Official road bends

Chapter 149 The Tragedy of Cheating

Chapter 149 The Tragedy of Cheating

Li Yi's day is still New Year's greetings.He was so busy that he didn't touch the ground, and didn't rest until after four o'clock in the afternoon, when he suddenly received a call, which was actually from Wen Yuxi himself.

"Mr. Wen, hello!" Li Yi called out respectfully.

"Li Yi, I want to visit Mr. Li, but I don't know what time is convenient." Wen Yuxi said with a smile.

Li Yi thought that Wen Yuxi was coming to visit his grandfather, is this a signal of Wen Yuxi's goodwill to the Li family?Immediately said: "Wen ***, let me ask Grandpa first, and I will reply to you later."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yi went to his grandfather's room and told him about Wen Yuxi's coming to visit.Mr. Li thought for a while and said, "If he is free now, please invite him over."

Li Yi said hello, called Wen Yuxi, and told what grandpa meant.Wen Yuxi replied that yes, come right away.What Li Yi didn't expect was that Wen Yuxi would arrive ten minutes later. It seemed that when he called, the car had already arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

Li Yi didn't know what Wen Yuxi and his grandfather talked about inside.Li Yi memorized the time, and after about half an hour, Wen Yuxi came out to say goodbye and leave.Before leaving, he smiled and said to Li Yi: "Xiao Ni always talks about you, if you go back early, come to my house and have a sit." Li Yi respectfully agreed.

That night, Li Yi wanted to go to the Workers' Gymnasium to witness the gorgeous transformation. He had carefully prepared the performance process for Liu Ruosi's debut. She cheers.

However, a phone call from Zhu Feng summoned Li Yi.

Zhu Feng looked very happy on the phone. He said that he had very important news to tell Li Yi, and he wanted to invite Li Yi to go and have a meal.Li Yi agreed with a smile.

Li Yi changed into a simple set of clothes, and Qian Shao drove him to the place.Li Yi got off the car a few hundred meters away from the meeting place and walked over.

Zhu Feng was similar to his school days, only more mature and steady.When the two met, they laughed and hugged each other.

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Li Yi, you have changed, you have become much more mature!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Time is like flying knives, you and I have been stabbed a few more times! Hehe. Why are you so happy today? Have you picked up a treasure?"

Zhu Feng couldn't hide the excitement on his face, and said, "Li Yi, someone bought my script! The price is quite high."

Li Yi punched him with a smile, and said: "For such a good thing, it should be a treat. If a script is sold, it will be enough for us working-class people to work for several years? Why don't you invite me to the big stall?" Going to have a barbecue once."

Zhu Feng smiled shyly, and said: "What's delicious at the food stalls? I invite you to the restaurant, and let's take a leisurely walk."

Li Yi shrugged indifferently, and while talking, the two found a restaurant, ordered a few dishes and a pot of wine, and sat down to drink and chat.

There is no hierarchy, no oppression of status, and no intersection of interests and money between classmates. There is only a sincere heart and caring love between each other.

"Li Yi, are you back in Xizhou now? Where do you work?"

Li Yi said indifferently: "I found an errand in the 'government' of Linyi County. I ran up and down every day, and I was so tired that I died."

Zhu Feng said with a smile: "The errands of this 'government' department are hard to do. If you do it well, that's what you should do. If you don't do it well, the superiors will scold you, the subordinates will complain, and the common people will hate you."

Li Yi asked: "Why did you quit your good job in your hometown? With a stable income and a good development prospect, it's better to come here and drift in this strange city with no one to rely on, right?

Zhu Feng smiled wryly, and said: "I used to be assigned to the family planning office of the township 'government'. Family planning work is difficult, so our director divided the whole township into several equal parts, and each of our section staff was in charge of the family planning work of several villages. What does the Family Planning Office do, you know? It’s all about fines, arrests, house arrests, and abortions all day long! Who am I? I’m a dignified graduate of the Chinese Department of Southern University. My mother-in-law is fighting, how can I do it? To put it bluntly, if you do too many things that are harmful to your morality, your life will be shortened!"

Li Yidao: "There is a saying in official circles that village cadres are made by typing, township-level cadres are made by drinking, city and county-level cadres are bought, and provincial and ministerial-level cadres are born. This is very harsh! But there are many It more or less reflects some of the realities in today's officialdom. In fact, as long as you endure it a little longer, you may be promoted to a higher level if you work on a regular basis, so you don't have to shout and kill all day long."

Zhu Feng said: "I'm living a pretty good life now, freelance, fun, and free."

"That's right, 360 lines, you can be the number one scholar, there is no need to take the Huashan path of being an official!" Li Yi said: "We study literature, write articles, write scripts, this is our job! Write novels well. Yes, it is very promising.”

After three glasses of wine, Zhu Feng shook his head and sighed, "Li Yi, it's hard! Look at how long I've been writing books, and I've written more than a dozen scripts. I just write every day and night. After two years, Only one script was sold! It hurts!"

