Super black turtle clone

Chapter 290 Room Love!

() "No matter what, I will rescue you from the cage, even if it is an enemy of the entire Morgan family." Zhuo Yun's eyes were determined, and he thought firmly in his heart.

For him, Chu Meier is a very special woman. When he was at the lowest point in his life, when he was broken in love and couldn't find a job, it was Chu Meier who helped him regain his strength and gave him great encouragement. In addition to liking, he still has a trace of dependence deep in his heart.

It is precisely because of this trace of dependence in his heart that he is even more unwilling to give up. He doesn't want to lose Chu Meier just like this, especially because he knows the burden Chu Meier has borne for himself, which makes him feel guilty!

Hearing that Chu Meier had left the bedroom, Zhuo Yun took a deep breath, and stepped quietly into the room through the window.

He hesitated before, but now that he knows that Chu Meier loves him deeply, he has no hesitation. No matter what, he can't let Witt hurt Chu Meier in the slightest. When he really has to, he can even Kill it head-on at any cost.

Standing in the room full of Chu Meier's atmosphere, Zhuo Yun felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart, that feeling he hadn't seen for a long time, warm and seductive.

Glancing at the room, Zhuo Yun was shocked to find that the layout of the room was similar to his room in City Z, and some familiar items could be seen in his sight, which made him feel as if he had returned to the original time, when Although difficult and confusing, it is also full of joy.

"It's strange, what did Sister Mei go to do?" After waiting for a while, Zhuo Yun found that Chu Mei'er hadn't come back. With some doubts in his heart, Zhuo Yun stepped forward and came to the door of the bedroom to listen to the groans outside.

"Hua la la!" The sound of water hitting the ground sounded, Zhuo Yun's heart was slightly shaken by that familiar sound, and a burst of fire surged in his heart.

"Sister Mei is taking a bath!" Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but see the perfect feminine body with bumps and convexities in his mind. The big tent looks extraordinarily conspicuous and huge.

There is no woman around these days, he is no longer a young man, he wakes up every morning in a state of being a pillar of the sky, facing the person he likes at this moment, and still in this state, people can't help but feel extra excited.

"Would you like to rush in and take a couple bath?" As soon as this obscene thought flashed through his mind, Zhuo Yun immediately pushed it to the back of his mind.

Now it is in Witt's closely guarded room. Once he breaks in, causing Chu Meier to scream and make some noise, and bring in the bodyguards outside, his infiltration plan will fail. , It will be more difficult to come in next time.

The most important thing is that even though he knew that Chu Meier liked him, he didn't want to force it. We'd better wait until later to talk about taking a bath together.

"Forget it, I'll wait for a while." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun lay on the bed like no one else, silently looking at everything in the room.

Soon there was a slight sound of footsteps, Zhuo Yun's heart moved slightly, he dodged and hid behind a screen next to him, secretly watching the situation outside through the hole in the screen.

The door opened in sight, and a beautiful and moving figure came in from the outside, wrapped in a white towel, with wet hair hanging on the white shoulders, because the towel was tightly bound, the chest was extraordinarily surging, You can feel the deep groove.

The lower body is a pair of white, tender and slender thighs. Because of the length, the bath towel can barely cover the big round buttocks. The pair of buttocks are almost completely exposed in the air. If the line of sight is lowered, it is even possible See the majestic scenery beneath the towel.

After taking a hot bath, Chu Meier looked refreshed. She stepped to the bed, picked up a book and lay down on it. Perhaps because she was at home, she didn't maintain her ladylike demeanor at all. Her legs Slightly curved open.

"Puff!" Zhuo Yun, who was peeping, almost spurted nosebleeds from his nostrils. Because of the angle, he could just see the mysterious black area covered with weeds between the bent legs, and the rosy powder The tender gap made his breathing quicken all of a sudden.

"My mother, sister Mei, isn't this seductive? No, if you hold back like this, you will definitely die." Feeling the pain under his body, Zhuo Yun glanced at the seductive mysterious area , A desire surged in my heart.

Stepping quietly out from behind the screen, looking at Chu Meier lying on the bed who was still concentrating on reading without knowing that there was another person in the room, a smirk appeared on Zhuo Yun's face, thinking of Chu Meier's days He couldn't help but want to take revenge for the torment he suffered.

