Super black turtle clone

Chapter 239 Profits!

() Under the leadership of Secretary Chen, they took the elevator and soon came to Lei Wanshan's office. What Zhuo Yun didn't expect was that there was not only Lei Wanshan in the office, but also Lei Yao beside him.

"Go down!" Lei Wanshan waved Secretary Chen and sent him out.

"Hello, Uncle Lei!" Zhuo Yun greeted Lei Wanshan with a smile.

Lei Wanshan nodded in satisfaction, pointed to Lei Yao and said with a smile, "Don't be so polite, sit down!"

Sitting next to Lei Yao, Zhuo Yun secretly guessed who was going to do business with him this time.

At the beginning, he also guessed that it was Lei Wanshan, but if that was the case, just explain it directly, there is no need to make it so mysterious.

"Brother Yun, my father contacted you for this business. As long as you can do a good job with this business, you will definitely be a hit in our Z city. With the support of our Thunder Group, even if you can win the sea It's not a problem for the Yao Group to step down." Lei Yao whispered with a mysterious smile.

Lei Yao's mysterious appearance made Zhuo Yun even more curious, and he wanted to ask, but it was obviously impossible to see Lei Wanshan's secretive appearance.

After waiting for a cup of tea, Secretary Chen walked in again, and behind him was a handsome old man.

"It's him!" The moment Zhuo Yun saw the old man, there was a look of surprise on Zhuo Yun's face. He finally understood why Lei Yao said just now that if this business is done well, his company can become a hit. The influence of this person in City Z only needs to be publicized to have great power.

"Old name, you're finally here. I thought you were letting my pigeons go." Seeing the old man, Lei Wanshan stood up with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, whoever's pigeons I release, I can't release your old Lei's pigeons. I didn't come here immediately after the meeting."

"Hi Uncle Ming!" Lei Yao stepped forward and shouted in a respectful salute.

"En!" The old man nodded with a smile, glanced at Lei Wanshan and his son, and finally shifted his gaze to Zhuo Yun.

Lei Wanshan, who saw the old man's eyes in his eyes, immediately smiled and said: "Old name, let me introduce you, this is the little brother Zhuo Yun I mentioned to you."

"Xiaoyun, this is it."

"Chairman of Mingtian Group, Mr. Ming Zhenbo, we have known each other for just one day." Zhuo Yun interrupted Lei Wanshan's introduction, and smiled calmly.

"Huh!" Lei Wanshan looked at Zhuo Yun in surprise and said, "Xiaoyun, you know the old name!"

Seeing Ming Zhenbo's puzzled look, Zhuo Yun smiled and said: "Maybe the old man has forgotten, but the famous old man gave me a gold VIP card of Mingtian Group at the Qingfeng Antique Market back then."

"Oh, I remembered, you are the young man who sold me the eight treasure vases of Buddhism." Ming Zhenbo suddenly realized.

"I didn't expect Mr. Ming to still remember me. I thought Mr. Ming would have forgotten me as a nobody." Zhuo Yun was a little surprised.

"Hehe, how could I have forgotten it? I was very impressed by your eight-treasure vase of Buddhism. When I gave it to my mother, she was happy for a long time. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you little brother for giving that piece to me. Sell ​​the Eight Treasure Vase to me."

"The old man is polite, you also spent money to buy it, and we all get what we need."

"Okay, stop being polite to each other. Now that you know each other, it will be easier to handle. Let's sit down and talk." Lei Wanshan, who was next to him, saw Zhuo Yun and Ming Zhenbo being modest and polite, a little He smiled helplessly.

Under the proposal of Lei Wanshan, the master, the two sat down and formally began to discuss the business of cooperation.

After some conversation, Zhuo Yun finally understood the specific content of the business that Ming Zhenbo asked him to handle. For the newly established Almighty Shipping Company, it is definitely a huge and sustainable project. Naturally, it will be very profitable if it is done well. of.

The Mingtian Group under Mingzhenbo has always been engaged in the catering industry. A large part of the high-end ingredients in the catering industry come from the sea. This time Mingzhenbo approached him because he wanted Zhuoyun to provide a large amount of seafood for the Mingtian Group. Major hotel chains.

"Master, I would like to ask, a big company like you should have a corresponding supply chain, why would you suddenly think of looking for a small company like me?" After thinking for a while, Zhuo Yun asked with some doubts road.

"Hey!" Hearing this, Ming Zhenbo sighed, shook his head and said: "As you said, our Mingtian Group used to cooperate with Haiyao Group, and purchased a large amount of seafood through Haiyao Group. This is used to meet the demand of our Mingtian Group's seafood, but now the sea business of Z City and even several other adjacent seaside cities is almost monopolized by Haiyao Group, and the price of seafood is also rising year by year. If this continues, my Mingtian Group will lose money in business, although it may be profitable if I cheat to reduce the freshness of the ingredients, it is not my way of doing business.”