Li Yi said: "Then, have you ever thought about changing your career? The road of coding is indeed very hard, and it is hard to get ahead. After finally publishing a book, I hope to make a couple of dollars. Readers ran to buy stolen ones. On the contrary, the original books can’t sell a few copies, and it’s hard to support a family.”

Zhu Feng pondered and said: "I think I thought about going back again, but my colleagues who used to work at the same time as me at home have all been promoted more or less now, if I go back now, I will definitely be looked down upon by them if I fail to achieve anything. I can't afford to hurt you."

Li Yi said: "The officialdom is also a besieged city. People inside want to go out, and people outside want to come in. Some people want to come in after going out, and some people want to go out after coming in. This is due to the weakness of human nature. This mountain looks at the height of the mountain, and always thinks about moving trees to death and people moving to life. Since you are not happy in the officialdom, then change to another place and continue to toss. Too many people, toss and toss, their hair is gray, and they haven’t found their strength yet. The direction. How long can life be? Get rid of the head and tail, reduce the time of eating, drinking and sleeping, and the golden years left for us to squander. How long can we have? Alas! Be encouraged, time waits for no one. Old classmates, we should all plan well for ourselves!"

Li Yi is reminding Zhu Feng with the attitude of a person who has experienced it, to grasp the youth, identify the goal, and persistently complete one thing.

Zhu Feng said: "This, let me think about it again."

Suddenly, his eyes looked behind Li Yi, and his eyes became straight.

The two sat in the seat by the window, Li Yi turned his back to the direction of the door, and when he saw his expression, he looked back.

I saw a young girl with average appearance, holding the arm of a middle-aged, short and fat man with a bald head, and walked in, talking and laughing like a small bird.

Zhu Feng held the chopsticks in his right hand and the wine glass in his left hand, sparks seemed to come out of his eyes!

Li Yi secretly screamed that it was not good, thinking that the tragedy of cheating happened to this honest classmate?

A man and a woman walked towards this side, and when there were two tables away, the woman saw Zhu Feng, her face turned pale with fright, she shrank back, and hid behind the man.

This action of hers undoubtedly added fuel to the flames. Zhu Feng slapped the chopsticks on the table, stood up abruptly, walked over with big strides, and stretched out his hand to pull the woman.

The short and fat man was very imposing, stretched out Wuzhishan, knocked on Zhu Feng's forehead, and shouted: "What are you doing? You bastard! Go away!" He pushed it on Zhu Feng's shoulder.

Zhu Feng was thin and weak, and after drinking a few glasses of wine, being pushed and shoved by that man, he couldn't stand upright immediately, and took a few steps back.

Seeing that his classmate was being bullied, Li Yi got up and stretched out his hand to support Zhu Feng, and asked, "What's wrong?"

As if losing his mind, Zhu Feng shook off Li Yi's hand, rushed forward, and shouted: "She is my girlfriend, let her go!"

The short and fat man held the woman behind him with his right hand, and sneered, "You said she was your girlfriend? What evidence? Did she admit it? Have you slept with her? Do you know how deep her hole is? You Do you know how cool the chrysanthemum is on her back? Have you tried the taste of her mouth?"

Zhu Feng was stunned, and murmured: "Impossible, impossible! Xiaoli, come here quickly! Xiaoli!"

That Xiaoli just hid behind the short and fat man, she didn't dare to 'show' her face at all, and she didn't make a sound.This kind of non-statement is actually the best statement.Only fools like Zhu Feng are still trying to win her heart back.

Most of the men's cheating is the body first cheating, and the 'sex' gives birth to love.

Women's derailment is mostly due to the derailment of feelings first, and "sex" is born from love.

There is still room for men to recover from cheating, but once a woman cheats, she is completely fallen, and there is little room for maneuver.Besides, if a woman cheated, normal men wouldn't be able to accept her anymore, right?

Li Yi sighed softly, grabbed Zhu Feng and said, "Forget it. Where is there no fragrant grass in the end of the world?"

The short and fat man became more and more proud: "You have no skills yourself, yet you dare to gossip here! You don't even piss and take a picture, you look so slack, you deserve to enjoy a good girl like Xiaoli ?"

Li Yi frowned and said: "Sir, you stole someone's girlfriend, do you still need to irritate people here with gossip? Keep your mouth clean!"

"Hey, what are you? Dare to teach me a lesson?" the short and fat man said angrily.

The rabbit was biting even in a hurry. Zhu Feng couldn't bear it long ago. He threw off Li Yi's hand, rushed up, hugged the short and fat man and wrestled together.

That Xiaoli covered her face, stepped aside, and shouted: "Stop beating! Zhu Feng, you bastard, you have no money to support me, why don't you allow me to find a rich man? You are incompetent!"

Zhu Feng's body was thin and thin, and he drank a few more drinks, and he was a little dizzy. He was no match for that fat man, and he was ridden by that fat man in just a few strokes.The fat man swung his fist vigorously and beat Zhu Feng hard.

Li Yi thought that he had to help him with this favor.With a glance, he picked up the wine bottle on his dining table, took two steps forward, aimed at the short and fat man and smashed it on the head.

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