Chapter 123

[Third update!Thank you kuei cabinet for your reward and valuable ***!Thanks kpkkan for your valuable ***!Thanks to all book friends who subscribed!Your subscription and support are the motivation for me to update four times a day! 】

Li Yi smiled slightly, patted a man on the shoulder, and said, "You!" He pointed out seven people in a row, making a total of eight people.

It seemed to be pointing at random, but in fact it happened to point out those few leaders.

Those few people didn't expect that Li Yi would see through their identities. They all looked very proud, and promised the villagers that they would respond to the situation truthfully. There was even a little secret pride on their faces. They must be thinking in their hearts, this Li The county magistrate was so kind, he just pointed and pointed us out, and he pulled us out to be representatives, which just happened to stir up evil spirits!

Even if they saw that something was wrong, they couldn't escape, because Yao Pengcheng was right behind him, and every time Li Yi pointed out one, he immediately arranged for the police to come over and ask that person to go out.

Li Yi quickly shifted his position, and before the lurkers in Fangnan County had time to respond, he did the same thing, came to the villagers there, and loudly said that he would elect several village representatives to discuss and deal with the matter.The village cadres over there immediately jumped out to support Li Yi's approach.

Li Yi would not give them the opportunity to choose this representative. He shuttled back and forth among the villagers, pointing his fingers, and pointed out the leaders of the seven gangsters, who were taken aside by the Linyi police.

These fifteen people were taken into two police minibuses. Yao Pengcheng saw these people, and his admiration for Li Yi in his heart was like a torrential river.Because he observed these fifteen people himself!Before I had time to think about it, I immediately organized personnel to control these people and conduct a surprise on-site interrogation.

Li Yi returned to Donggouzi Township, Linyi County.He knew that the crux of the problem was still on his side. As long as the people in Donggouzi Township were willing to retreat, the accident would not cause trouble.Like Yuan Junbing's method of bullying others as soon as he goes up, it won't work!However, if it wasn't for his incompetence, how could he highlight the strengths of himself and Yao Pengcheng?It is to let these members of the Standing Committee see clearly, so that they can better pull Yao Pengcheng to the top.

The backbone of these villagers are those strong young men!As long as the man of a family is in charge, the family will retreat together.Therefore, the focus of Li Yi's persuasion is on these family members.

Li Yi held up the microphone and said as he walked, attracting everyone's attention: "Donggouzi Township folks, I would like to ask you something, please answer truthfully. Why did you go to the mountains to dig coal?"

For what?

The villagers looked at each other without speaking. After those mischievous people were called away, most of the rest were honest and responsible farmers. It was still somewhat psychologically difficult to ask them to have such a close conversation with a deputy county magistrate.

Li Yi named one of the young people to answer.

The young man said: "Make money and marry a wife!"

The people around burst into laughter.

Li Yi said: "Everyone, don't laugh, your purpose is the same! This brother said well, everyone braved the severe cold and danger, put in sweat and hard work, and went up the mountain to mine coal, all for a single word of money! People die for money, and birds die for money." Food death, life is alive, isn't it just for this money to work around?"

Li Yi paused, and then said: "But, have you ever thought about it, what is the purpose of making money? I believe that no one here works so hard to make money, just for spending time and drinking, just for the sake of being romantic and happy for a while Yes. I believe that everyone wants to marry a wife and have children, to build a tile-roofed house, to provide a good environment for the baby, to let the wives and children live a life without worrying about food and clothing, and to win a sigh of relief and prove that they are alive. Still a useful person in this world, isn't he?"

"Yes!" This time, many young people answered in a loud voice.

Li Yi said: "But have you ever thought about it? It's against the law to dig coal without permission! Moreover, you should know how high the risk factor of coal mines is? How many lives die in cave dwellings every year? You are in the name of breaking the law Head, risking your life, go into the mountain to dig coal, if you accidentally hand over a fresh life to the black coal pile, who will hug your newly married wife? Who will take care of the son? Who will take care of your gray-haired old parents?"

Li Yi saw that they were a little emotional, and continued to sensationalize: "You are men, the pillars of the family, if you fall down, or if you break the law and are caught in the police, what will this family do? Ask the young and beautiful tenants to go Remarrying? Let the young son be left alone, and play second-rate children outside to follow you into the game? Leave the old and elderly parents without support, and no one will die after a hundred years? How can you bear it! If you are a man who stands up to heaven and earth, He is a responsible man, so get the hell out of here! The world is so big, and the money-making jobs are gone, how can I starve you to death?"

Some middle-aged men began to bow their heads in thought.

