Official road bends

Chapter 121 I Recommend 1 Person

Chapter 121 I Recommend Someone

Li Yi and other cadres from Linyi County squeezed into the two groups of people.

Comrades from the Linyi Public Security Bureau and the Donggouzi Township Police Station formed a human wall to stand in front of the county leaders and forcefully block the advancing villagers of Yantang Village.

It was not long before Yantang Village found out about this matter, and the local 'government' departments may not have received relevant information. Even if the Fangnan County Party Committee and County 'Government' got the news, it would be at least an hour later.

Yantang Village belongs to a small village under Nanling Town, Fangnan County. When the local village cadres arrived after hearing the news, the situation was on the verge of getting out of control.

Chinese people have never been afraid of collective violence, because they believe that the law does not blame the public!Normally, the villagers naturally still have three points of respect for the village cadres. At this moment, who still takes the village cadres seriously?Let them shout and break their throats, and no one pays attention to them.

When the village cadres of Yantang Village realized that their words were not effective, they ran back and called to report to the town. Feeling the seriousness of the situation, the other party even dispatched the county party secretary and the county magistrate. Even if the whole town cadres were mobilized on his own side, it would not be enough for them to bite the bullet, so he immediately reported it to the Fangnan County Committee.

The attitude of the Fangnan County Party Committee was similar to that of Linyi County. Wei Zhongzhong, secretary of the County Party Committee, held an emergency standing committee meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Just as they were having a meeting to study, the situation on the scene changed again.

I don't know who threw a snow ball over, and it happened to hit Chen Kaiming on the head!

It's not good to use weapons, throwing snow balls for fun, isn't it against the law?

The county party secretary was beaten!

The people in Linyi County immediately became angry, and some people took snow balls and threw them over. Anyway, there are so many people and such dense crowds, no matter how inaccurate the technique, just throwing it casually can hit a person.

A war caused by a snowball!

Some people want to vent their anger, some people want revenge, some people think it's fun, one by one snowballs fly from here to there, and one by one snowballs fly from there to here, but there are snowballs rolling in the air, and there are many snow dusts, pity those standing Among them, the leaders of Linyi County were hit by snowballs from both sides, accidentally injured, and snow dust fell down, making their heads and faces covered with snow, and they were in a state of embarrassment.

Yuan Junbing didn't expect such an out-of-control situation. He stood on a high slope with a microphone in his hand, waved his right hand, and shouted desperately: "Stop! If you don't stop, the police will arrest you!"

The sentence "the police arrested people" made everyone notice his existence. The tragedy happened in an instant. Countless snowballs flew towards Yuan Junbing like raindrops. Yuan Junbing didn't dare to stand so high anymore. , what are you doing to eat? Why don’t you drive me away?”

After the deputy leader spoke, the policemen all moved into action, pushing the villagers of Yantang Village back, and some of them who had a bad temper pulled out their batons to drive them away.

Chen Kaimin and others were protected and retreated to the side.

Chen Kaiming said angrily: "Comrade Junbing, I don't care what method you use, you must get him away immediately! If this continues, after the snowballs are beaten, they will hit lumps of dirt and even throw stones! Next, they will use weapons Already! Didn’t you see a lot of people carrying kitchen knives?”

While clearing the snow off his body, Yuan Junbing replied, "Don't worry, Mrs. Chen, I will drive away the villagers of Mrs. Mrs. Jiang as soon as possible!"

Armed anti-riot policemen from the anti-riot brigade of the County Public Security Bureau, holding anti-riot shields, wearing anti-riot helmets, holding batons, wearing handcuffs around the waist, and bright flashlights and other necessary equipment, stood between the people of the two counties.

Seeing this posture, the villagers of Yantang Village began to retreat, and a vacuum zone was isolated in the middle, and the personnel on both sides could no longer throw things at each other.

But more and more people came from Yantang Village, and people from other villages in Nanling Town also came to cheer.

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. There are always some people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, squeeze to the front, and shoot light and small stones with a powerful slingshot.

In the weapon spectrum, the slingshot is a kind of hidden weapon. The bow stick is made of bamboo, lined with ox horns, and ox tendon is attached to the outside. The total length is 18 punches of the practitioner.Bowstrings are made of silk, deer spine tendon silk, and human hair miscellaneous silk.The hardness of an ordinary bow is two and a half forces and it can hurt people.

A simple wire frame and a slingshot with elastic strings have become children's toys.

But although this powerful slingshot is a kind of toy, it is a fighter among toy slingshots, and its shooting distance is much higher than that of human throwing and ordinary slingshots.

There was only a whoosh, and a villager in Donggouzi yelled "Ouch", and immediately squatted down in pain.The stone hit his leg. Fortunately, he wore a lot of clothes and pants in winter, and the cotton pants blocked a lot of the force, so the pain was not very painful.

People from Donggouzi Township saw the other party provoking and hurting people, and relying on the riot police guards on their side, they grabbed small stones on the road, ran close and threw them. The positions, some of which were weaker, fell halfway, and some fell on the heads of the policemen.

