Official road bends

Chapter 184 The Landmines to be Stepped on by the Reformation

Chapter 184 The Landmines to be Stepped on by the Reformation

Luo Zhenghao put down the report and was not in a hurry to express his opinion. He talked about him from left to right, chatted with Li Yi for a while, and asked, "Comrade Li Yi, I heard that Mr. Wen of the Provincial Party Committee once praised you face to face."

Li Yi didn't know which time he was talking about, guessed his intentions, and replied cautiously: "To tell the truth, Mrs. Luo, I have some connections with Mrs. Wen of the Provincial Party Committee."

Luo Zhenghao was the candidate nominated by Cao Yongtai, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. Li Yi didn't know whether Luo Zhenghao was a member of the Cao family, so his answer was also intended to test Luo Zhenghao.

If Luo Zhenghao is just the person Cao Yongtai is trying to win over, and Luo Zhenghao is not optimistic about Cao Yongtai, then he will be a bridge between Luo Zhenghao and Wen Yuxi, able to win them both over.If Luo Zhenghao joined Wen's banner, then the land of Xizhou would completely become the Wen family's world within a few years.

Luo Zhenghao let out a soft sigh, but put aside the topic again, and said, "Comrade Li Yi, I have read your report, and I support you in principle. But in the specific trial process, please ask the Linyi County Party Committee to The county "government" must pay attention to methods and methods, not to destroy the stable development of the society, and not to violate the wishes of farmers and entrepreneurs. On the basis of these two points, you can try your best to use your ingenuity to plan for the development of township enterprises. A bright prospect and a new way to get rich for the rural people. I wish you good results!"

Li Yi was startled slightly, thinking that he agreed with my report?And willing to support?

Luo Zhenghao's thinking jumps a lot in his conversation. Fortunately, Li Yi has also refined himself and knows how to figure out the intentions of other people's conversations. Many seemingly unconnected words, when you think about it carefully, are actually related to each other.

After reading the report, Luo Zhenghao was not in a hurry to express his opinion, because he wanted to find out the relationship between Li Yi and Wen Yuxi, so that he could make a judgment based on this relationship, whether to support Li Yi or just give a few words of encouragement.

From the conclusion he supports, it can be seen that he is interested in the relationship between Li Yi and Wen Yuxi. Of course, in a short time, he does not want to make a decision to join the Wen family.

As a promising young official, his official career is at a crossroads.He understands that for an official, it doesn't matter how many things he does right. The most important thing is to follow the right people. Only by following the right people and doing a few right things can he be promoted.

Li Yi put himself in the situation, and after figuring out this joint, he understood Luo Zhenghao's situation.I said a few words to guarantee the completion of the task, and said that under the leadership of the municipal party committee and the "government", we will do a good job in the restructuring of township enterprises and lead the people of Linyi to a road to prosperity.

To Li Yi's relief, the city allocated 0 yuan for the pilot reform of township enterprises in Linyi County.

Within a few days, good news came from the Provincial Bureau of Township Enterprises. Li Yi's report received unanimous praise from the Party Committee of the Bureau, and decided to list it as a key project of the Provincial Bureau of Township Enterprises this year to support, and allocated 500 million yuan!

Li Yi was a little overjoyed to get a restructuring fund of 700 million yuan by accident. With this money, his plan can be implemented more smoothly.

Just when Li Yi was in full swing preparing to start the pilot project of restructuring township enterprises in Linyi County, all the big hands in the county stretched out the huge sum of 700 million yuan that Li Yi wanted to come.

Huge sum of money!

In 97, 700 million yuan was equivalent to one-fifth of the county's annual fiscal revenue for Linyi County, a small county town!

How can I make those brains not jealous?All of a sudden, all kinds of phone calls, secretaries, and approval notes flocked to the county finance department with only one purpose: to ask for money!

Si Jing finally couldn't bear it any longer, and came to complain to Li Yi: "Mayor Li, I'm afraid the money will not be kept for a long time in our county finance bureau, Mrs. Chen, Mr. Sun, Mrs. Zheng, etc All the leaders of the county party committee have come to me and asked me for money!"

Li Yi asked in a deep voice: "How much money is actually in the account?"

Si Jing said: "The municipal finance department allocated 0 yuan, but 190 million yuan actually went to the account, and the provincial finance department allocated 500 million yuan, but only 450 million yuan actually went to the account. There are a total of 640 million yuan."

Li Yi shook his head lightly. There were Luo Zhenghao, Xue Xue and others in the city staring at him personally, but they still withheld 10 yuan, which is extremely low. People in the province were even more arrogant and directly withheld [-] yuan one!The real wild goose has plucked its hair!

Seeing Li Yi's pained expression, Si Jing smiled and said, "County Li, this is considered good! Once the country's three rural subsidies were sent from the central government, and when they arrived in our county, they had already been withheld. [-] out of [-], [-] out of [-]! If you distribute it further down, what actually goes to the peasants is basically a small amount of dispensable money.”

Li Yi said: "I don't care about anything else, you have to keep this money for me! No one is allowed to touch it except for the money I personally wrote!"

Si Jing was embarrassed and said: "Chen Chen and the magistrate Sun didn't pay for the approval?"

