Chapter 162

Pang Honghua said: "Comrade Sihe, there is no evidence or evidence. What you said doesn't mean you didn't say it? Comrade Qi Laishan is a dignified deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. It is necessary to 'manipulate' the deputy mayor of a small town." election?"

Yan Sihe sneered and said, "Because the deputy mayor is a big businessman, he wants to become an official if he has money, and he bribed him with 10 yuan! Of course, this is written in the report letter, but there is no evidence! There is indeed evidence If so, he has already been shuanggui by us, how can we wait until now? Of course, what I said is all unsubstantiated. Whether it will have any negative impact on these two comrades depends on the opinions of the Standing Committee members. up."

Pang Honghua said: "You said that, it's like the yellow mud falling into the crotch, it's not that, it's also that!" She is a "female" lesbian, halfway through this common saying, I feel too disgusting , use "what" instead.

Yan Sihe said: "Our disciplinary committee handles cases differently from the judiciary. The judiciary handles cases with the presumption of innocence, also known as the analogy of innocence. , should be regarded as innocent. The presumption of innocence emphasizes that there must be sufficient, conclusive, and effective evidence for the crimes accused by the defendant. If he cannot be proven guilty during the trial, he should be presumed innocent. Our Commission for Discipline Inspection handles cases , using the presumption of guilt, that is to say, no matter whether you have committed a crime or not, as long as you want to investigate you, you should be convicted first, and then find evidence and witnesses to prove that you are really guilty. Hehe, I said that, I don’t know everyone Do you understand?"

Li Yi could hear it clearly. This was the first time he heard such remarks. He thought, no wonder everyone is afraid of being double-regulated, because as long as you are double-regulated, no matter whether you are guilty or not, you will become a prisoner first!Unless the Commission for Discipline Inspection really can't find any flaws in you.The question is, how many officials can withstand serious investigation?Even if you are not greedy or corrupt, you must have gray income and human relations, right?If you don't hit the eye once or twice, if you accumulate it over time, it will be a huge sum!And these properties are unclear.

Pang Honghua was silent for a while, then said: "In that case, I withdraw my proposal, and Comrade Qi Laishan withdraws from the election for mayor of Sanjiang City!"

Li Yi nodded secretly. She was also a member of the Standing Committee, and Pang Honghua, a woman, was much more open-minded than Jiang Zeli.Crisp and straightforward!

Five out of two, leaving only three candidates.

Wen Yuxi smiled and said: "Comrade Sihe, this time I made you a villain again! How is it? Is there anything else you want to say?"

Yan Sihe said: "It is reasonable to say that the appointment and dismissal of personnel has nothing to do with our Disciplinary Committee. You 'forced' me to say what you said just now. You can see that I said it in the previous election. Don’t you have these words? No? If these two comrades resent me in the future, I’ll have to talk to you.”

Wen Yuxi said: "Okay, with our Standing Committee making the decision for you, you can rest in your stomach. Comrade Sihe has finished expressing his opinions. Next, let's listen to the opinions of the Organization Department. Minister Ouyang, what are the remaining opinions?" What do you think of the three candidates?"

The procedure for appointing cadres is to be inspected by the Organization Department, and then submitted to the Standing Committee or the National People's Congress for discussion.Things happened suddenly today, and no one expected that the first and second leaders of Xizhou City were all put together in one pot.With such two hot vacancies vacated, the Standing Committee members were naturally jealous when they saw it, so they rushed to the right and immediately discussed it.

Wen Yuxi's question was like going through the motions.In fact, most of the important personnel matters in the southern province are decided by the *** office meeting. After the *** office meeting approves it, it will go through the procedures at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and it is basically considered a decision.

Ouyang Ji said: "These three comrades performed well in the past inspections by the Organization Department and can enter the *** procedure."

Wen Yuxi nodded and said: "In that case, let's vote by vote! Should we vote by show of hands this time? Or do we have an anonymous vote? Comrades, what's your opinion?"

Tang Chunqiang said: "Let's vote with a show of hands. It's so fast and direct! After a long meeting, I'm already hungry. Hurry up and go back to eat!"

Wen Yuxi smiled and said: "Then vote with a show of hands. There are three people, one is Comrade Cai Minliang, the deputy director of the Organization Department, the other is Comrade Chang Tongwen, the vice president of Xizhou City, and the third is Zhang Qinglin, the deputy director of the Provincial Water Resources Department. Comrade. Comrades who agree with Comrade Cai Minliang as mayor of Sanjiang, please raise your hand."

Ouyang Ji raised his hand first.Nonsense, the person he proposed, if he doesn't raise his hand, who will raise his hand?

Wen Yuxi also raised his hand. He and Ouyang Ji are regarded as allies, and they are very close in private. No matter what the result is, he must support Ouyang Ji.In fact, for Wen Yuxi and Ouyang Ji's candidates, no matter who is selected, it is a good thing for Wen Yuxi.

Several members of the other standing committees raised their hands one after another. The head of the organization of the Provincial Party Committee has a lot of real power, so it's better not to be offended.

Cai Minliang finally won six votes.

