Official road bends

Chapter 14 The Magical Use of Business Cards

Chapter 14 The magical use of business cards (this chapter is free)

Jin Ming was still struggling, but the young traffic policeman wanted to let her go, but there was a leader in charge over there, so he didn't dare to borrow their courage!

Just thinking about the head, the head came.

Chen Xiang asked: "What's the situation?"

The traffic policeman said, "I drank some alcohol and drove without a license."

Chen Xiang said exaggeratedly: "If it's so serious, the car will be impounded and detained."

When Li Yi heard that he was going to be detained, he was also taken aback, and argued, "Comrade, it's not that serious, is it?"

Chen Xiang's tone was sharp: "This matter is very serious, and the impact is very bad! On the occasion of the International Steel Annual Summit, what if there is a traffic accident, and if you hit a foreigner, what should you do?"

"This is not such a serious thing happened yet!" Jin Ming retorted.

Chen Xiang snorted coldly: "When it happens, it's not just a simple detention. Xiao Gang, take it away."

Liu Mingming looked at all this gloatingly, and jumped out at this moment, and smiled strangely: "Hey, isn't this Li Yi's classmate? Why are you here?"

Chen Xiang answered, "Still a student? Which school? Call their school and tell them to come and pick them up."

This is going to be straightened to death.It is difficult for a student to enter the detention center and the school leader is required to pick him up. If he is not famous, he may drop out of school if he becomes famous.

Liu Mingming pretended to think: "It seems to be from the Chinese Department of Southern University, right? Senior year? Yes, it's a pity to graduate a year away."

Li Yi knew it was his fault, but there was nothing he could do.Who told me to make mistakes first!

A person from the Public Security Bureau over there came over with a yawn: "What's the situation? The brothers are all sleepy. It's midnight and they haven't fined much money. Why don't you go home and hug your wife to sleep."

The other person laughed at him: "Wu Jie, did you sleep with your wife in your arms one night? Didn't you hang around in those massage parlors under the pretense of working overtime."

When Chen Xiang explained the situation, the two policemen laughed and said, "Hehe, the current students are really a degenerate generation. If you get into the police, even if you don't die, you will make that kid peel off! Alright, let's call it a day!" "

Hearing this, Li Yi took a deep breath, knowing very clearly that once they got into a situation, they had the final say. Even if they accused you of robbing a bank, they would have their own way to 'force' you to confess.These people are obviously in the same group as Liu Mingming. If he gets into the game, will he have good fruit to eat?

It was the first time that Li Yi had such a great fear of the violent state organs, and at the same time, he had a clear understanding of the power of officials for the first time.The son of a deputy director can dominate these people's police and traffic police and avenge them publicly!This understanding is not profound.

It's no wonder that throughout the ages, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, everyone has sharpened their heads and squeezed towards the public gate.The poor naturally rely on being an official to get in, so why don't the rich need to donate an official to keep themselves safe?How long can the so-called rich last without power?

Jin Ming said loudly: "Hey, are you still talking about reason?"

No one cares.

Liu Mingming smiled and enjoyed all this in front of him playfully. To his disappointment, Li Yi didn't appear to be arguing or crying as he imagined, and he didn't come forward to beg him.

"See how long you will be hard!" Liu Mingming smiled viciously and was about to leave.

Li Yi asked Chen Xiang: "They are also drunk drivers, how can you let them go? Isn't it unfair to enforce the law like this?"

Chen Xiang seemed to have heard some funny joke, and responded with an impatient smile: "What does it matter to you? Do you need to teach me how to do things?"

Li Yi said: "You are public servants of the people, and the power in your hands is given to you by the people. Are you trampling on power like this?"

Chen Xiang stamped out the cigarette butt he just threw away, pointed at Li Yi's nose and said, "Boy, who are you? Power? Do you have power? Are you worthy of talking about power?"

Li Yi shook his head sadly and sighed.

"Yo ho! Why do you still look down on me?" Chen Xiang clasped his hands into fists, making crackling noises in his bones and joints.

"Do you still want to hit someone?" Li Yi frowned. He was also a master who refused to suffer easily.

"What's wrong with beating you? Let me tell you, don't say I didn't do anything, even if I really beat you like a pig's head, I'm still useless!"

Li Yi wanted to be brave, and a policeman from the police station came over to persuade him: "Okay, what are you talking about? Let's go, finish things early, and go to bed early." He whispered to Li Yi: "It's useless to entangle here, just pay a fine later Go home, it's nothing serious."

Li Yi naturally knows the reason why a hero does not suffer from immediate losses, and asked, "Where is the car? What should I do?"

The policeman yawned and said, "After two days, you can go get it out and pay the fine."

Money can turn ghosts around!

Li Yi thought about it, and he had no choice but to do this. For a while, there was no better solution.

Seeing Li Yi's banners and drums quieted down, Chen Xiang proudly demonstrated.

Suddenly Jin Ming screamed: "What are you doing?"

Li Yisheng was afraid that something would happen to her, so he approached her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jin Ming pointed at the policeman named Wu Jie, stomped his feet in a crying voice, and said, "He'touched' my ass!"

Seeing that Jin Ming said it solemnly, everyone present believed it somewhat, especially those who were acquainted with Wu Jie believed it [-]%.That Wu Jie was originally a hungry ghost, seeing Jin Ming's beauty, he thought that she fell into his hands, even if he suffered a loss, he would not dare to speak up. up.

Li Yi said angrily: "Are you the people's police? I want to see your ID!"

