Official road bends

Chapter 115 Conquest

Chapter 115 Conquering <6495" brother was promoted to the guardian of this book! Thanks to "Assault Rifle" for the two precious ***s! Thanks to "I am bronchitis" for the ***! Thank you brothers for your comments Tickets! Thank you!]

Lin Xin is smart, she is good at grasping the main contradiction.It will be more roundabout.

What is the main conflict between her and Li Yi?

At this stage, it is not Li Yi's relationship with himself.

Feelings can be cultivated. Relying on one's own advantages, body, appearance, temperament, demeanor, family background, background, knowledge, and the impression points left on Li Yi, as long as you have time to get along and experience some things together, you must get Li Yi's respect. It's not difficult to have a good impression or even a relationship.In this regard, she is very confident in herself.

What she lacks confidence in herself is that Li Yi met Guo Xiaoling before her, and established a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with Guo Xiaoling.This is her rival in love, and also a strong enemy.

Therefore, the main purpose of her coming to the Southern Province this time is to deal with her rival in love: Guo Xiaoling!As long as Guo Xiaoling retreats and makes concessions, she and Li Yi will be logical.

Ordinary people take one step at a time and look at one step at a time, and take one step at a time.

A wise person takes one step and sees three steps, and one step counts as ten steps.

This is the difference between amateur and professional on the chessboard.

Compared with Lin Xin, Guo Xiaoling is undoubtedly an amateur and ordinary.She was simple, and her life was simple.In her world, black and white are clear, good people are good people, and bad people are bad people.That's why she likes the profession of journalism, because it allows her to distinguish between black and white.Follow the good like a stream, hate the evil like a hatred!

After getting along for a short time, Guo Xiaoling thinks that Lin Xin is not only a good person, but also extremely good!

Lin Xin is Li Yi's fiancee in name, so if she counts it this way, wouldn't she be a third party?Lin Xin treats herself as a third person, not only does she not see outsiders, does not reject, and does not abuse her, but she takes the initiative to worship her as a sister and become a good friend. She is very close to her and talks happily. In front of her, Lin Xin never Deliberately making out with Li Yi to hurt himself.

All this made Guo Xiaoling think that Lin Xin was generous, dignified, beautiful and gentle, so she regarded her as a confidant, undefended, and talked about everything, and shared every bit of getting along with Li Yi and everything she knew about Li Yi , told Lin Xin.

After Lin Xin heard that Wu Bin and others had intended to cause harm to Guo Xiaoling, she was immediately filled with righteous indignation and said that she would take it out on Guo Xiaoling's behalf!In fact, she already knew some things.

In front of Guo Xiaoling, she made a series of phone calls to the head of the Lin family, Mr. Lin, to her father, to a group of friends she met at the Central Party School, and to all the relationships she had mobilized. The parents of these boys like Wu Bin exerted unbearable pressure!Which led to the occurrence of that good scene.

As a result, Guo Xiaoling admired Lin Xin even more!

She didn't know that all of this, of course, had something to do with Lin Xin trying to win her over, but it was more of Lin Xin's strategy for dealing with her rivals.The purpose is to let Guo Xiaoling fully perceive that Lin Xin's superiority is stronger than Guo Xiaoling's, her feelings for Li Yi are deeper than Guo Xiaoling's, and her ability and means to help Li Yi are more useful than Guo Xiaoling's!

Regardless of Lin Xin's intentions or intentions, she has achieved her goal. The current Guo Xiaoling completely believes that Lin Xin is worthy of Li Yi!Her intelligence, her family background ability, her beauty and gentleness, her deep affection and righteousness, even her rival in love has been conquered!

It can be seen from this that Lin Xinzhi is not simple!

What made Lin Xin even more powerful was that Li Yi realized her strength.

Although she didn't say that she did it, she believed that Li Yi would be able to find out.

The most difficult to accept the beauty of grace!

This is what Li Yi thinks now.

Standing by the Xiangjiang River, Li Yi and Guo Xiaoling talked face to face.

Lin Xin and Li Yuanxiao's husband and wife are not far away.She looked at the river view and the Xianglu Mountain on the other side of the river. The river wind blew her long hair, and her slender and tall body was elegant and stunning.

Li Yi looked at his beloved Guo Xiaoling, and said softly: "Xiaoling, it was really an accident that I got engaged to Miss Lin. I also learned the news at the same time as you."

Guo Xiaoling said: "Li Yi, don't explain, I understand. I also believe in your feelings for me. But, I think sister Lin Xin is more suitable for you than me, really. If you don't mean it, she is your good match! You have to cherish her! Don't let her down again!"

"What do you mean by that?" Li Yi frowned, reaching out to hold her hand.

Guo Xiaoling withdrew her hand, looked at Lin Xin who was not far away, and said, "Don't do this, Li Yi, it's not fair to sister Lin Xin."

Li Yi said angrily: "What do you mean? You fool, it's not fair to you! You are my girlfriend!"

Guo Xiaoling shook her head silently, lowered her pretty face, and her shiny black hair hung down to cover her face.

