Super black turtle clone

Chapter 284 Knights of the Round Table!

After the battle just now, the three dead soldiers of the Holy See, who were tightly wrapped up all over their bodies, finally revealed their true colors. They were three white men with cold and handsome faces who were only in their thirties. Without seeing the slightest fluctuation of emotion, beheading a female supernatural being with his own hands was as normal as crushing an ant to them.

Xiao En, who was still full of confidence just now and wanted to kill the three dead soldiers of the Holy See, finally changed his expression at this moment, and could not maintain his original calm expression.

"Parker, hurry up and protect Lord Sean from leaving. I will block these three monks from the Holy See. We must not let them hurt Lord Sean." One of the supernatural men shouted at his companion resolutely.

"Alans, take care of yourself. May God, ah bah, may Satan bless you." Parker nodded solemnly, and reached out to grab Sean who hadn't recovered. He, who is good at wind power, exploded At full speed, it turned into a gust of wind and fled towards the distance.

Seeing Parker fleeing with Sean, the three Holy See dead men immediately chased Parker and Sean with their own abilities, trying to escape Lan Jie.

"Don't even think about it!" Allens yelled violently, and the hair all over his body swelled wildly in an instant, turning into a hairy monster. The tentacles formed by the hairs grabbed the three dead soldiers of the Holy See, and the three of them had to stop. Shaped to deal with Putian Gass' hairy tentacles.

Taking advantage of the moment when Allens blocked him, Parker grabbed Sean, fled the scene, and rushed out of the manor quickly.

Parker, who was fleeing, didn't notice that there were two figures closely following them not far behind.It was Zhuo Yun and Qiaoba.

"This guy's speed is really fast. He is indeed a superpower who is good at wind power." He just chased for a few hundred meters.The distance between the two sides is constantly widening, Zhuo Yun secretly smiled bitterly in his heart.

Just when Zhuo Yun thought that Parker and Sean would escape the danger if they returned in vain, the fleeing Parker suddenly stopped and looked forward in astonishment.

"It's so strong, this guy couldn't have crossed over!!" Not only Parker, but even Zhuo Yun who was behind showed a shocked expression.

The one in sight was at least [-] meters tall, and his body was so strong that he was not inferior to Terence.Besides, what shocked Zhuo Yun and others the most was his attire.

Wearing bright silver armor all over, holding a silver spear in his hand, the whole person feels like a medieval knight.

"No, the Holy See actually dispatched a Knight of the Round Table." Chopper couldn't help blurting out as he looked at the burly white man in shining silver armor in shock.

"Knights of the Round Table, you said this guy is a Knight of the Round Table." Hearing what Chopper said, Zhuo Yun's face was also full of shock.

The Knights of the Round Table are the guardian knights of King Arthur, the king of the Holy See in the Middle Ages. It is said that there were nine Knights of the Round Table.Every knight of the round table has a cultivation level comparable to that of a bishop. Once the nine knights of the round table unite.Casting the guardian of the sacred round table, even a prince-level vampire will back down.

It is a pity that in the cruel battles in the Middle Ages, the strength of the Holy See attracted the siege of other major forces including the vampires. That battle was called the twilight of the gods, and only nine powerful Knights of the Round Table were left. There were three down, and the inheritance of the Knights of the Round Table was only passed down to three people.

In the Vatican in the 21st century, the three Knights of the Round Table are no longer as majestic and powerful as before, and they are no longer the guardian knights of the Pope. However, their status in the Vatican is still very special and lofty, representing the honor and strength of the Vatican. They all sit in the headquarters of the Holy See and rarely show up.

"Oscar, the knight of the round table, is honored to meet Sean, the eldest son of the Morgan family. This road is blocked, please go back!" Austin, who was like a giant, stood there, and his whole body exuded a thick and powerful aura when he spoke. It feels as hard to fight as a mountain.

The knights of the round table themselves are guardian knights, and the sacred protection of the round table displayed by the nine knights of the round table is also based on defense, so what the knights of the round table inherit is mainly defense. Difficult to cross.

"Damn it, get out of the way." Parker yelled angrily, and a fierce whirlwind appeared in front of him. As the whirlwind turned faster and faster, its power continued to increase. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a whistling tornado storm. Roaring like a ferocious giant swallowing together, it spun and shot at Oscillator. Wherever it passed, even the concrete floor was easily torn and shredded, turning into stones flying all over the sky and spinning rapidly.

"What a powerful tornado, it's almost as good as the tornadoes formed in nature." Staring at the tornado that almost reached the sky, Zhuo Yun admired secretly.

