Super black turtle clone

Chapter 317 Respecting the Sun Shrine!

That night, Zhuo Yun did not hang out with the two female servants, but was alone, shuttling through the streets of Tokyo at a high speed, and his figure could appear more than ten meters away in a blink of an eye. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as brisk walking , Some people even only felt a black shadow flash past, and thought they saw a ghost.

"Are you sure that another holy bible is here?" Standing on the top of a house, Zhuo Yun looked ahead and asked the druid in his hand.

The face of the angel on the holy bible showed a look of excitement: "Yes, master, I can feel the call of another holy bible, he is definitely in front, but it seems to be sealed by something, please The master must rescue it, then I can save the mistress."

Nodding his head, Zhuo Yun's eyes focused together, looking at a shrine in the distance, his pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

The shrine in front of me is very famous, and you can recognize it just by looking at it. It is the so-called Jingri Shrine, which is very controversial in the world.

In Jingri Shrine, there are many Class-A war criminals from the Japanese kingdom enshrined in it. Many of them are demons who have committed heinous crimes in various countries. The killing once plunged China and other Asian countries into a sea of ​​​​war and blood. Regardless of the opposition of China and other countries, the Wa Kingdom insisted on establishing this so-called Jingri Shrine, placing the ranks of these criminal bosses in it, and the recent generations of Wa Kingdom Prime Ministers have come to the Jingri Shrine to worship, which has made the Wa Kingdom's reputation even more Messy.

As a child of Huaxia, Zhuo Yun was also eager to tear down this Shrine of Respecting the Sun.But he can't do that now.

Except for the soldiers ambushing around the Jingri Shrine.The real reason for him to hold back and not do anything.It is the breath that comes out of this shrine.

Although the shrine tried its best to hide this aura, in front of Zhuo Yun, a strong man with super sensitivity, he could still feel the aura like the mouth of a giant beast.

The whole shrine was like a huge beast, Zhuo Yun was shocked by the trace of fierceness leaked out, one can imagine how unusual this shrine is.

In fact, it's easy to understand when you think about it. The existence of the Jingri Shrine has made many Asian countries overwhelmed, and they must have sent people there.He wanted to destroy it secretly, but he never succeeded, which is enough to show that this Shrine of Respecting the Sun is not simple, and there may be something dangerous in it.

Zhuo Yun is now based on the idea of ​​getting the holy Bible as soon as he makes a move. He doesn't want to startle the snake and attract the attention of the big family forces at this time. In fact, he has already thought about it before, except In addition to eliminating ghost swords and snake demons with the help of major families, it is also to attract their attention.

"Forget it. Let's wait until tomorrow, when the time comes, I must turn it into ashes." He glanced at the Jingri Shrine with serious eyes.Zhuo Yun put away the sacred bible that was shining with a faint holy light because of his emotional agitation, and his figure turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the distant night.

At the same time as he left, a black shadow appeared strangely where he was standing just now, and looked around: "It's strange, I clearly felt a trace of sacred aura just now, could it be that people from the Holy See discovered the Holy Bible?" No way, they must not be allowed to snatch the Bible back, it seems that I have to make some necessary preparations." While speaking, the black shadow flickered and disappeared, as if it had never appeared at all, only the howling wind was left with.

Quietly returning to the ancestral house of the Kitano family, Zhuo Yun inspected it once, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he came to the room belonging to Kitano Meidaizi.

This is also the room of Zhuo Yun and Angela, for which they bought a bed two days ago that is big enough for three people to roll on it.

"No, it's so hot!" As soon as he quietly came to the room, Zhuo Yun was so excited by the exciting scene in front of him that he almost couldn't help but pounce on him.

In sight, two naked beauties are fighting and playing with each other. During the fighting process, it is inevitable to attack some important parts. Under Zhuo Yun's continuous development these days, the two women have become very sensitive in this regard. It's just that after playing and playing for a while, the two of them became hot and gasped for breath.

Gradually playing and playing, it turned into a stunned female lily. The two girls kept stroking each other's smooth and soft body, and rubbed against each other from time to time.

"These two little girls dare to do this kind of thing behind my back. It seems that they are still in trouble." Zhuo Yun thought to himself, took off his clothes almost instantly, rushed onto the bed like a golden cicada shedding its shell, and was Lily's two daughters were immediately crushed by the naked Zhuo Yun, and they started a hand-to-hand fight amidst the exclamations of the two women.

In a struggle without swords, swords, smoke and flames, Zhuo Yun finally spent more than an hour to tidy up the two women submissively.

When Zhuo Yun got up and left the next day, the two women were still lying on the bed, hugging each other naked and sleeping soundly. That appearance was definitely very attractive, but unfortunately only Zhuo Yun could see this kind of restricted class Looking at the picture, other people probably would have their heads chopped off by Chopper, who has been on guard all the time, before they got close.

After leaving the ancestral house of the Kitano family, Zhuo Yun did not go to the Muto family, but asked George to monitor around the Muto family and report the situation at any time, while he himself came to a cafe not far from the Jingri Shrine, Drinking coffee, while waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

He wanted to sneak into the Jingri Shrine when the war with the Kitano family started. This would save a lot of trouble and increase the success rate.

"My lord, this side is open. The masters of several big family forces have entered the Muto family, fighting with the people of the Muto family and the ghost sword snake demon."

The voice of George's report came out on the phone, Zhuo Yun nodded and hung up the call, walked away from the cafe, and headed towards the Jingri Shrine.

"Boom!" The originally clear sky was shrouded by a black cloud in a burst of thunder, and in the blink of an eye, light rain fell down.

The Jingri Shrine is considered a semi-open place in Japan. Visitors in the front yard can enter it, whether it is to appreciate the building or meet the war criminals inside, and there are soldiers guarding it to prevent anyone from entering. At this moment When it started to rain, many people hid in the front yard of Jingri Shrine.

A Chinese man stood among the crowd, looking around. This person was none other than Zhuo Yun, the instigator of the light rain. (To be continued..)

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