Super black turtle clone

Chapter 319 Countercurrent!

Kitakura Kenji didn't know about Zhuo Yun's situation. When he saw Zhuo Yun being knocked into the air again and again, he couldn't help but secretly sneered, thinking that Zhuo Yun was a reckless man.

This kind of battle allowed him to easily suppress Zhuo Yun, and victory was only a matter of time. Sooner or later such an impact would make Zhuo Yun's body unable to withstand the impact.

Kitakura Kenji's guess is indeed good, but it's a pity that he used the wrong place. If it was someone else, he might really be crushed by the impact of his attack. For Zhuo Yun, whose body strength far exceeds his strength, it is simply impossible. It's nothing, and with the perfect detection of the surroundings, he can decompose and study Kitakura Kenji's attack moves as if using slow motion. The reason why he collides with him again and again is not because he has a tendency to be masochistic, but in fact He wants to crack the secret of the moves.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already fought for nearly twenty moves. Kenji Kitakura did not use other moves, and Zhuo Yun only locked onto Kenji Kitakura's Nine Springs Knife through induction. The two collided again and again. Even Kitakura Kenji couldn't bear the impact after twenty moves.

On the contrary, Zhuo Yun on the opposite side did not feel the slightest discomfort. Instead, he had a posture of becoming more and more courageous as he fought more and more. He began to passively accept Kitakura Kenji's attack, and then actively swung the Murame knife to cut at Kitakura Kenji's Jiuquan knife. In the next collision, relying on his control over the surroundings, he gradually comprehended this move.

"Well, how could this happen!" Kitakura Kenji's face began to show a hint of consternation during the battle. Apart from the strength of Zhuo Yun's body, what really surprised him was that Zhuo Yun had to take a dozen steps back to stabilize himself after being hit by the impact. Stay in shape.And with the passage of time.The distance of these ten steps is constantly decreasing.

A dozen steps from the original.Gradually shortened to ten steps, and the most current seven or eight steps, the distance between him and him is getting closer and closer. This is definitely a terrible phenomenon. The question of the outcome of the battle.

Discovering this situation, Kitakura Kenji immediately carefully observed Zhuo Yun's way of making moves, and soon he discovered something that even he himself felt unbelievable.

"You. How could you have learned my tricks? It's impossible." Looking at Zhuo Yun opposite, Kitakura Kenji couldn't help but exclaimed, looking shocked.

His move is called Reverse Current, and it looks very simple. It is similar to the theory of Taijiquan, which restrains the opponent's strength and then rebounds it back. However, to really master the reverse flow, the difficulty is definitely far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Even Kitakura Kenji only gradually figured it out when he became a Kendo master.

It took nearly a year of retreat.Only then did I realize the prototype and gradually perfect it.It took a few more years, and now Zhuo Yun fought with him in a total of a few minutes. Such a short time is probably not enough to discover the secret of his move, let alone learn it in battle. It's countercurrent.

"Nothing is impossible!" Zhuo Yun sneered, when the Murasame Knife in his hand was swinging, the vitality surging above formed a vortex, and the blade trembled accordingly, an invisible force attached to the Murasame Knife On the ground, when he swung it, he collided with the Jiuquan knife on the opposite side, and the two vortexes collided with each other.

"Boom!" The two forces collided and reflected, and the powerful force knocked the two of them away at once. Zhuo Yun retreated six steps, while Kitakura Kenji, who was opposite him, retreated eight steps. The ninth step was also taken by him. Forcibly suppressed, this is because Zhuo Yun is not familiar with the moves, once he is familiar with Kitakura Kenji, he is not an opponent at all.

"Beicang, don't make trouble anymore, and settle the battle quickly, it will be bad if it causes unnecessary commotion." Wu, who was standing in the distance at this moment, said indifferently, as if a little impatient It may be because of Kitakura Kenji's identity, but he didn't immediately intervene in the battle between the two.

Kitakura Kenji took a deep breath, nodded with an ugly face, and looked at Zhuo Yun opposite him solemnly, and for the first time really regarded Zhuo Yun as his opponent.

"I have to admit that your strength and understanding are really strong. If a genius like you is given you a few more years, he will definitely be able to surpass me. I really don't want to kill a genius like you, as long as you agree to join me Wa country, today I can spare your life." Looking at Zhuo Yun, Kitakura Kenji said seriously.

Shaking his head without the slightest hesitation, Zhuo Yun smiled calmly and said, "I'm sorry, but I don't have the slightest affection for your Japanese country, so you still give up."

"Really, that's such a pity." Kitakura Kenji didn't continue to persuade him, and he just said what he said just now with the attitude of trying it out.

"In this case, then I can only let you, a genius, fall." While speaking, Kitakura Kenji slowly pulled out another Huangquan knife from his arms and waist.

Compared with the fierce Jiuquan Knife, the Huangquan Knife exudes a strong breath of death, which really feels like the hell of Huangquan, full of death.

"The Xiongdao Huangquan is a weapon of Qimen. Anyone who is injured by him, no matter how serious the injury is, will be swallowed by death energy, and die, and die in Huangquan."

Hearing Bei Cang Ken'er's words, Zhuo Yun didn't think that he was bragging. People who have reached the level of a master like him don't even bother to use some lies to increase their chances of winning, and under Zhuo Yun's induction, they can feel the "Huang Quan Dao" The death that emanates from the knife, which is incompatible with life, is definitely the knife of death.

"Double-knife style!" Seeing Bei Cang Kenji holding a knife in one hand, Zhuo Yun was slightly startled. He still knew something about the double-knife style.

A person who uses the double-knife style can only hold two knives, and that is when he is at his strongest. It is estimated that he may not even be able to display half of his strength with one knives.

Facing Kenji Kitakura, a kendo master who has been immersed in kendo for decades, he was able to compete with him single-handedly before, but once the opponent exerts his full strength, it is impossible for him to be an opponent with Muramame alone. His induction didn't help, the most important thing is that he didn't come here this time to learn from each other.

With a slight movement in his mind, a chill wrapped around the Murame Knife. The moment Kitakura Kenji rushed up, a thick layer of ice immediately condensed on the Muramame Knife in Zhuo Yun's hand, turning into a huge handle more than ten meters long. The ice sword, the terrifying ice sword slashed towards Kitakura Kenji with an unstoppable attitude, followed by a sharp cold air.

"Ka Ka Ka!" A layer of frost froze on the ground in the blink of an eye, and a huge ice giant sword fell from the sky. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you Brothers of the House of Gold for the reward of [-] starting coins, and the left hand~Writing Love's evaluation ticket, although it seems to be a bad review, and the monthly ticket for Yueye Zilinger and Overlord!

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