When the town leaders of Nanling Town arrived, this flying stone battle happened to be staged.These town leaders came in without knowing it, and rushed to the front angrily. They were hit by a few small stones head-on, and they shrank back quickly in fright.

Chen Kaiming stood beside him with a livid face.The other county leaders stood behind him expressionlessly.

The advantage of having a higher-level leader present is: if the sky falls, there will be a tall man standing there!As long as Chen Kaiming didn't speak, they would be happy to relax and look at each other.

The accountability system in domestic official circles is the accountability system for leading party and government cadres, and it has a fine tradition of focusing on the small and the big.When an accident happened, one big and one small would be the first to be held accountable, and in the end it would be the little soldier who bears the main responsibility.

As for the cadres caught in the middle, they have nothing to do with this matter, and they can't be blamed any more.Therefore, no matter how violent the villagers are, there will always be people with a nonchalant expression on their faces, as if they are enjoying a lively drama.

Chen Kaiming and Sun Zhengyang couldn't calm down, they were the top leaders of the party and government, and they were the first to be held accountable for a major accident, so their expressions were very anxious and helpless.

With a dark face, Chen Kaiming said to Yuan Junbing: "Comrade Junbing, this is not the way to go, you have to think of a perfect plan!"

Yuan Junbing's head and face were covered with drops of water, and he didn't know whether it was sweat or snow. He replied: "Mr. Chen, if you try to do anything else, you will have to arrest people! If you arrest a group of people, they will be honest. gone."

Li Yi heard it from the side, and hurriedly said: "No way! The contradictions are not very acute now, and there are still a small number of real gangsters. Once they arrest people indiscriminately, they mistakenly arrest the crowd watching the excitement , it will intensify the conflict even more!"

After thinking twice, Chen Kaiming said: "I agree with Comrade Li Yi's opinion, Comrade Junbing, now that you are the head of the Political and Legal Committee, you must come up with a good way to calm this incident!"

Yuan Junbing wiped his face with his hand, and said, "Mr. Chen, this is the first time I have encountered such a difficult matter. These gangsters... villagers don't listen to our police at all!"

Li Yi sneered: "The people's police are for the people. Now that the police are going to suppress the people, why do the people still listen to the police?"

Yuan Junbing said: "This..."

Sun Zhengyang's face was elongated like a horse's, and he said, "I'm the county magistrate, give me the microphone, and I'll shout!"

Yuan Junbing was eager for someone to take over, so he immediately handed over the tweeter to Sun Zhengyang.

Li Yi said: "County Chief Sun, it's not right. Be careful that someone will attack you with back arrows. Now the people on the other side are getting angry, and they all think that Linyi County is going to rob their coal mines! At this time, you, the county magistrate, are the target of everyone's criticism!"

Sun Zhengyang said: "Even if I become the target of public criticism, I must stand up!"

Li Yi also wanted to suggest that Sun Zhengyang had already strode forward, directly up the slope where Yuan Junbing was standing just now, put the microphone to his mouth, and shouted loudly: "Fathers and folks, please be calm, I am Linyi County County Magistrate Sun Zhengyang, now please calm down and listen to me. Folks in Fangnan County, the leaders of our Linyi County Party Committee and County Government are here. We are here to solve the problem, not to **** Yes, I will not rob you of anything! Nanling Mountain is in your Fangnan County, so it belongs to your Fangnan County! I promise here that I will never rob you of your coal or your mountain!"

A voice from the other side replied: "That sounds good! If you don't want to grab it, why are you bringing so many people here?"

The villagers here didn't agree either, why should our county magistrate speak well for others?Someone shouted: "Who put the animal trap in the kiln! Those who hurt us, they must give an explanation and make compensation! Otherwise, this matter will never end!"

Sun Zhengyang said loudly: "I would like to ask the folks in Fangnan County, did you put the animal traps in the caves on the mountain?"

The people over there were silent, and no one answered.Obviously, the villagers in Fangnan County knew the reason why Linyi County was so prosperous.

The people here shouted: "I'm guilty of being a thief! They must have done it!"

Someone over there said, "It deserves it!"

The people in Donggouzi Township immediately condemned angrily, swearing all kinds of ugly words, and the scene got out of control again.

Sun Zhengyang shouted so dryly that no one paid any attention to him.

The police have been divided into two teams, pushing from the middle to both sides, trying to distance the people from the two counties as far as possible, but the villagers are so numerous and powerful that they forcefully squeeze into the middle.

Sun Zhengyang retreated helplessly, and said to Chen Kaiming: "Mr. Chen, what should I do? Should I discuss it with the people in Fangnan County and come up with a solution? Or just report it to the The city? Let the city mediate."

At this time, more and more people gathered on the road, and the cars stopped longer and longer.

Chen Kaiming said: "Look at the situation again!" Then he asked Yuan Junbing: "Comrade Junbing, have you come up with a good solution?"

Yuan Junbing said, "I have no choice but to arrest people."

Li Yi said at this time: "Mr. Chen, I recommend someone, he must have a way to calm this incident!"

"Which one?"

"Comrade Yao Pengcheng, Deputy Director of the County Public Security Bureau."

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