Official road bends

Chapter 168 Civilized Law Enforcement

Chapter 168 Civilized Law Enforcement

Chen Kaiming's scolding made Yi Yuzeng lose his temper, and he just responded repeatedly: "Yes, yes!"

Boss Huang was obviously very proud. He smiled and looked provocatively at Li Yi and others standing at the door.I thought, so what if you are the deputy county magistrate?Don't you have to obediently listen to my brother-in-law?You don't even look at where I am, so you dare to come here and seal it up!

Chen Kaiming's scolding continued, and all the complaints he heard from his wife were vented on Yi Yuzeng.

Li Yi is answering a call from Zuo Xiaoxia.

The information Zuo Xiaoxia brought made him a little surprised and uncertain.

According to Zuo Xiaoxia, she didn't see a single word related to Huang Shuqi in Ma Hongqi's interrogation records!

The joke is big!

Li Yi walked a little further and asked, "Leader, are you sure?"

Zuo Xiaoxia said: "Our department is not in charge of the Ma Hongqi case, but there is a comrade in our department who participated in the Shuanggui Ma Hongqi's life security group. I asked him to find out about the situation, and I also asked the director in charge of Ma Hongqi's shuanggui review. However, they all said that they have not seen any case related to Secretary Huang."

Li Yi said: "That's weird!"

Zuo Xiaoxia smiled and said, "Isn't this better? You don't have to worry about him!"

Li Yi said: "The problem is, this will make things more complicated. If it's just that friend of Huang Chu deliberately fabricated it to deceive Huang Chu for some benefit, then that's fine. However, this possibility' 'Extremely low, the risk to be taken is very high, I think this possibility' can basically be ruled out."

Zuo Xiaoxia said: "Why, do you suspect that someone has tampered with it?"

Li Yi said: "That's right. Judging from Huang Shuqi's demeanor, it doesn't look like he's doing it on purpose. He doesn't need to play this show in front of me, right? It can be concluded that Ma Hongqi must have recruited something related to Huang Shuqi, but It was erased in advance! This time period should be between yesterday afternoon and this morning!"

Zuo Xiaoxia said: "Who is that person? Why do you want to help Secretary Huang like this? It's very difficult for people inside the Discipline Inspection Commission, unless this person is a senior leader of our Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission. The senior leaders of our Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission take such a big risk. I don’t think it’s possible to please Huang Shuqi.”

Li Yi frowned and thought for a while, then said, "No matter what, I have to thank you."

Zuo Xiaoxia smiled and said: "Thank you for these two words, my ears are so callused! I have to work, goodbye. Next time you have something to do, don't forget to think of me!"

Li Yi chuckled, still thinking about the truth of this matter.Wanting to play Huang Shuqi's tone, he called him.Huang Shuqi quickly picked up the phone, heard Li Yi's voice, lowered the volume and asked, "Brother, how are things going? Do you have any clues?"

When Li Yi heard this sentence, he knew that Huang Shuqi himself didn't know that someone from the Commission for Discipline Inspection had helped, so he said with a smile: "Huang Chu, don't worry, the matter has been settled."

Huang Shuqi asked how it was done?how much did you spend?

Li Yi wanted not to embezzle his money, but after thinking about it, he said, "I entrusted a friend to help you change the interrogation records of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Money, it didn't cost much, 2 yuan. Brothers, It’s a trivial matter, talking about money hurts feelings!”

Huang Shuqi relaxed, and said in a low voice: "Brother, you still have to settle accounts. Besides, this money is also for your friend. I have to pay it!"

Li Yi pretended to decline, and then said: "Well, let me say that an account belongs to that friend, so you can call him the money directly."

After hearing this, Huang Shuqi said yes repeatedly.Li Yi reported an account, which belongs to the Provincial Youth Development Foundation, and mainly accepts donations from the Hope Project.Li Yi has donated dozens of times in recent years and is very familiar with this account.After hearing this, Huang Shuqi took the notes and said, "Brother, thank you! If it weren't for you, I would definitely have capsized this time!"

Li Yi smiled and hung up the phone.

Now it is certain that someone is behind Huang Shuqi's hands and feet, and they don't want Huang Shuqi to know about it!If you intend to make friends with him and want to get some benefits from him, you will definitely not do good deeds like Lei Feng, and you don't want others to know.Wen Yuxi?Impossible, if Wen Yuxi could help him, Huang Shuqi would not be so afraid.

Li Yi thought of a possibility, and was taken aback by his own thoughts. He guessed that the reason why someone wanted to keep Huang Shuqi was because he didn't want Huang Shuqi to leave his current position so soon!So, who will Huang Shuqi have a great impact on in her current position?

Could it be that Huang Shuqi is Infernal Affairs?Who arranged for Wen Yuxi's side?

Thinking of this, Li Yi didn't think about it any further. It was not his turn to pay attention to the struggle at the top.However, he felt it necessary to report the whole matter to Wen Yuxi.My official career in the southern province has been closely linked with Wen Yuxi. With Wen Yuxi on top to shelter me from the wind and rain, my path is much smoother.

