Super black turtle clone

Chapter 321 Bible Fusion!

"Master, it's now!" Druid's voice sounded in the room, and the holy light in the shape of a cross completely pushed back and covered up the holy light on the statue.

"Give it to me!" With a soft shout, Zhuo Yun's eyes shot out a cold light, an invisible vortex enveloped the Murame Knife glistening with tears, and used the reverse flow that he had learned from Bei Cang Kenji before. , This sword is definitely his strongest sword except for his supernatural ability, and the sword energy exuding thunder and lightning cuts down vertically.

"嗤嗤嗤!" There was a teeth-gritting voice, even if the sacred protective shield was suppressed, the statue was as hard as Zhuo Yun himself imagined.

Grasping the hilt of the sword with both hands, the black tattoo on Zhuo Yun's body squirmed violently, emitting bursts of black light. This kind of black light is different from the black air flow on the ghost sword and snake demon, and it does not make people feel very evil. On the contrary, it reveals What comes out is a vicissitudes of evil spirit, giving people a strong sense of deterrence.

"Crack!!" Under Zhuo Yun's full swing of the sword, the statue was finally split open by him, revealing the sealed Holy Bible Volume [-] inside the statue.

The second book of the holy bible suspended above the statue emits a bright holy light, while the first book that has lost its seal also emits the same holy light. The two holy lights echo each other, emitting a strange and holy wave, tense Then the first book began to levitate, and it kept getting closer to the second book where the druid was.

While approaching, the holy light released by the two sides began to merge, and the fused holy light not only had a stronger sacred aura, but also had a sense of majesty.

Soon the two Bibles touched each other, and the holy light filled the whole room, so that Zhuo Yun didn't notice it.In the dark place below the statue revealed what looked like an altar.A layer of black light wrapped the altar in it.Resist the sacred and majestic holy light that flickers in the sky.

This fusion lasted for nearly 5 minutes, and then it gradually ended, revealing the holy bible suspended in the air, but there were originally two holy bibles, but now there is only one golden bible left, revealing the whole body Exuding dignity and majesty, it feels like a supreme treasure.

A stalwart figure appeared in the room amid the flashes of the holy light. The appearance of that angel was almost the same as the one summoned by Archbishop Wilson.It's just that the image of the angel in front of him is more solid, and the aura leaking out of his body also has a trace of majesty like a god, which makes people feel inexplicable pressure.

As if stimulated by the druid's aura, the black tattoo on Zhuo Yun's body glowed with black light, emitting a unique aura of vicissitudes. The druid, who originally maintained an appearance of a master, felt the vicissitudes of life When breathing, his face suddenly changed, and his expression became humble and awe again.

"Master!" Druid saluted Zhuo Yun respectfully.The unique coercion and pressure dissipated in an instant, and the black tattoo stopped emitting light.

"En. It's considered that you didn't repay your kindness." Zhuo Yun nodded. The aura emitted by the Druid just now can't rule out the suspicion that he wanted to display his majesty, but it's a pity that he didn't show his majesty. Instead, he frightened himself. It was enough, which made Zhuo Yun even more curious about the black tattoo on his body.

Bringing the druid back into the space between the eyebrows, Zhuo Yun immediately left the Jingri Shrine. He didn't think Kitakura Kenji, who had fled before, would be stupid enough not to ask for reinforcements.

Less than 5 minutes after he left the Jingri Shrine, five figures appeared in the Jingri Shrine. Everyone looked fierce and fierce, and rushed all the way to the temple where Zhuo Yun collected the holy bible before. When he saw the statue in the temple that was split in half by a sword, his expression became very terrified.

At this moment, an inexplicable breath suddenly diffused from the black altar, and black tentacles shot out from the altar, so fast that the five people had no time to react, and immediately entangled them, pulling them. Towards the altar, a black light engulfed four of them.

The last person fought back and broke free from the tentacles, and fled to the outside in a panic, but just halfway through the escape, nine black tentacles flew out together, wrapping him into a rice dumpling, and under the ravages of black light, his whole body completely burst It turned into a rain of blood, and was completely absorbed by the black tentacles.

In this way, the five Japanese masters who came to the Jingri Shrine were all buried in the temple. After swallowing the five people, a burst of black light spread out and wrapped the entire temple in it. The black light sometimes expanded and sometimes contracted, giving people It feels as if something terrifying is being conceived.

"Boom!!" It was almost conceived, the temple suddenly exploded, and a black light shot up into the sky and disappeared, leaving only a piece of ruins of the temple.

But Zhuo Yun left the Jingri Shrine, and while calling George to find out about the fighting situation of the Muto family, he quickly rushed towards the direction of the Muto family.

Zhuo Yun didn't spend too much time at the Jingri Shrine, and when he came to the Muto family, the battle was not over yet, it should have come to **.

This time, the combined power of the major families is very powerful, but the Ghost Sword and Snake Devil is not in vain, and has already prepared for defense. The battle fell into a stalemate at the beginning of the battle. At the same time, the Ghost Sword Snake Demon is absorbing the essence and blood from the warrior's body to restore its strength.

In this way, the strength of the Ghost Sword Snake Demon continued to increase. In the end, the forces of the major families had to let others go, leaving only the most elite experts to fight against the Ghost Sword Snake Demon, trying to defeat them. Killed, among them was another kendo master Ma Yuanchang, and Aoi Meng, who was recognized as the second strongest in the ninja world. In addition, there were some masters who had a lot of research on thermal weapons. A few hundred meters away, a special sniper gun was used to attack.

Once hot weapons are useless against ghost swords and snake demons, and this kind of special sniper guns are made to block high defenses such as tanks. Killing the Ghost Sword Snake Demon with only a sniper gun can effectively restrict his movements.

Under the careful deployment of the powers of the major families, although the strength of the Ghost Sword Snake Demon has recovered a lot, and the weird fighting method has made the strong present burnt, but they have not been able to gain much advantage. Being at a disadvantage, especially after the appearance of a group of people, put the Ghost Sword Snake Demon into a dangerous situation. For him, the evil aura on his body is one of the most powerful weapons, but now this weapon has become a weakness. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you Wen Yucheng for the two monthly tickets!

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