Li Yi said: "No! If they have any opinions, tell them to come to me!"

After a pause, he asked, "What do they approve of the police?"

Si Jing said: "There are all kinds of things. There are those who pay teachers' salaries, those who are in arrears of farmers' subsidies to be paid, and those who need to pay the salaries of civil servants in the townships below. Some are reimbursement forms from county-level agencies."

After hearing this, Li Yi frowned and said, "Salary? Could it be that our county can't even pay the salary?"

Si Jing said: "Most places are still available, but there are a small number of remote villages and towns that have not yet been distributed."

Li Yi asked in surprise: "Is it so serious? Our county has sold good agricultural products in the past few months, so the fiscal revenue should be okay, right? How could it be so serious?"

Si Jing said: "Well, let's start with the financial system of our city and county. This year, the financial system determined by the people's 'government' of Xizhou City for our Linyi County is a dual-track financial system of tax-sharing system and incremental contract. The city approved that the base of our Linyi County's incremental contract last year was 466.9 million yuan, with an annual increase rate of 7.5%. The urban maintenance tax was released, and the city maintenance and construction tax increased by 40% compared with last year. "

"What do you mean?" Li Yi is indeed a layman in finance, so he humbly asked for advice.

Si Jing said: "To put it simply, our county's financial revenue this year will be transferred to the city by 502 million. This does not include other expenses such as city maintenance and construction tax."

Li Yi said: "Then how does our county manage the finances of the towns below?"

Si Jing said: "Our county implements a financial system for over-revenue sharing in towns and villages of 'dividing the scope, approving the base, sharing over-income, and compensating for short-term income'."

Li Yi said: "Don't stand, sit down, and tell me about this financial system in detail. I haven't done in-depth research on this before."

Si Jing smiled slightly: "Then I will be bold and explain it to County Mayor Li."

Li Yi said with a smile: "There is no priority in hearing the Tao, and the one who has mastered it is the teacher! I will listen with all my ears."

Si Jing carefully explained the excess income into the financial system.

The main contents of the excess revenue sharing fiscal system are as follows:

1. Income scope of townships: Townships, villages, organized enterprises and their joint ventures, private enterprises, and urban and rural individual industrial and commercial households within the jurisdiction of townships are included in the income scope of townships.According to the scope of division, business tax, value-added tax (local 25%), corporate income tax (excluding state-owned enterprises), personal income tax, urban land use tax, urban construction maintenance tax, real estate tax, vehicle and vessel use tax, stamp duty, slaughter tax, Cultivated land occupation tax, agricultural tax, agricultural and forestry special product tax, inheritance and gift tax, overdue fine for industrial and commercial tax, and fines for industrial and commercial tax are included in township fiscal revenue.

2. Expenditure scope of townships: All regular expenditures (excluding special funds for career development) of financially supported personnel within the jurisdiction of townships are all allocated to townships.

3. Determination of the revenue and expenditure base: the verification of the revenue and expenditure base is based on the principle of being active and reliable, and leaving room for it, so as to not only protect the county level, but also make the township energetic, which is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of the township to increase fiscal revenue Set out to verify the income and expenditure base.

4. Settlement of over-revenue share: The share is calculated by subtracting the contract base from the actual income. If the actual income exceeds the contract base of the year, it will be divided according to a certain proportion; the townships whose income performance has not completed the contract base of the year will deduct expenses accordingly.The excess income of each township is mainly used to develop production, make up for the lack of funds for various undertakings, improve office conditions and urban construction.

5. The agricultural tax is included in the scope of township fiscal revenue and collected according to the collection tasks issued in the year. The assessment method remains unchanged, and the year-end settlement is carried out, and special projects are implemented.

Li Yi listened very carefully, and then asked: "I understand, if the townships below fail to complete the tasks assigned by the county, not only will they not get the county's money, but they will also lose money to the county? Then, our county's current income How's the situation?"

Si Jing said: "I took over the County Finance Bureau last year. I did a statistic. Last year, our county's available financial resources were 3,518 million yuan, and the local financial expenditure was 3,672 million yuan."

Li Yi quickly calculated, and said: "So, our county lost 154 million last year? We can't make ends meet!"

Si Jing said: "This kind of situation is not unique to our county. It is a matter of living without food. I am afraid that it exists to varying degrees in various inland cities and counties."

Li Yi couldn't help standing up and pacing in the office.He also served as the secretary of the party working committee and the director of the management committee of the Economic Development Zone. He also has a very spacious and bright office in the Economic Development Zone, but he prefers to work in the county's "government". Over there, only occasionally.

Knowing that Li Yi was thinking about the county's financial affairs, Si Jing turned around, faced Li Yi, and said, "County Li, there are 4,125 people supported by our county's finances and 3,586 people supported by finances. This is a huge sum of money. There is no way to reduce the personnel expenses. Most of our county financial expenditures are spent on these personnel."

Li Yi nodded and said: "You are right. Under the current financial system, financial power does not match administrative power; our county-level 'government' has little financial resources at its disposal, and it is difficult to guarantee rigid expenditures; to improve this situation, In addition to open source, we can only reduce expenditure!"

Si Jing was startled, and said, "County Li, are you saying that you want to streamline the 'government' organization? You must never touch this landmine!"

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