Official road bends

Chapter 173 Investigating Township Enterprise Reform

Chapter 173 Investigating Township Enterprise Reform

Li Yi walked in gently and saw a slender figure busy in the kitchen.

Hearing footsteps outside, the people in the kitchen poked their heads out.She has shoulder-length hair with a beautiful bow tied on top of her head.

"County Li, you are back. Sit down first, the food will be ready soon." Hua Xiaorui's flowery smile appeared in front of Li Yi.

"Why are you here?" Li Yi asked in surprise, "How did you come in?"

Hua Xiaorui smiled and said: "I found the director of your county government office and asked him to open the door for me. By the way, Director He said that he still has a set of keys, and I will keep them from now on."

Li Yi thought to himself that He Hengyuan had the keys to this set of rooms, which is not surprising. The question is why did He Hengyuan give this set of keys to Hua Xiaorui?Asked: "Do you know Director He?"

While cooking with a spatula, Hua Xiaorui said, "How did I know Director He! After I came, I went directly to your county office, found Director He, and told him, I am your sister, come and have a look." You, Director He received me very warmly immediately, and said that you are going to the countryside and need to call you. I said no, I will go to my brother’s house and wait for him. Director He said that it is called the general department Comrade looked for it, and there should be a reserved key for the room. So, I came in. Hehe, your Director He is so kind, he sent me here personally.”

Li Yi thought to himself why are you pretending to be confused, didn't I explain everything to you?Walking to the door of the kitchen, she looked at her: "Xiaohua, what I told you in Liulin that day..."

Hua Xiaorui smiled sweetly: "I had a dream that day. I dreamed that you came to visit me. You lost weight. I promised you that I would come to help you cook meals every weekend, but I can't wait for the next weekend. Yes, Mrs. Wen and I asked for two days off to come and see you."

Li Yi said angrily, "Comrade Hua Xiaorui, don't play dumb with me, okay?"

The spatula in Hua Xiaorui's hand paused, and then it started to stir-fry quickly, the green peppers and sliced ​​meat rolled under her hands.

Li Yi could not bear to see her shoulders gently touching her chest, turned around resolutely, went into the study, put the briefcase on the desk, took out the research records of these days, and continued his research work.

After a while, Hua Xiaorui prepared the meal, brought it out and put it on the dining table, walked to the door of the study, saw Li Yi's handsome back, his nose was a little sore, walked in gently, stood beside Li Yi, and said in a low voice : "Don't be angry, I have no other intentions, I just want to call you brother, is that okay? Can we be brothers and sisters with different surnames? I promise that I will never destroy your marriage, and I will not compete with you for status and Property, let alone pester you. I just want to see you occasionally."

Li Yi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and wanted to calm down, but when he opened his eyes and saw her beautiful face, his heart softened again, and he said lightly: "Okay. Thank you, Xiaohua."

Hua Xiaorui smiled happily: "Okay, let's go eat. Brother!" She took Li Yi's hand, came to the dining table, added a bowl of rice for him, put some delicious dishes in the bowl, To feed Li Yi.Li Yi smiled and said, "I'm not a three-year-old 'Mao', I want you to feed me? Eat quickly."

"Brother, why are you losing weight again? The circles under your eyes are also dark, like a panda!" Hua Xiaorui said.

Li Yi tried hard to adapt to her excessive "brother-sister" friendship, and said: "These days I am traveling to towns and villages. I am investigating and researching township and private enterprises, trying to find a new way for rural economic development."

Hua Xiaorui said: "Didn't you build the Linyi Economic Development Zone very well? The leaders of our county are very envious of Linyi County! When Mayor Xue was in our Lianshui County, he came down to inspect the work and heard her He exclaimed, "It would be great if Comrade Li Yi was still in our Lianshui County! That agricultural product deep processing base will settle in our Lianshui County!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "She is the mayor now, and it makes no difference to her where our base is located! Therefore, people must take a long-term view. Situations vary from place to place. For the economic development of Linyi County, a development zone alone is not enough. There are more factories in the development zone, more materials are needed, and there are more migrant workers, so consumption will naturally increase, which can drive the benignity of the county's economy 'Development. However, our Linyi County has more agricultural populations. If the rural economy does not develop, our county's economy cannot make a big leap."

Hua Xiaorui said: "Isn't the countryside now engaged in greenhouse planting and ecological planting? Life is much better than before."

Li Yi said: "Hehe, it can only be regarded as having solved food and clothing. To truly enter a well-off level, we need to find another way. Besides, greenhouse planting technology is low and it is easy to be imitated. In a few years, I am afraid that it will be everywhere You can see the shadow of the greenhouse. If you want to get rich, you must take a long-term view! You must constantly reform and innovate, and you must always be at the forefront of the times. In this way, others can only imitate you all the time, but they will never be able to surpass you.”

