Super black turtle clone

Chapter 260 A Shocking Encounter!

"Your Excellency, we have been ordered to search, and please cooperate with our work, otherwise we will enforce it." The leading white American criminal police officer gave a military salute and said in a blunt and cold voice.

The other police officers behind the white American criminal police officer seemed to respond to the words of their own police officers, and they all showed their pistols with cold expressions.

Glancing at the criminal police officer, Zhuo Yun frowned. Although the other party was very polite, the commanding tone still made him very uncomfortable.

"Could it be that the wanted person they are talking about is Angela!"

Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun's heart moved slightly, but he didn't stop a kind of American detective. After all, he had nothing to do with Angela. Just now, Angela wanted to coerce him, so there was no need to provoke him for an irrelevant person. unnecessary trouble.

"Forget it, you come in!" Zhuo Yun shrugged indifferently, stepped back to the side, and made way for the American criminal police.

The six of them cooperated very well, two of them rushed in quickly, while the other four were covering behind, cooperating with each other to bring any hissing in the room into the range of attack.

Five people rushed into the room, leaving only the criminal police officer waiting outside with a gun.

"Report to the police officer, no suspicious person was found." After a search, a white criminal policeman walked quickly to the officer and saluted.

"What, it's impossible!" The white officer's face changed slightly, and he looked at Zhuo Yun solemnly.

"Where is the woman you brought back to the room just now? Where is she now?"

"It really is her!" Hearing what the white officer said, Zhuo Yun's original guess was confirmed.

"How do I know. The legs are on his body. She can go wherever she wants. If you ask me, I'll ask whoever you want." Zhuo Yun sneered and said unceremoniously.

The white officer stared at Zhuo Yun closely, and after staring for a while, he turned his head with a gloomy expression, and waved to the policemen expressionlessly.

The police in the United States are not very great. If you want to arrest someone, you must have enough evidence and complete approval procedures.Unlike in China, where some police officers in China arrest people whenever they want, there are almost no regulatory agencies to speak of.

Looking at the leaving group of American policemen, Zhuo Yun was secretly surprised that Angela was clearly in the house when he left just now, but now they went in and searched, but they didn't find her.

"Could it be that Angela is hiding!" As soon as this thought came to his mind, Zhuo Yun immediately denied it.

These American detectives are not just for nothing, in the relatively turbulent America.The strength of the criminal police is much stronger than that of ordinary peaceful countries, so that they can't even find a living person.

With doubts in mind.Zhuo Yun walked towards the bedroom, and the moment he came to the bedroom, a strange feeling came to his heart.

Turning his head and looking to the side, his sight was empty, and he didn't find the slightest figure.

"It's strange, why did it feel like someone walked by just now." He scanned the surroundings again in doubt, and he found no other abnormalities, and cast his gaze on the bed.

The bath towel used to wrap Angela's body was scattered on the bed, but her figure disappeared completely. Zhuo Yun searched the room again, and her underwear was still there in the bathroom, but she seemed to evaporate out of thin air. .

Just when Zhuo Yun was puzzled and depressed by Angela's disappearance, the light on the floor of the women's toilet in the public restroom in the corridor was distorted for a while, and a naked blonde Caucasian beauty appeared out of nowhere on the originally empty floor.

If Zhuo Yun was here at this moment, he would definitely not be able to help but exclaim, because the naked blonde beauty in front of him is none other than Angela.

After a while, the door of the women's bathroom opened, and a tall female waiter wearing a sanitary cap walked out of the room, wrapped herself tightly, and quickly left along the back door of the hotel.

And in the women's bathroom where Angela appeared just now, a female waiter who had been pulled down to only her underwear was sitting on the toilet unconsciously.

Zhuo Yun, who searched for nothing, could only choose to give up in the end. When he was lying on the bed a little tired, he was shocked to find an Apple mobile phone under the sheet next to the bed.