When Li Yi was talking to Wen Yuxi, Huang Shuqi happened to come in to refill Wen Yuxi's water.Wen Yuxi responded with a hmm, and at the same time looked at Huang Shuqi calmly.Huang Shuqi made tea and went out.Only then did Wen Yuxi say to Li Yi: "I see, don't mention this matter to anyone again."

What puzzled Li Yi was that Wen Yuxi was not very angry, nor did he lose his temper, as if everything was under his control.For a long time in the future, Wen Yuxi did not show any dislike for Huang Shuqi, nor did he show any intention of replacing him.All of this made Li Yi, who had just glimpsed the officialdom, very puzzled and puzzled.

And show the present.Li Yi walked slowly back to the door of the Xuanhu pharmacy, and saw that Yi Yuzeng had hung up the phone and was talking to Luo Feng.

When Yi Yuzeng saw Li Yi approaching, he said, "County Li, Mrs. Chen called just now and told us to enforce the law in a civilized manner and not to make a big fuss. What do you think we can do?"

Li Yi said: "What Mrs. Chen said is not wrong. You are public servants of the people, so of course you must enforce the law in a civilized manner. Did you enforce the law roughly?"

Yi Yuzeng didn't understand Li Yi's meaning for a while, and shook his head: "We have always followed the relevant rules and enforced the law in a civilized manner."

Li Yi said: "That's right, you people in the Food and Drug Supervision Bureau must deeply understand Mrs. Chen's instructions, and treat comrades who have made mistakes in a civilized manner, not rude, even if it is closing the shop When arresting people, you should also seal them in a civilized manner, and arrest them in a civilized manner. You must not damage the people's property, let alone harm the people's bodies! Do you understand?"

Yi Yuzeng smiled and said, "I understand!"

Luo Feng sneered after hearing it, this Li Yi really can misinterpret other people's meanings, and he can make people have nothing to say!

Boss Huang fully thought that these petty officials would definitely go home when he brought out his cousin-in-law Mr. Started again, and in a short while, all the prohibited drugs were confiscated, and they were carried into the law enforcement vehicle parked outside.

The industry and commerce department and the police department quickly sent people to investigate and deal with the warehouse of Xuanhu Pharmacy in accordance with the law, and checked and registered his pharmacy's business qualification certificate and other related procedures.Later, the law enforcement officers put a seal on the big pharmacy of Xuanhu. The snow-white seal, jet-black text, and blood-red official seal made people shocking.Boss Huang and other relevant persons involved in the case were taken back for interrogation.

On this day, all the counterfeit 'medicine' sellers in the county were terrified and frightened. Even Boss Huang, who was so tough in the background, was taken away. All the 'medicines' disappeared on the streets of Linyi County.Wherever the law enforcement officers of the Municipal Food and Drug Supervision Bureau went, people applauded.

Chen Kaiming received a crying call from his wife again, and only then did he know that Li Yi and Luo Feng were present at the time.He also knew that it was wrong for him to cover up his relatives to engage in illegal activities.However, Li Yi and Luo Feng blatantly disregarded the face of the secretary of the county party committee, and after he made the phone call, they still insisted on enforcing the law impartially, which made him a little angry from embarrassment.If you want to investigate, you can investigate and confiscate illegal items. Why do you have to close the store and arrest people?Isn't this blatantly slapping me in the face of Chen Kaiming?

Hearing his wife complaining non-stop on the phone, crying and arguing, scolding Chen Kaiming for being useless, becoming such a high-ranking official, he can't even keep a few relatives in his family, a majestic county party committee *** , even a small deputy county magistrate can't cure it!

"Enough!" Chen Kaiming said angrily: "I have my own sense of proportion! You are a long-haired woman, what do you know? Although Li Yi is only a deputy county magistrate, he has a backer! You too, don't care about you That cousin, what kind of virtue! There are so many profitable businesses in the world, but you have to do this deceitful thing! This time, you have made me miserable!"

The woman stopped crying when she heard that he had suffered misfortune.Chen Kaiming is the pride and backbone of the two families, and also the umbrella of the two families. This umbrella must not be toppled.Wiping his eyes, he asked him what was going on with concern.Chen Kaiming said: "Okay, you don't understand after I tell you. I'll take care of them later and tell them to release them first. Take them home and teach them well."

The woman asked weakly: "Then this thing is over?"

Chen Kaiming said angrily: "It's over!" He threw the microphone with a bang.

Chen Kaiming took out a cigarette, smoked one, and then slowly walked to Li Yi's office.

When Li Yi saw Chen Kaimin coming in, he quickly stood up to greet him, and said with a smile, "What's the matter with Mrs. Chen, just call me, and I'll just go over there!"

Chen Kaiming sullenly said, "County Li, there is such a thing that the provincial-level sign of the Economic Development Zone has been put up. Should we discuss the issue of candidates for the Provincial Economic Development Zone? This matter should have been discussed a long time ago. Yes, it’s just that the city was a little restless a while ago, so it was shelved, and now that the municipal committee has settled down, we should report the candidates as soon as possible, and ask the municipal committee for approval, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and outsiders take advantage of the gap.”

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