Super black turtle clone

Chapter 243 Manor Invasion!

() "My lords, what do we need to do? I heard that Nils will be attending a charity dinner in a few days. Then it will be the best time to assassinate him." The strangely dressed figure said in a respectful tone.

Alexandra and Kurali looked at the strangely dressed figure with strange expressions, and there was a strange look in their eyes.

Under the watchful eyes of the two, the terrified figure in the strange figure trembled slightly, secretly regretting that he shouldn't meddle in saying these things, and the smiling tiger next to him also looked nervous, not understanding why the two adults would behave like this expression.

"Sure enough, the killers are a bunch of shady guys. They only think about how to assassinate. No wonder you can't even deal with ordinary people." Alexandra glanced at the smiling tigers with a look of disdain, and shook shook his head.

"My lord, that's not an ordinary person, okay?" Smiley Tiger cried in his heart, but on the surface he didn't dare to contradict him at all, standing there with a sincere face.

Ku Lali looked at the smiling tigers with his eyes of prey, and said with a sinister smile: "You don't need to do anything, just wait here, we will make the so-called Earl Nils disappear from this world tonight , no matter how strong the defense of his manor is, he will not be my opponent."

Looking at Ku Lali and Alexandra who were leaving, Smiley Tiger and the two fell down on the sofa with a sigh of relief. Those who looked at each other saw shock and exhaustion in each other's eyes, even though they just got along After a while, it is more tiring than fighting.

"Those two adults don't want to rush into Niels's manor directly. There are countless guns guarding it, and there are radar systems to scan it. As long as you go in, you will be found." The smiling Buddha calmed down. Take a look at your own emotions, and said in disbelief.

"Didn't you hear what the two adults said? They didn't take those guns to heart at all. We don't need to worry about anything, just wait for the news."

"That's the only way to go." Hearing the words of the strangely dressed figure, the smiling Buddha nodded helplessly.

When he was in the organization, the smiling Buddha was no matter what he was a high-ranking member of the organization, but when he was with the members of the real Hell and Heaven's Punishment, he was nothing at all. In the face of absolute power, everything seemed so pale. powerless.

Two hours later, on the top of a building outside the manor belonging to Niels, two figures stood there like ghosts, looking at the huge manor with calm but killing intent in their eyes, the manor at night It looks like a giant man-eating beast, and the black hole does not know how many dangers it hides.

"Kulali, it's up to you next time." Alexandra stood there with her hands behind her back and said expressionlessly.

The black Kurali nodded indifferently, reached out and took out a musical instrument similar to gourd silk from his arms, put it on his mouth and gently blew it away.

But the strange thing is that no matter how hard Ku Lali is playing, the musical instrument similar to cucurbit silk does not make the slightest sound. If you use a special instrument to observe at this moment, you can only see the vibration of the air, but you can't hear the cucurbit silk at all. The sound of an instrument blowing.

As an animal control messenger, Ku Lali has the ability to control all animals through musical instruments. The sound he blows out is similar to ultrasonic sound waves, which cannot be heard by ordinary people, but all kinds of snakes Wild beasts can hear this sound, and obey orders under the control of abilities.

"Hiss, hiss!" Played for a few minutes, centered on the building where Ku Lali was located, there were creepy sounds in the corners within a ten-mile radius, and poisonous snakes could be seen walking through the streets late at night Then, besides the venomous snake, there are also hideous underground mice.

Fortunately, the residents around the manor where Nils lives are not densely populated. This area is where many rich people live, and there are many manors and villas, all of which are far away from each other. No one was there, so it didn't cause a large number of residents to panic.

In just ten minutes, on the street outside Niels Manor, the black snakes and rats were creepy, and they looked like monsters in an American movie that had been eroded by viruses, especially when they were under control. When the team is in good formation, it makes people feel like they are facing thousands of troops.

In the old castle of Nils Manor, Zhuo Yun, who was training, moved his expression slightly, and with a slight movement of his thoughts, the water control domain immediately enveloped his body.

"What a strange fluctuation. It seems to contain some kind of power. What is it?" Zhuo Yun suddenly opened his eyes. Under the cover of his water control domain, he could clearly feel the transmission of that ultrasonic wave. Possesses strong penetration, even under the suppression of the water control field, it is still difficult to pass.