"This should be left by Angela." Picking up the iPhone, Zhuo Yun suddenly became interested.

But what makes him depressed is that a password is set on the phone, and the only way to open it is to enter the password.

"By the way, as killers, Chopper and the others should have studied this aspect." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun immediately called Chopper in, and after asking, to his delight, Chopper really Understand this knowledge.

After more than an hour of deciphering, Chopper finally found out the password in the iPhone and successfully opened the iPhone left by Angela.

After searching through the communication records and text messages inside, he quickly discovered an important secret. It was a text message left by the tomb robber, which said that they would meet at a farm in the suburbs of New York three days later. As for The specific things are not recorded above.

"Forget it, Angela has already left anyway, so there's no need to waste energy on things that have nothing to do with me." Thinking about it, Zhuo Yun casually threw the phone into the trash can.

One night almost passed by in the blink of an eye. After a night of practice, Zhuo Yun's physical fitness has recovered a little, but there is still a huge gap compared with before.

"Hey, I don't know when I will be able to fully recover my strength." Shaking his head in distress, Zhuo Yun took the two brothers Qiaoba to the restaurant for breakfast.

Compared with the American breakfast, Zhuo Yun really doesn't have much appetite, he still prefers the rich and varied breakfast in Huaxia.

Eating foreign food these days made him miss the delicious food he ate in China.

"After we find Sister Mei, we'll have a meal at a restaurant in Chinatown." Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun walked out of the hotel with the two brothers, Qiaoba.

He didn't know the specific place where Chu Meier lived.However, he had heard Chu Meier introduce her family business before.

According to Chu Meier's statement.Her family is mainly in the real estate business.The name of the company seems to be Chu's Real Estate, and I heard that it is doing very well in the United States.

"Report, the target man has left the hotel and is walking on the street. He is accompanied by two black bodyguards. Please give instructions." It was still the well-wrapped Chinese man in the cafe outside the hotel.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!" The Huaxia man listened for a moment.He nodded solemnly.

After pressing the button on the collar, the Huaxia man ordered in a low voice: "Nighthawk, Hound, Explosive Bear..., arrest immediately in places where there are few people, be sure to catch the target man together with the Two black bodyguards arrested them together.

"My lord, someone is following us, and there's more than one person." Walking on the street, Qiaoba stepped forward to Zhuo Yun's side and whispered.

"Understood!" Zhuo Yun nodded, secretly surprised.

Originally, he just wanted to come to America to find Chu Meier.Unexpectedly, when I first came here, I first met the mysterious white beauty Angela, and then was searched by the American police.Now someone is following him again, which made him secretly angry.

"Damn it, I'd like to see who is looking for smoke when they are idle." Zhuo Yun looked angrily in his heart, Zhuo Yun ordered Qiaoba and the two, pretending to be nonchalant, and walked towards a remote place with relatively few people.

Just when they came to a laneway, three men with oriental faces suddenly jumped out from both sides, and surrounded the three of them in the middle.

Before Zhuo Yun could open his mouth to ask, these six people rushed forward, ready to use violence to subdue Zhuo Yun and the other three.

The result was obvious. The angry Zhuo Yun was not in the mood to play games with them. The two brothers Qiaoba easily knocked the six of them to the ground. Although they didn't kill them, they couldn't get up for a while.

"Who are you, why are you following me?" Zhuo Yun shouted coldly, looking down at one of the men with an oriental face.

He just came to the United States, and he didn't offend anyone. If he really wanted to be offended, it would only be James from the Morgan family. However, as the James Morgan family, even if he wanted to take revenge on him You shouldn't be looking for a bunch of orientals either.

"Hmph!" The oriental man who was questioned by him snorted coldly, turned his head and ignored Zhuo Yun's question at all.

"Oh, are your bones still hard? I want to see how long you can last." Zhuo Yun's eyes burst into cold light, and he raised his foot to step on the thigh of the Eastern man in front of him. The strength of it can definitely crush its bones.