Li Yi stretched out his hand and gently brushed off the black hair on her forehead, saw that she was already crying, and asked, "Why are you crying? Are you planning to give up on me? Have you forgotten what we said in the car that day?" ? We agreed, don't break up, don't let go!"

"My heart is so 'disturbed'. Li Yi, I used to think that I could do it. Even if I see other women treating you well and loving you more than me, I can accept it, but I really can't do it! I am not a god, nor a fairy, I am just an ordinary woman, I also have my jealousy, I also have my hatred! My heart will also hurt! My emotions will also collapse!"

Guo Xiaoling wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked into Li Yi's eyes, and suddenly pounced on him, kissed him heavily on his lips, and said softly, "Li Yi, goodbye! Take care!"

Li Yi, who had a premonition of something bad, stretched out his hand to grab her, but she was very slippery, and ran away as soon as she flashed her body. Beside her, she opened the car door and sat on it.

Li Yi chased after her, only to hear the voice of her wiping her face and ordering the driver to drive.Then, the car started and merged into the rolling traffic.

Li Yi looked at the heavy traffic on Yanjiang Avenue with a sense of loss, and felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Lin Xin walked over and said softly, "Don't worry, sister Xiaoling is fine, she just can't accept it for the time being."

Li Yi turned his head and said, "Are you satisfied? You finally drove her away!"

Lin Xin bit her lip lightly, and said, "I didn't drive her away, I don't mind her existence."

Li Yi smiled sarcastically: "Don't you have the jealousy of a woman?"

Lin Xin said: "I have, but compared with the one you love, what is jealousy? In this life, even if you become the leader of this world, you can't be successful in everything, so you have to make a choice. You have to give up to get something. When I fell in love with you, I understood that if I don’t give up my poor self-esteem and jealousy, then I can’t stay with you forever. So I put jealousy and jealousy together Careful eyes are thrown away."

Li Yi looked at her sincere eyes, which flickered, like the most beautiful butterfly flapping its wings gracefully, it was so charming.

"You said you love me?" Li Yi asked.

"It only takes a second to fall in love with someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone. So, don't worry about sister Xiaoling. As long as she still has you in her heart, I can help you find her back." Lin Xin said softly.

When she said these words, she was not artificial or rigid, but very natural, just as natural as a husband discussing what to eat tonight.

"You really don't mind?" Li Yi asked.

"Mind, but is it useful? Even if we get married, you can forget her? Can you break her? You won't go to her behind my back? Can you do it? I know you can't, so instead of At that time, I will be alone at home worrying, fearing, suffering, wondering if you went to her place again when you came back so late, I might as well be more generous, treat her as my sister, and keep her by my side , at least you don’t have to suffer like that.” Lin Xin’s voice is always so indifferent, with a hint of fragrance in the sweetness, just like the spring willow wind blowing across the face, carrying the faint fragrance of flowers, making people feel comfortable And warm.

"You really think so?" Li Yi was very surprised.

Lin Xin brushed her hair that was 'messy' blown by the river wind, and said: "This is what my mother taught me. My father is not only a woman. My mother told me that women have to learn one thing, that is Keep a man's heart. No matter how hard a man is, he will play around outside, as long as he has you in his heart, and you occupy the majority of his heart, then he will love you the most. No matter how late he plays outside, he will come back Sleep with you, because he has you in his heart and knows that you will be afraid of the dark. Li Yi, will you treat me like this?"

In front of her, Li Yi has no ability to refute at all. If such a woman can get her as a wife, what more can she ask for in this life?

Lin Xin moved Li Yi with her beauty and temperament, touched Li Yi with her gentleness and tolerance, and conquered Li Yi with her knowledge and means.

What men want is to conquer the world, but women only want to conquer this man.

"Can you hug me? My dear fiancé!" Lin Xin smiled sweetly, her blush flushed towards her peach blush, and the dimples on her cheeks were rippling with rays of light.

Li Yi stretched out his arms and embraced her in his arms.

The fate of the previous life, the good fate of this life.

Li Yi looked up at the sky, and the sky suddenly turned dark!

The delicate body in her arms was soft and charming. She leaned her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. His heartbeat was steady at the beginning, and then it was like an old monk knocking on a wooden fish. Then it slowly accelerated. Like a war drum beating.

Lin Xin's eyes suddenly became moist.

Li Yi lowered his head and asked softly, "Why are you crying?"

Lin Xin raised her head and said dreamily: "Li Yi, I'm really afraid that you don't have feelings for me, and I'm even more afraid that you blame me for driving away sister Xiaoling. Now, I understand, you still have feelings for returning me, because Your heartbeat is fast and powerful, as if calling me to go in and become one with you!"

Li Yi's feelings were completely out of control at this moment. He lowered his head and kissed her slowly.

She raised her face, closed her eyes, and her long black eyelashes covered her creamy face.

Two young lovers kissed for the first time by the Xiangjiang River. Lin Xin's long white windbreaker and flowing scarf, her delicate and slender figure, matched with Li Yi's tall and tall body, are as beautiful as in a painting people.

Next to it is the rolling water of the Xiangjiang River, and in the distance is the majestic and beautiful Xianglu Mountain.

This scene constitutes a beautiful picture.

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