Feeling this kind of fluctuation, Zhuo Yun felt an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness in his heart. He couldn't continue to practice for a while, so he got up and walked to the balcony outside the room.

Looking at the night sky in Sweden, he couldn't help feeling homesick, missing his parents, missing Lei Baoer and other daughters, and Chu Meier in the United States.

"I don't know how Sister Mei is doing now, this time I'm going to America after finishing my work in Sweden." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun smiled.

A gust of breeze blew by, Zhuo Yun who was standing on the balcony frowned suddenly, sniffing the smell in the air with his nose raised, his expression changed slightly involuntarily.

Ever since he practiced tortoise breathing, his various senses have become more acute, and his sense of smell is no exception. Just now he asked about the strong stench coming from the air. This smell is not the smell of feces and other rotten things. It is similar to the smell emitted by snakes, insects, rats and ants.

The water control domain was activated, and Zhuo Yun jumped up and stuck to the wall. Using the coagulation force of the ice ability, he stepped on layers of frost to the top of the castle, standing on the highest point. Looking down at the surrounding.

Scanning the surroundings like a torch with keen eyesight, Zhuo Yun soon discovered something. Far outside the manor, patches of dark things were wriggling, and some of them had even entered the manor.

"Ah!!" At this moment, the screaming sound came from a distance, and in the silent night, even though it was hundreds of meters away, it still clearly reached Zhuo Yun's ears.

"No, something went wrong." Zhuo Yun exclaimed in his heart, and quickly flew back to his room. Almost at the same time he returned to the room, the black Chopper also rushed in from the door.

"My lord!" the black Chopper saluted respectfully.

"You heard that too." Zhuo Yun asked knowingly after glancing at the black Chopper.

"Yes, my lord, it seems that someone broke into the manor." The black Chopper analyzed calmly.

Hearing what the black Chopper said, Zhuo Yun nodded in satisfaction: "You're right, something broke into the manor, but it wasn't a person."

"Buzz, buzz!" At this moment, a loud alarm sounded, and in the silent night, the alarm sound was particularly harsh.

Not daring to hesitate any longer, Zhuo Yun immediately took the black Chopper to the bedroom where Niels was staying. As soon as he arrived nearby, he saw four bodyguards holding guns standing there nervously, watching When the two of them arrived, he immediately pointed the gun in his hand at them.

"Don't be nervous, I'm Niels' friend, please let him know." Zhuo Yun raised his hands indifferently and said.

One of the bodyguards nodded, walked quickly into the bedroom, and then backed out quickly, nodded to Zhuo Yun and the black Chopper, and took the initiative to get out of the way.

Stepping into Niels' bedroom, Niels was already fully dressed and standing there nervously. On the bed not far away, his beautiful little wife was lying on it with a face of fear. Covering still can't hide the bumpy figure.

"Oh, Brother Zhuo Yun, it must be the assassins brought in by those African natives. You can help me." Nils walked to Zhuo Yun's side with a nervous expression, and said in a flustered manner.

After several times of getting along, especially when facing the black Chopper before, the strength Zhuo Yun showed is definitely not what an ordinary person should have. At this time, he can only go to the doctor in a hurry.

"This time it seems that it is not as simple as an ordinary assassin. If I am not wrong, the other party should have dispatched a supernatural assassin." Zhuo Yun nodded solemnly. Now he must not let someone kill Nils, after all he He also needs to get a combat ship from Niels, and besides, he still has a good impression of this fat earl, at least it won't make people feel disgusted.

Nils, who was originally nervous, turned even paler, his legs trembling slightly, and said, "Supernatural killer, what should I do then!"

"Don't worry, I will let the black Chopper protect you here. With his average ability killer, he is not his opponent. I will go out first to see who dares to have such boldness and rush directly into the earl The manor." Zhuo Yun smiled indifferently, soothing Nils' flustered emotions.

"No, brother Zhuo Yun, you can't go out, it's so dangerous outside now, if something goes wrong with you, I'll feel guilty for the rest of my life."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Looking at the nervous Nils, Zhuo Yun smiled sincerely, reached out and patted Nils on the shoulder, and walked out of his room.

Jumping down from a window of the ancient castle, Zhuo Yun quickly rushed towards the direction where the shadow flickered in the distance.

At this moment, there was a lot of gunshots inside the manor, and even the sound of grenades exploding. Besides these, there were also screams, which made people feel creepy.

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