Official road bends

Chapter 156 Crazy Thoughts

Chapter 156 Crazy Thoughts

Li Yi is so ignorant, he was thinking, he finally came to this meeting room of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, if such a good opportunity is not seized or used, it will be against the harmony of nature!

Wen Yuxi announced a 10-minute break.He didn't get up to rest, but rested his right hand on the table, with three fingers in the middle, rhythmically up and down, tapping the table lightly. He was obviously in deep thought, and today's situation was a bit out of his reach. Unexpectedly, he was a little hard to decide for a while, who will take over Xizhou?I am planning and calculating in my heart.

Other members of the Standing Committee took advantage of this time to go to the bathroom for those with kidney deficiency, the pantry for those who were thirsty, and the balcony for those addicted to cigarettes.

Li Yi is a little anxious. After 10 minutes, after the meeting restarts, Wen Yuxi will probably have matured thinking, and will have a comprehensive layout for the balance of power in Xizhou and even the whole province. Opportunity to 'cut in'.

Yao Pengcheng was nervous, curious, and bored.His mind is far less complicated than that of Li Yi. It is a bit of an honor to come here, but also a little bit involuntary.Whatever the chief told him to do, he would do it. If he didn't tell him to do it, he wouldn't feel tired if he just stood there for a day.

Li Yi suddenly had a crazy idea!He took out his notebook, quickly wrote a few people's names and a few words on it, then tore off the page, and asked Yao Pengcheng to take out the list that Hong Tiangui had confessed. To Li Yi's surprise, there was nothing on the list. There is no Zhou Junhong's name!

Li Yi whispered: "Add Zhou Junhong."

Yao Pengcheng was surprised: "Why? There is no such name in Hong Tiangui's statement."

Li Yi said: "I told you to add it, so you can add it! It will be very useful later!"

Although Yao Pengcheng was puzzled and didn't understand, he could still listen to Li Yi's words. Without hesitation, he swiped his pen and added the word Zhou Junhong in the blank space at the back of the list.

At this time, it was time for the Standing Committee to rest, and the Standing Committee members came back to sit down one after another.Wen Yuxi's fingers also stopped tapping and retracted.

Li Yi knew that Wen Yuxi already had his own plan, but no matter what, he had to give it a try. Fighting for power and profit was just like chasing women. To make a blog!

Li Yi stepped forward quickly, and before Wen Yuxi could speak, he gently placed two pieces of paper on the table in front of Wen Yuxi, and said softly: "Chief, this is the list that Hong Tiangui confessed!"

Li Yi originally put the real list on it, but after thinking about it, he spread the two pieces of paper in front of Wen Yuxi.

As expected, Wen Yuxi didn't reach out to get the two pieces of paper, and slipped a glance at the two pieces of paper. When he saw the piece of paper written by Li Yi, he frowned slightly, and then saw Zhou Junhong's name scratched. Leverage, thoughtful.But he didn't say anything to Li Yi, and nodded calmly.

Li Yi stepped back, feeling apprehensive, not knowing what kind of attitude Wen Yuxi had towards his assertion.Wen Yuxi's palace is very deep, emotions, anger, sorrow and joy are not visible in 'color', making it difficult to guess his inner activities based on his 'color'.

Tang Chunqiang was really nervous and curious. He glanced at the paper on the table casually, but Wen Yuxi just raised his arm, put it on the paper, covered the words on it, and said, "Comrades, let's continue to discuss Last topic. Just now we heard from Minister Ouyang that there are two candidates for Xizhou City, one is Comrade Meng Zhe, deputy secretary of the Xizhou Municipal Party Committee, and the other is Comrade Ge Hemin, executive deputy mayor of Xizhou City. These two candidates, everyone What do you think? Let’s talk about it. Minister Ouyang, you are the Minister of Organization and you are familiar with personnel affairs, so let’s start with you.”

Ouyang Ji obviously took advantage of the 10-minute break just now to call back to the Ministry and obtained the resumes of these two people. He immediately opened the folder in front of him calmly and said, "Comrade Meng Zhe, male, born in 1952 Born in March, 3, from Wukang, Southern Province. He joined the army in 1969 and joined the party in August 1972. He has successively served as..."

These resumes are like plain boiled water. Ouyang Ji read them without emotion, and everyone heard them very boring, but this is the meaning of the question, and it is a necessary procedure.

Li Yi listened carefully and compared the resumes of the two.

Meng Zhe is quite old. Of course, for a man around 45 years old, he is in the prime of his life. If he can successfully become a department-level leader this time, he can be regarded as young and promising in the officialdom!He had a low degree of education, and he joined the army before graduating from high school, and he has not obtained any education since then.

Ge Hemin is only 38 years old and has a college degree. At his age, if he can become an important position at the departmental level, his future is bright.

Both of them have served as deputy and principal positions in townships and county-level cities, and they have come up step by step.

After reading the resumes of the two people, Ouyang Ji said: "Our organization department has conducted relevant promotion inspections on both of them before, and their scores are relatively high."