Wu Jie said angrily: "Damn the neighbor next door, which eye of yours saw me 'touch' her? I'm not a policeman, are you?" Then he went to 'touch' his pocket, and after digging for a long time, he found nothing , His face turned red even more: "I didn't bring my ID! What's wrong? You broke the law, and you dare to be so stubborn?"

Li Yi sneered and said: "Whether you are real policemen or not, I have written down your dignity. I will definitely hire a lawyer to help my friend get justice."

Chen Xiang had a headache. Although the young man in front of him was dressed in ordinary clothes, he was driving a Crown sedan. He had such a beautiful woman beside him, and he was jealous of Liu Mingming. With Liu Yiyang's face, it is difficult to be a man.Frowning immediately, he said: "Old Wu, you don't distinguish between occasions, is this a 'random' place?"

Wu Jie's face turned into a pig's liver'color': "Captain Chen, you can't say that? Why don't you help me, but help outsiders? Why do you think that I'touched' that woman's ass?" Turning to glaring at Li Yi: "Boy, if you have evidence, you can sue me? You think I was frightened." As he spoke, he waved his fist and smashed at Li Yi's face.

Li Yi had noticed it a long time ago. Before he could punch hard, he shortened his body, rushed forward, hugged Wu Jie by the waist, lifted him up with strength from his waist, turned twice in the air, and lost his body. go out.

The incident happened so suddenly that the people around didn't have time to react, they only heard a "bang", and Wu Jie's thin body was already lying on the ground.

The other policeman didn't dare to go forward, but just yelled, "Come on, you've attacked the police!"

All of a sudden, the surrounding people gathered around, and some passing cars also stopped to watch the commotion, pointing at the crowd, saying that the police had beaten someone.Seeing this, Chen Xiang quickly directed his men to disperse them.

Liu Yiyang was also alarmed at this time, fearing that something might happen to his precious son, he hurried over in three steps at a time, and shouted: "Mingming, what's the matter?" Seeing Liu Mingming standing there properly, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head. Seeing Li Yi, he felt a little familiar, touched his head and thought about it, and shouted: "It's you! Li Yi!"

Li Yi didn't expect that a policeman would be knocked down at once. He was stunned when he heard someone calling him. When he recovered, he knew Liu Mingming's father when he saw Liu Yiyang. To save face, I pretended not to know each other, nodded and said, "I'm Li Yi, who are you?"

Liu Yiyang laughed, stepped forward to hold Li Yi's hand, shook it and said, "You don't know me, but I know you. At today's steel summit, I'll be sitting below."

Li Yi suddenly said: "Oh, hello. Is there something wrong?"

Liu Yiyang said: "Are you familiar with Secretary Wen? I think I heard you call him uncle?"

"Secretary Wen? Which Secretary Wen? Oh, are you talking about him, Wen Yuxi?" Li Yi thought for a while, then took out the business card Wen Yuxi gave him from his pocket, and showed it to Liu Yiyang.

Liu Yiyang took a look, his eyes sparkled with excitement.This is Secretary Wen's personal business card. Who in the southern province's officialdom would not want to have one?However, how many people have gotten it?

"That's right, that's Secretary Wen!"

"Oh, what kind of secretary is he?"

"You don't know? Secretary Wen is the secretary of the Southern Provincial Party Committee! He just took office this year."

Wu Jie managed to get up, and just about to have an attack, when he heard their conversation, he trembled with fright.While everyone was not paying attention, he patted his butt and slipped away under the cover of night.Another policeman followed suit, did not say hello, and then ran away.

Chen Xiang was only stunned for a second, then ran over to direct the traffic.

Li Yi still has a certain understanding of the official ranks. He was a businessman in his previous life. How can anyone who does business not deal with officials?I am still a student in this life, and I usually read a lot of news, so I naturally know something about officialdom.At the moment, I was very surprised.

He deliberately pretended to be a nerd who didn't understand anything, and asked casually: "The secretary of the provincial party committee, is he a big official? How is he better than the governor?"

Liu Yiyang broke out in cold sweat.Is he blaming it?Is it because so many people made things difficult for him tonight?

"The secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor are at the same level. They are both ministerial-level officials. However, the secretary of the provincial party committee is the top leader, and the governor is the second leader." Liu Yiyang was not sure about Li Yi's attitude and spoke very cautiously.

Li Yi was secretly surprised, thinking of today's presumptuous behavior, he couldn't help sweating.Take the business card and still 'insert' it in your pocket.Looking around, the police disappeared, and several traffic policemen also dispersed.

what happened?Li Yi took the initiative to walk over and said to Chen Xiang: "Comrade, what should I do? I'm still rushing back to school."

Chen Xiang was stunned: "What to do? What to do?"

Li Yi thought to himself, aren't you so forgetful?Patiently said: "Didn't you say that I was drunk driving without a license?"

Chen Xiang shook his head like a rattle: "Drunk driving without a license, is there such a thing? Impossible." A flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and he said, "Oh, you lost your driver's license, right? It's okay, I'll get you a new one. I'll send it to you another day. Your name is Li Yi, and you are a senior student in the Chinese Department of Southern University, right? Well, that's good, it's getting late, you should go back quickly."

Li Yi is not stupid, he understood right away, and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, right? Let's have a meal together when we have time some other day."

Chen Xiang said: "Okay! I will invite you another day, and you must give me face."

Li Yi said no more, turned around and got into the car.

Jin Ming followed him into the car in a daze like a dream.

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