Official road bends

Chapter 147 Meeting Lin Guorong

Chapter 147 Meeting Lin Guorong

The New Year's bell rang, and Li Yi had a busy and fulfilling New Year in the capital.

Mr. Li began to arrange for Li Yi to visit relatives and friends.It's time for the rising star of the Li family to enter the eyes and ears of everyone.

On the first day of the first lunar month, Li Yi had been busy for a whole day, and paid New Year's greetings to all those people arranged by his grandfather. He was so tired that when he returned home, he fell on the bed and slept like a dead pig.

On the second day of the first lunar month, a more important challenge was waiting for him.


On this day, Li Yi visited his future father-in-law and mother-in-law for the first time.

This is also the first time he saw Lin Guorong.

Lin Guorong is a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the head of the Haidu Municipal Party Committee, the deputy state level, and a senior leader of the party and the country.

Lin Guorong is the representative of the Lin family. He is over 50 years old. For a deputy-level leader, he is quite young and has a bright future.Going one step further, it is not impossible to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, at the level of Zhengguo, or even go a step further and aspire to be number one!

For such a character, Li Yi put in a lot of effort before meeting him. When he got in the car and set off for Lin's house, he was still thinking about all kinds of problems he might encounter.

This is the younger generation's New Year's greetings, not a formal meeting, and Li Yi's clothes are not very formal, the clothes on his body are all chosen by Lin Xin with him in advance.A decent suit, handcrafted by a master, but without a tie.A Versace shirt was worn inside, and an Italian Armani wool sweater was put in the middle.Luxurious but not 'exposed', the whole person looks elegant, stable, graceful and elegant.

Lin Xin is very good at dressing herself up, and she is also very good at dressing up her man.

It was Qian Shao who drove Li Yi.If you have less money, you have more money than his brother. People along the way always want to chat with Li Yi, mostly asking about money in the southern province.

After arriving at Lin's house, Qian Shao drove away first.Lin Xin was waiting for Li Yi at the door. No matter what time she was, she was very good at being a human being and would take full care of Li Yi's feelings.This is what Li Yi admires the most.

Entering the hall, the elders of the Lin family were all present. They were busy people, and they stayed at home specially today, apparently to see the real face of the Lin family's son-in-law.

There was an old man sitting in the middle, it was the old man of the Lin family. Li Yi stepped forward, bent down and called out: "Grandpa, auspicious new year!"

This grandpa call made Mr. Lin very happy, he laughed, showing his sparse teeth.

The Lin family has two sons, the eldest son Lin Lipeng and the second son Lin Guorong.Li Yi guessed roughly based on their looks and ages. Without waiting for Lin Xin's introduction, he first called Lin Lipeng uncle, and then called Lin Guorong: "Uncle, hello, Li Yi wishes you a New Year greeting. I wish you good health." Good health and good luck.”

Later, they met other relatives of the Lin family.

Lin Xin's mother, Chen Shi, has a single name of one scarlet letter, and she is sister to Wen Yuxi's wife, Chen Hui.These two sisters are very lucky, they are both married very well, and their husbands and sons-in-law are all big officials in the frontier.Coincidentally, this Chen family happened to be Chen Boming's original family.In short, the relationship between them is really inextricably linked.Just like a family in the same place, you can count and count, and you can count that they are all relatives.

Only then did Li Yi understand the good intentions of his grandfather in setting up this marriage for him. Lin Xin needless to say, it's hard to pick one out of ten thousand.It's really that the heart is more clever than the dry, and the wisdom is three points better than Lu's pheasant!And the profound background and strength of the Lin family are even more amazing!With such a family force behind him, even if he can't give strong support, as long as he says a word at a critical moment, then his future path will be much more open, right?

Lin Lipeng had two sons, but Lin Guorong only gave birth to a daughter, Lin Xin, whom he regarded as precious.

Li Yi came here by pinch. Not long after he arrived, he happened to have lunch. In this way, the time for being watched by the Lin family as animals would be much shorter.At the dinner table, the atmosphere is different. It is much better for everyone to eat and drink than to sit and ask questions.

After the meal, Lin Guorong called Li Yi and Lin Xin into the study and asked Li Yi to sit down.Lin Xin knew that her father had something to talk to Li Yi, so she moved a chair and sat down next to Li Yi.

Lin Guorong took a closer look at Li Yi and said, "Li Yi, although this is the first time we have met, I am no stranger to you."

Li Yi said respectfully: "I have also admired my uncle for a long time."

Lin Guorong smiled slightly and said: "Li Yi, I have read your report on the scientific development of water conservancy. It is very well written. The central government has attached great importance to this issue in recent years. It is gradually increasing investment in water conservancy, vigorously eliminating hidden dangers in water conservancy, and preventing accidents in the bud. state."

Li Yi said: "Uncle, with all due respect, I think we need to increase investment in this area, especially the river embankments in the Yangtze River Basin. We must investigate potential safety hazards and check the compliance of embankment projects. The standard of flood disasters. This is a century-old foundation that benefits the country and the people, and it is extremely important."

