Chapter 132

Wen Yuxi was reading a book just now, with a pair of reading glasses on her nose, she looked a bit more scholarly.

As he walked down, he took off his reading glasses, rubbed his eye sockets, and sat down on the sofa.

Li Yi got up and called out respectfully: "Hello Wen, Li Yi wishes you an early year."

Wen Yuxi laughed and said, "You kid, do you still call me Wen***? When will you change your mouth?"

He was joking about Li Yi and Lin Xin's marriage!

Li Yi smiled lightly.

Wen Yuxi suddenly said: "Linyi has been restless recently!"

Li Yi said: "Are you referring to what happened in Donggouzi Township and Yantang Village? This is what happened in our small place. Why did you listen to it?"

Wen Yuxi hummed, and said in a relaxed tone, "Xiaoyi, I want to thank you!"

Li Yi said with some trepidation: "Where do you start with this?" I thought that some big leaders like to talk ironically. Could it be that Wen Yuxi is blaming himself for plotting against their father and son?

Wen Yuxi smiled slightly: "Xiaoyi, sit down and stay in your own home, don't be so cautious."

Li Yi sat down on his seat, sitting very upright, although he didn't put half of his butt on it like some people did, but his upper body was straight, leaning forward slightly, and he looked like he was listening humbly.

Wen Keni made tea and brought it over, but this little girl only made two cups, one for Wen Yuxi and one for Li Yi, but Wen Kejia was pulled down.Wen Kejia raised her eyes and asked, "Sister, it is said that girls are extroverted, so there is no way to be extroverted?"

Wen Keni made a grimace, and said, "Who told you to be stingy! Humph! If you want tea, pour it yourself."

Li Yi smiled and pushed his tea over: "Kejia, I'm not thirsty after drinking this cup."

Wen Kejia smiled and said: "No, my sister and I often quarrel like this. When outsiders see it, they think we are at odds. In fact, this is a way for us to express our emotions! Otherwise, how can it appear that the relationship between me and her is not the same as that of her?" What's different?"

Li Yi said with a smile: "It's good to have a younger sister!"

Wen Yuxi smiled and said: "Okay, Xiaoni, sit down obediently and don't disturb us adults chatting."

These words obviously irritated Wen Keni, she pouted and shouted, "Dad, what do you call your adults? Could it be that I am still a child?"

Wen Kejia and Li Yi replied almost at the same time: "Aren't you just a child!"

Wen Keni was so depressed, she sat aside angrily, pouting.

Wen Yuxi ignored her and said to Li Yi: "There are two things. The first is that you gave me the three account books, which helped me a lot. The second thing is that there was a conflict between your county and Fangnan County last time. You helped me handle it perfectly!"

Li Yi didn't answer in a hurry, but thought about it for a while. He noticed that Wen Yuxi used two words of "help" in what he said just now!These two incidents obviously happened in Linyi County, and it was Linyi County's duty to deal with these two incidents. How could it be regarded as helping Wen Yuxi?

So, my guess is completely correct?These two things are not simple, and it is not a simple mass attack.

Li Yiming answered carefully: "Our Linyi County Party Committee just did what we should do. Yao Pengcheng, the deputy director of our County Public Security Bureau, has made great contributions to these two things. He helped fix it."

Wen Yuxi nodded and said: "Yao Pengcheng, you mentioned this name twice in front of me. Why, do you think this person is very good?"

Li Yi didn't expect Wen Yuxi to be more difficult to deal with than he imagined. Not only can he see through his little thoughts, but his memory is also so strong. The last time he only occasionally brought out Yao Pengcheng's name, Wen Yuxi remembered Living.Immediately said: "This child is useful!"

Wen Yuxi raised his brows slightly, remembering that when Li Yi first started working, he had signed four words on the file where he was beaten down, and it was also this: "This son is useful!" The comment was exactly the same as what I had said about him!Moreover, Li Yi's expression is calm, his thinking is methodical, and he is a little more heroic and calm than when he was young.

Wen Yuxi nodded slightly, and said, "What do you have to say about these two things, you two tell me."

When he said this, he looked at his son Wen Kejia, obviously wanting to test Wen Kejia.

Wen Kejia knew that his father was so eager to ask, those two things must not be as simple as they appeared on the surface.Although he didn't participate in the whole process of Linyi, he heard and saw it, and he often heard it mentioned by his father at home. He knew these two things in detail, but he obviously didn't see the problem as deeply as Li Yi, and he couldn't think of it. It is the balance of power between Linyi County and Fangnan County, or at most between Xizhou City and Liancheng City.

Wen Kejia said: "I heard about the Linyi incident, especially the conflict between Donggouzi Township and Yantang Village. It is said that someone planned and organized it behind the scenes. conflicts in the county."

Wen Yuxi asked: "Why did you provoke the conflict between these two counties? What's good for them?" He was teaching his son to broaden his horizons.

Wen Kejia said: "Linyi County is now basically the territory of Mayor Yang Lie. It may be that Mrs. Ma is dissatisfied and wants to kill his prestige."