He didn't say anything, because Wen Yuxi, Tang Chunqiang and other big bosses hadn't expressed their views yet, so it's not easy for him, the head of the organization, to favor anyone.If he said it, he could only remain neutral and keep his bowl of water level. When Wen Yuxi and the others expressed their views, he would be inclined.

Wen Yuxi still didn't rush to make a statement, and looked at Tang Chunqiang: "Comrade Chunqiang, what's your opinion?"

Tang Chunqiang said: "I know Comrade Meng Zhe quite well. He works hard, seeks truth from facts, is low-key, unassuming, mature and stable, and has rich experience in party work. I think he will be the first secretary of the Xizhou Municipal Party Committee. It is still possible to do the job.”

He first affirmed Meng Zhe, obviously not wanting to compete with Wen Yuxi on this candidate, and then said: "As for Comrade Ge Hemin, if I remember correctly, he was promoted to the executive vice mayor of Xizhou City. Not too long. His personal ability is still very strong, but he is a bit old-fashioned, and he is good as a deputy. If he wants to be the top of the 'government', in my opinion, he should train for two years before it is too late."

Tang Chunqiang first promoted and then suppressed, denying Ge Hemin. Since Ge Hemin was denied, it proved that he wanted to compete for this spot.Sure enough, when he came to this point, he changed the subject and said: "I have a better recommendation for the mayor of Xizhou City. This person is the vice president of Xizhou City, named Chang Tongwen. He used to be the head of the "government" in the county, and was later transferred to Xizhou City as the deputy secretary. It has been more than four years. Comrade Chang Tongwen is a senior high school student in the third class. After resuming the college entrance examination, he was admitted to the Provincial Agricultural University. Education, such an old comrade, should we take care of it first?"

Wen Yuxi listened very carefully, with a calm face, turned to Cao Yongtai and said, "Comrade Yongtai, you are the vice president of the party and the masses. Your opinion on personnel issues is very important. Let me talk about your opinion."

Cao Yongtai thought to himself, why is my opinion important?Can my opinion represent the opinion of the Provincial Party Committee?But what should be fought, he still wants to fight.To fight or not to fight is a matter of attitude. As for whether he can win or not, it is not up to him personally.

He pondered for a while, and said: "I have been doing party and mass work for some years. Since Comrade Yuxi asked, I will talk about my own views. My thoughts are exactly the opposite of Comrade Chunqiang. I I believe that old comrades need to be taken care of, but young cadres with ability and education are the hope of the party and the country. I think that we should give priority to these young comrades who dare to think and do, have ideas and drive. Xizhou City I think that Comrade Ge Hemin is good enough to take on the post of chief."

What he said was a beautiful counterattack. You Tang Chunqiang just hit me hard and chased me fiercely. Now I will fight back!

Tang Chunqiang's face darkened, his thick eyebrows frowned, and he gave a soft snort.

Cao Yongtai continued: "Speaking of Comrade Meng Zhe, I am quite familiar with him. Comrade Meng Zhe is modest and practical, which is worthy of our provincial party committee's affirmation. However, the work of the current party committee is no better than before. Since the reform and opening up, the work focus of our party committee and the "government" has shifted to the center of economic construction. Development and scientific development must be the first priority of our party in governing and rejuvenating the country. It is to continuously improve people's livelihood and promote social development. The major premise and material basis for developing and improving spiritual civilization and realizing the strategic goals of comprehensive well-off and modernization. On this basis, when our party committee promotes and appoints cadres, it must take the cadres' personal ability as an important consideration standard. And this ability, especially The main focus is to promote the ability of economic construction. If a municipal party committee leader only knows how to do things, does not seek innovation, does not seek merit, but seeks no faults, this in itself is a kind of administrative inaction! No merits are demerits! From one point of view, I think Comrade Ma Hongqi did a very good job when he was in office."

Cao Yongtai deserves to be engaged in party affairs work. When it comes to general principles, he has one set of one set.He even turned his face around and spoke nice words for Ma Hongqi.Because of the current situation, he can also see very clearly that the alliance with Tang Chunqiang will break down without attack, and even turn against each other.In this way, he offended all the top and second in command, and became a loner, which is very dangerous in the political situation.Therefore, he urgently needs to repair the relationship with Wen Yuxi, and use it to attack Tang Chunqiang, so as to strengthen his own strength and fight for his own interests.

Cao Yongtai said so much, but he was actually laying the groundwork for his next words: "Unfortunately, Comrade Ma Hongqi made a mistake and has to leave the big stage of Xizhou temporarily. I think there is a comrade who is very fond of Ma Hongqi." Comrade's pioneering and enterprising spirit is also a reformer who dares to think, do, and innovate. This Communist is familiar with him. He is Comrade Luo Zhenghao, the mayor of Sanjiang City. Comrade Luo Zhenghao has been the mayor of Sanjiang for three years In the past three years, Sanjiang City has been managed in an orderly manner, and the gross national product has continuously maintained a relatively high speed of development. Sanjiang City, which ranks at the bottom of the province, has been pulled into the top eight! With such achievements, I I feel that he is qualified enough to be the secretary of the Xizhou Municipal Party Committee."

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