The moving speed of the tornado storm is no less than that of an ordinary gust of wind. In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of Austin Sting, and Austin Sting seemed to be shocked by the storm in front of him. He didn't even have the slightest dodge. wrap it in it.

"Holy guardian!" A thick and majestic voice sounded, and an angel condensed by the holy light wrapped up Austin's stud.

The holy light and the storm were intertwined, making it impossible to see the specific situation inside. It was not until more than ten seconds passed and the storm dissipated that it really appeared in everyone's sight.

A huge pothole was rolled out by the tornado storm at the place where Austin was standing. The spiral pattern looked like a screw. In the middle of the pothole, a majestic figure stood proudly there.

"It's useless, it's impossible for you to defeat me." Austin said with a cool expression, and jumped out of the hole with a leap, the silver gun in his hand was shining brightly, turning into a silver streamer Stabbed at the startled Parker on the opposite side.

"Boom!" Parker and Sean were shot a deep gunshot wound at the position where they were standing just now, and violent force swept the surrounding ground.

Although Parker grabbed Sean and escaped in time, he was still affected by the impact, and his figure was thrown far away, and under the unloading force of a whirlwind, he landed firmly on the ground.

"Puff!" As soon as he landed, a mouthful of blood gushed out of Parker's mouth, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The tornado move just now was already somewhat beyond Parker's ability. In addition, in order to prevent Sean from being injured, he forcibly endured the impact of the silver gun attack, which has already injured his internal organs.

The form is getting better and better for Xiao En and the two. The longer the delay here, the more dangerous it will be for them. After all, there are three dead soldiers of the Holy See behind. For a long time, once the other three dead soldiers of the Holy See catch up, attacking Sean from both sides will definitely lead to death.

"Master Sean, run away quickly, I'll stop him." Parker, who stabilized his figure, said with a serious look on his pale face and bloodless face.

Sean, who had been showing some panic all the time, took a deep breath when he heard Parker's words, and shook his head sadly: "It's useless, I can't escape here alone, I didn't expect that Sean would end up I'm really not reconciled to being placed in Witt's hands, the original Patriarch's position should be mine."

"Sean, the eldest son of the Morgan family, it seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble, do you need my help?" Just when Xiao En was desperate, a calm voice came to his ears from behind.

Xiao En and the two of them, together with the Knight of the Round Table Osnail, all looked back involuntarily, and the figures of Zhuo Yun and Chopper walked slowly in their sights.

"Who are you, why do you help me!" Staring at Zhuo Yun who came forward, Xiao En was stunned for a moment, and said with some surprise.

Hearing Xiao En's words, Zhuo Yun had the urge to vomit blood, and at what time was it, he was still in the mood to discuss these issues.

"Xiao En, you don't have much time now. I just want to ask you if you need my help." Zhuo Yun glanced at Xiao En coldly, Zhuo Yun said indifferently.

After a little hesitation, Sean said seriously: "If you can help me escape from here, I will give you enough reward."

"Very good, I hope you will remember your words." Zhuo Yun nodded in satisfaction. What he was waiting for was Xiao En's words. After all, he wanted to cooperate with Xiao En, not to join him. kindness.

"Chopper, escort Sean out of here." While speaking, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand and took out the Thunder Sword. Facing the formidable and amazingly defensive Knight of the Round Table, Ossnail, he can only defeat him with all his strength. As for killing the opponent, unless he can fully recover his strength, even he is not sure.

Originally, Xiao En thought that Zhuo Yun and Qiaoba would fight together, but when he saw Zhuo Yun walking forward alone, he secretly had some doubts in his heart.

As one of the candidates for the patriarch of the Morgan family, Sean has a lot of experience in reading people. No matter how he looks at it, he doesn't think Zhuo Yun is so powerful. On the contrary, Chopper feels like a sharp blade. He exudes a fierce murderous aura all over his body, and he is not a simple person at first glance.

"Huaxia boy, just because you want to stop me, the Knight of the Round Table, Ossnail, you are too arrogant." Ossnail snorted coldly, exuding a surge of holy light, and the silver gun in his hand was hesitating. The sacred gun light seems to be able to penetrate everything in panic,

"That's not necessarily the case!" Zhuo Yun sneered, and stretched out his hand to pull out the Thunder Sword from the scabbard, the raging thunder light immediately leaked into the air.

"Chi Chi Chi!!" The thunder light on the Thunder Sword only flickered a few times, and the black tattoo on Zhuo Yun's body appeared, swallowing up all the lightning on the Thunder Sword, and his whole body was enveloped. In the midst of thunder and lightning, it seems to be transformed into the god of thunder in the sky. (To be continued..)

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