Hua Xiaorui looked at Li Yi with admiration: "Mayor Li, you are becoming more and more like a county leader! You have a level of speech."

Li Yi laughed.

Hua Xiaorui smiled and said, "You're so busy, why don't you bring a secretary with you? Are you not a senior department cadre now? You can get a secretary, why don't you send me over to help you? gone."

Li Yi said: "Are you willing to leave your family? I have an assistant, but she is also the office director of the development zone, and she is usually very busy. It's fine, and I'm not tired."

The two chatted and finished their meal.Li Yi felt like eating with his family, warm and comfortable.Hua Xiaorui is very sensible. She washes the dishes after dinner and doesn't bother Li Yi.

After doing some activities, Li Yi sat at the desk again, turned on the computer, entered Wendaosi 95, opened the document, and typed "Recognize the situation, deepen reform, and speed up the development of township enterprises——About speeding up the development of township and township enterprises in Linyi County, Xizhou City The research report on the enterprise's second entrepreneurship" is a large line of characters.

Li Yi began to summarize the gains of these days, and put forward his own views on the current restructuring of township enterprises.

First, Li Yi analyzed the problems existing in township enterprises in Linyi County.

To sum up, there are always the following points: [-]. Unsmooth macro-management system.Second, small and medium-sized enterprises lack financial support, and financing is quite difficult, especially for non-state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises.[-]. Small and medium-sized enterprises have scattered distribution, small overall scale, low industrial level, weak brand awareness, and most of them are "small but comprehensive" and low-level redundant construction.Fourth, the industrial structure is converging, the adjustment is weak, the technological progress of enterprises is slow, and the technological innovation ability is insufficient, and "innovation is the soul of a nation's progress."[-]. The knowledge structure of employees is unreasonable, the overall quality is not high, talents are scarce, concepts are outdated, and management is backward.[-]. Imperfect legal protection system.

Finding problems and asking questions is not the purpose of research, but solving problems is what Li Yi has to do.

In the early stage of township enterprises' development, the "three local" principles of local materials, local processing, and local sales were emphasized, resulting in extremely scattered distribution.In recent years, all localities have actively guided township enterprises to gradually transform from "fires in every village and smoke from every household" to "relatively concentrated and contiguous development", and have gained many successful experiences.

Township enterprises are a choice for farmers within the established framework of urban-rural division, and the direct result of the reform of their property rights is that the investment subjects of township enterprises present a trend of diversification and mixing.Through restructuring, township enterprises in the original sense have begun to mutate, and more and more references to "private enterprises" or "small and medium-sized enterprises" have emerged.

The characteristic of township enterprises is its "three rural 'nature'".With the deepening of economic system reform and the gradual establishment of a market economy system, the "three-agricultural" nature" has emerged to varying degrees.

According to the forecast of the Development Research Center of the State Council: my country's planting industry only needs 5000 million people at most. In the next 10 years, [-] million farmers will leave the land and go to the cities to find employment.With the further liberalization of the household registration policy, there is no doubt that the status of farmers has changed.

With the continuous deepening of reforms, the market economy enables various factors of production to flow among different regions, different industries, and different ownership systems, optimizing allocation and reorganization, mutual investment and mutual integration of enterprises with different ownership systems, new forms of enterprise organization and property organization A large number of joint-stock cooperative systems, joint-stock systems, individual and private businesses, and various forms of joint ventures and joint ventures have developed rapidly.

Based on these theoretical foundations, Li Yi proposed a trial method in the article, which is to hold a county-wide township business owners conference, calling on them, business owners in the same industry to unite, invest together, integrate with each other, and establish a large joint-stock economy.If the company has insufficient funds, the villagers can be mobilized to establish a joint-stock enterprise by raising funds or buying shares. Everyone can buy shares in cash or labor to jointly create their own joint ventures.

This idea is very bold. After repeated scrutiny, Li Yi decided to find relevant experts to demonstrate and verify its feasibility before conducting pilot work in the county.

Hua Xiaorui took two days off. During these two days, she stayed with Li Yi and took care of Li Yi's daily necessities. Li Yi had a rare two days of good life.After she left, looking at the cold stove and eating canteen meals without nutrition and taste, Li Yi felt a different emotion towards Hua Xiaorui in his heart.

This sensible and well-behaved girl is really loved and pitied!

After Li Yi completed the research report, he rushed to the provincial capital, found the old seniors in the counselor's office, and asked them to correct his report.

Li Yi's status as a counselor has a five-year period, which has not yet expired. Strictly speaking, he is still a special counselor of the provincial 'government'.Although Gu Heng has been transferred back to the capital, the old comrades in the counselor's office are no strangers to Li Yi and are very friendly to him. After reading Li Yi's report, several old comrades who had served as leaders of state-owned enterprises combined with The experience in the restructuring process provided Li Yi with corresponding help and gave him many valuable suggestions.

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