Li Yi began to do ideological work for the guests again: "Women and lesbians in Donggouzi Township, are your families happy now? Do you want to lose the man who loves you by your pillow overnight? Do you want to Let them die in a mine without full protection? Do you want them to break the law and sit in prison? Do you want your children to have no father since they were young, or let their classmates point their backs and call their father a reform-through-labor prisoner? If your current life I'm very happy, if you don't want your child's father to die tragically at the bottom of the mountain or go to jail, you can persuade me to go back to your man!"

Some of the housemates began to pull on their husbands' clothes and told them to go home.

Someone shouted: "Major Li, you are right, but we need money to live!"

Another *** shouted: "Yes! We injured people also want to seek justice!"

Li Yi said sharply: "Fairness? What is justice? When you chop someone up with a knife, you call it justice? Let me tell you, if you continue to make trouble like this, you will all have to go to jail! It will be separated in one shot!

Look at these wounded people, you don't send them to the hospital, but bring them here, it's freezing cold, let the wounded suffer this pain!Is this what you call a way of seeking justice?If justice can be won back by the courage of the common people, what do we need the 'government' departments to do?What else do the government agencies need to do?What do you want the court to do?Everyone returns to the primitive society, happy to be kind and hateful! "

"Then, County Magistrate Li, give us an idea."

Li Yi said: "If you trust me and our people's 'government', you will listen to my advice, go home quickly, send the injured to the hospital for treatment, and don't leave any sequelae. How to deal with this matter, leave it to us The 'government' will do it! I will not be soft on the responsibility that should be borne by you, and I will definitely seek justice for you for the responsibility that should be borne by Fangnan County! What our people's 'government' does is to uphold justice for the common people of!"

"The coal on the mountain really can't be dug? How can we make money to support our family?"

Li Yi said: "If you want to make money, there are many ways to do it. It's just that you are too blind to turn the corner! Now the whole city is engaged in greenhouse planting and animal husbandry. Why is no one in your town? You go to other villages. Take a look, take a look, how beautiful their life is now!

Let me tell you, if the land is well planted, gold can still grow in it!These golds are easier and cleaner than those black golds on the mountain. They are not life-threatening, and there is no worry of getting into trouble, and there is no hidden worry of pneumoconiosis!

Having said that, I want to remind everyone that if you dig coal without any protective measures and dust protection measures, even if you don’t die, you will suffer from serious pneumoconiosis. It takes years to show up, and after the root of the disease appears, it will not kill people immediately, but it will suck their blood and wither their flesh!You can't eat or drink, and suffer to death.And to cure this disease, I'm afraid that if you spend all the money you earned from digging coal all your life, you may not be able to cure it!

Don't think I'm scaring you!Pneumoconiosis is an occupational disease. Coal mine pneumoconiosis is a lung disease characterized by fibrous tissue hyperplasia caused by coal miners inhaling a large amount of respiratory dust for a long time during production. Once it occurs, it is difficult to cure completely!

Pneumoconiosis has three stages, just like cancer, it is also divided into early stage, middle stage and late stage!

The initial clinical manifestations are as follows. Listen carefully, there are no such symptoms: dyspnea, chest pain, and mild dry cough during heavy physical labor!In the middle stage, during moderate physical labor or normal work, you feel shortness of breath, chest pain, dry cough or cough with phlegm; in the late stage, you also feel shortness of breath, chest pain, continuous cough with phlegm, and even hemoptysis and difficulty in moving when doing ordinary work or even resting .

If any of you have the above performance, it is very unfortunate, it is a sign of pneumoconiosis!Folks, don't risk your life to make money, I'm afraid that if you make money with your life, you won't spend your life! "

Some people didn't feel anything strange after listening to Li Yi's words, but now they feel very uncomfortable.

Some coughed loudly, some felt tightness in the chest, and some felt short of breath!

Li Yi used both soft and hard methods, moved them with family affection, and frightened them with death and illness, which had a very good effect.

The leaders of Linyi County saw and heard it, and felt that the county magistrate Li was really skilled!Even Zheng Chunshan, his arch-rival, had to secretly give a thumbs up, thinking that although this Li Yi is young and hates people, he is really not bragging!

When the villagers felt a little scared, Li Yi shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't panic. If you have this tuberculosis, you can go to the hospital for an examination and you will understand. Well, now everyone goes to the county hospital for an examination. , The inspection fee, and the medical expenses of the injured this time, I will help you apply to the county, all will be reimbursed by the county finance!

Mrs. Chen and the county magistrate of our county party committee are here. Let me ask you now to see if the county is willing to reimburse you for this expense, okay? "

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