to wait. The social welfare system has led to the leaked atmosphere in the city, which makes people feel depressed.

Compared with many big cities in China, the overall atmosphere in Sweden is full of freedom and equality. The pace of life here is relatively slow, and various benefits are basically complete, which is more suitable for those who are tired of fast-paced cities. people.

For those young people who yearn for hard work, are positive and full of ambition, Sweden is not their ideal capital, but for Zhuo Yun, it is a good place, a place where you can calm your mind and enjoy place to live.

After experiencing the exotic atmosphere of Stockholm, Zhuo Yun took a taxi to the hotel he had booked in advance through international long-distance calls, and officially settled down.

I don't know if it was affected by the atmosphere here, Zhuo Yun became a lot lazy. After he settled down, he didn't call Niels immediately. Instead, he slept in the hotel and called Niels the next day. Viscount Nils made a phone call.

No one answered the phone for a long time. After a while, a male voice in slightly rough clothes came. It seemed that he had just done some strenuous exercise and his breathing was a little uneven.

"Who, calling early in the morning and keeping people from sleeping, damn God." Niels complained from the other end of the phone.

"Dear Niels, it seems that the timing of my call is very unfortunate, and it didn't delay your exercise." Zhuo Yun said with a teasing smile.

There was a silence on the other end of the phone, and then Nils' happy voice sounded: "Oh, is it dear brother Zhuo Yun? I almost didn't recognize it. It has been more than a year since we parted last time. I thought you had forgotten my old friend."

"How could it be? I've been thinking about you, Lord Viscount. Now that I've come to Sweden, I'm staying at the Wiener Hotel. Do you have time to come over? I happen to have a big business and I need your help." Zhuo Yun smiled and stated his purpose clearly.

Although he doesn't have much experience in doing business, he also understands a truth, that is, the best way to do business with foreigners is to be straightforward. Successfully doing business will also leave a bad impression on the other party.

"Haha, dear brother Zhuo Yun, this is really great, no problem, I will go to the Wiener Hotel immediately." Nils hesitated slightly and smiled cheerfully.

After talking on the phone with Niels, Zhuo Yun simply cleaned up and walked to the restaurant on the first floor under the Wiener Hotel.

The Wiener Hotel is a very high-end five-star hotel in Stockholm. Although it is only a so-called subsidiary industry, the quality of the restaurants on the first floor is still comparable to those five-star restaurants that specialize in dry food.

The decoration of the restaurant is not magnificent, but it gives people a relaxed and comfortable feeling, which is just in line with the atmosphere of Sweden, so many people who do not live in the restaurant still come to the restaurant to consume, and all races can be seen, which looks very lively.

He randomly found a place by the window and sat down, almost at the same time as he sat down, accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, a beautiful figure walked in front of him.

"Hi sir, what service do you need?"

The soft voice made Zhuo Yun's spirit slightly shaken. As the saying goes, a person's voice shows a person's character and quality, and the soft and clear voice of a woman gives people a sense of tranquility and refreshing.

"You are from Huaxia!" Looking up, Zhuo Yun asked in Huaxia language in surprise when he saw the speaking waitress.

A head of black and beautiful long hair, bound behind by a blue belt, delicate face shows the beauty of an oriental woman, even if you look closely, it is still so sweet, unlike ordinary foreigners, who have relatively thick lines It's so beautiful that it's hard for people to look at it carefully.

The girl looked at Zhuo Yun in surprise, and replied with a touch of joy on her face: "Yes, I am an international student who came to Sweden to study, sir is also from China!"

"Of course!" Zhuo Yun nodded with a smile, and said very cordially: "I didn't expect to meet my compatriots when I first came to Sweden. By the way, which part of China are you from? I'm from City Z."

"Really, my hometown is also in City Z." The girl covered her mouth in surprise, her expression was pleasantly surprised, which made people feel very friendly.

"Hehe, so we are not only Chinese, but also fellow villagers." Zhuo Yun smiled and stretched out his hand: "Let me introduce formally, my name is Zhuo Yun."

"My name is Han Xue, nice to meet you." The girl stretched out her hand and said with a happy smile on her face.

The two shook hands, Zhuo Yun ordered something casually, Han Xue had to leave first because she was busy greeting guests.

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