The second place Wen Yuxi announced was Comrade Chang Tongwen proposed by Tang Chunqiang. In the end, he got one more vote than him, and won seven votes!

The extra vote was cast by Yan Sihe.Yan Sihe may have voted for everyone in order to ease his image in the minds of the Standing Committee members.

Tang Chunqiang was quite satisfied with the result, and the next thing to look at was the candidates nominated by Wen Yuxi.

Unexpectedly, maybe everyone thinks that Wen Yuxi's standing committee has harvested enough this time, but they still feel that his family should not be allowed to dominate, or it may be because they are too unfamiliar with the candidates Wen Yuxi proposed, anyway, they don't know who is out For what purpose, Wen Yuxi only got seven votes in the end!

It was equal to Chang Tongwen's number of votes!

Faced with this result, Li Yi was somewhat speechless.It seems that in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, no one can really speak their minds!

Wen Yuxi was still calm, and said lightly: "Since it is even, let's cast another round of votes! This time there are only two people, and we have thirteen members of the Standing Committee. Each person can only vote for one votes, the one with the most votes wins!"

Tang Chunqiang responded: "Okay! Let's vote again!"

Wen Yuxi's left hand kept pressing on the two pieces of paper Li Yi gave him. At this moment, he deliberately took his arm away, overlapped the two pieces of paper, and placed them on the table.

Tang Chunqiang was sitting next to him, and after a glance, he saw the list on the paper, and the last one had Zhou Junhong's name written on it!

Tang Chunqiang's head buzzed, and he screamed that it was not good, thinking that Wen Yuxi was going to take the mayor of Liancheng City next time?This Zhou Junhong is really worrying!Thousands of exhortations and ten thousand exhortations, tell him not to be greedy, and if he is more greedy, he will become poor!He is still greedy!

Thinking of this, Tang Chunqiang suddenly lost his interest. Liancheng was his old base. He made his fortune from Liancheng and was promoted all the way. Zhou Junhong was his capable general. If Wen Yuxi took Liancheng, then it would be fine. What can it do to win the mayor of Sanjiang City?I still lost!Completely lost!

Suddenly, Wen Yuxi picked up the pen, drew three strokes on Zhou Junhong's name, and crossed out that name!

Tang Chunqiang was shocked, thinking what Wen Yuxi meant by this?But Wen Yuxi looked at him with a half-smile.Tang Chunqiang suddenly realized that Wen Yuxi was making a power deal with himself!If he is willing to give up the pursuit of the mayor of Sanjiang, then Wen Yuxi will let Zhou Junhong go!

Tang Chunqiang figured this out, weighed it quickly in his mind, and nodded slightly.

Only then did Wen Yuxi smile, put away the two pieces of paper, and said loudly: "Okay, comrades, have everyone thought about it? Next, please cast your sacred vote!"

The staff has already prepared the safety box.Everyone quickly wrote down their favorite people, and put the pieces of paper into the box.

After a while, the staff announced the statistical results. Comrade Zhang Qinglin, deputy director of the Provincial Water Resources Department, was elected as the new acting mayor of Sanjiang City with seven votes!

This result is somewhat unexpected.It made Wen Yuxi and Li Yi sweat a lot, because if it weren't for such a little cleverness, the mayor of Sanjiang City would not be able to take it down!

Just think about it, if Tang Chunqiang voted for Chang Tongwen, then Chang Tongwen would get seven votes!Then, the winner is Chang Tongwen!

Seeing this result, Tang Chunqiang struggled for a while, but finally shook his head and accepted the ending rationally.

Later, Tang Chunqiang asked Zhou Junhong, and asked him very severely, whether he had accepted Hong Tiangui's money. Zhou Junhong swore an oath and bet all [-] generations of ancestors to prove his innocence.It wasn't until then that Tang Chunqiang realized that he had fallen into Wen Yuxi's trick!At that time, he could only lament Wen Yuxi's composure and cunning, which were indeed beyond his control!

This standing committee, Wen Yuxi can be said to have won a complete victory and was in a good mood. He invited Li Yi to have dinner at home. At the dinner table, Wen Yuxi said such a sentence: "Li Yi, if you sit by Position, I’m afraid you play more easily than me! Your wisdom and strategy, even I have to admire three points, if I hadn’t seen your awesomeness before, seeing your performance today, I would probably want to Doubt your real age! The ancients said, young people don’t read the Water Margin, and old people don’t read the Three Kingdoms. But, as an old man, I should study the Three Kingdoms carefully! Hehe, Xiaoyi, I counted you as my blessing today ah!"

Li Yi got up quickly and said he didn't dare.

Wen Yuxi's words were full of praise, and Li Yi was praised to the sky. The Wen family were naturally dumbfounded when they heard this, especially Wen Keni, who looked into Li Yi's eyes with starry eyes.

Li Yi broke out in a cold sweat after hearing this.

My performance today is indeed a bit too much!Some sharpness is 'revealed'.Li Yi didn't do much or say much, but he gave Wen Yuxi this feeling!Although Wen Yuxi didn't mean to blame herself, it was not a good thing after all.

In front of a shrewd strategist like Wen Yuxi, it is better to hide one's clumsiness.

Li Yi warned himself.

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