"As for why we are looking for a small company like you, one is because we really can't find a suitable partner company now, and the other is because of Lao Lei's introduction, otherwise I wouldn't know about your Almighty Shipping Company."

"So that's how it is!" Zhuo Yun nodded, secretly surprised at the influence of Haiyao Group. Before, he only knew that Haiyao Group was very strong in marine business, but he didn't expect Jingran to almost monopolize it.

"I don't know if you have the ability to undertake this cooperation." Ming Zhenbo asked with a look of expectation. Of course, the anticipation only accounted for a small part. In fact, he didn't think much about the success of this visit. Confidence is only based on trust in old friends, so I came here to talk about it.

Hearing Ming Zhenbo's question, Zhuo Yun was slightly taken aback, but did not answer immediately.

In the final analysis, his so-called omnipotent maritime company only relies on the two guys, the black turtle and the fire python. With their hunting capabilities, they simply cannot maintain the consumption of the major hotel and catering companies under the Mingtian Group, and transportation is also a big problem. small problem.

Although there are so many problems, it is still a bit unwilling for him to reject it straight away. After all, this is his first business since he founded the maritime company. Once he succeeds, he will definitely be famous in City Z.

Seeing that Zhuo Yun did not answer in deep thought, Ming Zhenbo's original anticipation completely disappeared, and he sighed slightly disappointed: "Young man, if you can't undertake it, don't force it. I believe we will still have the opportunity to cooperate in the future." of."

"Master Ming, you also know that my company is just a small company, and it is impossible to supply seafood consumption for all hotels and restaurants under the Mingtian Group, but our company also has its own advantages, and I can get it for you. A certain amount of deep-sea ingredients are definitely all kinds of ingredients such as deep-sea fish that even Haiyao Group can’t get. As for other general seafood, I can’t do anything about it.” After calming down, Zhuo Yun thought about it. said it.

Ming Zhenbo, who was already disappointed, was refreshed when he heard the words, and his expression was slightly excited.

As a tycoon in the catering industry, Ming Zhenbo's sensitivity to the catering industry is absolutely astonishing. After hearing Zhuo Yun's words, he immediately grasped the key points.

"Little Yun, are you sure you can provide deep-sea ingredients and keep them fresh?"

"Of course, this is necessary. According to my estimation, if only deep-sea ingredients are provided, it should be able to maintain the consumption of restaurants and hotels under the Mingtian Group." Zhuo Yun smiled confidently. In the thinking just now, he has already Find solutions to all problems.

"That's great, it's really great." Ming Zhenbo said with a somewhat excited expression. For him, this is simply a huge business opportunity.

As a leading figure in the catering industry, Ming Zhenbo naturally understands the preciousness of deep-sea ingredients. Except that sometimes deep-sea fish and other ingredients will appear on the surface of the sea to be hunted with the surge of the tide, he usually wants to get them from the deep sea. The ingredients are very difficult. After all, Jing wants to hunt thousands of meters deep in the sea. With the current scientific and technological capabilities, unless it is a state machine, the general company group is simply unable to do so.

The next step is to discuss some details. After some conversations, Ming Zhenbo, who had some doubts about Zhuo Yun's words, finally dispelled his inner doubts.

It took a whole half a day for the two to finish discussing some important details. With Lei Wanshan's help, Zhuo Yun also strived for the most benefits possible.

In order to celebrate the happy cooperation, Mingzhenbo specially invited Zhuo Yun and others to have a big meal in the most luxurious hotel of Mingtian Group. The cost of a table alone is at least 10,000+, which made Zhuo Yun secretly sigh. It is the leader in the catering industry.

When Zhuo Yun returned to buy his villa, it was already around ten o'clock in the evening, lying on the bed, he was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep.

According to his estimate, if the contract is successful, he can earn tens of millions of dollars a year by relying on deep-sea ingredients. After all, Almighty Maritime Services Company is different from a real company. The real money is only to hire a few employees and buy a car It's just a fishing boat that specializes in transporting food.

"1000 million a year, isn't that considered huge profit?"

Zhuo Yun smiled lightly, this money is a lot for him now, but he can be sure that after a few years, he can definitely earn more money.

To complete the work of hunting deep-sea ingredients, it is not enough to rely solely on black turtles and fire pythons. When thinking about it before, Zhuo Yun thought of a solution to hunting sports, which is to rely on the bubble ability of the deep-sea crab king.

As long as the deep-sea crab king is subdued, with its free labor force, the white bubble with amazing defensive power is enough to take on the important task of transporting deep-sea ingredients, and you can definitely earn the 1000 million yuan easily.

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