Lin Guorong said: "The last time I met with the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister also mentioned this to me. Last year's national water conservancy census was successfully completed, and the results were not satisfactory! This huge hidden danger has yet to be discovered.”

Li Yi didn't expect the Prime Minister to still remember himself, recalling the Prime Minister's amiable face, a warm current flowed from the bottom of his heart.

The two talked for more than an hour, and Li Yi focused on the possibility of a very severe financial crisis in Asia in the new year.

Lin Guorong listened and asked him why he had such an idea.

Li Yi analyzed the current international financial situation.

Li Yi said: "With the continuous rapid economic development, the economic structure of most Southeast Asian countries is out of balance, and serious economic bubbles have emerged. Thailand is a typical example. Let me use Thailand as an illustration."

Li Yi clearly remembers that at the end of June and the beginning of July this year, Thailand will become the first stop of the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia!The international hot money and capital giants headed by Soros attacked the Thai baht and finally defeated the Thai 'government'.

Li Yi said: "In the 80s, Thailand made full use of its cheap power resources and natural resources such as agriculture to develop an export-oriented economy and promote economic take-off. It became one of the 'five tigers' in Asia and created an economic miracle. However, Under such circumstances, the Thai 'government' failed to upgrade the industrial structure in a timely manner, effectively conduct industrial orientation, and direct investment to advanced technology industries that are needed for national economic development and bottleneck industries that restrict economic development. Therefore, the investment structure There are serious unreasonable phenomena: a large amount of funds are invested in the tertiary industry sectors such as real estate, securities and services, while the investment in important fields and industries such as research and development, infrastructure and energy is seriously insufficient.

Southeast Asian countries take the promotion of the export industry as the leader of economic development. However, in recent years, these countries have experienced a sharp decline in foreign trade export capacity and a serious deficit in the current account of the balance of payments. The main reason is that the trade structure is single and the export competitiveness is reduced. Sincerely.In order to encourage competition within the financial system, the Thai 'government' not only gradually relaxed regulations and approved many non-bank financial institutions, but also relaxed restrictions on the business scope of commercial banks, financial companies and securities companies, such as allowing banks to underwrite Bonds, allowing financial companies to engage in foreign exchange business, etc.In the process of accelerating financial liberalization, a series of extremely abnormal phenomena have appeared in the financial industry of most Southeast Asian countries.

Financial liberalization should not be accelerated, but should be carried out step by step over a period of time to ensure that each step is right.If a step goes wrong, it should be possible to back out and reconsider the next step.

I can see these problems, and the international financial giants cannot fail to see them. If they extend their claws to Southeast Asia, then a large-scale financial storm will break out in Southeast Asia!Our country is in the center of the Southeast Asian circle and has close ties with Asian countries. If these countries are attacked, our country will also be affected, so we should prevent it as soon as possible..."

Li Yi talked eloquently, expounding his views on the coming Asian financial crisis.

Of course, he also knows that saying this now is a bit alarmist, and it is impossible for anyone to believe his analysis and conclusion.The effect he wants is not immediate, and he is not stupid enough to save the world by himself.He is neither Superman nor Ultraman.

As long as Lin Guorong can listen to it, with this impression, his own words will be confirmed in the future.Li Yi believes that Lin Guorong will look at him with admiration, which will generate great trust.

This is Li Yi's analysis from the current international situation based on the memory of later generations, and he talks eloquently with reason and evidence. Although some alarmist words are alarmist, Lin Guorong listens very seriously.

Because he believes in a truth: a national leader who does not understand the economy is a kind of misfortune to the country.

He himself has also been paying attention to the Southeast Asian economy for a long time, and often does some analysis and comparison, in order to better learn from the successful experience of others and promote the economic development of his country.

Li Yi knew that if he said too much, he would be regarded as a geek, so he stopped talking.Seeing that it was almost time, he said goodbye and went home.Li Yi wanted to ask Qian Shao to pick him up, but Lin Xin smiled and said, "I'll take you back. I miss my mother, so I'll talk to her."

Li Yi said: "I'm very nervous when I'm with your dad. When he talks to the old man, his thinking is very divergent. I can't keep up with my thoughts several times."

Lin Xindao: "My dad has always been like this, saying whatever comes to mind. Don't think he's talking nonsense. In fact, every question he asks has a deep meaning. Your answers to these questions, It determines your rating in his mind."

Li Yi said in surprise: "Really? I don't know how many points I can get? If he fails, he gets angry and cancels our marriage, then I will lose a lot."

Lin Xin smiled sweetly, "Do you care about me?"

Li Yi said: "You are my fiancee, and you will be the one who will stay with me for a lifetime in the future. I don't care about you, who should I care about?"

Lin Xin's smile grew stronger, and the two of them just walked to the side of the car. She gently hugged Li Yi, pressed against his face, and said softly, "You passed the test. My dad is very satisfied with you."

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