"Stop!" A cold shout suddenly sounded, and with the shout, a figure rushed out from the other side of the alleyway.

Hearing the sound, Zhuo Yun's raised right foot stopped in mid-air, and he turned his head to look at the figure jumping out. When he saw the other person's appearance, he couldn't help being slightly startled.

"Dao Feng, why is it you." Seeing the familiar thin and pale appearance, Zhuo Yun exclaimed a little bit unable to react.

Hearing Zhuo Yun's exclamation, holding a pistol and pointing at the blades of Zhuo Yun and the three of them, he was also slightly taken aback, seeing Zhuo Yun standing there with the same dull expression on his face.

In a wine box, Zhuo Yun sat on the sofa somewhat depressed, the two brothers Qiaoba stood behind him, and there were also a few people sitting opposite him, and they were all people he knew very well.

In addition to Dao Feng who just met, there was also Can Bao, and Leng Ji who was sitting in the center with a cold face, giving the impression that no one should enter.

"I said, why did you come to America, and what happened just now." Thinking that he was attacked by his own people just now, Zhuo Yun asked depressedly.

After asking, Zhuo Yun was about to listen to their explanation, but found that the eyes of Can Bao and others looked at him became a little weird, especially Leng Ji, who had a hint of disdain and disgust in their eyes.

"Damn, I seem to be a victim." Seeing the expressions of Leng Ji and others, Zhuo Yun felt even more depressed.

"Hey, Zhuo Yun, your boy is very lucky." A wretched smile appeared on Dao Feng's pale face, and he looked him up and down with a smile.

"What a blessing!" Hearing his somewhat inconsistent words, Zhuo Yun asked in surprise.

Dao Feng laughed wretchedly again, looked at Leng Ji who was constantly releasing air-conditioning, and quickly put away his smile and said: "Don't pretend, you boy, our people are watching outside the hotel where you are, we Someone saw you and that beautiful blonde woman go upstairs and into your room."

"So, you also found the group of American detectives who checked the room earlier." Hearing what Dao Feng said, Zhuo Yun asked with a sudden twitch in his heart.

"That's right, we have come here this time and have already contacted the New York police, and we can get their assistance when necessary. After all, this is the United States. If we directly search, it is against the rules. We can only ask the New York police to search instead. .”

Speaking of this, Dao Feng said with a weird expression: "Before our people clearly saw that white blonde beauty enter your room, it is certain that the white blonde beauty has not left, but when the American police went in to search, they did not know what to do. I didn't find it either, it couldn't be that you hid her, what is your relationship with her?"

"Put away that wretched smile of yours!" Speechlessly glanced at Dao Feng's naked appearance, Zhuo Yun finally understood why their expressions were so weird, especially Leng Ji showed disdain and disgust, It is estimated that he and the white blonde beauty did something passionate in the room.

"Believe it or not, Angela and I didn't know each other before. At that time, I was eating in the restaurant downstairs. She approached me on purpose. I also wanted to see what kind of tricks she did, so I brought her back to me. As for how she left the room, even I don’t know.”

"Ghosts believe it!" After listening to Zhuo Yun's narration, Dao Feng and others had the same expression on their faces, and Zhuo Yun could only smile wryly.

What he said was the truth, even though it sounded like a lie.

"Zhuo Yun, we now suspect that you are related to a case of theft of national treasures. You must stay with us and not leave our sight until the case is clearly investigated." Leng Ji, who had not spoken all this time, looked coldly drank.

"Are you kidding? I'm also a member of the fifth unit. Why should I be imprisoned here?" Zhuo Yun immediately became angry. Originally, this matter was a misunderstanding. Besides, with his current financial resources, there is no need to treason and steal. What kind of national treasure to take, how can I not make him angry when I hear Leng Ji's words.

This time he came to America, he came here to see Chu Meier, not to be watched like a prisoner here. (To be continued..)

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