Wen Yuxi shook his head slightly, and asked again: "Ma Hongqi and Yang Lie are the city's party and government officials. If such a big event happens, everyone will be prosperous and everyone will be hurt. There is no need for Ma Hongqi to harm himself, right?"

Wen Kejia fell into deep thought, thought for a while, and said, "Then it is also possible that people from Liancheng City are plotting against someone from Xizhou City!"

Wen Yuxi said: "Who is in Liancheng City, and who is in Xizhou City?"

Li Yi was a little terrified when he heard the conversation between the father and son, wondering if Wen Yuxi usually taught his son like this?It seems that he sincerely hopes that Wen Kejia's son will inherit his father's career and enter an official career!If these words were heard by outsiders, what would they think?They discussed such an important taboo issue, and they didn't avoid themselves. From this point of view, Wen Yuxi really regarded me, Li Yi, as his own family!

Judging from the expressions of the two brothers and sisters Wen Kejia and Wen Keni at the moment, such inquiries were commonplace in the Wen family. Not only Wen Kejia could handle them with ease, but even Wen Keni listened with gusto.

Li Yi thinks highly of Wen Keni. Wen Keni has always been very insensitive to politics, let alone interested.Born in this kind of family, she doesn't know much about the party committee and the official ranks in the 'government'. Usually, when she hears her father and brother discussing these things, she will hide out to play, or go upstairs to read a book.The reason why I resisted listening here today, endured the tasteless yawning, and forced myself to listen, was just because I wanted to hear what kind of performance Brother Li Yi would have.She often heard her father and brother talk about Li Yi, saying that he is a talent, but today she wants to see what kind of outstanding performance he can have in front of the always strict provincial party secretary.

While waiting for Wen Kejia to think, Wen Yuxi took a look at Li Yi and said, "Xiao Yi, think about it too. I will test you later. Lin girl has been talking to me a lot, asking me to give you some advice when I have time." Now, that daughter-in-law of yours is really an extroverted girl! Before you get through the door, you are the only husband in my eyes!"

Li Yi replied: "Yes!" It turned out that it was Lin Xin and Wen Yuxi who were grinding their teeth!No wonder Wen Yuxi suddenly became so caring and strict with herself.

Wen Kejia knew that today was a confrontation and competition between himself and Li Yi, and whoever's answer could hit the essence of the question would win.Therefore, he was extra careful.

Since meeting Li Yi, Wen Kejia has basically been shrouded in the pressure brought by Li Yi. At the beginning, he didn't become an official, and the situation was better. He and Li Yi were just ordinary friends. After meeting, they drank, chatted and played Picking up girls is like a brother.He doesn't care if Li Yi is strong or not.

Since he entered the official career, he felt the pressure Li Yi brought to him, how great it was!Everyone has the heart of comparison and the meaning of transcendence. In his heart, he also quietly takes Li Yi as an opponent of transcendence.Consciously or unintentionally, I always compare Li Yi's achievements and abilities with Li Yi.After such a comparison, he discovered a helpless fact that Li Yi is better than himself in everything!

Needless to say, Liu Lin's political achievements are all due to Li Yi.After Li Yi was transferred to Linyi, he was also in a good situation. In less than a year, he revitalized Linyi's economy.This political achievement is really eye-catching.

Today is a great opportunity to win the round, and it is also a great opportunity to make a good impression in front of my father!

Wen Kejia made up her mind, and replied: "I think Zhou Junhong, the mayor of Liancheng City, is plotting against Ma Hongqi, the party secretary of Xizhou City!"

Wen Yuxi remained calm, and asked again: "Why do you say that?"

Wen Kejia said: "I think it may be that Zhou Junhong wants to be the boss of the municipal party committee. He can't handle the boss of Liancheng, so he just wants to get rid of the boss of Xizhou City, so as to win his position. "

Wen Yuxi waited for dozens of seconds, and seeing that his son hadn't spoken any more, he asked, "It's over? Why did Zhou Junhong conclude that even if his plot succeeded and Ma Hong's banner went wild, the throne of the municipal party committee leader would definitely fall to On his head? Even if the mayor Yang Lie is jointly and severally responsible, the provincial party committee won't transfer people from other places?"

Wen Kejia frowned, thinking.

Wen Yuxi turned her head at this time, looked at Li Yi, and asked gently: "Xiaoyi, let's talk about it. Don't have any worries, just treat it as a discussion with a few friends about the current situation. This is also to hone yourself The best means of vision. My career enlightenment teacher often teaches me this way."

Li Yi nodded, and said: "Then I'll be outrageous and bold. In my opinion, this matter is not caused by Zhou Junhong behind the scenes, but by Yang Lie behind the scenes. This is not a power struggle below. , but a game in the province!"

Wen Yuxi's eyes lit up, and she nodded encouragingly: "Go on."

Wen Kejia was obviously dissatisfied, and said: "It's impossible for Yang Lie to harm himself, right? Doesn't he include himself in his actions?"

Li Yi said: "This is exactly where they are so clever!"

Wen Yuxi smiled slightly, and said, "Just tell me you're ugly!"

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