Holding the impurity she loves to watch, Chu Meier is watching intently, only to feel a gust of cool wind blowing suddenly, and before she can realize what happened, a black shadow throws her down, throwing her All her limbs were suppressed, and her eyes and mouth were also covered by palms.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!" After a while, the whole person was panting and lying on the bed weakly.

"How could this happen? Who is it? Could it be Witt? After all, he couldn't bear it anymore!" Chu Meier was thinking bitterly in her mind as she lay powerlessly on the bed.

"Forget it, forget it, anyway, for the sake of Zhuo Yun and the family, I will marry Witt, just treat it as being bitten by a dog." Chu Meier gave up any resistance, and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes. It made Zhuo Yun feel a warm feeling in his palm.

"Oops, things have gotten worse!" Feeling the warmth of tears, Zhuo Yun smiled wryly, and quickly leaned over to Chu Meier's ear: "Sister Mei, it's me, I'm Zhuo Yun."

Chu Meier, who was originally ashamed, her heart trembled violently, and her body trembled for a moment. After Zhuo Yun took her hands away, she finally saw Zhuo Yun lying on her body with an apologetic expression on her face. , an uncontrollable feeling burst out from the heart.

"Wuwuwu, you bad guy, you bad guy!" Tears flowed from Chu Mei'er's beautiful eyes, and the whole body fell into Zhuo Yun's arms, beating his chest with a pair of fists. There is little difference from a massage.

"Okay, okay, it's not okay if I'm wrong, Sister Mei, don't cry, it will be difficult to bring in the bodyguards from outside in a while." Stretching out his arms to hug Chu Meier, feeling the surging touch, Zhuo Yun's heart fluttered, and he suppressed the desire in his heart and patted her on the shoulder.

Chu Meier, who was still crying at first, was awakened immediately by hearing the words, and quickly stopped crying, but her eyes were as red as rabbit eyes, and she still stared at Zhuo Yun angrily. She was terrified, the gap between the front and the back was really too big, if it wasn't for her heart being healthy, she would have almost been scared to death.

"Okay Sister Mei, it's my fault. I shouldn't scare you. At worst, you just hit me a few more times." Looking at Chu Meier's little girl's posture, Zhuo Yun felt a burning passion in his heart, and smiled. He reached out and grabbed her soft, boneless palm, and deliberately hit himself.

At the beginning, Chu Meier really hit her twice, but when she saw Zhuo Yun's enjoyment, she suddenly came to her senses. Withdrew back.

"How did you come in, when did you come, so many bodyguards outside didn't even notice you." Chu Meier said in surprise after calming down the rage in her heart.

"Those trash can still stop me!" Zhuo Yun put on an arrogant look, smirked and said: "As for when I came, it's been a long time since I came here. When I was outside the window, I heard someone speak the truth."

"Ah!" Chu Meier exclaimed in a low voice, with a shy expression on her face. She didn't expect Zhuo Yun to hear what she said to herself, and she didn't dare to look directly into Zhuo Yun's eyes for a while. , she was afraid that she would not be able to control her feelings, and she was also afraid that Zhuo Yun would offend Witt for her own sake.

Lying on Chu Meier's body, looking at Chu Meier who turned her head away and didn't dare to look directly at her, a flame in Zhuo Yun's heart was burning. He missed it once when he was in City Z, and now he doesn't want to miss the first time. secondary.

"What are you carrying, quickly take it away!" Chu Meier, who was in a panic, felt a hard resistance under her body, subconsciously wanted to change the subject, and reached out her hand to grab it in that direction.

"Aww!" Zhuo Yun, who was already on fire, let out a melodious and comfortable wolf roar, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be ignited instantly.

Grasping the hard resistance, feeling the ham-like shape, the heat radiating from it, and Zhuo Yun's relaxed and excited expression, Chu Meier finally understood what she was grabbing.

"I actually caught Zhuo Yun's little dd!" This thought flashed in her mind, Chu Meier almost couldn't help screaming, and hastily let go of the fiery sausage.

"Hey, Sister Mei, how do you feel, not bad." Zhuo Yun looked at Chu Meier with a smirk, and lost the grip of his palms, which made him feel a little empty.

"You bad guy, get off me quickly." Chu Mei'er blushed softly, struggling to overturn Zhuo Yun from her body, but her strength was too weak to It might be possible.

Grasping Chu Meier's palm with both hands, he pressed it on the bed in a large-character posture, and looked down at Chu Meier who was blushing and flustered. Zhuo Yun's eyes were full of determination and aggressive fire.

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