Super black turtle clone

Chapter 313 Weakness!

"Ghost Sword Snake Demon, Master, you said you met Ghost Sword Snake Demon." The druid said in a serious tone, as if he had a lot of fear of Ghost Sword Snake Demon.

"Yeah, why, you know that monster Ghost Sword Snake Demon." Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously after a little effort.

The Ghost Sword and Snake Demon is a masterpiece of the Japanese at first glance, and only some perverts among the Japanese can forge such an evil ghost sword, and the Druid is the holy artifact of the Holy See. There doesn't seem to be any direct connection, and besides, the two sides are so far apart, it is estimated that there will be no chance of fighting.

"Master, the Ghost Sword Snake Demon was indeed cast by the Japanese kingdom, but later it fell into the vampire family. In the Middle Ages, the Holy Bible once fought with the Ghost Sword Snake Demon. Naturally, I know something about the Ghost Sword Snake Demon, and At that time, I was in a complete state, suppressing and sealing it into the ghost sword."

"So that's it, then can you still suppress and seal the ghost sword and snake demon now, and does this guy have any fatal weaknesses? I bombarded him with lightning before, but it didn't seem to cause serious damage to him because he was possessed. There is still a reason for the old man with sword madness." Zhuo Yun asked quickly.

"Master, I was seriously injured by the lightning released by the master before. In addition, the holy bible is not complete now, so it is difficult for me to suppress and seal it. As for why the lightning bombardment failed to seriously injure him, that is because the ghost sword snake The devil is different from me. It is an evil weapon spirit itself. It can separate a trace of spiritual consciousness and attach it to the condensed ghost sword snake demon. Even if it is scattered by the sky thunder, it is only a trace of spiritual consciousness. It will not really treat It hurts a lot.”

"As for the weakness of the ghost sword and the snake demon. If I really want to say it, it is his ghost sword. As long as his ghost sword is severely damaged, the spirit consciousness of the snake demon in the ghost sword will naturally be traumatized, but If you want to severely injure the ghost sword, even with the power of Tianlei, it is estimated that not one or two will be effective."

After listening to the druid's words, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but secretly depressed, and said for a long time that there were hardly any key words.Just a bunch of useless nonsense.

"It seems that I still have to rely on myself to get rid of this ghost sword and snake demon." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun's eyes flashed a stern look, and the vitality in his body surged violently, completely controlling the surrounding space Under his own induction, he quickly rushed towards the Ghost Sword Snake Demon in his stride.

"Hiss!" The Ghost Sword Snake Demon hissed, and possessed himself on the sword-crazed old man, holding the Ghost Sword in his hand, and slashed at Zhuo Yun's Cunyu Dao.

The violent power collided together, under the blessing of the black tattoo.In terms of strength, Zhuo Yun is not inferior to Shi Jianzhi's Ghost Sword Snake Demon, even slightly better.The huge force directly pushed the Ghost Sword Snake Demon backwards, and at the same time as it retreated, the surrounding air turned into a quagmire again.

A black shadow suddenly enveloped the ground around the Ghost Sword Snake Demon. The Ghost Sword Snake Demon looked up into the sky, only to see a condensed iceberg falling from the sky.

At the same time as the iceberg landed, the piercing cold air directly froze the surrounding air, turning the originally sticky quagmire into frozen ice blocks in an instant, making it even more difficult to break through. The Ghost Sword Snake Demon wanted to dodge like last time , is almost impossible.

"Hiss!" Ghost Sword Snake Demon let out a sharp roar, and the ghost sword in his hand burst out with evil black sword energy, condensing a huge black sword and slashing towards the iceberg.

"Boom!!" The iceberg trembled violently, the black giant sword forcibly cut the iceberg in two, and the evil black air flow quickly eroded the cold air of the iceberg.

Zhuo Yun was not surprised that the ghost sword and snake demon broke through the iceberg. After all, even druids can cut off the iceberg, let alone the ghost sword and snake demon possessed by the sword-crazed old man. The lower half of the Druids, the Ghost Sword Snake Demon, has been weakened a lot after being sealed for many years, but it is still complete.

"Huh!" With a cold shout, an astonishing coldness erupted from Zhuo Yun's hand, which condensed into a huge ice sword in the blink of an eye, and slashed at the ghost sword and snake demon head-on. It was at the moment when the ghost sword and snake demon waved its sword energy to break through the iceberg, and its power was weakest. The persuading ghost sword and snake demon had to quickly wave the ghost sword in its hand to block the intruding ice giant sword, and the surging power was released from the ice giant sword. The sword was passed along the ghost sword to the body of the sword-crazed old man.

Under the strengthening of the ghost sword and snake demon, the body of the sword-crazed old man has become much stronger, but it is still a human body after all, and has stepped into aging. Facing the powerful attack of the ice giant sword, the ghost sword and snake demon He took a few steps back, his ferocious face was flushed, and the veins on his arms were even more exposed.

"It's now!" With a soft shout in his heart, Zhuo Yun's mind contacted the black clouds in the sky, and a winding thunderbolt descended from the sky, striking the ghost sword like a bamboo. It was too late to dodge, and coupled with the speed of the thunder and lightning, the ghost sword immediately burst into bright lightning.

"Hiss, hiss!" A sharp scream sounded, and the figure of the sword-crazed old man who was possessed was writhing in pain, and the black evil aura emanating from his body also weakened a lot, until the flickering thunder and lightning dissipated, screaming The sword-crazed old man just recovered, his face turned a little pale, obviously traumatized.

"Sure enough, as the druid said, its ghost sword is his only weakness. As long as you find his weakness, things will be easy." Zhuo Yun, who saw everything in his eyes, showed a smile on his face. The happy smile did not give the ghost sword and snake demon time to breathe, and the ice giant sword swung at him again.

The Snake Demon, who had just been attacked by lightning, was still paralyzed by lightning. Coupled with the constraints of the surrounding air, he could only passively raise the ghost sword in his hand to resist again. The huge ice giant sword collided with the ghost sword. The power caused his figure to fly backwards, and at this moment, another thunderbolt descended from the sky.

"Boom!" There was a deafening roar, which was also mixed with the scream of the snake demon. The flickering thunder light completely wrapped the ghost sword, penetrating and attacking wantonly. Although the domineering thunder and lightning could not directly destroy the ghost sword, The power contained in it is enough to traumatize the consciousness belonging to the snake demon in the ghost sword.

The old sword-crazed old man with an evil and powerful aura once again weakened his aura, and even the black light entwined on the ghost sword became much thinner.

"Damn humans, I will not let you go, wait, I must swallow all the blood in your body." The ghost sword snake demon, which was wounded twice in a row, let out a sharp hissing sound, full of evil spirits. The breath rose sharply, and a ferocious half-human, half-snake black phantom appeared, enveloping the sword-crazed old man in it. (To be continued..)

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